2,051 research outputs found

    Getting information from the mixed electrical-heat noise

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    We give a classification of the different types of noise in a quantum dot, for variable temperature, voltage and frequency. It allows us first to show which kind of information can be extracted from the electrical noise, such as the ac-conductance or the Fano factor. And next, to classify the mixed electrical-heat noise, and to identify in which regimes information on the Seebeck coefficient, on the thermoelectric figure of merit, or on the thermoelectric efficiency can be obtained.Comment: Proceeding of the ICNF 2017 conference, IEEE, International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (2017

    Mwpd: A Duration-Amplitude Procedure for Rapid Determination of Earthquake Magnitude and Tsunamigenic Potential from P Waveforms

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    We present a duration-amplitude procedure for rapid determination of a moment magnitude, Mwpd, for large earthquakes using P-wave recordings at teleseismic distances. Mwpd can be obtained within 20 minutes or less after the event origin time as the required data is currently available in near-real time. The procedure determines apparent source durations, T0, from high-frequency, P-wave records, and estimates moments through integration of broadband displacement waveforms over the interval tP to tP+T0, where tP is the P arrival time. We apply the duration-amplitude methodology to 79 recent, large earthquakes (Global Centroid- Moment Tensor magnitude, MwCMT, 6.6 to 9.3) with diverse source types. The results show that a scaling of the moment estimates for interplate thrust and possibly tsunami earthquakes is necessary to best match MwCMT. With this scaling, Mwpd matches MwCMT typically within ±0.2 magnitude units, with a standard deviation of σ=0.11, equaling or outperforming other approaches to rapid magnitude determination. Furthermore, Mwpd does not exhibit saturation; that is, for the largest events, Mwpd does not systematically underestimate MwCMT. The obtained durations and duration-amplitude moments allow rapid estimation of an energy-to-moment parameter Θ* used for identification of tsunami earthquakes. Our results show that Θ* ≀ -5.7 is an appropriate cutoff for this identification, but also show that neither Θ* nor Mw is a good indicator for tsunamigenic events in general. For these events we find that a reliable indicator is simply that the duration T0 is greater than about 50 sec. The explicit use of the source duration for integration of displacement seismograms, the moment scaling, and other characteristics of the duration-amplitude methodology make it an extension of the widely used, Mwp, rapid-magnitude procedure. The need for a moment scaling for interplate thrust and possibly tsunami earthquakes may have important implications for the source physics of these events

    Tsunami early warning using earthquake rupture duration

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    Effective tsunami early warning for coastlines near a tsunamigenic earthquake requires notification within 5-15 minutes. We have shown recently that tsunamigenic earthquakes have an apparent rupture duration, T0, greater than about 50 s. Here we show that T0 gives more information on tsunami importance than moment magnitude, Mw, and we introduce a procedure using seismograms recorded near an earthquake to rapidly determine if T0 is likely to exceed T=50 or 100 s. We show that this “duration-exceedance” procedure can be completed within 3-10 min after the earthquake occurs, depending on station density, and that it correctly identifies most recent earthquakes which produced large or devastating tsunamis. This identification forms a complement to initial estimates of the location, depth and magnitude of an earthquake to improve the reliability of tsunami early warning, and, in some cases, may make possible such warning

    Regression analysis of MCS Intensity and ground motion parameters in Italy and its application in ShakeMap

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    In Italy, the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg, MCS, is the intensity scale in use to describe the level of earthquake ground shaking, and its subsequent effects on communities and on the built environment. This scale differs to some extent from the Mercalli Modified scale in use in other countries and adopted as standard within the USGS-ShakeMap procedure to predict intensities from observed instrumental data. We have assembled a new PGM/MCS-intensity data set from the Italian database of macroseismic information, DBMI04, and the Italian accelerometric database, ITACA. We have determined new regression relations between intensities and PGM parameters (acceleration and velocity). Since both PGM parameters and intensities suffer of consistent uncertainties we have used the orthogonal distance regression technique. The new relations are IMCS = 1.68 ± 0.22 + 2.58 ± 0.14 log P GA, σ = 0.35 and IMCS = 5.11 ± 0.07 + 2.35 ± 0.09 log P GV , σ = 0.26. Tests designed to assess the robustness of the estimated coefficients have shown that single-line parameterizations for the regression are sufficient to model the data within the model uncertainties. The relations have been inserted in the Italian implementation of the USGS-ShakeMap to determine intensity maps from instrumental data and to determine PGM maps from the sole intensity values. Comparisons carried out for earthquakes where both kinds of data are available have shown the general effectiveness of the relations

