47 research outputs found

    Religious tourism as a development factor for peripheral areas : the case of the Polish-Czech border

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    Purpose: This article presents selected results of studies on the impact of religious tourism on the development of peripheral areas on the example of the Polish-Czech border area. The study subject was determining whether religious tourism can be a factor conductive to local development. Approach/Methodology/Design: The study was conducted based on data available in public statistics and analysis of available literature of the subject. The study covered 2 sanctuaries: St. Anne Mountain (Góra Świętej Anny) and Turza Śląska, located in the southern border area of Poland, in the communes of Leśnica and Gorzyce. Findings: Religious tourism is not perceived as a development factor in strategic documents of the studied Communes. Increased border traffic and growing spending by foreigners in the border area point out to the development potential of different forms of business in the Polish-Czech border area. Practical Implications: The study has proven that it is necessary to create an integrated tourist product based on cultural, social and religious values of the region in order for the religious tourism to develop. Originality/Value: Proposed solutions are to contribute to a growth in the quality of services offered to religious tourists in both studied Communes.peer-reviewe

    Shopping tourism as a factor in the development of peripheral areas : the case of the Polish-German borderland

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    Purpose: The article presents selected results of research on the impact of shopping tourism on the development of peripheral areas illustrated by the case of the Polish-German borderland. The purpose of research was to determine whether shopping tourism can be a factor in the development of peripheral areas. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was based on data from publicly available statistics and the analysis of available literature on the subject. It covered 8 powiats (counties) located along the Polish-German border. Findings: The heavier border traffic and the increasing expenses of foreigners in the border area point to the potential development of various forms of economic activity in the area of the Polish-German border. Practical Implications: The research has demonstrated that the development of shopping tourism requires an integrated tourist product. Shopping tourism is a significant factor in the development of regional enterprise. Originality/Value: The suggested solutions are to contribute to higher quality of services offered to shopping tourists crossing the Polish-German border.peer-reviewe

    General determinants and directions of development for the utilisation of renewable energy sources in the West Pomerania province

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    PURPOSE: The depletion of conventional energy sources with a constantly growing energy demand requires a new approach to our energy policy and in a wider approach, a new social and economical development policy. The article presents the determinants and directions of development of utilisation of renewable energy sources in the West Pomerania province.APPROACH/METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: The study was based on secondary data, i.e., quantitative data available for the renewable energy sector in Poland and West Pomerania province and the analysis of available literature. The theoretical issues were determined based on the analysis of available literature on the regional development and renewable energy. The research methods used in the study included a critical analysis of the literature, comparative analysis and secondary data analysis.FINDINGS: There is a growing interest in renewable energy source due to increasing environmental pollution, depletion of conventional energy sources, regular increase in prices of energy resources and constantly increasing energy demand. A new, competitive regional economy can be formed with the energy obtained from the renewable sources.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The analysis and evaluation carried out in the article shows that a key factor affecting the development of this sector is an active participation of the local government and resources provided by the European funds. The results can be used to develop a long-term strategy on the development of the renewable energy sources including the programs to counteract the negative effects of utilisation of conventional energy sources.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The proposed solutions are to contribute to the development of renewable energy in the studied area.peer-reviewe

