16,413 research outputs found

    The X-ray Binary Analogy to the First AGN QPO

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    The Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy REJ1034+396 is so far unique amongst AGN in showing a Quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in its variability power spectrum. There are multiple types of QPO seen in black hole binary (BHB) systems, so we need to identify which BHB QPO corresponds to the one seen in the AGN. A key hint is the `hot disc dominated' energy spectrum of REJ1034+396 which is sufficiently unusual that it suggests a mildly super-Eddington flow, also favoured by the most recent mass estimates for the AGN. This suggests the 67Hz QPO seen occasionally in the mildly super-Eddington BHB GRS 1915+105 as the most likely counterpart, assuming mass scaling of the QPO frequency. This is supported by the fact that these data from GRS 1915+105 have an energy spectrum which is also dominated by a `hot disc' component. Here we show that the underlying broad band power spectral shape and normalisation are also similar, providing further consistency checks for this identification. Thus the AGN QPO adds to the growing evidence for a simple mass scaling of the accretion flow properties between stellar and supermassive black holes.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published in MNRA

    Modeling the light curves of ultraluminous X-ray sources as precession

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    We present a freely available xspec model for the modulations seen in the long-term light curves of multiple ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). By incorporating the physics of multiple electron scatterings (ray traced with a Monte-Carlo routine), we go beyond analytical predictions and show that the geometrical beaming of radiation in the conical outflow can be more than a factor of 100 for opening angles smaller than 1010^\circ. We apply our new model to the long-term, well sampled Swift light curve of the recently confirmed ULX pulsar NGC 5907 X-1 with an established period of 78 days. Our results suggest that geometrical beaming together with a slight precession of the conical wind can describe the light curve with a consistent set of parameters for the wind. The small opening angle of roughly 101310\mathrm{-}13^\circ implies a highly super-critical flow and boosting factors at the order of B=6090\mathcal{B}=60\mathrm{-}90 that would yield a fairly low surface magnetic field strength of 2×10102\times 10^{10}\,Gauss.Comment: accepted by MNRAS for publication (7 pages, 6 figures

    Ambient Multi-Camera Personal Documentary

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    Polymnia is an automated solution for the creation of ambient multi-camera personal documentary films. This short paper introduces the system, emphasising the rule-based documentary generation engine that we have created to assemble an edited narrative from source footage. We describe how such automatically generated media can be integrated with and augment personally-authored images and videos as a contribution to an individual’s personal digital memory

    Replicability of data collected for empirical estimation of relative pollen productivity

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    The effects of repeated survey and fieldwork timing on data derived from a recently proposed standard field methodology for empirical estimation of relative pollen productivity (RPP) have been tested. Seasonal variations in vegetation and associated pollen assemblages were studied in three contrasting cultural habitat types; semi-natural ancient woodlands, lowland heaths, and unimproved, traditionally managed hay meadows. Results show that in woodlands and heathlands the standard method generates vegetation data with a reasonable degree of similarity throughout the field season, though in some instances additional recording of woodland canopy cover should be undertaken, and differences were greater for woodland understorey taxa than for arboreal taxa. Large differences in vegetation cover were observed over the field season in the grassland community, and matching the phenological timing of surveys within and between studies is clearly important if RPP estimates from these sites are to be comparable. Pollen assemblages from closely co-located moss polsters collected on different visits are shown to be variable in all communities, to a greater degree than can be explained by the sampling error associated with pollen counting, and further study of moss polsters as pollen traps is recommended

    Bipartite electronic SLA as a business framework to support cross-organization load management of real-time online applications

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    Online applications such as games and e-learning applications fall within the broader category of real-time online interactive applications (ROIA), a new class of ‘killer’ application for the Grid that is being investigated in the edutain@grid project. The two case studies in edutain@grid are an online game and an e-learning training application. We present a novel Grid-based business framework that makes use of bipartite service level agreements (SLAs) and dynamic invoice models to model complex business relationships in a massively scalable and flexible way. We support cross-organization load management at the business level, through zone migration. For evaluation we look at existing and extended value chains, the quality of service (QoS) metrics measured and the dynamic invoice models that support this work. We examine the causal links from customer quality of experience (QoE) and service provider quality of business (QoBiz) through to measured quality of service. Finally we discuss a shared reward business ecosystem and suggest how extended service level agreements and invoice models can support this

