113 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: Efectuar la adaptación cultural y la validación semántica del Standard PrecautionsQuestionnaire para profesionales de salud brasileños.Método: Estudio desarrollado entre 2017 y 2018, en Río de Janeiro. La adaptación culturalcomprendió: traducción, consenso sobre la versión en portugués, evaluación de expertos,retrotraducción, consenso y comparación con la versión original, evaluación semántica yvalidación semántica. Se respetaron todos los aspectos éticos.Resultados: Para la validación de contenido, las puntuaciones oscilaron entre 0,60 y 1,00 yel puntaje fue de 0,96, indicando que los ítems son muy representativos. En la evaluaciónsemántica, 22 (80%) ítems fueron considerados relevantes y 24 (100%) ítems fueronconsiderados claros y comprensibles por todos los profesionales.Conclusión: Los ítems de la versión brasileña del instrumento fueron representativos, relevantesen la práctica clínica del profesional de salud para evaluar los obstáculos de adhesión a lasprecauciones estándar. Serán necesarios estudios evaluando las propiedades psicométricasdel instrumento.Objective: to accomplish the cultural adaptation and semantic validation of the StandardPrecautions Questionnaire for Brazilian health professionals.Method: study developed between 2017 and 2018, in Rio de Janeiro. The cultural adaptationincluded translation, consensus on the Portuguese version, evaluation by experts, backtranslation,consensus and comparison with the original version, semantic evaluation andsemantic validation. All ethical aspects were respected.Results: for the content validation, the scores ranged from 0.60 to 1.00 and the score was0.96, indicating that the items are very representative. In the semantic evaluation, 22 (80%)of the items were considered relevant and 24 (100%) of the items were considered clear andunderstandable by all professionals.Conclusion: the items of the Brazilian version of the instrument were representative, relevantfor the clinical practice of health professionals in assessing the obstacles to adhere to standardprecautions. Studies are needed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the instrument.Objetivo: realizar a adaptação cultural e a validação semântica do Standard Precautions Questionnairepara profissionais de saúde brasileiros.Métodos: estudo desenvolvido entre 2017 e 2018 no Rio de Janeiro. A adaptação cultural incluiu atradução, o consenso sobre a versão em português, a avaliação por especialistas, a retrotradução,o consenso e a comparação com a versão original, a avaliação semântica e a validação semântica.Todos os aspectos éticos foram respeitados.Resultados: na validação de conteúdo, as pontuações variaram de 0.60 a 1.00 e a pontuação foiigual a 0.96, indicando que os itens são muito representativos. Na avaliação semântica, 22 (80%)itens foram considerados relevantes e 24 (100%) itens foram considerados claros e compreensíveispor todos os profissionais.Conclusão: os itens da versão brasileira do instrumento foram representativos e relevantes paraa prática clínica de profissionais de saúde na avaliação dos obstáculos para aderir a precauçõespadrão. Estudos são necessários para avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento

    Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Divergent Thinking: A Large-Scale Study Using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming

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    Numerous studies have examined the effects of gender diversity in groups on creative performance, and no clear effect has been identified. Findings depend on situational cues making gender diversity more or less salient in groups. A large-scale study on two cohorts (N = 2,261) was conducted among business students to examine the impact of the gender diversity in small groups on divergent thinking in an idea-generation task performed by synchronous electronic brainstorming. Participants were automatically randomized in three- or four-member groups to generate ideas during 10 min on a gendered or neutral task. Then, five categories of groups where the proportion of men/women in groups varied from three/four men to three/four women were compared to examine creative performance on three divergent thinking measures (fluency, flexibility, and originality). A Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Model (mGLMM) showed greater fluency in all-women groups than in other groups (except mixed-gender groups composed of two men and two women), and more specifically “solo” groups composed of a single woman/man among a majority of men/women. For flexibility and originality, the superiority of all-women groups was found only in comparison to “solo” groups composed of a single woman. As gender differences are more salient in “solo” groups than in other groups faultlines may appear in groups, leading to a deleterious impact on creative performance

    Social Comparison Orientation Moderates the Effects of Group Membership on the Similarity-Attraction Relationship

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    International audienceThe present study examined how the similarity-attraction relationship is affected by a combination of the tendency to compare oneself to other people (Social Comparison Orientation, SCO) and group membership. We expected that high-SCO individuals would prefer similar to dissimilar others only when the target belonged to their in-group and was relevant for the evaluation of their self-concept. It was also expected that among low-SCO individuals who are more certain about the self and less concerned about “being evaluated,” a main effect of attitude similarity would appear, regardless of the group membership of the target. Results partially support these predictions and suggest that further research should be carried out into the combined effects of individual and group variables in the attraction literature

    : Collaborative Work and Transactive Memory: Critical Review and Research Perspectives

