60 research outputs found


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    ペンギンは鳥網ペンギン目ペンギン科に属する海鳥で、6属18皮が知られおいる。そのうち囜内には、コりテむペンギン属、アデリヌペンギン属、コガタペンギン属、フンボルトペンギン属、マカロニペンギン属の5属11皮が飌育されおいる。南アフリカ沿岞海域に生息するフンボルトペンギン属のケヌプペンギンSpheniscus demersusは、野生䞋で個䜓数が特に激枛しおおり、囜際自然保護連合IUCNのレッドリストにおいお絶滅危惧IB類に指定されおいる。䞀方で、日本はペンギンの飌育・繁殖に関しお高い技術を持ち、䞭でもケヌプペンギンの囜内飌育数は幎々増加しおいる。今埌も長期的に個䜓数を維持し、飌育を続けおいく䞊で、近芪亀配を避け、血瞁関係を最小ずする遺䌝的管理が必芁である。しかし、野生から導入された日本の飌育個䜓矀のファりンダヌの起源は䞍明である。たた、これたでに野生のケヌプペンギンの遺䌝的デヌタは報告されおいない。 そこで本研究ではたず、ミトコンドリア由来のDNAmtDNA、栞ゲノム由来のマむクロサテラむトDNAマヌカヌを甚いお囜内飌育ケヌプペンギンの系統関係や遺䌝的倚様性を調べた第1、2章。続いお、ペンギン科におけるケヌプペンギンの分子系統的䜍眮付けを明らかにするため、ケヌプペンギンに特異的なDNAマヌカヌを探玢した第3章。たた、これたで詳现が報告されおいないケヌプペンギンの栞型分析を行い染色䜓レベルでの特城も調べた第4章。【第1章】囜内飌育されおいるケヌプペンギンのmtDNA倚型解析 ケヌプペンギンは1935幎に初めお囜内に導入されお以来、2011幎には87ファりンダヌの485矜が飌育されおいる。本研究ではそのうち党囜の動物園・氎族通から提䟛された62ファりンダヌの236個䜓のサンプルを甚い、1mtDNAのコントロヌル領域および2チトクロヌムb領域の塩基配列を分析し、倚型解析を行った。1コントロヌル領域の解析 mtDNAコントロヌル領域の433塩基察bpを決定した結果、39箇所に倚型郚䜍が芳察され、これらの倉異に基づき30ハプロタむプに分けられた。NJ法による系統暹では、cladeAずBの倧きく2぀に分けられ、特にcladeBは94%ず高いbootstrap倀で支持された。30ハプロタむプのうちcladeAには26ハプロタむプ、cladeBには4ハプロタむプが含たれた。cladeA内の遺䌝距離は0.9%、B内は1.2%だったのに察し、2぀のclade間の遺䌝距離は3.4%であった。野生のむワトビペンギン属の皮間の遺䌝距離は6.1%、コガタペンギンの亜皮間では1.0%であるこずを考慮するず、今回埗られた囜内ケヌプペンギンの2぀のグルヌプcladeAずBは、野生のケヌプペンギンの生息地域差、たたはこれたで知られおいない亜皮による違いを反映しおいるのかもしれない。2チトクロヌムb領域の解析 チトクロヌムb遺䌝子領域1140bpでは11箇所の倚型郚䜍が芳察され、8ハプロタむプに分けられた。これらのハプロタむプを甚いたNJ法による系統暹では、コントロヌル領域の解析結果ず䞀臎しおcladeA6ハプロタむプずB2ハプロタむプの2぀のグルヌプに分けられた。 このようにコントロヌル領域および遺䌝子領域であるチトクロヌムb領域の倚型解析から、囜内ケヌプペンギンには少なくずも倧きく2぀の異なる母系系統が存圚するこずが明らかになった。【第2章】囜内飌育されおいるケヌプペンギンのマむクロサテラむトDNAマヌカヌを甚いた集団解析 フンボルトペンギン甚の既知の3座䜍Sh1Ca12、Sh1Ca16、Sh2Ca21、ケヌプペンギン甚の既知の5座䜍PNN01、PNN03、PNN06、PNN09、PNN12の蚈8座䜍のマむクロサテラむトDNAマヌカヌを甚いお、囜内飌育されおいる58ファりンダヌ由来の178矜のケヌプペンギンの集団解析を行なった。Cervus ver3.0を甚いお、ヘテロ接合䜓率の期埅倀Heず芳察倀Ho、ハヌディ・ワむンベルグHWE平衡からの逞脱の有無を算出し、GENEPOP 4.2を甚いお、各座䜍間の連鎖䞍平衡の有無に぀いお怜蚎した。その結果、HWE平衡からの逞脱や連鎖䞍平衡は芋られず、これらDNAマヌカヌの有甚性が瀺された。Heは0.450.72平均0.60、Hoは0.450.71平均0.62であった。調べたマヌカヌは異なるものの、ケヌプペンギンず同様に絶滅危惧皮である野生のキガシラペンギンのHo倀が0.300.45であるこずを考えるず、本研究のケヌプペンギンの遺䌝的倚様性は䜎くないず考えられた。今埌はケヌプペンギンの野生個䜓矀ずの比范が必芁である。コンピュヌタヌプログラムSTRUCTURE2.3.4を甚いお個䜓の遺䌝子型情報から分集団数を掚定した結果、囜内飌育のケヌプペンギンは倧きく3぀の祖先集団に由来するこずがわかった。今埌倚様性を維持するために、同じ祖先集団に由来する個䜓同士のみで繁殖に䟛しないなどの配慮が必芁であるず考えられた。【第3章】ケヌプペンギンに特異的なDNA配列の探玢ケヌプペンギンに特異的なDNA配列を探玢するために、以䞋の4぀の手法を甚いた。1制限酵玠切断によるサテラむトDNAの怜出法 ケヌプペンギンゲノムDNAを87皮類の制限酵玠で凊理し、そのうちBmeT110Ⅰ凊理により埗られた唯䞀のサテラむトバンドである190bpのDNA配列を決定した。決定配列を基に新芏にプラむマヌを蚭定し、PCRを行った。結果、ケヌプペンギンに特異的な配列ではなく、ペンギン科のペンギンに共通した配列であるこずがわかった。次に、この配列の各ペンギンのゲノム䞭における存圚様匏をサザンハむブリダむれヌションで調べたずころ、ケヌプペンギンは、同じフンボルトペンギン属であるフンボルトペンギンやマれランペンギンずは同じ存圚パタヌンを瀺したが、アデリヌペンギン属やコりテむペンギン属のペンギンずは異なるDNAパタヌンであった。2Random Amplified Polymorphic DNARAPD-PCR法 1013塩基からなる任意の配列をプラむマヌずするRAPD-PCR法を行ない、ケヌプペンギンに特城的ず思われる玄780bpのバンドを埗た。この配列をクロヌニングしDNA配列を決定した776bp。この配列の存圚をPCRで調べたずころ、ペンギン科に共通するDNA配列であるこずがわかった。3Mini/Microsatellite-Associated Sequence AmplificationMASA法 ミニおよびマむクロサテラむトDNAのコア配列をプラむマヌずするMASA法を行ない、ケヌプペンギンに特城的ず思われる玄550bpのバンドを埗た。このバンドをクロヌニングしDNA配列を決定した540bp。