386 research outputs found

    I processi educativi nella pianificazione paesaggistica in Italia

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    Landscape education embraces areas and activities, which are not strictly related to formal educational environments. In this sense, landscape planning experiences emerge as opportunities for developing the multi-level relationship community-landscape, fostering different educational paths for the actors involved in the planning process. Using qualitative methods in the analysis of educational paths, actors and instruments, through a review of the Italian regional landscape plans, the paper shows the changing use of the concept of landscape (from instrumental to values-oriented meanings) and the processes of recognition related to citizens\u2019 rights to landscape, which question the achievement of \u2018democratic landscapes\u2019 at the local scale. Through the analysis of top-down and bottom-up educational processes, embedded in the participatory policies which shape the landscape plans, the research underlines the need of strengthening the educational processes included in landscape planning experiences and the urgency of re-defining the ethical dimension of the relation community-landscape

    Brushing with Organized Crime and Democracy: The Art of Making Do in South Asia

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    This article explores the performances of a particular category of young men often derogatively referred to as “chamchas” (sycophants) who are using the art of making do (jugaad) by exploiting and bluffing links with powerful political networks and political parties, as well as friendships with strongmen and their criminal crews. Crucially, the comparative ethnography across India (western Uttar Pradesh) and Bangladesh (Sylhet) introduces readers to the “contact zone” where legality, semi-legality, and organized criminal systems meet. In so doing, the article unravels the working of the democratically elected “Mafia Raj.

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in the Prognosis and Detection of Lymph Node Involvement in Head and Neck Cancer and Possible Impact in the Development of Personalized Therapeutic Strategy: A Systematic Review

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    Given the increasingly important role that the use of artificial intelligence algorithms is taking on in the medical field today (especially in oncology), the purpose of this systematic review is to analyze the main reports on such algorithms applied for the prognostic evaluation of patients with head and neck malignancies. The objective of this paper is to examine the currently available literature in the field of artificial intelligence applied to head and neck oncology, particularly in the prognostic evaluation of the patient with this kind of tumor, by means of a systematic review. The paper exposes an overview of the applications of artificial intelligence in deriving prognostic information related to the prediction of survival and recurrence and how these data may have a potential impact on the choice of therapeutic strategy, making it increasingly personalized. This systematic review was written following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines

    A Preliminary Account on the Sanitary Status of Stone Fruits at the Clonal Genebank in Harrow, Canada

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    Field observations and laboratory tests were carried out in Harrow to evaluate the sanitary status of the Clonal Genebank collection of stone fruit. The presence of viruses and viroids was determined by ELISA, tissueprinting hybridization and GF305 woody indexing. A total of 645 trees (197 peach and nectarine, 183 sweet and sour cherries, 106 plum, 106 apricot, and 53 other cherries) were tested by ELISA for the presence of Plum pox virus (PPV), Prunus necrotic ring spot virus (PNRSV) and Prune dwarf virus (PDV). No evidence of PPV infection was found in the collection. PNRSV and PDV were frequently detected in single and mixed infections. The overall average of virus infection rate was 20.3%. A total of 336 trees (116 peach and nectarine, 84 sweet and sour cherries, 54 plum, 44 apricot, and 38 other cherries) were tested by tissue printing hybridization for the presence of Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) and Hop stunt viroid (HSVd). Thirty samples were infected, 28 peaches and nectarines with PLMVd and 2 apricots with HSVd. This is the first report to date, of HSVd presence in Canada. Finally, 114 (38.4%) out of 297 tested accessions were found infected with at least one virus and/or viroid

    The central role of Italy in the spatial spread of USUTU virus in Europe

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    USUTU virus (USUV) is an arbovirus maintained in the environment through a bird-mosquito enzootic cycle. Previous surveillance plans highlighted the endemicity of USUV in North-eastern Italy. In this work, we sequenced 138 new USUV full genomes from mosquito pools (Culex pipiens) and wild birds collected in North-eastern Italy and we investigated the evolutionary processes (phylogenetic analysis, selection pressure and evolutionary time-scale analysis) and spatial spread of USUV strains circulating in the European context and in Italy, with a particular focus on North-eastern Italy. Our results confirmed the circulation of viruses belonging to four different lineages in Italy (EU1, EU2, EU3 and EU4), with the newly sequenced viruses from the North-eastern regions, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, belonging to the EU2 lineage and clustering into two different sub-lineages, EU2-A and EU2-B. Specific mutations characterize each European lineage and geographic location seem to have shaped their phylogenetic structure. By investigating the spatial spread in Europe, we were able to show that Italy acted mainly as donor of USUV to neighbouring countries. At a national level, we identified two geographical clusters mainly circulating in Northern and North-western Italy, spreading both northward and southward. Our analyses provide important information on the spatial and evolutionary dynamics of USUTU virus that can help to improve surveillance plans and control strategies for this virus of increasing concern for human health

    Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis versus Pre-emptive Strategy: Different CD4(+) and CD8(+) T Cell Reconstitution after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Reconstitution of T cells after transplantation is a determinant of the long-term success of the procedure, and the correlation with T cell recovery and cytomegalovirus reactivation and disease is well known. We evaluated 110 patients who underwent transplantation: 55 received pre-emptive antiviral treatment, and in the other 55 patients, prophylaxis with letermovir was employed. A progressive statistically significant difference in T cell reconstitution between the 2 groups was observed, starting from day +60 with faster recovery in the pre-emptive group. Moreover, a higher incidence of cytomegalovirus reactivation was observed in prophylactic group after discontinuation of letermovir, and subsequent antiviral treatment has been necessary. Our findings confirm, as previously reported, that cytomegalovirus reactivation is a potent stimulator of T cell function

    Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry: a technique worth introducing into pedagogy

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    The RBS technique is introduced as source of didactical activities for Secondary School

    Aquatic community response to volcanic eruptions on the Ecuadorian Andean flank: evidence from the palaeoecological record

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    Aquatic ecosystems in the tropical Andes are under increasing pressure from human modification of the landscape (deforestation and dams) and climatic change (increase of extreme events and 1.5 °C on average temperatures are projected for AD 2100). However, the resilience of these ecosystems to perturbations is poorly understood. Here we use a multi-proxy palaeoecological approach to assess the response of aquatic ecosystems to a major mechanism for natural disturbance, volcanic ash deposition. Specifically, we present data from two Neotropical lakes located on the eastern Andean flank of Ecuador. Laguna Pindo (1°27.132′S–78°04.847′W) is a tectonically formed closed basin surrounded by a dense mid-elevation forest, whereas Laguna Baños (0°19.328′S–78°09.175′W) is a glacially formed lake with an inflow and outflow in high Andean Páramo grasslands. In each lake we examined the dynamics of chironomids and other aquatic and semi-aquatic organisms to explore the effect of thick (> 5 cm) volcanic deposits on the aquatic communities in these two systems with different catchment features. In both lakes past volcanic ash deposition was evident from four large tephras dated to c.850 cal year BP (Pindo), and 4600, 3600 and 1500 cal year BP (Baños). Examination of the chironomid and aquatic assemblages before and after the ash depositions revealed no shift in composition at Pindo, but a major change at Baños occurred after the last event around 1500 cal year BP. Chironomids at Baños changed from an assemblage dominated by Pseudochironomus and Polypedilum nubifer-type to Cricotopus/Paratrichocladius type-II, and such a dominance lasted for approximately 380 years. We suggest that, despite potential changes in the water chemistry, the major effect on the chironomid community resulted from the thickness of the tephra being deposited, which acted to shallow the water body beyond a depth threshold. Changes in the aquatic flora and fauna at the base of the trophic chain can promote cascade effects that may deteriorate the ecosystem, especially when already influenced by human activities, such as deforestation and dams, which is frequent in the high Andes

    Biodiversity patterns of Arctic diatom assemblages in lakes and streams: Current reference conditions and historical context for biomonitoring

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    Comprehensive assessments of contemporary diatom distributions across the Arctic remain scarce. Furthermore, studies tracking species compositional differences across space and time, as well as diatom responses to climate warming, are mainly limited to paleolimnological studies due to a lack of routine monitoring in lakes and streams across vast areas of the Arctic. The study aims to provide a spatial assessment of contemporary species distributions across the circum-Arctic, establish contemporary biodiversity patterns of diatom assemblages to use as reference conditions for future biomonitoring assessments, and determine pre-industrial baseline conditions to provide historical context for modern diatom distributions. Diatom assemblages were assessed using information from ongoing regulatory monitoring programmes, individual research projects, and from surface sediment layers obtained from lake cores. Pre-industrial baseline conditions as well as the nature, direction and magnitude of changes in diatom assemblages over the pastc.200 years were determined by comparing surface sediment samples (i.e. containing modern assemblages) with a sediment interval deposited prior to the onset of significant anthropogenic activities (i.e. containing pre-1850 assemblages), together with an examination of diatoms preserved in contiguous samples from dated sediment cores. We identified several biotypes with distinct diatom assemblages using contemporary diatom data from both lakes and streams, including a biotype typical for High Arctic regions. Differences in diatom assemblage composition across circum-Arctic regions were gradual rather than abrupt. Species richness was lowest in High Arctic regions compared to Low Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, and higher in lakes than in streams. Dominant diatom taxa were not endemic to the Arctic. Species richness in both lakes and streams reached maximum values between 60 degrees N and 75 degrees N but was highly variable, probably reflecting differences in local and regional environmental factors and possibly sampling effort. We found clear taxon-specific differences between contemporary and pre-industrial samples that were often specific to both ecozone and lake depth. Regional patterns of species turnover (beta-diversity) in the pastc.200 years revealed that regions of the Canadian High Arctic and the Hudson Bay Lowlands to the south showed most compositional change, whereas the easternmost regions of the Canadian Arctic changed least. As shown in previous Arctic diatom studies, global warming has already affected these remote high latitude ecosystems. Our results provide reference conditions for future environmental monitoring programmes in the Arctic. Furthermore, diatom taxa identification and harmonisation require improvement, starting with circum-Arctic intercalibrations. Despite the challenges posed by the remoteness of the Arctic, our study shows the need for routine monitoring programmes that have a wide geographical coverage for both streams and lakes