59 research outputs found

    Identification of chromosome regions determining kernel high oil content in maize (Zea mays L.) Synthetic populations

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    Chromosome regions determining kernel high oil content were identified by RFLP analysis of individual plants from C0 and C9 selection cycles of two maize synthetic populations -DS7u and YuSSSu. Identification of chromosome regions was done with informative RFLP markers (that were identified with BSA earlier) using a single plant approach - analysis of individual plants. This analysis revealed the number of plants carrying alleles that endured frequency alterations during selection process. Statistical analysis (χ2 test) revealed chromosome regions that comprise putative QTLs affecting expression of kernel high oil content of analyzed maize populations. Four regions on chromosomes 1, 6, 7 and 8 were identified in both DS7u and YuSSSu populations. Additional four regions on chromosome 4, 9 and 10 were detected only in DS7u population

    Direct Spectrophotometric Determination of Hesperidin in Pharmaceutical Preparations

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    A simple, rapid and reliable direct spectrophotometric method for the determination of hesperidin is proposed and validated. The influence of wavelength, solvent, the ionic strength, pH and temperature on hesperidin determination were investigated. Under the optimum conditions, lambda = 283 nm, 60% methanol as the solvent, ionic strength, I = 2.5 x 10(-5) mol L-1, pH = 6.4 and T = 37.0 degrees C, the Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range 1.83-24.5 mu g mL(-1). The molar absorptivity and Sandells sensitivity were found to be 1.8 x 10(4) L mol(-1) cm(-1) and 0.03 mu g cm(-2), respectively. The sensitivity of the proposed method was 0.9 mu g mL(-1) (as limit of detection) and 3.2 mu g mL(-1) (as limit of quantification). Applicability of the proposed method to the direct determination of total flavonoids as hesperidin equivalents in pharmaceutical formulation (Vitamin C with citrus bioflavonoids & Rose Hips) was demonstrated. Although the presence of ascorbic acid may cause problem in identification and measurements, hesperidin has been determined successfully

    Miokardni mostovi - prospektivna forenzička autopsijska studija

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    Introduction When the coronary artery, located subepicardially, submerges into the myocardium and appears again subepicardially after a short intramural course, it represents an embedded coronary artery, while the part of the myocardium above is a myocardial bridge. Objective We investigated the frequency of the embedded left coronary artery (LAD) in the autopsy material considering the descending branch of the LAD to be the most important one in the nourishment of the myocardium and myocardial bridges to be the most frequent in its area, as well as clinically important. Methods A prospective autopsy study of 975 cases was performed, including both, natural (21.33%) and violent (78.67%) deaths. The sample consisted of 74.56% males and 25.44% females. In order to discover myocardyal bridges and their characteristics, the hearts were examined by both transverse cuts and longitudinal openings of the LAD. Results Myocardial bridge was found in 78 cases (8.00%), more commonly in males (9.35%) than females (4.03%). The average length of the myocardial bridge was 21.85±16.10mm and thickness 3.744±1.48 mm. The common localization of the myocardial bridge was the proximal half of the LAD (89.74%). The upper part of the artery, proximal to the bridge, was a common site of atherosclerotic changes. Myocardial bridge was found in 12.50% of natural deaths, but in 13.38% out of all cases of sudden cardiac deaths. Conclusion Therefore, the presence of the myocardial bridge by itself is not predominant, but it is certainly a contributing factor to a sudden cardiac death.Uvod 'Poniruća koronarna arterija' je pojam koji se odnosi na slučaj kada koronarna arterija - inače lokalizovana subepikardno - ponire u miokard i ponovo se pojavljuje subepikardno, posle kratkog puta kroz mišić, pri čemu se mišić iznad nje naziva 'miokardni most'. Cilj rada Istraživali smo učestalost poniruće descendentne grane leve koronarne arterije u autopsijskom materijalu imajući u vidu da je ona najvažnija u ishrani srčanog mišića, da najčešće ponire u srčani mišić i da je vrlo značajna i s kliničkog aspekta. Metode rada Urađena je prospektivna autopsijska studija 975 slučajeva prirodnih (21,33%) i nasilnih smrti (78,67%). Uzorak je obuhvatio 74,56% osoba muškog i 25,44% ženskog pola. Radi otkrivanja miokardnog mosta i analize njegovih osobenosti, nishodna grana leve koronarne arterije otvarana je uzdužnim i poprečnim obdukcionim rezovima. Rezultati Miokardni most je utvrđen u 78 slučajeva (8,00%), češće kod muškaraca (9,35%) nego kod žena (4,03%). Prosečna dužina miokardnog mosta bila je 21,85±16,10 mm, a debljina 3,744±1,48 mm. Najčešća lokalizacija miokardnog mosta bila je u predelu proksimalne polovine descendentne grane leve koronarne arterije (89,74%), a aterosklerotske promene su najčešće ustanovljene ushodno od miokardnog mosta. Miokardni most je postojao u 12,50% slučajeva prirodnih smrti, odnosno u 13,38% slučajeva tzv. naprasnih srčanih smrti. Zaključak Postojanje miokardnog mosta nije predominantni činilac za pojavu naprasne srčane smrti, ali je njegovo postojanje faktor rizika za njen nastanak