    Monopole-vortex complex in a theta vacuum

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    We discuss aspects of the monopole-vortex complex soliton arising in a hierarchically broken gauge system, G to H to 1, in a theta vacuum of the underlying G theory. Here we focus our attention mainly on the simplest such system with G=SU(2) and H=U(1). A consistent picture of the effect of the theta parameter is found both in a macroscopic, dual picture and in a microscopic description of the monopole-vortex complex soliton.Comment: 18 pages 3 figure

    An energy-duration procedure for rapid determination of earthquake magnitude and tsunamigenic potential

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    We introduce a rapid and robust, energy-duration procedure, based on the Haskell, extendedsource model, to obtain an earthquake moment and a moment magnitude, MED. Using seismograms at teleseismic distances (30!–90!), this procedure combines radiated seismic energy measures on the P to S interval of broadband signals and source duration measures on highfrequency, P-wave signals. The MED energy-duration magnitude is scaled to correspond to the Global Centroid-Moment Tensor (CMT) moment-magnitude, MCMT w , and can be calculated within about 20 min or less after origin time (OT). The measured energy and duration values also provide the energy-to-moment ratio, !, used for identification of tsunami earthquakes. The MED magnitudes for a set of recent, large earthquakes match closely MCMT w , even for the largest, great earthquakes; these results imply that the MED measure is accurate and does not saturate. After the 2004 December 26 Sumatra-Andaman mega-thrust earthquake, magnitude estimates available within 1 hr of OT ranged from M = 8.0 to 8.5, the CMT magnitude, available about 3 hr after OT, was MCMT w = 9.0, and, several months after the event, Mw = 9.1–9.3 was obtained from analysis of the earth normal modes. The energy-duration magnitude for this event is MED = 9.2, a measure that is potentially available within 20 min after OT. After the 2006 July 17, Java earthquake, the magnitude was evaluated at M = 7.2 at 17 min after OT, the CMT magnitude, available about 1 hr after OT, was MCMT w = 7.7; the energy-duration results for this event give MED = 7.8, with a very long source duration of about 160 s, and a very low ! value, indicating a possible tsunami earthquake

    Non-orthogonal Theory of Polarons and Application to Pyramidal Quantum Dots

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    We present a general theory for semiconductor polarons in the framework of the Froehlich interaction between electrons and phonons. The latter is investigated using non-commuting phonon creation/annihilation operators associated with a natural set of non-orthogonal modes. This setting proves effective for mathematical simplification and physical interpretation and reveals a nested coupling structure of the Froehlich interaction. The theory is non-perturbative and well adapted for strong electron-phonon coupling, such as found in quantum dot (QD) structures. For those particular structures we introduce a minimal model that allows the computation and qualitative prediction of the spectrum and geometry of polarons. The model uses a generic non-orthogonal polaron basis, baptized the "natural basis". Accidental and symmetry-related electronic degeneracies are studied in detail and are shown to generate unentangled zero-shift polarons, which we consistently eliminate. As a practical example, these developments are applied to realistic pyramidal GaAs QDs. The energy spectrum and the 3D-geometry of polarons are computed and analyzed, and prove that realistic pyramidal QDs clearly fall in the regime of strong coupling. Further investigation reveals an unexpected substructure of "weakly coupled strong coupling regimes", a concept originating from overlap considerations. Using Bennett's entanglement measure, we finally propose a heuristic quantification of the coupling strength in QDs.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 3 table