    Pleotropic effect of vitamin D

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    Liczne badania naukowe z ostatnich lat, podkreślające wielopłaszczyznowe działanie witaminy D, ugruntowały silną pozycję zaleceń jej suplementacji w populacji ogólnej oraz grupach ryzyka niedoborów od pierwszych dni życia do późnej starości. Podstawowymi źródłami cholekalcyferolu są synteza skórna oraz wchłanianie jelitowe. Za najlepszy wykładnik zaopatrzenia organizmu w witaminę D uznaje się stężenie w osoczu metabolitu 25(OH)D o długim okresie półtrwania w surowicy krwi. Standardem diagnostycznym powinno być równoczesne oznaczanie 25(OH)D2 oraz 25(OH)D3, czyli 25(OH)D całkowitej. W aktualnych zaleceniach nie rekomenduje się rutynowego oznaczania stężenia witaminy D w populacji ogólnej, a jedynie w grupach ryzyka niedoborów. Terapia witaminą D związana z prewencją krzywicy zakłada dążenie do wartości 25(OH)D 20 ng/ml w osoczu, natomiast leczenie uwzględniające jej plejotropowe działanie na inne układy organizmu wskazuje na docelowe stężenie 30–50 ng/ml. Dawki profilaktyczne powinny zależeć od wieku, masy ciała, stopnia nasłonecznienia związanego z porą roku i ekspozycji na słońce oraz uwarunkowań indywidualnych, takich jak dieta i styl życia. Dawka profilaktyczna dla osoby dorosłej (19.–65. r.ż.) o prawidłowej masie ciała wynosi 800–2000 j.m./dobę. Mimo wzrostu spożycia suplementów zawierających cholekalcyferol, szacowany niedobór witaminy D w populacji europejskiej według badań epidemiologicznych utrzymuje się na poziomie 50–70%, a w Polsce — około 90%. W przypadkach potwierdzonego laboratoryjnie  niedoboru witaminy D (stężenia 25(OH)D < 20 ng/ml) leczenie powinno trwać do uzyskania poziomu 30–50 ng/ /ml. Wybór odpowiedniej strategii terapeutycznej należy opierać na analizie indywidualnego statusu zdrowotnego pacjenta, wieku, masy ciała oraz nawyków żywieniowych. Numerous scientific reports highlighting multiplanar activity of vitamin D, strengthened position of its supplementation guidelines for general population and groups at risk of deficiency from the first day of life until the late senility. Skin synthesis and intestinal absorption are the basic sources of cholecalciferol. The best vitamin D status indicator is the concentration of long half-life 25(OH)D metabolite in the serum. The diagnostic standard should be simultaneous as- say of 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3, that is total 25(OH)D. Current guidelines do not recommend the routine 25(OH)D concentration screening in the general population, but in groups at risk of deficiency only. Therapy based on calcium and phosphorus metabolism, related to rackets prevention, assumes the target 25(OH)D concentration of 20 ng/ml. The treatment focusing on pleiotropic effect of vitamin D recommends the target concentration of 30–50 ng/ml. Prophylactic doses should depend on age, body weight, seasonal insolation level, sun exposure and individual determinants such as diet and lifestyle. The prophylactic dose for an adult (19–65 years) with normal body weight is 800–2000 IU/day. Notwithstanding, the in- crease of intake of dietary supplements containing cholecalciferol, epidemiological studies estimate the vitamin D deficiency between 50 and 70% in the European population, and 90% in Poland. Treatment of clinically confirmed deficiency (25(OH)D &lt; 20 ng/ml) should be continued until the concentration of 30–50 ng/ /ml. The proper therapeutic strategy choice should be based on one’s individual health outcome concerns, age, body weight and dietary habits.

    Kobieta w wieku 61 lat z chorobą wieńcową, hipercholesterolemią rodzinną i zespołem metabolicznym — znaczenie przestrzegania zaleceń terapeutycznych