    Učinak mikronizacije na sastav i svojstvo brašna dobivenog od bijelog, žutog i crvenog zrnja kukuruza

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    The process of micronisation, a short time high temperature process that utilizes electromagnetic radiation in the infrared region to rapidly heat materials, is often used to improve storage stability of whole grain flour. In this work the consequences of such temperature treatment on the quality and solubility of proteins, viscosity, content of total phenolics, tocopherols, ß-carotene, as well as the antioxidant properties of maize (Zea mays L.) flour are presented. For these studies three maize hybrids were used: the semi-flint hybrid ZP 633 with pronounced yellow kernels, ZP Rumenka with dark red pericarp and yellow endosperm, and ZP 551b hybrid which is characterized by white kernels. The process of micronisation did not change the content of crude protein, the amount of albumin, globulin and zein were decreased, while glutelin remained the same or increased after micronisation. As a consequence of thermal effect on maize protein, tryptophan content was significantly decreased. Micronisation had a significant effect on the pasting properties of the selected maize flour. Viscosity of all micronised flour samples increased constantly, but without reaching a peak during heating of the slurry to 95 °C. At 95 °C it was slightly higher, but final viscosity at 50 °C was significantly lower. The micronisation treatment decreased the content of bioactive compounds (tocopherols, ß-carotene) naturally present in the raw grains. The whole grain flour from micronised grain, with modified nutritional and technological characteristics, represents a good raw material for production of gluten-free products.Mikronizacija, tj. postupak kratkotrajnog izlaganja materijala visokoj temperaturi pomoću elektromagnetskoga zračenja u infracrvenom području, često se primjenjuje za poboljšanje stabilnosti pri skladištenju cjelovitoga brašna žitarica. U radu je ispitan utjecaj takva postupka na kakvoću i topljivost proteina, viskoznost, udio ukupnih fenola, tokoferola i β-karotena, te na antioksidativna svojstva kukuruznoga brašna. Upotrijebljena su tri hibrida kukuruza (Zea mays L.): ZP 633, polutvrdunac izrazito žutih zrna; ZP Rumenka, tamnocrvenoga perikarpa i endosperma žute boje, te ZP 551b bijelih zrna. Mikronizacija nije utjecala na udio sirovih proteina, ali je smanjila udio albumina, globulina i zeina, dok je udio glutelina ostao nepromijenjen ili se neznatno povećao. Nakon toplinske obrade udio se triptofana znatno smanjio. Mikronizacija je također uvelike utjecala na vezivna svojstva brašna. Povećana je viskoznost svih uzoraka brašna, ali nije dosegla vrhunac zagrijavanjem suspenzije do 95 ºC. Na 95 ºC viskoznost je bila nešto veća, dok je pri završetku mikronizacije na temperaturi od 55 °C bila kudikamo manja. Mikronizacijom se smanjio udio bioaktivnih spojeva (fenola, tokoferola i β-karotena) prisutnih u sirovom zrnju. Cjelovito brašno dobiveno mikronizacijom zrnja žitarica zbog svojih je hranjivih i tehnoloških svojstava dobra sirovina za dobivanje bezglutenskih proizvoda

