10 research outputs found

    Rice Straw in Vitro Digestibiliy of Combination Treatments Alkali, Fermented with Cellulolytic, Lignolytic and Lactic Acid Microbes with Suplementation of Sulfur

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    The purpose of research was to improve digestibility of rice straw for ruminant feeding. To attain the aim, three steps of experiment have been conducted. The first step was the isolation of lactic acid bacterial (Lactobacillus sp) and cellulolytic bacterial (Acetobacter liqufacens) from the ruminal fluid of cattle and lignolytic microbes (white rot fungi) from palm oil waste and proliferated at compos media. The second step was to test the inoculum of lactic acid, cellulolytic, and lignolytic bacteria in breaking down fibre fraction of the rice straw. Those microbes were fermented with alkaline treated rice straw and sulphuric + molasses. The experiment was carried out factorially (3 x 5) according to completely randomised design. Factor A was the fermentation time, i.e. 10, 20, and 30 days. Factor B was the fermentation types, which were B1=alkaline treated rice straw+urea, B2=B1+lactic acid bacterial, B3=B2+cellulolytic bacterial, B4=B3+white rot fungi, and B5=B4+sulphuric and molasses. The third period was in vitro evaluation of the fermented rice straw. Parameters measured were in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility. Analysis of variance showed that the length of fermentation and their interaction with types of fermentation had no significant effect on in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility of fermented rice straw but fermentation types affected (p<0,05) in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility of rice Straw. It is concluded from this experiment that fermentation of alkaline treated rice straw with cellulolytic bacteria, white rot fungi, and lactic acid microbes with the addition of molasses and sulfur can increase in vitro digestibility of rice sraw

    Rice Straw In Vitro Digestibiliy of Combination Treatments Alkali, fermented with Cellulolytic, Lignolytic and Lactic Acid Microbes with Suplementation of Sulfur

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    The purpose of research was to improve digestibility of rice straw for ruminant feeding. To attain the aim, three steps of experiment have been conducted. The first step was the isolation of lactic acid bacterial (Lactobacillus sp) and cellulolytic bacterial (Acetobacter liqufacens) from the ruminal fluid of cattle and lignolytic microbes (white rot fungi) from palm oil waste and proliferated at compos media. The second step was to test the inoculum of lactic acid, cellulolytic, and lignolytic bacteria in breaking down fibre fraction of the rice straw. Those microbes were fermented with alkaline treated rice straw and sulphuric + molasses. The experiment was carried out factorially (3 x 5) according to completely randomised design. Factor A was the fermentation time, i.e. 10, 20, and 30 days. Factor B was the fermentation types, which were B1=alkaline treated rice straw+urea, B2=B1+lactic acid bacterial, B3=B2+cellulolytic bacterial, B4=B3+white rot fungi, and B5=B4+sulphuric and molasses. The third period was in vitro evaluation of the fermented rice straw. Parameters measured were in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility. Analysis of variance showed that the length of fermentation and their interaction with types of fermentation had no significant effect on in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility of fermented rice straw but fermentation types affected (p&lt;0,05) in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility of rice Straw. It is concluded from this experiment that fermentation of alkaline treated rice straw with cellulolytic bacteria, white rot fungi, and lactic acid microbes with the addition of molasses and sulfur can increase in vitro digestibility of rice sraw

    Effectiveness of Rumen Fermentation of Feed Mixture Rice Straw and Mulberry Biomass with Addition of Urea Mineral Molasses Liquid

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    Urea Mineral Molases Liquid (UMML) dan biomassa murbei dapat menjadi prekursor biofermentasi dalam sistem rumen. UMML dapat menyediakan nitrogen lepas lambat, mineral larut air dan readily available carbohydrate (RAC), sedangkan biomassa murbei dapat menyediakan RAC, asam amino bercabang, mineral dan vitamin. Formula UMML adalah larutan yang tercampur dari bahan-bahan yang terdiri atas Urea-kalsium (Ca(urea)4Cl2), molases dan larutan fosfat (fosfat dilarutkan dengan asam organik). Diperlukan jumlah UMML yang tepat dalam ransum sehingga ransum menjadi efisien. Penelitian ini menguji tingkat penggunaan UMML yang efektif mendukung biofermentasi bahan pakan campuran jerami padi dan biomassa daun murbei dalam sistem rumen. Ransum uji terdiri atas jerami padi dan biomassa murbei dengan perbandingan 70:30, yang diaplikasikan tiga perlakuan yakni tanpa penambahan UMML serta penambahan UMML sebanyak 10% dan 20% (v/w). Pengujian dilakukan pada rumen in vitro. Peubah yang diamati adalah nilai pH, konsentrasi amonia dan VFA, produksi gas dan tingkat degradasi bahan kering ransum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan UMML yang terbaik pada fermentasi campuran jerami padi dan biomassa murbei adalah sebesar 10%

    EVALUASI FISIK RANSUM LENGKAP BERBENTUK WAFER BERBAHAN BAHAN UTAMA JERAMI JAGUNG DAN BIOMASSA MURBEI (Physical Evaluation of Complete feed Wafer formulated Using Corn Straw and Mulberry Biomass as the main Ingredients)