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    International audienceOrganizations increasingly develop projects structured around work teams. This increased emphasis on a team-based structure has resulted in a considerable number of theoretical models aimed at examining the factors that influence team effectiveness. One mediating intragroup process that has recently received significant attention concerns the Transactive Memory System (TMS, Wegner, 1986). TMS relies on the team members? knowledge of distributed expertise, and on how this knowledge is combined within groups. The present article provides a critical review of studies on the transactive memory model and work-group performance. First, a theoretical analysis of the concept of transactive memory and its relationship with similar concepts (team mental models, theory of common ground) is presented. Secondly, the specificities of the transactive memory model are presented and compared with other concepts. Thirdly, studies with dyads, groups or work teams in various educational and professional contexts are presented to provide a better understanding of the functioning of the transactive memory system and the factors underlying its development. Finally, a critical analysis of studies in this domain is made in order to determine future directions for research. The potential theoretical and methodological limitations are presented, notably concerning the problem of conceptualizing and measuring TMS, and the level of analysis (micro- and macro-levels). The potential negative effects of TMS for group performance are then discussed. Finally, the conclusions and practical implications of these studies for work teams are discussed.Cet article propose une recension des travaux sur un des processus reconnus comme ayant une influence déterminante sur les performances des groupes : la mémoire transactive. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit de procéder à une délimitation notionnelle de la mémoire transactive en discutant les relations qu’elle entretient avec des concepts voisins et les méthodes utilisées pour mesurer cette forme de mémoire. Dans un second temps, les travaux de recherches réalisés avec des binômes, groupes ou équipes de travail dans différents contextes sont exposés et analysés afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de la mémoire transactive et ses facteurs de développement. Pour finir, une mise en perspective critique des travaux réalisés dans ce domaine est proposée afin d’envisager des perspectives de recherches futures. Certaines implications pratiques de ces travaux sont également envisagées

    Les conséquences affectives de l'anticipation d'un confinement en périodede pandémie

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    De nombreuses études démontrent les effets néfastes de l’isolement social sur la santé physique et psychique des individus (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015). En ce sens, des recherches récentes révèlent les conséquences négatives des périodes de confinement liées à la pandémie de COVID-19 sur la santé et le bien-être des individus (Brooks et al., 2020 ; Roychowdhury, 2020) et mettent en évidence lerôle modérateur de certaines caractéristiques individuelles ou de personnalité (dépression, style d’attachement, Moccia et al., 2020 ; préférence pour la solitude, extraversion, névrosisme, ouverture d’esprit, Michinov & Michinov, 2021). Au-delà des effets du vécu d’un confinement, la présente recherche s’intéresse à l’impact de la simple anticipation d’une nouvelle période de confinement, et donc d’isolement social, sur le bien-être individuel. Dans ce but une procédured’imagerie mentale d’un soi futur (Baumeister et al., 2002 ; Twenge et al. 2007) a été employée dans deux études menées en ligne à un an d’intervalle auprès d’étudiants (N = 407 pour l’étude 1 et N = 460 pour l’étude 2). Après avoir répondu à plusieurs questionnaires de personnalité (Préférence pour la solitude, estime de soi-trait, dimensions du Big Five), les participants étaient amenés à se projeter dans une situation future, soit de confinement (études 1 et 2), soit de distanciation physique sans confinement (étude 1), soit de retour à la vie normale (études 1 et 2). A la suite de l’induction du soi futur, l’état affectif des participants était mesuré avec différents indicateurs : état émotionnel -PANAS- (études 1 et 2), estime de soi-état –Nezlek et Plesko (2001)– (étude 1) et bien-être –adaptation de l’indice WHO-5 de l’OMS– (étude 2). Les résultats obtenus dans les deux études sont convergents. Les participants placés dans la condition de soi futur"confiné" (ou de soi futur "distancié", étude 1) ont ressenti plus d’émotions négatives (et moins d’émotions positives), présentent des scores de bien-être et d’estime de soi-état plus faibles que les participants affectés à la condition de soi futur "normal". Par ailleurs, cet effet est modéré par la préférence pour la solitude : les participants dont le score de préférence est faible ont été plusnégativement affectés que les autres par la mobilisation d’un soi futur "confiné" ou "distancié". En matière de santé publique, ces résultats suggèrent l’importance de considérer les répercussions psychologiques des communications médiatiques mettant l’accent sur la possibilité de nouveaux confinements

    Stay at home! When personality profiles influence mental health and creativity during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    International audienceWith the COVID-19 outbreak, the population was suddenly forced to “stay at home”. Although research suggests that social isolation affects health and wellbeing, reactions may vary depending on individuals. The current study assessed the relationships between personality variables (preference for solitude and Big Five personality), mental health (anxiety, stress, loneliness), and creativity, and tried to determine whether the identified personality profiles affect individuals’ mental health and creativity. French respondents (N = 430) filled in an online questionnaire during the first lockdown in Spring 2020. The results showed that the preference for solitude and personality variables of the Big Five predicted individuals’ mental health and creativity. Moreover, a cluster analysis revealed three profiles of individuals: “Affiliation”, “Emotionally Stable Lonely” and “Emotionally Unstable Lonely”. Results showed that individuals with “Affiliation” and “Emotionally Unstable Lonely” profiles expressed higher stress and anxiety, and the latter performed better on a divergent creative thinking task. By contrast, those with an “Emotionally Stable Lonely” profile expressed a lower level of loneliness, and performed better on a creative insight task. These findings reveal the importance of personality profiles in psychological reactions during lockdowns. With this knowledge, health professionals could develop appropriate interventions to accompany high-risk individuals in situations of social isolation

    Can sitting postures influence the creative mind? Positive effect of contractive posture on convergent-integrative thinking

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    International audienceEmbodied creativity research has begun to demonstrate that postures may boost creative performance depending on whether the creativity task requires either divergent or convergent thinking processes. Although a few studies have demonstrated that being in an expansive posture can benefit creative performance in a divergent-exploratory thinking task, empirical evidence is lacking on the positive effects of a contractive posture on creative performance in a convergent-integrative thinking task. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that sitting in a contractive posture requiring arm flexion to perform a convergent-integrative thinking task would lead to better creative performance than sitting in an expansive posture requiring arm extension. The results confirmed this hypothesis and suggest that creativity may be influenced by participants’ sitting postures during a task. The findings provided new empirical evidence for embodied creativity based on the impact of body postures on creative thinking