    Identifikacija vrsta roda Tilletia rep-PCR fingerprinting tehnikom

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    Analyzing 167 non-processed seed samples of wheat, it was found that 145 samples (86.8 %) were contaminated with Tilletia species, while 22 (13.2 %) samples were not contaminated. By using rep-PCR fingerprinting technique, it was found that DNA isolates of T. tritici originated from Serbian wheat samples had 80 % similarity with positive control for T. tritici. One isolate shared similarity of 60% with T. tritici, T. controversa and T. laevis. It was supposed that this isolate belongs to T. bromi. Isolate of T. laevis shared a similarity of 70 % with isolates of T. tritici and T. controversa, while T. walkeri was more than 10 % similar with T. tritici, T. controversa and T. laevis. Although T. controversa and T. tritici had high percent of genetic similarity, they were clustered separately. Our results suggest that rep-PCR fingerprinting could be a useful tool for monitoring presence of morphologically similar Tilletia species in wheat production areas.Istraživanjem kontaminiranosti uzoraka semena pšenice teleutosporama Tilletia vrsta, utvrđeno je da je od 167 uzoraka nedorađenog semena pšenice, bilo kontaminirano 145 (86,8%), dok su 22 uzorka (13,2%) smatrana nekontaminiranim. Identifikacija Tilletia vrsta izvršena je rep-PCR fingerprinting tehnikom. Izolati prikupljeni na teritoriji Republike Srbije identifikovani su kao T. tritici, s obzirom da su sa pozitivnom kontrolom imali genetičku sličnost veću od 80%. Jedan od izolata koji je vodio poreklo iz opštine Apatin bio je oko 60% genetički sličan sa izolatima T. tritici, T. controversa i T. laevis. Pretpostavljeno je da pripada vrsti T. bromi. Genetička sličnost izolata T. walkeri i vrsta: T. tritici, T. laevis i T. controversa, iznosila je nešto više od 10%. Genetička sličnost T. tritici, T. controversa i T. laevis bila je oko 70 %. I pored visokog procenta genetičke sličnosti između T. controversa i T. tritici, napravljena je razlika među njima, što rep-PCR fingerprinting tehniku čini veoma podesnom za praćenje prisustva morfološki sličnih Tilleria vrsta prilikom kontrole kvaliteta semena pšenice

    Kernel modifications and tryptophan content in QPM segregating generations

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    Maize has poor nutritional value due to deficiency of two essential amino acids - tryptophan and lysine. Although recessive opaque2 (o2) mutation significantly increases their content in the endosperm, incorporation of opaque2 into high yielding cultivars was not commercially successful, because of its numerous agronomic and processing problems due to soft endosperm. Quality protein maize - QPM has lately been introduced as opaque2 maize with improved endosperm hardness and improved agronomic traits, but mostly within tropical and subtropical germplasm. The ongoing breeding project at MRI includes improvement of MRI opaque2 lines and conversion of standard lines to QPM germplasm. The main selection steps in QPM breeding involve assessing kernel modifications and tryptophan level in each generation. Herein, we present the results of the analysis for these traits on F3 and BC1F1 generations of QPM x opaque2, opaque2 x QPM and standard lines x QPM crosses. The results showed that the majority the genotypes had kernel types 2 and 3 (good modifications). The whole grain tryptophan content in F3 and BC1F1 genotypes of crosses between QPM and opaque2 germplasm was at the quality protein level, with a few exceptions. All BC1F1 genotypes of standard lines x QPM had tryptophan content in the range of normal maize, while majority of F3 genotypes had tryptophan content at level of QPM. The progeny (with increased tryptophan levels) of QPM and opaque2 crosses had significantly higher tryptophan content compared to the progeny of crosses between standard and QPM lines - 0.098 to 0.114 and 0.080, respectively. All genotypes that had poorly modified kernels and/or low tryptophan content will be discarded from further breeding

