73 research outputs found

    Upregulation of MIR21 and Repression of GRHL3 by Leptin Mediates Sinusoidal Endothelial Injury in Experimental Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis

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    Sinusoidal endothelial dysfunction (SED) has been found to be an early event in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) progression but the molecular mechanisms underlying its causation remains elusive. We hypothesized that adipokine leptin worsens sinusoidal injury by decreasing functionally active nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS)3 via miR21. Using rodent models of NASH, and transgenic mice lacking leptin and leptin receptor, results showed that hyperleptinemia caused a 4-5 fold upregulation of hepatic miR21 as assessed by qRTPCR. The upregulation of miR21 led to a time-dependent repression of its target protein Grhl3 levels as shown by western blot analyses. NOS3-p/NOS3 ratio which is controlled by Grhl3 was significantly decreased in NASH models. SED markers ICAM-1, VEGFR-2, and E-selectin as assessed by immunofluorescence microscopy were significantly up regulated in the progressive phases of NASH. Lack of leptin or its receptor in vivo, reversed the upregulation of miR21 and restored the levels of Grhl3 and NOS3-p/NOS3 ratio coupled with decreased SED dysfunction markers. Interestingly, leptin supplementation in mice lacking leptin, significantly enhanced miR21 levels, decreased Grhl3 repression and NOS3 phosphorylation. Leptin supplementation in isolated primary endothelial cells, Kupffer cells and stellate cells showed increased mir21 expression in stellate cells while sinusoidal injury was significantly higher in all cell types. Finally miR21 KO mice showed increased NOS3-p/NOS3 ratio and reversed SED markers in the rodent models of NASH. The experimental results described here show a close association of leptin-induced miR21 in aiding sinusoidal injury in NASH

    Alcohol Activates the Hedgehog Pathway and Induces Related Procarcinogenic Processes in the Alcohol-Preferring Rat Model of Hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Alcohol consumption promotes hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The responsible mechanisms are not well understood. Hepatocarcinogenesis increases with age and is enhanced by factors that impose a demand for liver regeneration. Because alcohol is hepatotoxic, habitual alcohol ingestion evokes a recurrent demand for hepatic regeneration. The alcohol-preferring (P) rat model mimics the level of alcohol consumption by humans who habitually abuse alcohol. Previously, we showed that habitual heavy alcohol ingestion amplified age-related hepatocarcinogenesis in P-rats, with over 80% of alcohol-consuming P rats developing HCCs after 18 months of alcohol exposure, compared to only 5% of water-drinking controls

    Paracrine Hedgehog Signaling Drives Metabolic Changes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) typically develop in cirrhosis, a condition characterized by Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activation and accumulation of Hh-responsive myofibroblasts (MF). Although Hh signaling generally regulates stromal-epithelial interactions that support epithelial viability, the role of Hh-dependent MF in hepatocarcinogenesis is unknown. Here we used human HCC samples, a mouse HCC model, and hepatoma cell/MF co-cultures to examine the hypothesis that Hh signaling modulates MF metabolism to generate fuels for neighboring malignant hepatocytes. The results identify a novel paracrine mechanism whereby malignant hepatocytes produce HH-ligands to stimulate glycolysis in neighboring MF, resulting in release of MF-derived lactate that the malignant hepatocytes use as an energy source. This discovery reveals new diagnostic and therapeutic targets that might be exploited to improve the outcomes of cirrhotic patients with HCC

    Hedgehog Signaling Antagonist Promotes Regression of Both Liver Fibrosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Murine Model of Primary Liver Cancer

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    Chronic fibrosing liver injury is a major risk factor for hepatocarcinogenesis in humans. Mice with targeted deletion of Mdr2 (the murine ortholog of MDR3) develop chronic fibrosing liver injury. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) emerges spontaneously in such mice by 50–60 weeks of age, providing a model of fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. We used Mdr2−/− mice to investigate the hypothesis that activation of the hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway promotes development of both liver fibrosis and HCC