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    A 61-year-old woman with a history of severe, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), metabolic syndrome and numerous comorbidities, after many percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and vascular interventions was admitted to the hospital due to exacerbation of angina. Coronary angiography revealed hemodynamically significant stenosis in the circumflex branch and artery angioplasty with drug eluting stent (DES) was successfully performed. Laboratory tests revealed still significantly elevated levels of LDL cholesterol. The patient was previously treated with LDL apheresis which has been interrupted due to a history of ischemic strokes complicated by hemiparesis and aphasia. Pharmacological treatment has been modified, control visit and resuming LDL-apheresis or PCSK-9 therapy consideration prescribed. After obtaining the improvement of compliance good control of blood pressure was confirmed. The presented case provide the possibility of using different therapeutic strategies in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia and underlines the key role of compliance in the control of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, particularly hypertension.Pacjentka w wieku 61 lat, obciążona ciężkim, źle kontrolowanym nadciśnieniem tętniczym, chorobą wieńcową, heterozygotyczną hipercholesterolemią rodzinną (FH), zespołem metabolicznym, licznymi schorzeniami towarzyszącymi, po wielu przezskórnych interwencjach wieńcowych i naczyniowych, została przyjęta do kliniki z powodu nasilenia dolegliwości dławicowych. W badaniu angiograficznym tętnic wieńcowych uwidoczniono istotne hemodynamicznie zwężenie w gałęzi okalającej, a następnie wykonano angioplastykę tętnicy z implantacją stentu powlekanego lekiem, uzyskując dobry efekt zabiegu. W badaniach laboratoryjnych stwierdzono nadal podwyższone stężenie cholesterolu frakcji LDL. W wywiadzie stwierdzono, że chorą poddawano terapii LDL-aferezą, którą przerwano z powodu 2-krotnego udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu z niedowładem połowiczym oraz afazją. Zmodyfikowano leczenie farmakologiczne, zalecono kontrolę i ponowne rozważenie wskazań do terapii LDL-aferezami lub inhibitorem PCSK-9. Uzyskano poprawę w zakresie przestrzegania zaleceń terapeutycznych (compliance) i potwierdzono dobrą kontrolę ciśnienia tętniczego. Przedstawiony niżej przypadek przybliża możliwości wykorzystania różnych strategii terapeutycznych u pacjentów z FH oraz podkreśla kluczową rolę compliance w kontroli czynników ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego, zwłaszcza nadciśnienia tętniczego

    The effect of Cistus incanus herbal tea supplementation on oxidative stress markers and lipid profile in healthy adults

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    Background: Oxidative stress and dyslipidemia play a critical role in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Regular intake of polyphenol-rich diets is associated with a reduced risk of CVDs.Methods: The present study was a pilot study with 24 healthy volunteers and was designed to determine if a 12-week administration of Cistus incanus herbal tea, containing phenolic acids and flavonoids, reduces cardiovascular risk factors including oxidative stress and dyslipidemia in healthy adults. Phenolic compounds profile and antibacterial activity of Cistus incanus infusion were also measured.Results: Herbal infusion led to improvement in lipid profile by increase (D4%, p = 0.033) high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration and decrease triglyceride (D14%, p = 0.013) concentrations. In addition, the Cistus incanus diet was associated with decreased serum concentrations of malondialdehyde (D16%, p &lt; 0.01) and advanced oxidation protein products (D18%, p &lt; 0.001).Conclusions: Cistus incanus administration decreases cardiovascular risk factors including oxidative stress and dyslipidemia and this action supports the idea of using Cistus incanus tea on a daily basis as an effective dietary component for prevention of atherosclerotic CVD

    Diagnostyka zaburzeń przemiany lipidów w praktyce lekarskiej

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    Hiperlipidemia is one of the most common and unfortunately underdiagnosed diseases. However, cardiovascularrisk due to hyperlipidemia may be easily reduced by early hypolipemic treatment. Diagnostic methods are widely available, easy to perform and interpret. Most of the target levels in hiperlipidemia treatment are based on the levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Nowadays, some other parameters such as cholesterol other than high density lipoproteins (non-HDL) or lipoprotein (a) are becoming more important. Among all types of hiperlipidemia the most notable one is the familial hipercholesterolaemia (FH), which is characterized by very high levels of LDL-cholesterol in the blood and in consequence high cardiovascular risk. FH should be diagnosed early and treated aggressively.Diagnostics also should include the cascade screening of relatives. In hiperlipidemia treatment a wide variety of methods, from statins, through ezetimibe, fibrates, to LDL-apheresis and innovative proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors (evolokumab, alirokumab) may be introduced.Hiperlipidemia jest jedną z najbardziej rozpowszechnionych w Polsce chorób, a jednocześnie słabo rozpoznawana. Ryzyko powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych towarzyszących hiperlipidemii można zredukować włączając wczesne leczenie hipolipemizujące. Podstawowa diagnostyka jest łatwa, ogólnodostępna i prosta w interpretacji. W większości przypadków celem leczenia hipercholesterolemii jest redukcja stężenia lipoprotein o małej gęstości (LDL), ale w ostatnim czasie coraz większą rolę odgrywają inne parametry takie jak cholesterol inny niż lipoproteiny o dużej gęstości (nie HDL) a także lipoproteina a [Lp(a)]. W szerokiej grupie zaburzeń lipidowych na dodatkową uwagę zasługuje hipercholesterolemia rodzinna, charakteryzująca się dziedziczną tendencją do bardzo wysokiego poziomu cholesterolu LDL w surowicy krwi i bardzo wysokim ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym. Choroba ta wymaga wczesnej diagnostyki z uwzględnieniem członków najbliższej rodziny chorego oraz agresywnej terapii hipolipemizującej. W leczeniu hiperlipidemii dysponujemy szeroką gamą metod terapeutycznych, od szeroko dostępnych statyn, przez żywice, ezetimib, fibraty, kwasy omega-3 aż do LDL- aferezy i innowacyjnych leków z grupy inhibitorów PCSK-9 (ewolokumab, alirokumab). < /p

