5,791 research outputs found

    Carbon doping of superconducting magnesium diboride

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    We present details of synthesis optimization and physical properties of nearly single phase carbon doped MgB2 with a nominal stoichiometry of Mg(B{0.8}C{0.2})2 synthesized from magnesium and boron carbide (B4C) as starting materials. The superconducting transition temperature is ~ 22 K (~ 17 K lower than in pure MgB2). The temperature dependence of the upper critical field is steeper than in pure MgB2 with Hc2(10K) ~ 9 T. Temperature dependent specific heat data taken in different applied magnetic fields suggest that the two-gap nature of superconductivity is still preserved for carbon doped MgB2 even with such a heavily suppressed transition temperature. In addition, the anisotropy ratio of the upper critical field for T/Tc ~ 2/3 is gamma ~ 2. This value is distinct from 1 (isotropic) and also distinct from 6 (the value found for pure MgB2).Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Physica

    Supersymmetry and Dark Matter post LHC8: why we may expect both axion and WIMP detection

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    In the post-LHC8 era, it is perceived that what is left of SUSY model parameter space is highly finetuned in the EW sector (EWFT). We discuss how conventional measures overestimate EWFT in SUSY theory. Radiatively-driven natural SUSY (RNS) models maintain the SUSY GUT paradigm with low EWFT at 10% level, but are characterized by light higgsinos ~100-300 GeV and a thermal underabundance of WIMP dark matter. Implementing the SUSY DFSZ solution to the strong CP problem explains the small \mu parameter but indicates dark matter should be comprised mainly of axions with a small admixture of higgsino-like WIMPs. While RNS might escape LHC14 searches, we would expect ultimately direct detection of both WIMPs and axions. An e^+e^- collider with \sqrt{s} ~ 500-600 GeV should provide a thorough search for the predicted light higgsinos.Comment: 11 pages; 5 figures: Talk given at Particle Physics and Cosmology meeting (PPC2013), July 8, 2013, Deadwood, South Dakot

    Effects of Boron Purity, Mg Stoichiometry and Carbon Substitution on Properties of Polycrystalline MgB2_{2}

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    By synthesizing MgB2_{2} using boron of different nominal purity we found values of the residual resistivity ratio (RRR=R(300K)/R(42K)RRR = R(300 K) / R(42 K)) from 4 to 20, which covers almost all values found in literature. To obtain high values of RRRRRR, high purity reagents are necessary. With the isotopically pure boron we obtained the highest RRRRRR \sim 20 for the stoichiometric compound. We also investigated Mgx_{x}11^{11}B2_{2} samples with 0.8 <x<< x < 1.2. For the range Mg0.8_{0.8}11^{11}B2_{2} up to Mg1.2_{1.2}11^{11}B2_{2} we found average values of RRRRRR between 14 and 24. For smaller variations in stoichiometry (x=1±0.1x=1\pm 0.1) RRR=18±3RRR = 18 \pm 3. All of our data point to the conclusion that high RRRRRR (20\sim 20) and low ρ0\rho_{0} (0.4μΩcm\leq 0.4 \mu \Omega cm) are intrinsic material properties associated with high purity MgB2_{2}. In addition we have performed initial work on optimizing the formation of carbon doped MgB2_{2} via the use of B4_{4}C. Nearly single phase material can be formed by reaction of nominal Mg(B0.8_{0.8}C0.2_{0.2})2_{2} for 24 hours at 1200C1200^{\circ}C. The TcT_{c} for this composition is between 21.9K21.9 K and 22.7K22.7 K (depending on criterion).Comment: accepted to Physica C, special MgB2 issu

    Is natural higgsino-only dark matter excluded?

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    The requirement of electroweak naturalness in supersymmetric (SUSY) models of particle physics necessitates light higgsinos not too far from the weak scale characterized by m(weak)~ m(W,Z,h)~100 GeV. On the other hand, LHC Higgs mass measurements and sparticle mass limits point to a SUSY breaking scale in the multi-TeV regime. Under such conditions, the lightest SUSY particle is expected to be a mainly higgsino-like neutralino with non-negligible gaugino components (required by naturalness). The computed thermal WIMP abundance in natural SUSY models is then found to be typically a factor 5-20 below its measured value. To gain concordance with observations, either an additional DM particle (the axion is a well-motivated possibility) must be present or additional non-thermal mechanisms must augment the neutralino abundance. We compare present direct and indirect WIMP detection limits to three natural SUSY models based on gravity-, anomaly- and mirage-mediation. We show that the case of natural higgsino-only dark matter where non-thermal production mechanisms augment its relic density, is essentially excluded by a combination of direct detection constraints from PandaX-II, LUX and Xenon-1t experiments, and by bounds from Fermi-LAT/MAGIC observations of gamma rays from dwarf spheroidal galaxies.Comment: 16 pages with 6 .png figures; some added references for version

    Supersymmetry with radiatively-driven naturalness: implications for WIMP and axion searches