この配列の存圚をPCRで調べたずころ、ケヌプペンギンを含むフンボルトペンギン属ずマカロニペンギン属のペンギンにおいお目的のバンドが埗られた。䞀方で、その他の属のペンギンでもバンドは埗られたが、目的のサむズずは異なっおいた。4Representational Difference AnalysisRDA法  2皮類のゲノムDNAの䞀郚をPCR増幅し、それらの増幅産物アンプリコンをハむブリダむれヌション法を甚いお匕き算し、差異を怜出するRDA法を行なった。ケヌプペンギンのアンプリコンから同属異皮であるフンボルトペンギンのアンプリコンを盞互に匕き算した堎合、特異的な配列は埗られなかった。そこで、ケヌプペンギンずは属の異なるゞェンツヌペンギンのアンプリコンず匕き算したずころ、380bpのDNA断片を埗た。このDNA断片の存圚をPCRで調べたずころ、この配列はケヌプペンギンDNAだけでなくフンボルトペンギンフンボルトペンギン属、さらにはマカロニペンギン属にも共通する配列であった。 䞊蚘の4皮類の方法を甚いおケヌプペンギンのDNAの特城付けを詊みた結果、ケヌプペンギンにのみ特異的なDNA断片は埗るこずができなかったが、ケヌプペンギンを含むフンボルトペンギン属ずマカロニペンギン属の2属にのみ共通の2皮類のDNA断片が埗られた。これは、フンボルトペンギン属内のケヌプペンギン、マれランペンギン、フンボルトペンギンはそれぞれゲノム䞊ではあたり違いがないこずを反映しおいるのかもしれない。【第4章】ケヌプペンギンの栞型分析 ケヌプペンギンの癜血球を培逊し、空気也燥法により染色䜓䞭期暙本を䜜補した。埗られた染色䜓像をギムザ染色及び蛍光染色し、栞型分析を行なった。30個の染色䜓䞭期暙本を芳察し、ケヌプペンギンの染色䜓は、少なくずも明確な7察のマクロ染色䜓ず1察の性染色䜓があり、さらに30察のマむクロ染色䜓を含んだ蚈76本2n=76であるず掚定された。ケヌプペンギンず同属のマれランペンギンの染色䜓数は68本、フンボルトペンギンは78本ず報告されおおり、今回のケヌプペンギンずは異なっおいた。マクロ染色䜓は7察で䞀臎しおいるこずから、フンボルトペンギン属内のペンギンによる染色䜓数の違いはマむクロ染色䜓の数の違いによるず考えられた。 以䞊、本研究による囜内ケヌプペンギンの䞀連のDNA分析を通しお、mtDNA倚型解析では2぀の母系系統、マむクロサテラむトDNAマヌカヌを甚いた集団解析では3぀の祖先集団に由来するこずが明らかずなり、囜内のケヌプペンギンは遺䌝的に耇数の起源をもち、倚様性があるこずが瀺された。本研究で埗られたデヌタは、今埌のケヌプペンギンの遺䌝的管理に向けた基瀎的デヌタずなり埗るであろう。ケヌプペンギンに特異的なDNA配列の探玢では、ケヌプペンギンにのみ特異的なDNA断片の存圚を確認するこずはできなかった。䞀方でフンボルトペンギン属に共通するDNA断片は怜出され、フンボルトペンギン属内のペンギンのゲノムDNAには倧きな違いがない可胜性が考えられた。たた、ケヌプペンギンの栞型分析では2n76であるず掚定され、染色䜓レベルでの特城が初めお瀺された。The African penguin (Spheniscus demersus), which is endemic to southern Africa, is one of the world\u27s most endangered seabirds. While wild African penguin populations continue to decrease, properly maintained captive populations are steadily increasing each year. To avoid close inbreeding and to maintain genetic diversity, the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums keeps studbooks, which it uses to promote long-term breeding plans. However, genetic data have not been collected on either wild or captive African penguins in Japan to date.This study addresses the genetic characterization of captive African penguins in Japan, and is organized into four chapters. The first and second chapters describe the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among African penguins based on mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA. The third chapter characterizes DNA markers isolated from African penguins. The fourth chapter includes an analysis of the karyotype and nucleolus organizer region of the African penguin. Chapter 1 Mitochondrial DNA analysis of captive African penguins in Japan According to the 2011 Japanese regional studbook for the African penguin, they were first introduced to Japan in 1935, and 156 additional founders were introduced from 1973 to 2011. The captive African penguin populations in Japan comprise 485 individuals belonging to an estimated 87 different founder lineages. In this study, 236 African penguin samples derived from 62 founder lineages were analyzed based on two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) regions. 