750 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms controlling the phenotype and the EMT/MET dynamics of hepatocyte

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    The complex spatial and paracrine relationships between the various liver histotypes are essential for proper functioning of the hepatic parenchymal cells. Only within a correct tissue organization, in fact, they stably maintain their identity and differentiated phenotype. The loss of histotype identity, which invariably occurs in the primary hepatocytes in culture, or in vivo in particular pathological conditions (fibrosis and tumors), is mainly due to the phenomenon of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The EMT process, that occurs in the many epithelial cells, appears to be driven by a number of general, non- tissue-specific, master transcriptional regulators. The reverse process, the mesenchymal-to epithelial transition (MET), as yet much less characterized at a molecular level, restores specific epithelial identities, and thus, must include tissue-specific master elements. In this review, we will summarize the so far unveiled events of EMT/MET occurring in liver cells. In particular, we will focus on hepatocyte and describe the pivotal role in the control of EMT/MET dynamics exerted by a tissue-specific molecular mini-circuitry. Recent evidence, indeed, highlighted as two transcriptional factors, the master gene of EMT Snail, and the master gene of hepatocyte differentiation HNF4α, exhorting a direct reciprocal repression, act as pivotal elements in determining opposite cellular outcomes. The different balances between these two master regulators, further integrated by specific microRNAs, in fact, were found responsible for the EMT/METs dynamics as well as for the preservation of both hepatocyte and stem/precursor cells identity and differentiation. Overall these findings impact the maintenance of stem cells and differentiated cells both in in vivo EMT/MET physio-pathological processes as well as in culture.The complex spatial and paracrine relationships between the various liver histotypes are essential for proper functioning of the hepatic parenchymal cells. Only within a correct tissue organization, in fact, they stably maintain their identity and differentiated phenotype. The loss of histotype identity, which invariably occurs in the primary hepatocytes in culture, or in vivo in particular pathological conditions (fibrosis and tumors), is mainly due to the phenomenon of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The EMT process, that occurs in the many epithelial cells, appears to be driven by a number of general, non- tissue-specific, master transcriptional regulators. The reverse process, the mesenchymal-to epithelial transition (MET), as yet much less characterized at a molecular level, restores specific epithelial identities, and thus, must include tissue-specific master elements. In this review, we will summarize the so far unveiled events of EMT/MET occurring in liver cells. I

    Delayed-onset muscle soreness does not influence occlusal sensitivity and position sense of the mandible

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    Masticatory muscle-pain patients often complain about sensorimotor changes, but the effects of pain on the psychophysical properties remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) on the jaw's position sense (PS) and occlusal sensitivity (OS). In all, 12 participants underwent intense concentric–eccentric jaw exercises. Self-reported muscle fatigue and pain, pain-free maximum mouth opening (MMO), pain pressure thresholds (PPTs) at right and left masseter and right and left anterior temporalis, maximum voluntary bite force (MVBF), PS and OS were recorded before, immediately after, 24 h, 48 h and 1 week after the exercises. Data were analysed with repeated measures anova. Pain and fatigue increased significantly after the exercises, while fatigue also increased 24 h afterwards. Time and site had a significant effect for PPTs, not for MVBF. MMO decreased significantly 24 h after the exercises. OS and PS did not change significantly. Experimentally induced DOMS does not influence the psychophysical properties of the masticatory system

    Mxyzptlk: An Efficient, Native C++ Differentiation Engine

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    Effects of experimental insoles on body posture, mandibular kinematics and masticatory muscles activity. A pilot study in healthy volunteers

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    BACKGROUND: It has been hypothesized that different plantar sensory inputs could influence the whole body posture and dental occlusion but there is a lack of evidence on this possible association. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of experimental insoles redistributing plantar pressure on body posture, mandibular kinematics and electromyographic (EMG) activity of masticatory muscles on healthy subjects. METHODS: A pilot study was conducted on 19 healthy volunteers that wore custom-made insoles normalizing the plantar pressure distribution for 2 weeks. Body posture parameters were measured by means of an optoelectronic stereophotogrammetric analysis; mandibular kinematics was analyzed by means of gothic arch tracings; superficial EMG activity of head and neck muscles was performed. Measurements were carried out 10 days before the insertion of the insoles, immediately before the insertion, the day after, 7 and 14 days after, in four different exteroceptive conditions. RESULTS: The outcomes of the present study show that insoles do not modify significantly over time the parameters of body posture, SEMG activity of head and neck muscles and mandibular kinematics. CONCLUSIONS: In this pilot study the experimental insoles did not significantly influence the body posture, the mandibular kinematics and the activity of masticatory muscles during a 14-day follow up perio

    Triple positive breast cancer. A distinct subtype?

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, and within the HER-2 positive subtype this is highly exemplified by the presence of substantial phenotypical and clinical heterogeneity, mostly related to hormonal receptor (HR) expression. It is well known how HER-2 positivity is commonly associated with a more aggressive tumor phenotype and decreased overall survival and, moreover, with a reduced benefit from endocrine treatment. Preclinical studies corroborate the role played by functional crosstalks between HER-2 and estrogen receptor (ER) signaling in endocrine resistance and, more recently, the activation of ER signaling is emerging as a possible mechanism of resistance to HER-2 blocking agents. Indeed, HER-2 positive breast cancer heterogeneity has been suggested to underlie the variability of response not only to endocrine treatments, but also to HER-2 blocking agents. Among HER-2 positive tumors, HR status probably defines two distinct subtypes, with dissimilar clinical behavior and different sensitivity to anticancer agents. The triple positive subtype, namely, ER/PgR/Her-2 positive tumors, could be considered the subset which most closely resembles the HER-2 negative/HR positive tumors, with substantial differences in biology and clinical outcome. We argue on whether in this subgroup the "standard" treatment may be considered, in selected cases, i.e., small tumors, low tumor burden, high expression of both hormonal receptors, an overtreatment. This article review the existing literature on biologic and clinical data concerning the HER-2/ER/PgR positive tumors, in an attempt to better define the HER-2 subtypes and to optimize the use of HER-2 targeted agents, chemotherapy and endocrine treatments in the various subsets

    Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: A Comprehensive Review with a Visual Tool

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    Hereditary cancer syndromes account for nearly 10% of cancers even though they are often underdiagnosed. Finding a pathogenic gene variant could have dramatic implications in terms of pharmacologic treatments, tailored preventive programs, and familiar cascade testing. However, diagnosing a hereditary cancer syndrome could be challenging because of a lack of validated testing criteria or because of their suboptimal performance. In addition, many clinicians are not sufficiently well trained to identify and select patients that could benefit from a genetic test. Herein, we searched the available literature to comprehensively review and categorize hereditary cancer syndromes affecting adults with the aim of helping clinicians in their daily clinical practice through a visual tool
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