23 research outputs found

    Jezik SMS-jev in SMS-komunikacija

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    This article discusses SMS (Short Message Service) as a universally widespread means of communication. The notion of literacy is assessed on SMS communication, which represents an important part of everyday life. Short text messages are replacing both spoken and written texts and may be part of casual or formal SMS communication. The World Wide Web, slang, the general penetration of English, and a limitation to 160 characters have had a decisive influence on the emergence of a new code: SMS language. The effect of various attempts to standardize SMS language is also examined.V prispevku predstavljamo SMS (angl. Short Message Service) kot vsesplošno razširjeno komunikacijsko sredstvo. Kaj danes pomeni pismenost, smo se prepričali na primeru SMS-komunikacije, ki predstavlja pomemben del našega vsakdana. SMS-ji nadomeščajo tako govorjena kot tudi pisana besedila in so lahko del neuradne ali uradne SMS-komunikacije. Svetovni splet, sleng, vsestransko prodirajoča angleščina ter omejitev na 160 znakov so odločilno vplivali na nastanek novega koda – jezika SMS-jev. Predstavljeno je tudi, kolikšen vpliv imajo na pisanje SMS-jev najrazličnejši poskusi standardizacije jezika SMS-jev

    Gender in Slovenian Monolingual General Explanatory Dictionaries

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    In this paper, we focus on gender as a grammatical and social category in Slovenian monolingual general explana tory dictionaries and explain how the category of gender influences the selection and presentation of data included in Slovenian explanatory dictionaries, as well as their structuring at macro- and microstructural levels. We focus on the analysis of the changes that have occurred in dictionary description at the beginning of the 21st century due to the growing awareness of gender-sensitive language use, and point out some of the editorial dilemmas related to the category of gender that we face in the preparation of the eSSKJ: Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language, Third Edition

    The Usage and Standardization of Feminatives in Slovenian Language – An Analysis of User Dilemmas

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    This article discusses dilemmas that have been sent to the Language Consulting Service of the ZRC SAZU Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language by users and are related to feminatives in Slovenian, also shedding light on these dilemmas from the perspective of wider societal developments. Most dilemmas are connected to feminatives that are not included in dictionaries or are unfamiliar, but dilemmas often also arise when multiple feminatives are included in dictionaries or viable in terms of word formation. Though the Language Consulting Service is integrated into the search system of the Fran dictionary portal, the feminatives considered, which were not yet included in dictionaries when the corresponding questions were submitted, are at the time of writing still not included, which leads us to the question of a systematic treatment and dictionary presentation especially for feminatives that are uncommon in usage, which are most frequently the subjects of dilemmas in the Language Consulting Service

    Issues in Treating Determinologized L Lexemes in the eSSKJ General Explanatory Dictionary of Slovenian

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    This paper presents the treatment of determinologized lexemes in the most recent growing monolingual general explanatory dictionary for Slovenian—Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, 3. izdaja (Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language, 3rd Edition), or eSSKJ—while also drawing attention to conceptual differences in the understanding of the status of this vocabulary compared to previous editions of the dictionary (SSKJ and SSKJ2) and according to the treatment of terminology in the terminological dictionaries of the ZRC SAZU Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language. It focuses on specific lexicographic issues that arise due to determinologization when dealing with this relatively extensive and hybrid segment of vocabulary in eSSKJ, addressing it from two points of view. It draws attention to the issues that editors face due to lexicographic requirements. At the same time, it presents issues and reservations external terminology consultants have as experts in individual subject fields when reviewing dictionary entries for determinologized vocabulary. Due to the specific nature of the work, both types of issues sometimes overlap

    Enclave RAE – spletni portal za jezikovne uporabnike španščine

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    Spletna besedila in jezik na spletu

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    The goal of the monograph ('Web texts and language on the Web (the case of blogs and Wikipedia in the Slovenian language)') entitled Web texts and language on the Web (the case of blogs and Wikipedia in the Slovenian language) is to give an overview, as complete as possible, of the topic of web texts, although its main part is limited to blog and Wikipedia texts, where, as it turns out, there is a need for placing the topic into a broader context of electronic texts. The first chapter treats the circumstances of the formation of the Web and its definition in relation to the Internet and other electronic media. In the second chapter, corpus and dictionary are presented in relation to the Web, especially in terms of web corpora, the current role of web search engines is discussed, as well as the use of the Web in lexicography. The third and the largest part of the monograph includes a detailed analysis of Slovenian language and texts, especially of the selected material obtained from blogs and Wikipedia.Cilj znanstvene monografije je čim celovitejši pregled nad tematiko spletnih besedil, čeprav je osrednja obravnava namenjena besedilom blogov in Wikipedije, pri čemer je, kot se izkaže, nujna umestitev v širši okvir elektronskih besedil. V prvem poglavju so predstavljene okoliščine nastanka spleta ter njegova opredelitev v razmerju do interneta in drugih elektronskih medijev. V drugem poglavju sta predstavljena korpus in slovar v povezavi s spletom, predvsem glede na to, kaj so spletni korpusi, kakšno vlogo prevzemajo danes spletni iskalniki, ter glede na rabo spleta v slovaropisju. Tretji, najobsežnejši del pričujoče monografije obsega podrobnejšo analizo jezika in besedil, predvsem izbranega gradiva z blogov in Wikipedije

    25. mednarodni kongres Društva mladih jezikoslovcev v Valladolidu

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    This article reports on the twenty-fifth international congress of the Young Linguists’ Society held in Valladolid, Spain. It took place from 10 to 12 March 2010 and the participants included approximately 150 young scholars from various countries and continents. In addition to young linguists that presented their research in all areas of linguistics, there were invited talks by three established linguists: Teun A. van Dijk, Manuel García Teijeiro, and José Antonio Pascual.Prispevek je poročilo o 25. mednarodnem kongresu Društva mladih jezikoslovcev v Valladolidu v Španiji, ki je potekal od 10. do 12. marca 2010 in na katerem je nastopilo okoli 150 udeležencev – mladih raziskovalcev iz različnih držav in z različnih celin. Poleg mladih jezikoslovcev, ki so predstavili svoje raziskave z vseh področij jezikoslovja, so na kongresu nastopili še trije povabljeni predavatelji, uveljavljeni jezikoslovci: Teun A. van Dijk, Manuel García Teijeiro in José Antonio Pascual

    Priročnik praktične leksikografije založbe Oxford

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    The first part of this book focuses on “pre-lexicography”; that is, things that one should know before beginning to compile a dictionary. The authors draw attention to the tasks carried out and the sources that must be gathered before beginning actual production of a dictionary. The second part of the guide shows how to look for the meanings of headwords in text sources and how to record lexicographically relevant information about each of these units. The third part presents the composition of a dictionary entry and the editing work involved in both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries.V prvem delu se knjiga osredotoča na t. i. predleksikografijo: stvari, ki jih je treba vedeti, preden se začne sestavljati slovar. Avtorja opozarjata na opravila, ki se jih izvaja, in na vire, ki jih je treba zbrati pred začetkom same izdelave slovarja. V drugem delu priročnik kaže, kako v besedilnih virih iskati pomene iztočnic in kako beležiti leksikografsko relevantne podatke o vsaki teh enot. Tretji del pa predstavlja sestavljanje geselskega članka oz. redakcijsko delo tako za enojezične kot tudi za dvojezične slovarje

    Primožu Jakopinu namesto zdravice

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