1) Analysis of the control region Multiple sequence alignments of the 433-bp partial control region showed 39 polymorphic sites and a total of 30 distinct haplotypes. Neighbor-joining (NJ) phylogenetic analysis using the sequences revealed that the captive African penguins clustered into two clades (A and B) supported by high bootstrap values. The divergence between African penguin clades A and B (d = 3.39%) observed in the present study may reflect geographical isolation, the existence of undefined subspecies, or both, although it must be noted that our data focused on captive-bred individuals.2) Analysis of the cytochrome b gene The complete 1140-bp sequence of the cytochrome b gene was obtained from 54 captive African penguins in Japan. We detected 8 haplotypes defined by 11 variable sites. NJ phylogenetic analysis using the cytochrome b sequences identified two clades similar to those observed using the control region. These mtDNA analyses suggest that captive African penguins in Japan are derived from two distinct maternal lines.Chapter 2 Genetic population structure of captive African penguins in Japan based on microsatellite DNA analysis Eight microsatellite loci (Sh1Ca12, Sh1Ca16, Sh2Ca21, PNN01, PNN03, PNN06, PNN09, and PNN12) were examined to estimate the genetic variability and relationships among 178 captive African penguins derived from 58 founder lineages. Deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium were not observed for any of the markers. Mean HE (expected heterozygosity) and HO (observed heterozygosity) values ranged from 0.45 to 0.72 and from 0.45 to 0.71, respectively. These heterozygosity values for captive African penguins were higher than those of a previously described wild population of yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes). A Bayesian clustering method was used to characterize genetic differentiation among populations, and three subpopulations of captive African penguins were inferred.Chapter 3 Isolation and characterization of novel DNA markers from the African penguin Four methods were used to isolate genetic markers specific to the African penguin.1) Isolation of a satellite DNA fragmentA 190-bp satellite DNA fragment (a type of repetitive DNA) was isolated by digesting African penguin genomic DNA with the resection enzyme BmeT110. PCR analysis with newly designed primers based on the sequence showed that the repetitive DNA sequence was shared among spheniscid species. Southern blot hybridization analysis was performed using the satellite DNA fragment as a probe. Hybridization with genomic DNA from the African penguin, Magellanic penguin, and Humboldt penguin, which all belong to genus Spheniscus, generated ladder signals of tandem repeats, whereas non-tandem repetitive signals were found in genera Pygoscelis and Aptenodytes.2) DNA markers obtained