68 research outputs found

    Achievement Goal

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    Achievement goals are self-regulatory commitments that provide direction to individuals as they interpret and respond to competence-relevant situations. Four types of achievement goals have been the primary focus of the literature: Masteryapproach goals (master a task; improve over time), performance-approach goals (outperform others), mastery-avoidance goals (not fall short of mastering a task; not decline over time), and performance-avoidance goals (not be outperformed by others)


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    Abstract Eddy processes of the Western Adriatic Current near Cape Gargano are highly modulated by the wind, growing during calm periods following strong wind events. Both single anticyclones and trains of multiple eddies with a regular spacing are observed. Suppression of a single anticyclone in the lee of the Cape was observed by profiling SEPTR moorings to occur when the horizontal gradient of the thermocline depth was increased by the wind. Eddies also form cyclonic filaments extending offshore. Such a filament was observed through the new technique of seismic oceanography to have downslope tilting isotherms and a long, thin, offshore extension in the bottom boundary layer. Recent measurements from two international collaborative research programs reveal new details of eddy activity and instability of the Western Adriatic Current (WAC) as it rounds Cape Gargano in the central Adriatic Sea. The "Dynamics of the Adriatic in Real-Time" (DART) program was focused on understanding the predictability of this system with observation and modelling from October 2005 through September 2006. These included, among other things, measurements from long-term current moorings, profiling SEPTR moorings, tow-yo CTD profiles, remote sensing, and high-resolution modelling using the U.S. Navy Coastal Ocean Model. Remote sensing and modelling, supported by in situ observations, revealed two distinct cases of WAC eddy activity Although Adriatic wind regimes and Cape topography provide the background setting for eddy formation, frontal instabilities and mixing processes determine many details of eddy structure and evolution. Acknowledgments: We thank the Italian CNR for providing R/V Urania ship time and CNR-ISMAR for coordinating the AdriaSeismic09 cruise

    Descent or Dissent? A future of social work education in the UK post-Brexit

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    This conceptual paper explores the potential crises arising for social work and social work education following the 2016 ‘Brexit’ referendum in the UK. After exploring the complex political terrain of Brexit voting, the political and moral complications arising, this paper attempts to dispel some of the myths associated with the voter types. Subsequently, the uncertain and possibly dangerous futures of social care and welfare are examined before moving to consider the implications for social work education in the UK, as part of the European Union, and beyond. The need for the UK to continue to pursue its relationships and links with other EU colleagues if social work is not to become parochial and somewhat removed from the international stage is highlighted

    Hiding Relations

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    The present vogue of ‘managing for development results’ is an expression of a historically dominant mode of thought in international aid – ‘substantialism’ – which sees the world primarily in terms of ‘entities’ such as ‘poverty’, ‘basic needs’, ‘rights’, ‘women’, or ‘results’. Another important mode of thought, ‘relationalism’ – in association more generally with ideas of process and complexity – appears to be absent in the thinking of aid institutions. Drawing on my own experiences of working with the UK Department for International Development (DFID), I illustrate how despite formally subscribing to the institution’s substantialist view of the world, some staff are ‘closet relationists’, behaving according to one mode of thought while officially framing their action in terms of the other, more orthodox mode. In so doing, they may be unwittingly keeping international aid sufficiently viable - by the apparent proof of the efficacy of results-based management - to enable the institution as a whole to maintain its substantialist imaginary

    Applying critical systems thinking to social prescribing: a relational model of stakeholder “buy-in”

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    Background Social prescribing (SP) allows health professionals to refer primary care patients toward health and wellbeing interventions and activities in the local community. Now widely implemented across the UK and adopted in other nations, questions arise concerning the modelling of present and future schemes, including challenges to full engagement encountered by stakeholders, which lie beyond the scope of traditional evaluations. Critical Systems Thinking (CST) allows for holistic analysis of fields where multiple stakeholders hold diverse interests and unequal power. Methods We use CST to (a) critically examine a developing rural social prescribing scheme from multiple stakeholder perspectives and (b) present a relational model for local social prescribing schemes. Our fieldwork included 24 in-depth interviews, regular planning meetings with key stakeholders, and discussions with those involved with national and international SP landscaping. A modified grounded theory approach was used for the analysis, and to consider the core elements of social prescribing sustainability. Results Our study confirms that local social prescribing schemes must operate with numerous stakeholder interests in mind, seeking to address real life social complexity and offer integrated solutions to multifaceted issues. Three main areas are discussed: holistic vision and boundary judgments; barriers and facilitators; relational issues and “emotional buy in”. Problems for staff include selecting suitable clients, feedback and technological issues and funding and evaluation pressures. Barriers for clients include health, transport and expense issues, also lack of prior information and GP involvement. Emotional “buy-in” emerged as essential for all stakeholders, but hard to sustain. Based on our findings we propose a positive relational model comprising shared vision, confidence and commitment; motivation and encouragement, support and wellbeing focus, collaborative relationships, communication and feedback, access to information /resources, learning in and from action, with emotional “buy-in” at its heart. Conclusion Those implementing social prescribing in different localities inevitably face hard choices about what and whom to include. Research on the sustainability of social prescribing remains limited, studies are required to ascertain which “holistic” models of social prescribing work best for which communities, who are the main beneficiaries of these approaches and how “buy-in” is best sustained

    Cultural geographies of extinction: animal culture amongst Scottish ospreys

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    This paper explores cultural geographies of extinction. I trace the decline of the Scottish osprey during the nineteenth century, and its enduring, haunting presence in the landscape today. Taking inspiration from the environmental humanities, extinction is framed as an event affecting losses that exceed comprehension in terms merely of biological species numbers and survival rates. Disavowing the ‘species thinking’ of contemporary conservation biopolitics, the osprey’s extinction story pays attention to the worth of ‘animal cultures’. Drawing a hybrid conceptual framework from research in the environmental humanities, ‘speculative’ ethology and more-than-human geographies, I champion an experimental attention to the cultural geographies of animals in terms of historically contingent, communally shared, spatial practices and attachments. In doing so, I propose nonhuman cultural geographies as assemblages that matter, and which are fundamentally at stake in the face of extinction

    Engagement Across Developmental Periods

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    The goal of this chapter is to provide a cohesive developmental framework and foundation for which to understand student engagement across early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Guided by the bioecological theory of human development and the person-environment fit perspective, this chapter extends Finn\u27s participation-identification model of engagement by mapping student engagement within a larger developmental sequence. This chapter discusses student engagement within specific developmental periods that are tied to the developmental tasks, opportunities, and challenges unique to early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Student engagement is found to be a nuanced developmental outcome, and the differences may be a result of the maturation of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental tasks and the changing contextual landscape for the children and adolescents. Recommendations for future research as well as policy implications are also discussed

    Values and attitudes

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    Improving Healthcare through Community OR

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    Two examples of Community OR (COR) applied to public and patient involvement in improving health services in the UK are described-the Hull and East Riding Impact project and Trailblazers. These projects are consumer controlled but professionally facilitated. The team members have or have had mental illnesses but are committed to improving mental health services by applying COR methods. These projects illustrate how COR can contribute to the improvement of health services by enabling service users to take the lead in facilitating multi-stakeholder planning and problem solving. The Impact team produced a tool based around Ulrich's critical heuristics and have used this in several successful consultations in the NHS. The Trailblazer project used an idealized planning approach in a novel way to produce a distance method of consultation aimed at enabling stakeholders to negotiate commitments to action. Longer-term evaluation of these approaches is planned