    Interpretacja stężeń troponin sercowych w świetle czwartej uniwersalnej definicji zawału serca z 2018 roku

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    Cardiac troponin (cTn) is a laboratory test routinely used in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Unfortunately, wide variety of laboratory assays and different cut-off values regarding gender may result in difficulties with diagnosis and delay the treatment. Troponin I and less specific troponin T are used to diagnose ACS. Dynamic changes in cTn concentration are required to confirm the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI). The fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction defines five major types of MI — atherosclerotic plaque disruption, imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand unrelated to acute coronary atherothrombosis, cardiac death with symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischaemia and new ischaemic electrocardiographic changes, MI connected with percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary bypass grafting. Considering this definition, increased cTn concentrations are not always related to abnormal findings in coronary angiography and can be associated with many conditions. Increased high sensitivity cTn values in healthy individuals can be induced by intense physical activity, which is confirmed by studies performed in marathoners. While elevated cTn levels are observed in 20–60% of patients with acute ischemic stroke and are associated with an increased long-term mortality, acute MI is diagnosed only in 3,5% of patients. Elevated cTn levels often accompany chronic kidney disease, however changes in serial testing are obligatory for acute MI diagnosis. Deterioration of kidney function is more connected with elevated TnT rather than TnI levels. Regardless of the reason, increased cTn concentration is a negative predictive factor. Patients with elevated cTn levels need further diagnosis, risk stratification and a long-term follow-up.Stężenia troponin sercowych (cTn) oznacza się rutynowo w diagnostyce ostrego zespołu wieńcowego (ACS). Rozpoznanie ACS mogą jednak utrudniać różne rodzaje testów laboratoryjnych oraz inne punkty odcięcia wartości patologicznych u kobiet i mężczyzn. W diagnostyce ACS znajdują zastosowanie troponina I (TnI) oraz mniej specyficzna troponina T (TnT). Do potwierdzenia zawału serca (MI) konieczne jest stwierdzenie dynamicznych zmian stężenia cTn. W czwartej uniwersalnej definicji zawału serca wyróżnia się pięć głównych typów MI w zależności od patomechanizmu: związany z pęknięciem blaszki miażdżycowej, związany z dysproporcją między podażą a zapotrzebowaniem mięśnia sercowego na tlen, zgon sercowy u pacjentów z objawami sugerującymi niedokrwienie mięśnia sercowego i nowymi zmianami niedokrwiennymi w elektrokardiografii oraz MI towarzyszący angioplastyce wieńcowej i pomostowaniu aortalno-wieńcowemu. Zgodnie z tą definicją podwyższone stężenie cTn nie zawsze wynika z obecności istotnych zwężeń w tętnicach wieńcowych i może towarzyszyć wielu stanom. Wzrost wartości cTn oznaczanej metodą wysokoczułą u zdrowych osób może być indukowany intensywnym wysiłkiem fizycznym, co potwierdzają badania maratończyków. Podwyższone stężenie cTn występuje u 20–60% pacjentów z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu i wiąże się z wyższą śmiertelnością odległą, jednak ostry MI w tej grupie chorych diagnozuje się jedynie u 3,5% osób. Podwyższone stężenie troponin sercowych często towarzyszy przewlekłej chorobie nerek, jednak w przypadku podejrzenia ACS znaczenie ma dynamika seryjnych pomiarów. Pogorszenie funkcji nerek ma większy wpływ na wzrost stężenia cTnT niż cTnI. Niezależnie od przyczyny podwyższone wartości cTn stanowią niekorzystny czynnik rokowniczy. Pacjenci, u których stwierdzono wzrost wartości cTn, wymagają rozszerzenia diagnostyki, stratyfikacji ryzyka i długoterminowej obserwacji