    Učinak mikronizacije na sastav i svojstvo brašna dobivenog od bijelog, žutog i crvenog zrnja kukuruza

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    The process of micronisation, a short time high temperature process that utilizes electromagnetic radiation in the infrared region to rapidly heat materials, is often used to improve storage stability of whole grain flour. In this work the consequences of such temperature treatment on the quality and solubility of proteins, viscosity, content of total phenolics, tocopherols, ß-carotene, as well as the antioxidant properties of maize (Zea mays L.) flour are presented. For these studies three maize hybrids were used: the semi-flint hybrid ZP 633 with pronounced yellow kernels, ZP Rumenka with dark red pericarp and yellow endosperm, and ZP 551b hybrid which is characterized by white kernels. The process of micronisation did not change the content of crude protein, the amount of albumin, globulin and zein were decreased, while glutelin remained the same or increased after micronisation. As a consequence of thermal effect on maize protein, tryptophan content was significantly decreased. Micronisation had a significant effect on the pasting properties of the selected maize flour. Viscosity of all micronised flour samples increased constantly, but without reaching a peak during heating of the slurry to 95 °C. At 95 °C it was slightly higher, but final viscosity at 50 °C was significantly lower. The micronisation treatment decreased the content of bioactive compounds (tocopherols, ß-carotene) naturally present in the raw grains. The whole grain flour from micronised grain, with modified nutritional and technological characteristics, represents a good raw material for production of gluten-free products.Mikronizacija, tj. postupak kratkotrajnog izlaganja materijala visokoj temperaturi pomoću elektromagnetskoga zračenja u infracrvenom području, često se primjenjuje za poboljšanje stabilnosti pri skladištenju cjelovitoga brašna žitarica. U radu je ispitan utjecaj takva postupka na kakvoću i topljivost proteina, viskoznost, udio ukupnih fenola, tokoferola i β-karotena, te na antioksidativna svojstva kukuruznoga brašna. Upotrijebljena su tri hibrida kukuruza (Zea mays L.): ZP 633, polutvrdunac izrazito žutih zrna; ZP Rumenka, tamnocrvenoga perikarpa i endosperma žute boje, te ZP 551b bijelih zrna. Mikronizacija nije utjecala na udio sirovih proteina, ali je smanjila udio albumina, globulina i zeina, dok je udio glutelina ostao nepromijenjen ili se neznatno povećao. Nakon toplinske obrade udio se triptofana znatno smanjio. Mikronizacija je također uvelike utjecala na vezivna svojstva brašna. Povećana je viskoznost svih uzoraka brašna, ali nije dosegla vrhunac zagrijavanjem suspenzije do 95 ºC. Na 95 ºC viskoznost je bila nešto veća, dok je pri završetku mikronizacije na temperaturi od 55 °C bila kudikamo manja. Mikronizacijom se smanjio udio bioaktivnih spojeva (fenola, tokoferola i β-karotena) prisutnih u sirovom zrnju. Cjelovito brašno dobiveno mikronizacijom zrnja žitarica zbog svojih je hranjivih i tehnoloških svojstava dobra sirovina za dobivanje bezglutenskih proizvoda

    Tryptophan content increase in maize inbred lines improved through marker assisted breeding

