102 research outputs found

    Urban imperviousness effects on summer surface temperatures nearby residential buildings in different urban zones of Parma

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    Rapid and unplanned urban growth is responsible for the continuous conversion of green or generally natural spaces into artificial surfaces. The high degree of imperviousness modifies the urban microclimate and no studies have quantified its influence on the surface temperature (ST) nearby residential building. This topic represents the aim of this study carried out during summer in different urban zones (densely urbanized or park/rural areas) of Parma (Northern Italy). Daytime and nighttime ASTER images, the local urban cartography and the Italian imperviousness databases were used. A reproducible/replicable framework was implemented named "Building Thermal Functional Area" (BTFA) useful to lead building-proxy thermal analyses by using remote sensing data. For each residential building (n = 8898), the BTFA was assessed and the correspondent ASTER-LST value (ST_BTFA) and the imperviousness density were calculated. Both daytime and nighttime ST_BTFA significantly (p < 0.001) increased when high levels of imperviousness density surrounded the residential buildings. These relationships were mostly consistent during daytime and in densely urbanized areas. ST_BTFA differences between urban and park/rural areas were higher during nighttime (above 1 °C) than daytime (about 0.5 °C). These results could help to identify "urban thermal Hot-Spots" that would benefit most from mitigation actions

    From urban planning techniques to 15-minute neighbourhoods. A theoretical framework and GIS-based analysis of pedestrian accessibility to public services

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    The enthusiasm with which several metropolises have promoted and embraced the idea of the '15-minute city' may now provide a useful opportunity to reflect once again on the well-known relationship between urban planning and mobility planning. Urban policies and plans are recently rediscovering a new focus on the proximity dimension and active mobility, progressively excluding the obsolete car-centric model. In this perspective, the paper aims at assessing 15-minute neighbourhoods through a GIS-based model to evaluate pedestrian accessibility to urban services and spaces. The implemented methodology integrates the assessment of walking distances and the mapping of the resident population distribution. The method is then applied to measure the current performance of an existing neighbourhood in Parma, assessing accessibility based on home-facility travel times and the resident population within reach. A reflection is proposed on what has been learned and on the possible contribution that the method can bring to urban monitoring and planning

    Widespread Urban Regeneration of Existing Residential Areas in European Medium-Sized Cities. A Framework to Locate Redevelopment Interventions

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    Within the scientific debate on urban regeneration, this paper intends to question possible planning techniques to address the implementation of widespread regeneration interventions in obsolete residential areas within medium-sized European cities, with particular attention to constructing a cognitive framework to locate redevelopment interventions. The widespread urban regeneration approach has yet to be sufficiently explored in the scientific literature, which focuses much more on replacing large derelict areas, though it seems particularly relevant for research and urban practice. This paper aims to illustrate a methodological framework for defining obsolete and degraded areas (at the block scale) suitable for redevelopment. Various criteria are considered, e.g., land use, buildings’ dating, state of preservation, population density, public spaces, and facility provision, and degree of accessibility. The methodological framework is then tested in the medium-sized Italian city of Parma. Data set parameters and threshold values to quantify the previously introduced criteria and perform GIS-based statistical and spatial analysis. The results show 96 areas potentially in need of regeneration, providing an opportunity to reflect on the criteria of suitability and priority for transformation and the framework of past and future planning scenarios

    How Are Medium-Sized Cities Implementing Their Smart City Governance? Experiences from the Emilia-Romagna Region

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    Within the smart city debate, this paper aims to reflect on whether and how medium-sized Italian cities are organizing their smart transition technically as well as administratively. The smart city concept was developed in the 1990s when major European cities began a smart transition through widespread urban regeneration projects and the introduction of advanced technologies applied not only to the physical city but also to governance, policymaking, and communication, involving multiple sectors of city administrations. In the last decade, medium-sized cities have also started this transition process, although with lower emphasis than metropolitan cities. In most medium-sized Italian cities, this transition, in accordance with national and regional guidelines, has sometimes led to competencies reorganization within local governments. Within this framework, the paper examines the tools with which medium-sized Italian cities’ administrations address the smart transformation in their territories, comparing a sample of 10 cities in Emilia-Romagna and considering policymaking, governance structure, past and current projects, and communication transparency. The expected result is therefore a systematic review of experiences to reconstruct a complex picture of the political and administrative choices that have led to the implementation or setting in motion of smart transformation processes to draw some useful lessons

    Exploring the 15-minute neighbourhoods. An evaluation based on the walkability performance to public facilities

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    Recent trends in urban policies are rediscovering a new focus on different urban life models that exclude the obsolete vehicle model and lead to renewed attention on the proximity dimension and active mobility. This vision takes concrete form in the concept of the 15-minute city model, focused on pedestrian accessibility from one’s home to nearby urban services and spaces. In this perspective, the paper aims at exploring the theme of 15-minute cities through a GIS-based model to evaluate pedestrian accessibility to neighbourhood facilities. The implemented methodology integrates the assessment of walking distances, considering the time factor as crucial, and mapping the resident population. The method is then applied to measure the current performances of an existing neighbourhood in Parma from the 15 minutes city perspective, assessing accessibility based on home-facility travel times and the resident population distribution within reach. A reflection is proposed on what has been learned and on the possible contribution that the method can bring to monitoring the 15-minute city and to urban planning
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