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    By insisting on naturalness in both the electroweak and QCD sectors of the MSSM, the portrait for dark matter production is seriously modified from the usual WIMP miracle picture. In SUSY models with radiatively-driven naturalness (radiative natural SUSY or RNS) which include a DFSZ-like solution to the strong CP and SUSY mu problems, dark matter is expected to be an admixture of both axions and higgsino-like WIMPs. The WIMP/axion abundance calculation requires simultaneous solution of a set of coupled Boltzmann equations which describe quasi-stable axinos and saxions. In most of parameter space, axions make up the dominant contribution of dark matter although regions of WIMP dominance also occur. We show the allowed range of PQ scale f_a and compare to the values expected to be probed by the ADMX axion detector in the near future. We also show WIMP detection rates which are suppressed from usual expectations because now WIMPs comprise only a fraction of the total dark matter. Nonetheless, ton-scale noble liquid detectors should be able to probe the entirety of RNS parameter space. Indirect WIMP detection rates are less propitious since they are reduced by the square of the depleted WIMP abundance.Comment: 25 pages with 14 .png figures; submitted to special issue "Supersymmetry and Dark Matter" in Symmetry, edited by D. Clin

    Superparticle phenomenology from the natural mini-landscape

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    The methodology of the heterotic mini-landscape attempts to zero in on phenomenologically viable corners of the string landscape where the effective low energy theory is the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with localized grand unification. The gaugino mass pattern is that of mirage-mediation. The magnitudes of various SM Yukawa couplings point to a picture where scalar soft SUSY breaking terms are related to the geography of fields in the compactified dimensions. Higgs fields and third generation scalars extend to the bulk and occur in split multiplets with TeV scale soft masses. First and second generation scalars, localized at orbifold fixed points or tori with enhanced symmetry, occur in complete GUT multiplets and have much larger masses. This picture can be matched onto the parameter space of generalized mirage mediation. Naturalness considerations, the requirement of the observed electroweak symmetry breaking pattern, and LHC bounds on m(gluino) together limit the gravitino mass to the m_{3/2}~ 5-60 TeV range. The mirage unification scale is bounded from below with the limit depending on the ratio of squark to gravitino masses. We show that while natural SUSY in this realization may escape detection even at the high luminosity LHC, the high energy LHC with \sqrt{s}=33 TeV could unequivocally confirm or exclude this scenario. It should be possible to detect the expected light higgsinos at the ILC if these are kinematically accessible, and possibly also discriminate the expected compression of gaugino masses in the natural mini-landscape picture from the mass pattern expected in models with gaugino mass unification. The thermal WIMP signal should be accessible via direct detection searches at the multi-ton noble liquid detectors such as Xenon-nT or LZ.Comment: 33 pages with 32 .png figure

    Defining Petrophysical Units of the Palmer Deep Sites from Leg 178

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    Palmer Deep, on the inner continental shelf southwest of Anvers Island off the Antarctic Peninsula, is a glacially overdeepened basin consisting of three subbasins. Two sites, 1098 and 1099, were drilled in the Palmer Deep area. A high-resolution porosity curve has been calculated from density data and subsequently plotted against the shipboard lithologic logs. These new data correspond accurately to the lithologic logs, magnetic susceptibility, and gamma ray attenuation (GRA) density data and offer information on the heterogeneity of the sediments. Petrophysical groups have been generated to investigate interrelationships between different physical attributes. To develop these petrophysical groups, crossplots of the available physical properties data were performed. The results for the GRA density and magnetic susceptibility crossplots demonstrate distinct clusters. Plotting the magnetic susceptibility and GRA density data logs (divided into these new petrophysical groups) against lithology provided information to subdivide the lithologic unit(s) into a series of petrophysical units

    Enhanced Critical parameters of nano-Carbon doped MgB2 Superconductor

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    The high field magnetization and magneto transport measurements are carried out to determine the critical superconducting parameters of MgB2-xCx system. The synthesized samples are pure phase and the lattice parameters evaluation is carried out using the Rietveld refinement. The R-T(H) measurements are done up to a field of 140 kOe. The upper critical field values, Hc2 are obtained from this data based upon the criterion of 90% of normal resistivity i.e. Hc2=H at which Rho=90%Rho; where RhoN is the normal resistivity i.e., resistivity at about 40 K in our case. The Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg (WHH) prediction of Hc(0) underestimates the critical field value even below than the field up to which measurement is carried out. After this the model, the Ginzburg Landau theory (GL equation) is applied to the R-T(H) data which not only calculates the Hc2(0) value but also determines the dependence of Hc2 on temperature in the low temperature high field region. The estimated Hc(0)=157.2 kOe for pure MgB2 is profoundly enhanced to 297.5 kOe for the x=0.15 sample in MgB2-xCx series. Magnetization measurements are done up to 120 kOe at different temperatures and the other parameters like irreversibility field, Hirr and critical current density Jc(H) are also calculated. The nano carbon doping results in substantial enhancement of critical parameters like Hc2, Hirr and Jc(H) in comparison to the pure MgB2 sample.Comment: 25 pages with 9 Figs: comments/suggestions([email protected]