    Carotid intima–media thickness (IMT) in patients with severe familial and non-familial hypercholesterolemia: The effect of measurement site on the IMT correlation with traditional cardiovascular risk factors and calcium scores

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    Background: The carotid intima–media thickness (IMT) measurement may be carried out proximally (pIMT) or distally (dIMT) in relation to the bulb of the common carotid artery which has significant implications on the results and correlation with risk factors. The aim of the study was to compare the pIMT and dIMT in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia confirmed by genetic testing (FH group) and patients with severe non-familial hypercholesterolemia, with negative results of genetic testing (NFH group) and to determine the correlation of results with traditional atherosclerotic risk factors and calcium scores.Methods: A total of 86 FH and 50 NFH patients underwent pIMT and dIMT measurements of both carotid arteries as well as computed tomography (CT) with coronary and thoracic aorta calcium scoring.Results: The meanpIMT of both right and left common carotid artery were significantly higher in patients with FH compared to the NFH group (meanpRIMT 0.721 ± 0.152 vs. 0.644 ± 0.156, p &lt; 0.01, meanpLIMT 0.758 ± 0.173 vs. 0.670 ± 0.110, p &lt; 0.01). Patient age, pre-treatment lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (LDLmax) at baseline and systolic blood pressure were independent predictors of pIMT increases in both carotid arteries. Smoking history, age and LDLmax were independent predictors of dIMT increase. There was a significant correlation between the calcium scores of the ascending aorta, coronary artery and aortic valve and all IMT parameters.Conclusions: The IMT measured proximally better between patients with familial and non-familial hypercholesterolemia. The association between IMT and traditional cardiovascular risk factors varies between measurement sites. IMT values correlate CT calcium scores in all patients with hypercholesterolaemia regardless of genetic etiology

    Case report: lipoprotein apheresis reduces the risk of cardiovascular events and prolongs pregnancy in a woman with severely elevated lipoprotein(a), cardiovascular disease, and a high risk of preeclampsia

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    BackgroundPreeclampsia is a common and serious pregnancy-induced disease, with potential severe maternal and fetal complications. Recently, an increased lipoprotein (a) (Lp[a]) concentration, an important factor in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) pathogenesis, has been identified as a sensitive and specific marker of preeclampsia severity. Although lipoprotein apheresis (LA) is currently used in patients with hyperlipoproteinemia(a) and CVD, real-life data on its efficacy among pregnant women with an increased risk of preeclampsia are limited.Case presentationWe present the case of a pregnant woman with severely elevated Lp(a), two previous episodes of the acute coronary syndrome and multivessel coronary disease treated with long-term LA before pregnancy, and a high risk of preeclampsia (as assessed using combined test screening). An increased pulsatility index and early diastolic notch were observed on Doppler interrogation at 18 weeks’ gestation. Biweekly LA therapy was re-initiated at 21 weeks’ gestation. The LA safely removed 70% of the serum Lp(a) concentration and reduced low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels by 60%. We also observed an improvement in her urine protein/creatinine ratio, a reduction in the pulsatility index, and a notch on Doppler interrogation. The pregnancy lasted until week 36, when severe preeclampsia prompted an emergency cesarean delivery.ConclusionPregnancy in women with elevated Lp(a), CVD, and a high risk of preeclampsia can present challenges in clinical management. Our case report indicates the benefits of LA in preventing atherosclerotic CVD progression during pregnancy, its potential influence on uteroplacental circulation, and prolongation of pregnancy for the best possible intrauterine fetus development. LA may be considered as a treatment option during pregnancy in such conditions. In addition, in pregnant women with CVD, we suggest screening using a combined test and measurement of Lp(a) as a marker of preeclampsia severity