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    Quality protein maize (QPM) has high content of essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan that are deficient in standard maize. Naturally occurring opaque2 recessive mutation has been the most widely studied and used as a source for genetic improvement of the nutritional value of maize proteins. Marker assisted conversion of maize inbred lines to QPM adapted to temperate regions is being conducted at Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje (MRIZP). The ultimate goal is selection of the opaque2 recessive genotypes (foreground selection) with the highest proportion of recurrent parentʹs genome (background selection) along with high lysine/tryptophan content without losing good agronomic performances of the original line. After two backcrossing and selection of heterozygous individual plants, opaque2-specific molecular markers phi057 and umc1066 successfully identified recessive homozygotes in BC2F2 generation. The next step was to confirm expression of the QPM trait through elevated kernel tryptophan content (TC). Laboratory analyses were used to quantify and select for acceptable tryptophan concentrations for QPM - above 0.075%. The results presented in this paper relate to identification of BC2F3 progenies with increased TC in the conversion of two MRIZP commercial inbred lines (RP1 and RP2). The average TC ranged from 0.070% in RP1 to 0.074% in RP2. Out of 60 progenies from these two lines, 27 had TC at or above the QPM treshold. A total of 12 progenies was chosen for the highest tryptophan content. These lines will serve as parental lines for developing QPM hybrids adapted to temperate regions

    Kukuruz visokog kvaliteta proteina

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    Quality protein maize (QPM) contains the opaque-2 gene along with numerous modifiers for kernel hardness. Therefore, QPM is maize with high nutritive value of endosperm protein, with substantially higher content of two essential amino acids - lysine and tryptophan, and with good agronomical performances. Although QPM was developed primarily for utilization in the regions where, because of poverty, maize is the main staple food, it has many advantages for production and consumption in other parts of the world, too. QPM can be used for production of conventional and new animal feed, as well as for human nurture. As the rate of animal weight gain is doubled with QPM and portion viability is better, a part of normal maize production could be available for other purposes, such as, for example, ethanol production. Thus, breeding QPM is set as a challenge to produce high quality protein maize with high yield and other important agronomical traits, especially with today's food and feed demands and significance of energy crisis.Kukuruz visokog kvaliteta proteina (QPM - Quality Protein Maize) sadrži opaque-2 gen, kao i mnogobrojne modifikatore za tvrdoću zrna. QPM se može definisati kao kukuruz sa visokom nutritivnom vrednošću proteina endosperma, odnosno značajno većim sadržajem dve esencijalne aminokiseline - lizinom i triptofanom, i istovremeno dobrim agronomskim perfomansama. Mada je QPM stvoren prvenstveno za korišćenje u regionima u kojima je, zbog siromaštva, kukuruz glavna hrana, postoje mnoge prednosti za proizvodnju i korišćenje ovog kukuruza i u ostalim regionima sveta. QPM se može koristiti za proizvodnju konvencionalne i nove hrane za životinje, kao i za ishranu ljudi. Zbog dvostruko bržeg prirasta telesne težine životinja i boljeg iskorišćavanja pripremljenog obroka QPM kukuruza, deo proizvedenog standardnog kukuruza bi se mogao preusmeriti za druge potrebe, kao na primer za proizvodnju etanola. Selekcija kukuruza za poboljšanje kvaliteta proteina, zajedno sa visokim prinosom i dobrim perfomansama drugih značjnih agronomskih svojstava, predstavlja izazov za selekcionere, pogotovo imajući u vidu današnje potrebe za hranom, kao i značaj energetske krize

    Identification of QTLS for yield and drought-related traits in maize: assessment of their causal relationships

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    Drought is one of the most important factors contributing to crop yield loss. Developing maize varieties with drought tolerance requires exploring the genetic basis of yield and associated agronomic traits. In order to identify QTLs for yield and drought related traits and to determine their relationships, 116 F-3 families of the DTP79xB73 cross were evaluated in field trials. Phenotypic correlations between the traits were calculated using Pearson's coefficient. QTL detection was performed using ANOVA and composite interval mapping (CIM). Out of 64 QTLs identified using CIM for all analyzed traits 26 QTLs were also identified with ANOVA. For all the traits (except for EL, DS2 and RWC1) only a small proportion of phenotypic variation was accounted for by the identified QTL. The significant positive/negative phenotypic correlations between different traits and coincidence of markers with allelic differences in the expected direction show that they may be causally correlated. The above criteria were fullfilled for a subset of QTLs within all the traits. The overlap found between the QTLs for yield and those for the other traits suggests the presence of genes with pleiotropic effects on the investigated traits. Results will be used for further investigation and detection of possible candidate genes for drought tolerance in maize