375 research outputs found

    Sharing Competences: The Impact of Local Institutional Settings on Voter Turnout

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    Institutions are common predictors of voter turnout. Most research in this field focuses on cross-country comparisons of voting systems, like the impact of compulsory voting or registration systems. Fewer efforts have been devoted to understand the role of local institutions and their impact on political participation. Especially the impact of divided competences in relation to public good provision and its impact on voter turnout has been widely ignored. In the present paper, we analyze the effects of different institutional settings for inter-municipal cooperation on voter turnout. We use data from local elections in Germany, held in 2003 and 2004. Overall, we analyze aggregate voter turnout of 1661 municipalities and find strong evidence for our hypothesis that local institutional settings are influential in this context. Further, our results indicate that the better competences correspond to the spatial dimension of local public goods, the higher should be the voter turnout.voter turnout, local institutions, inter-municipal cooperation

    Relationship between chromatographic retention and donor and acceptor numbers

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    The prediction of chromatographic retention times for a wide range of chemical compounds has been a subject of interest and intense study during the past few decades. Several of these studies are discussed, in particular those which utilize empirical parameters of solvent polarity in a correlation to chromatographic retention. Several of these empirical scales of solvent polarity are discussed in detail. The compilation of accurate acceptor and donor numbers is thoroughly discussed. Correlation of some of these empirical parameters to the solvent\u27s normal phase liquid chromatographic retention was attempted. The multiple variable correlation equation which resulted in the best correlation utilized the solvent analyte\u27s acceptor number, donor number, and pi* value. The gas chromatographic retention behavior of a wide range of solvent classes was also correlated to solvent property data. The highest correlation of this retention data was achieved using a multiple variable correlation equation involving the solvent\u27s boiling point, donor number, and pi* value. In addition to these most successful attempts several other correlation equations are discussed

    Reform kommunaler Verwaltungsstrukturen: Zentralisierung bringt nicht nur Effizienzvorteile

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    Im Zusammenhang mit der Positionierung von StĂ€dten und Gemeinden im Standortwettbewerb stellt sich die Frage, ob die existierenden kommunalen Verwaltungsstrukturen den damit verbundenen Anforderungen gerecht werden. Können etwa von den jĂŒngst vom Land Sachsen-Anhalt eingeleiteten Gemeindegebietsreformen – mit dem Ziel einer stĂ€rker zentralisierten Verwaltungsstruktur – eine Steigerung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz der kommunalen Leistungserstellung erwartet werden? Die Theorie des fiskalischen Föderalismus und die neue Institutionenökonomik lassen keine eindeutigen RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf die Vorteilhaftigkeit zentralisierter Gemeindestrukturen zu. Die hier prĂ€sentierten Ergebnisse einer Querschnittsanalyse (Mittelwertvergleich, Regressionsanalyse) der Ausgaben und des Personalbestands fĂŒr verschiedene Aufgabenbereiche aller kreisangehörigen Gemeinden in Sachsen-Anhalt bestĂ€tigen dies: Signifikante Kostenvorteile der Einheitsgemeinden gegenĂŒber den Verwaltungsgemeinschaften, d. h. von zentralisierten im Vergleich zu eher dezentral organisierten Verwaltungsformen, konnten nicht belegt werden. Mit Ausnahme des eher trivialen der höheren Ausgaben fĂŒr GemeinderĂ€te und BĂŒrgermeister in Verwaltungsgemeinschaften sind die festgestellten Kostenunterschiede in nicht unerheblichem Maß auf Unterschiede in der Siedlungsstruktur und weniger auf die Verwaltungsform zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Selbst bei einer BeschrĂ€nkung auf die reinen Bereitstellungskosten kommunaler Leistungen kann daher eine radikale Konzentration der sachsen-anhaltischen Gemeinden nicht befĂŒrwortet werden. Dies gilt umso mehr, wenn außerdem noch die nur schwer quantifizierbaren und mit dem Zentralisierungsgrad der kommunalen Ebene zunehmenden „Frustrationskosten“ sowie die Sanktions- und Kontrollkosten der BĂŒrger berĂŒcksichtigt wĂŒrden

    Reform kommunaler Verwaltungsstrukturen: Zentralisierung bringt nicht nur Effizienzvorteile

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    The question whether centralized or decentralized municipal structures are more efficient has been discussed, not only in Germany, for a long time primarily under aspects of law and administrative sciences. In this article, we use an economic approach instead. The prevailing theories on interjurisdictional competition are not conclusive about the cost and welfare effects of centralization. Therefore, using the example of Saxony-Anhalt we investigate empirically if there are any significant differences in expenses or personnel between more centralized municipal governance forms (“Einheitsgemeinden”) or rather decentralized forms (“Verwaltungsgemeinschaften”). Our cross-section analysis for selected municipal activities reveals that both types are very similar in their cost and manning structures. Significant differences can be explained rather by different population densities than by the organizational structure. Considering these results we do not recommend a forced amalgamation of the municipalities in Saxony-Anhalt. Especially, if frustration cost or the political transaction cost, which both rise with centralization, are taken into account.

    David and Goliath in the poll booth: Group size, voting power and voter turnout

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    This article analyses how the presence of a dominant group of voters within the electorate affects voter turnout. Theoretically, we argue that both the absolute size and the relative power of a dominant group influence voters' decision-making process. The former effect derives from increased free-riding incentives and reduced social pressure to vote within a larger dominant group, while the latter effect is driven by instrumental and expressive responses-in both the dominant and dominated groups-to electoral competition between groups. Our empirical analysis of a large cross-section of German municipalities confirms this joint importance of a dominant group's absolute and relative size for voter turnout. Such effects should thus be taken into account when redesigning electoral jurisdictions through, for instance, municipal mergers or gerrymandering

    Two new types of assays to determine protein concentrations in biological fluids using mass spectrometry of intact proteins with cystatin C in spinal fluid as an example

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    There is no reference method that is generally acknowledged to be unbiased for the determination of the concentration of any protein in biological fluids. This is probably because mass spectrometry (MS) methods acknowledged as reference methods for determination of low molecular mass substances in biological fluids, e.g. creatinine, have been difficult to adapt for proteins. Here we suggest two tentative MS methods, which might be used as reference methods for the determination of protein concentrations in biological fluids. One is based upon the addition to the fluid of a non-proteome reference protein, very similar to the one to be measured, and analyzing the ratio between the corresponding peaks in a selected ion monitoring (SIM) chromatogram. We call this method LC-MS-NPRP (NPRP, Non-Proteome Reference Protein). The other method is based upon the classical standard addition assay for low molecular mass substances. The results of these assays for cystatin C in spinal fluid were compared to those obtained by an immunoassay. Both methods indicated lower concentration than the immunoassay. This was found to be due to the presence of a significant fraction of monohydroxylated cystatin C in spinal fluid. It turned out that the sum of the unhydroxylated and hydroxylated cystatin C concentrations, determined by either of the two MS methods, were close to the results obtained by the immunoassay. These MS-based methods analyze intact proteins and therefore seem more suitable for the determination of protein concentrations in biological fluids than other MS-based methods requiring proteolytic degradation with its inherent lack of precision

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