    Deletion of Wntless in myeloid cells exacerbates liver fibrosis and the ductular reaction in chronic liver injury

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    Background: Macrophages play critical roles in liver regeneration, fibrosis development and resolution. They are among the first responders to liver injury and are implicated in orchestrating the fibrogenic response via multiple mechanisms. Macrophages are also intimately associated with the activated hepatic progenitor cell (HPC) niche or ductular reaction that develops in parallel with fibrosis. Among the many macrophage-derived mediators implicated in liver disease progression, a key role for macrophage-derived Wnt proteins in driving pro-regenerative HPC activation towards a hepatocellular fate has been suggested. Wnt proteins, in general, however, have been associated with both pro-and anti-fibrogenic activities in the liver and other organs. We investigated the role of macrophage-derived Wnt proteins in fibrogenesis and HPC activation in murine models of chronic liver disease by conditionally deleting Wntless expression, which encodes a chaperone essential for Wnt protein secretion, in LysM-Cre-expressing myeloid cells (LysM-Wls mice)

    Machine Learning Metabolomics Profiling of Dietary Interventions from a Six-Week Randomised Trial

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    Metabolomics can uncover physiological responses to prebiotic fibre and omega-3 fatty acid supplements with known health benefits and identify response-specific metabolites. We profiled 534 stool and 799 serum metabolites in 64 healthy adults following a 6-week randomised trial comparing daily omega-3 versus inulin supplementation. Elastic net regressions were used to separately identify the serum and stool metabolites whose change in concentration discriminated between the two types of supplementations. Random forest was used to explore the gut microbiome’s contribution to the levels of the identified metabolites from matching stool samples. Changes in serum 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoate and indoleproprionate levels accurately discriminated between fibre and omega-3 (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.87 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.63–0.99]), while stool eicosapentaenoate indicated omega-3 supplementation (AUC = 0.86 [95% CI: 0.64–0.98]). Univariate analysis also showed significant increases in indoleproprionate with fibre, 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoate, and eicosapentaenoate with omega-3. Out of these, only the change in indoleproprionate was partly explained by changes in the gut microbiome composition (AUC = 0.61 [95% CI: 0.58–0.64] and Rho = 0.21 [95% CI: 0.08–0.34]) and positively correlated with the increase in the abundance of the genus Coprococcus (p = 0.005). Changes in three metabolites discriminated between fibre and omega-3 supplementation. The increase in indoleproprionate with fibre was partly explained by shifts in the gut microbiome, particularly Coprococcus, previously linked to better health

    Plasma metabolites to profile pathways in noncommunicable disease multimorbidity.

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    Multimorbidity, the simultaneous presence of multiple chronic conditions, is an increasing global health problem and research into its determinants is of high priority. We used baseline untargeted plasma metabolomics profiling covering >1,000 metabolites as a comprehensive readout of human physiology to characterize pathways associated with and across 27 incident noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) assessed using electronic health record hospitalization and cancer registry data from over 11,000 participants (219,415 person years). We identified 420 metabolites shared between at least 2 NCDs, representing 65.5% of all 640 significant metabolite-disease associations. We integrated baseline data on over 50 diverse clinical risk factors and characteristics to identify actionable shared pathways represented by those metabolites. Our study highlights liver and kidney function, lipid and glucose metabolism, low-grade inflammation, surrogates of gut microbial diversity and specific health-related behaviors as antecedents of common NCD multimorbidity with potential for early prevention. We integrated results into an open-access webserver ( https://omicscience.org/apps/mwasdisease/ ) to facilitate future research and meta-analyses.We are grateful to all the participants who have been part of the project and to the many members of the study teams at the University of Cambridge who have enabled this research. The EPIC-Norfolk study (https://doi.org/10.22025/2019.10.105.00004) has received funding from the Medical Research Council (MR/N003284/1 and MC-UU_12015/1) and Cancer Research UK (C864/A14136). Metabolite measurements in the EPIC-Norfolk study were supported by the MRC Cambridge Initiative in Metabolic Science (MR/L00002/1) and the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking under EMIF grant agreement no. 115372. MP was supported by a fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG 1446/2-1). JR is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the e:Med research and funding concept (grant no. 01ZX1912D)

