14,672 research outputs found

    The solar heating and cooling commercial demonstration program: Some early problems and results

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    The activities of the Marshall Space Flight Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the technical evaluation of proposals, contracts definitions, and program management details are defined and discussed. The significant problems were summarized in both technical and management aspects of the program. It was concluded that the program has significantly stimulated additional solar effort by the program participants. It was also concluded that the use of conventional construction industry organization with design/competitive bid procedures and standards has maintained a cost effective program

    Mixed mode education: implications for library user services

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    The Faculty of Information Technology at QUT does not formally carry out distance education for any of its courses. However, it has pursued a number of initiatives that have made it possible for students to carry out an increasing proportion of their coursework off-site. These initiatives include computer-managed learning, World Wide Web and CDROM delivery of administrative and educational materials, and most recently the development of an integrated learning environment (ILE) for electronic delivery. These developments have been complemented and supported by the QUT Library by means of different avenues of access to CDROMs, a regional electronic document delivery service (REDD), and an electronic reserve (E-Reserve) service. Issues associated with the operation and evaluation of such facilities are described, and future library role in educational delivery are discussed

    Generic education for specialist information professionals

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    Debate concerning specialist and generalist education for law librarianship is reviewed

    Atmospheric variability and air-sea interaction

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    The topics studied include: (1) processing of Northern Hemispheric precipitation data, in order to fill in the transition seasons to provide a continuous 40 year data base on the variability of continental precipitation; (2) comparison of seasonally averaged fields of sea surface temperature obtained from ship observations in the North Atlantic and North Pacific in 1970 with the corresponding fields inferred from satellite observations; (3) estimation of seasonal average of total precipitable water at those admittedly few oceanic stations where repeated vertical soundings were made in 1970 and comparison with corresponding values inferred from satellite measurements; (4) comparison of seasonally averaged evaporation fields determined from ground based observations in 1970 with the field of divergence of the seasonal total horizontal water vapor flux inferred from satellite total water measurements and NMC wind data for the lower troposphere; (5) examination of meaning of convection-inversion index

    Circular 17

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    Raise Your Calf Right— Feed your freshening cow / Take care of your freshening cow / Give ihe Calf a good place to live / Teach the calf to drink right away / Start your calf on grain early / Feed your calf roughage within 2 weeks. / Remember water and salt / Keep your heifers growing / -- Raise Your Calf Economically— Compare these rations: Whole milk, Skim milk, Skim milk powder, Gruel, Milk-Flo, Calf Manna, Calf meal / Follow recommended feeding programUnited States Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Administratio

    Ambient Multi-Camera Personal Documentary

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    Polymnia is an automated solution for the creation of ambient multi-camera personal documentary films. This short paper introduces the system, emphasising the rule-based documentary generation engine that we have created to assemble an edited narrative from source footage. We describe how such automatically generated media can be integrated with and augment personally-authored images and videos as a contribution to an individual’s personal digital memory

    Apollo experience report: The AN/ARD-17 direction finding system

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    This report contains a statement of the operational philosophy and requirements leading to the development of the AN/ARD-17 direction-finding system. The technical problems encountered and the solutions devised in the AN/ARD-17 development are discussed. An evaluation of the system under actual operational conditions is included

    End-to-End QoS Support for a Medical Grid Service Infrastructure

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    Quality of Service support is an important prerequisite for the adoption of Grid technologies for medical applications. The GEMSS Grid infrastructure addressed this issue by offering end-to-end QoS in the form of explicit timeliness guarantees for compute-intensive medical simulation services. Within GEMSS, parallel applications installed on clusters or other HPC hardware may be exposed as QoS-aware Grid services for which clients may dynamically negotiate QoS constraints with respect to response time and price using Service Level Agreements. The GEMSS infrastructure and middleware is based on standard Web services technology and relies on a reservation based approach to QoS coupled with application specific performance models. In this paper we present an overview of the GEMSS infrastructure, describe the available QoS and security mechanisms, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods with a Grid-enabled medical imaging service