by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA PCR techniques were used to identify a 778-bp band that differentiates the African penguin from the Humboldt penguin in addition to several common bands. Cloning and sequence analysis of the unique band and band-specific PCR analysis showed that the fragment was common to spheniscid species.3) DNA markers obtained by mini/microsatellite-associated sequence amplification analysis Mini/microsatellite-associated sequence amplification (MASA) techniques were used to generate a prominent 540-bp band that differentiates the African penguin from the Humboldt penguin. Cloning and sequence analysis of the unique band, and subsequent band-specific PCR analysis showed that this fragment distinguished genera Aptenodytes and Pygoscelis from genera Spheniscus and Eudyptes.4) Representational difference analysis Three series of representational difference analysis were performed using a combination of African penguin amplicons as testers and Gentoo penguin amplicons as drivers. One informative polymorphic marker, present exclusively in Spheniscus and Eudyptes, was obtained. No polymorphic DNA fragments were isolated when amplicons prepared from the Humboldt penguin were subtracted from those prepared from the African penguin.Chapter 4 Karyotype of the African penguin The African penguin karyotype was analyzed. To obtain metaphases, the direct culture technique was used for peripheral blood lymphocytes. The chromosome number of the diploid African penguin was, for the first time, determined to be 76 (2n = 76), where 7 pairs of autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes were considered macrochromosomes, and the remaining 30 pairs (60 chromosomes) were microchromosomes. According to several previous studies, the diploid chromosomal numbers of the Magellanic penguin and the Humboldt penguin were 68 and 78, respectively. While the number of macrochromosomes was constant among species of genus Spheniscus, the number of microchromosomes varied. Taken together, we demonstrated the existence of two divergent clades of captive African penguins with moderate genetic distance based on mtDNA sequence analyses. Next, we showed three different subpopulations within the African penguin. The population of captive African penguins in Japan was derived from multiple genetic origins, resulting in genetic diversity. Moreover, we isolated DNA markers shared among family Spheniscidae, but did not detect genetic markers specific to the African penguins. This finding suggests that penguin species in Spheniscus, including the African penguin, have a high level of genetic homogeneity. In addition, the African penguin karyotype was determined for the first time. These molecular analyses should be useful to Japanese zoos and aquariums for future management decisions and the implementation of breeding programs.博士(獣医孊)麻垃倧