    Temporal Dissection of Rate Limiting Transcriptional Events Using Pol II ChIP and RNA Analysis of Adrenergic Stress Gene Activation

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    <div><p>In mammals, increasing evidence supports mechanisms of co-transcriptional gene regulation and the generality of genetic control subsequent to RNA polymerase II (Pol II) recruitment. In this report, we use Pol II Chromatin Immunoprecipitation to investigate relationships between the mechanistic events controlling immediate early gene (IEG) activation following stimulation of the α<sub>1a</sub>-Adrenergic Receptor expressed in rat-1 fibroblasts. We validate our Pol II ChIP assay by comparison to major transcriptional events assessable by microarray and PCR analysis of precursor and mature mRNA. Temporal analysis of Pol II density suggests that reduced proximal pausing often enhances gene expression and was essential for Nr4a3 expression. Nevertheless, for Nr4a3 and several other genes, proximal pausing delayed the time required for initiation of productive elongation, consistent with a role in ensuring transcriptional fidelity. Arrival of Pol II at the 3’ cleavage site usually correlated with increased polyadenylated mRNA; however, for Nfil3 and probably Gprc5a expression was delayed and accompanied by apparent pre-mRNA degradation. Intragenic pausing not associated with polyadenylation was also found to regulate and delay Gprc5a expression. Temporal analysis of Nr4a3, Dusp5 and Nfil3 shows that transcription of native IEG genes can proceed at velocities of 3.5 to 4 kilobases/min immediately after activation. Of note, all of the genes studied here also used increased Pol II recruitment as an important regulator of expression. Nevertheless, the generality of co-transcriptional regulation during IEG activation suggests temporal and integrated analysis will often be necessary to distinguish causative from potential rate limiting mechanisms.</p></div

    Loss of pericyte smoothened activity in mice with genetic deficiency of leptin

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    Abstract Background Obesity is associated with multiple diseases, but it is unclear how obesity promotes progressive tissue damage. Recovery from injury requires repair, an energy-expensive process that is coupled to energy availability at the cellular level. The satiety factor, leptin, is a key component of the sensor that matches cellular energy utilization to available energy supplies. Leptin deficiency signals energy depletion, whereas activating the Hedgehog pathway drives energy-consuming activities. Tissue repair is impaired in mice that are obese due to genetic leptin deficiency. Tissue repair is also blocked and obesity enhanced by inhibiting Hedgehog activity. We evaluated the hypothesis that loss of leptin silences Hedgehog signaling in pericytes, multipotent leptin-target cells that regulate a variety of responses that are often defective in obesity, including tissue repair and adipocyte differentiation. Results We found that pericytes from liver and white adipose tissue require leptin to maintain expression of the Hedgehog co-receptor, Smoothened, which controls the activities of Hedgehog-regulated Gli transcription factors that orchestrate gene expression programs that dictate pericyte fate. Smoothened suppression prevents liver pericytes from being reprogrammed into myofibroblasts, but stimulates adipose-derived pericytes to become white adipocytes. Progressive Hedgehog pathway decay promotes senescence in leptin-deficient liver pericytes, which, in turn, generate paracrine signals that cause neighboring hepatocytes to become fatty and less proliferative, enhancing vulnerability to liver damage. Conclusions Leptin-responsive pericytes evaluate energy availability to inform tissue construction by modulating Hedgehog pathway activity and thus, are at the root of progressive obesity-related tissue pathology. Leptin deficiency inhibits Hedgehog signaling in pericytes to trigger a pericytopathy that promotes both adiposity and obesity-related tissue damage
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