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    Mulberry biomass has potential ruminant feed quality due to its potential for the production and content of nutrients, but its utilization as feed is still diffcult to fnd. The residual of agriculture also has considerable potential as a source of ruminant feed. The combination of agriculture byproducts such as corn straw and the mulberry biomass into a complete ration in form of wafer is an effective alternative for producing complete feed. The ration was formulated into a complete ration in the form of wafers (wafer complete feed) which was characterized by a quality suffcient nutrient content and a compact form of the product. To complement the availability of nutrients, improve both physical quality and palatability, the complete feed wafer was formulated using such raw materials as corn straw, mulberry biomass, concentrate, and molasses. This purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical properties of wafer complete feed. The study was carried out according to completely randomized design (CRD) consisted of six treatments and four replications for each treatment. The amount of complete feed formulated for each treatment was 1000 g dry matter basis with diameter of 21 cm. The physical properties of complete feed formula were evaluated based on the density value, water absorption, and rupture test (crushing test). The best result in formulating complete feed wafer was obtained by using a combination of 5 - 10 % molasses with 25 - 30% mulberry biomass

    Perubahan terhadap Kadar Air, Berat Segar dan Berat Kering Silase Pakan Lengkap Berbahan Dasar Jerami Padi dan Biomassa Murbei

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    Proses fermentasi yang berlangsung pada saat pembuatan silase memungkinkan kadar air bahan silase akan berubah dibandingkan sebelum dibuat silase, bahkan proses ensilase dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan nutrien yang terkandung dalam pakan komplit. Penelitian ini mengkaji Perubahan kadar air, berat segar dan berat kering silase pakan komplit dibandingkan dengan pakan komplit yang belum dibuat silase. Hal ini terkait dengan kehilangan nutrien yang digunakan pada proses fermentasi atau sebaliknya terdapat peningkatan nutrien yang terbentuk akibat proses fermentasi. Perlakuan terdiri atas enam komposisi pakan komplit yang berbeda yang dibuat silase, yakni: J1 = 50% Jerami padi + 50% konsentrat + 0% biomassa murbei; J2 = 50% Jerami padi + 40% konsentrat + 10% biomassa murbei; J = 50% Jerami padi + 30% konsentrat + 20% biomassa murbei; J4 = 50% Jerami padi + 20% konsentrat + 30% biomassa murbei; J5 = 50% Jerami padi + 10% konsentrat + 40% biomassa murbei dan J6 = 50% Jerami padi + 0% konsentrat + 50% biomassa murbei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan berat segar seluruh bahan Perunit percobaan tidak berbeda nyata, terdapat perbedaan yang nyata pada Perubahan terhadap kadar air, berat segar dan berat kering bahan sebelum dan sesudah dibuat silase

    Effectiveness of Rumen Fermentation of Feed mixture Rice Straw and Mulberry Biomass with Addition of Urea Mineral Molasses Liquid

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    Urea Mineral Molases Liquid (UMML) dan biomassa murbei dapat menjadi prekursor biofermentasi dalam sistem rumen. UMML dapat menyediakan nitrogen lepas lambat, mineral larut air dan readily available carbohydrate (RAC), sedangkan biomassa murbei dapat menyediakan RAC, asam amino bercabang, mineral dan vitamin.  Formula UMML adalah larutan yang tercampur dari bahan-bahan yang terdiri atas Urea-kalsium (Ca(urea)4Cl2), molases dan larutan fosfat (fosfat dilarutkan dengan asam organik). Diperlukan jumlah UMML yang tepat dalam ransum sehingga ransum menjadi efisien. Penelitian ini menguji tingkat penggunaan UMML yang efektif mendukung biofermentasi bahan pakan campuran jerami padi dan biomassa daun murbei dalam sistem rumen. Ransum uji terdiri atas jerami padi dan biomassa murbei dengan perbandingan 70:30, yang diaplikasikan tiga perlakuan yakni tanpa penambahan UMML serta penambahan UMML sebanyak 10% dan 20% (v/w). Pengujian dilakukan pada  rumen in vitro. Peubah yang diamati adalah nilai pH, konsentrasi amonia dan VFA,  produksi gas dan tingkat degradasi bahan kering ransum.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan UMML yang terbaik pada fermentasi campuran jerami padi dan biomassa murbei adalah sebesar 10%

    Preparasi Larutan Fosfat dan Urea Mineral Molases Liquid (Umml) sebagai Penyedia Prekursor Biofermentasi Rumen

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    Urea Mineral Molases Liquid (UMML) dapat menjadi prekursor biofermentasi dalam sistem rumen. UMML dapat menyediakan nitrogen lepas lambat, mineral larut air dan readily available carbohydrate (RAC), namun memerlukan kajian khusus, terutama pada penentuan jenis dan preparasi bahan penyusunnya, khususnya penyediaan mineral fosfat larut air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan formula UMML yang selanjutnya akan digunakan sebagai prekursor biofermentasi rumen. Beberapa perlakuan terhadap super fosfat (SP36) dilakukan untuk mendapatkan metode preparasi yang menghasilkan fosfat terlarut dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi. Preparasi yang menghasilkan kadar fosfat terlarut yang tertinggi adalah super fosfat yang di tambah asam organik dan larutan urea lalu dididihkan selama 5 menit. Urea Mineral Molases Liqiud diramu dari bahan Larutan Ca(Urea)4Cl2 + Larutan fosfat + Larutan NaCl jenuh + Molases

    Das Myelofibrose-Syndrom

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