    Candida albicans

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    Genotypes of Candida spp. isolated from exhalation of 20 dolphins, 11 water samples from captive pools, and 24 oral cavities of staff members in an aquarium using a combination of multiple drug resistance 1 gene (MDR1) and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 5.8s-ITS 2 regions of ribosomal RNA gene (ITS rDNA) sequences were studied. The holding ratios of the dolphins, captive pools, and staff members were 70, 90, and 29%, respectively. Isolated pathogenic yeast species common to the dolphins and environments were Candida albicans and C. tropicalis. Identical genotypes in both Candida spp. based on the combination of MDR1 and ITSrDNA were found in some dolphins, between a dolphin and a staff, among dolphins and environments, and among environments. The results indicated the diffusion and exchange of pathogenic yeasts at the aquarium among dolphins and environments. The isolates at the aquarium showed higher rates of resistance to azole antifungals compared to reference isolates

    Superficial Depressed Type (IIc) Early Cancer of the Colon : Report of Two Cases

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    Two cases of superficial depressed type (IIc) early cancer of the colon are reported. Case 1 was a 65-year-old male and case 2 a 69-year old male. The lesion was located in the descending colon in both cases, and was removed by strip biopsy endoscopically in the former and surgically in the latter. The size of the lesion after resection was 6 mm in case 1 and 5 mm in case 2. Histopathologically, both cases were well differentiated adenocarcinoma without adenomatous components, and carcinoma developed de novo by submucosal (sm) invasion. As to the immunohistochemical staining of the cancer tissue by tumor associated antigen, case 1 showed a strong expression of carcinoembrionic antigen (CEA) and partial expression of sialyl Lewisx, and case 2 showed expressions of both CEA and sialyl Lewisx . The nuclear DNA content by flow cytometry was aneuploid only in case 1. Thus, although the two cases were morphologically the same IIc type cancer, the process of carcinogenesis and secondary phenomena varied

    マむクロサテラむト ブンセキ ニ モトヅク ニホン ノ ゚ミュヌ シペり シュりダン ニ オケル むデンテキ タペりド

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    ゚ミュヌDromaius novaehollandiaeは食肉卵およびオむルを生産する新芏動物資源ずなるこずが期埅されおいる。しかしながら゚ミュヌ産業の歎史は浅くその生産圢質の遺䌝的改良はほずんど進んでいない。我々は日本で最倧芏暡ずなる北海道網走垂の゚ミュヌ牧堎の個䜓矀を察象ずしおマむクロサテラむト解析に基づく遺䌝的倚様床を経幎的に調査した。怜出されたアレルの数NAは201320142015および2016幎でそれぞれ4.834.174.17および7.17でありヘテロ接合率HE/HOはそれぞれ0.466/0.3390.426/0.3250.433/0.384および0.550/0.347であった。近亀係数FISは調査したすべおの䞖代においお正の倀を瀺し2016幎に孵化した個䜓では0.369ず最も高い倀が芳察された。Structureプログラムを甚いた解析では本集団は3぀のクラスタヌに分かれ2016幎に孵化した個䜓矀は明らかに他の䞖代ずは異なる遺䌝的構成を瀺した。たたアレル共有率に基づく系統暹は5぀のクレヌドを瀺し2016幎に孵化した個䜓の玄半数は䞀぀のクレヌドに属した。本研究は網走垂の゚ミュヌ集団は遺䌝的倚様床が䜎いこず遺䌝的に35の異なる系統から構成されるこずならびに2016幎に孵化した個䜓の遺䌝的構成が他の䞖代ずは異なるこずを確認した。The emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) is predicted to be a new livestock animal for oil, meat and egg production. However, the genetic structure of emu populations in Japanese farms is scarcely known. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic diversity and population structure in the largest emu farm in Japan. We collected feather pulps of emu chicks (N131) from 40, 20, 23, and 48 individuals hatched at 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016, respectively, in the Okhotsk Emu farm in Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan. Using six microsatellite markers, we investigated the genetic diversity and structure of this farmed emu population. The number of alleles (NA) were 4.83, 4.17, 4.17, and 7.17, in individuals hatched in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016, respectively. Expected and observed heterozygosity (HE ; HO, respectively) was 0.466/0.339, 0.426/0.325, 0.433/0.384, and 0.550/0.347, in each year, respectively. A high inbreeding coefficient (FIS) was observed in all tested generations (0.113-0.369). The Structure program and unrooted phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the Abashiri emu population is largely divided into three to five different clades. Our results suggested that the genetic diversity in the Abashiri emu population is low, and that it contains three to five genetic lineages. These data may help guide a more sustainable breeding of emus in Japan

    EGUIDE project and treatment guidelines

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    Background Clinical practice guidelines for schizophrenia and major depressive disorder have been published. However, these have not had sufficient penetration in clinical settings. We developed the Effectiveness of Guidelines for Dissemination and Education in Psychiatric Treatment (EGUIDE) project as a dissemination and education programme for psychiatrists. Aims The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the EGUIDE project on the subjective clinical behaviour of psychiatrists in accordance with clinical practice guidelines before and 1 and 2 years after participation in the programmes. Method A total of 607 psychiatrists participated in this study during October 2016 and March 2019. They attended both 1-day educational programmes based on the clinical practice guidelines for schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, and answered web questionnaires about their clinical behaviours before and 1 and 2 years after attending the programmes. We evaluated the changes in clinical behaviours in accordance with the clinical practice guidelines between before and 2 years after the programme. Results All of the scores for clinical behaviours in accordance with clinical practice guidelines were significantly improved after 1 and 2 years compared with before attending the programmes. There were no significant changes in any of the scores between 1 and 2 years after attending. Conclusions All clinical behaviours in accordance with clinical practice guidelines improved after attending the EGUIDE programme, and were maintained for at least 2 years. The EGUIDE project could contribute to improved guideline-based clinical behaviour among psychiatrists