    Hydrographic charting from LANDSAT Satellite: A comparison with aircraft imagery

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    The relative capabilities of two remote-sensing systems in measuring depth and, consequently, bottom contours in sandy-bottomed and sediment-laden coastal waters were determined quantitatively. The multispectral scanner (MSS), orbited on the LANDSAT-2 Satellite, and the ocean color scanner (OCS), flown on U-2 aircraft, were used. Analysis of imagery taken simultaneously indicates a potential for hydrographic charting of marine coastal and shallow shelf areas, even when water turbidity is a factor. Several of the eight optical channels examined on the OCS were found to be sensitive to depth or depth-related information. The greatest sensitivity was in OCS-4(0.544 + or - 0.012 microns) from which contours corresponding to depths up to 12m were determined. The sharpness of these contours and their spatial stability through time suggests that upwelling radiance is a measure of bottom reflectance and not of water turbidity. The two visible channels on LANDSAT's MSS were less sensitive in the discrimination of contours, with depths up to 8m in the high-gain mode (3x) determined in MSS-4(0.5 to 0.6 microns)

    Provenance history of a Late Triassic-Jurassic Gondwana margin forearc basin, Murihiku Terrane, North Island, New Zealand: petrographic and geochemical constraints

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    The Murihiku Terrane in the North Island was a forearc basin adjacent to a volcanic arc along the eastern margin of Gondwana during the Mesozoic. The rocks that infill the basin are mainly volcaniclastic sandstones and mudstones, often turbiditic, with sparse shellbeds, rhyolitic tuffs, carbonaceous sandstones, plant beds, concretionary horizons, and rare thick granitoid-rich conglomerates. Petrographic studies of the rock fragments in the sandstones show that andesites are the dominant lithic type, but there is a wide range of other lithologies, including dacites, rhyolites, ignimbrites, granitoids, quartzofeldspathic mica schists, rare amphibolites, and reworked mudstones and sandstones. The sandstones are texturally and mineralogically immature and suggest deposition relatively close to a source of high relief, undergoing physical rather than chemical weathering in cool- to cold-temperate conditions. Geochemical analyses of 67 whole-rock volcaniclastic sandstones and siltstones indicate that they were derived from an active and dissected volcanic arc in a convergent margin setting built upon relatively thin continental crust. Modal petrographic data and whole-rock geochemistry both confirm that there were systematic variations with time in the composition of clastic material being supplied to the basin. From the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic, there was a decrease in silicic volcanic material, plutonics, and metamorphics, and an increase in the supply of andesitic detritus. This was followed in the Late Jurassic by a broader range of volcanic detritus, varying from basaltic andesite to rhyolite, which may have been caused by progressive extension of the volcanic arc and thinning of the crust, a precursor to the breakup of Gondwana in the Early-Middle Cretaceous. Comparison with the Southland segment of the Murihiku Terrane in the South Island suggests that there were significant along-arc source variations, with relatively less silicic but greater andesitic and continental crust contributions in the North Island than in Southland. This may be analogous to the modern Taupo-Kermadec arc where there is a south-north along-arc transition from a continental to an oceanic arc

    Identification and pharmacological inactivation of the MYCN gene network as a therapeutic strategy for neuroblastic tumor cells

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    This research was originally published in Journal of Biological Chemistry. Olesya Chayka, Cosimo Walter D’Acunto, Odette Middleton, Maryam Arab, and Arturo Sala. Identification and Pharmacological Inactivation of the MYCN Gene Network as a Therapeutic Strategy for Neuroblastic Tumor Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015; Vol 290 (4) :pp. 2198 - 2212. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.The MYC family of transcription factors consists of three well characterized members, c-MYC, L-MYC, and MYCN, deregulated in the majority of human cancers. In neuronal tumors such as neuroblastoma, MYCN is frequently activated by gene amplification, and reducing its expression by RNA interference has been shown to promote growth arrest and apoptosis of tumor cells. From a clinical perspective, RNA interference is not yet a viable option, and small molecule inhibitors of transcription factors are difficult to develop. We therefore planned to identify, at the global level, the genes interacting functionally with MYCN required to promote fitness of tumor cells facing oncogenic stress. To find genes whose inactivation is synthetically lethal to MYCN, we implemented a genome-wide approach in which we carried out a drop-out shRNA screen using a whole genome library that was delivered into isogenic neuroblastoma cell lines expressing or not expressing MYCN. After the screen, we selected for in-depth analysis four shRNAs targeting AHCY, BLM, PKMYT1, and CKS1B. These genes were chosen because they are directly regulated by MYC proteins, associated with poor prognosis of neuroblastoma patients, and inhibited by small molecule compounds. Mechanistically, we found that BLM and PKMYT1 are required to limit oncogenic stress and promote stabilization of the MYCN protein. Cocktails of small molecule inhibitors of CKS1B, AHCY, BLM, and PKMYT1 profoundly affected the growth of all neuroblastoma cell lines but selectively caused death of MYCN-amplified cells. Our findings suggest that drugging the MYCN network is a promising avenue for the treatment of high risk, neuroblastic cancers.SPARKS and the Neuroblastoma Society