6 research outputs found

    Loading the Antenna Gap with Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Transistors: A Versatile Approach for the Rectification of Free-Space Radiation

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    Light conversion into dc current is of paramount interest for a wide range of upcoming energy applications. Here we integrated dipole antennas with field-effect transistors based on a two-dimensional electron gas, with the specific aim of rectifying free-space radiation exploiting both artificial and natural nonlinearities. In the present work, resonant conditions of antenna-coupled field-effect rectifiers have been identified in a terahertz experiment based on the well-established GaAs transistor technology. Rectification of free-space radiation has been observed in a broad 0.15–0.40 THz range by implementing quasi-optical coupling with a substrate lens to an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure transistor into the gap of a cross-dipole antenna. The short- and the open-circuit resonances have been clearly identified through a comparison between experimental photocurrent spectra, electromagnetic simulations, and antenna models. The former depends only on the dipole antenna geometry, while the latter is determined by the impedance matching between the antenna and the integrated device and, as such, can be even tuned to the desired frequency by applying a dc gate bias. In addition, the high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas supports plasma wave cavity resonances featuring natural hydrodynamic nonlinearity. The resonant peaks corresponding to the different rectification mechanisms have been identified and discussed in terms of simple lumped-element models. The demonstrated concepts are extrapolated toward infrared frequencies, where novel application demands and novel two-dimensional electron gas materials for antenna-coupled rectifiers are emerging

    Fractal-Like Plasmonic Metamaterial with a Tailorable Plasma Frequency in the near-Infrared

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    In this work, we show that modulating the fractal dimension of nanoporous gold allows its effective dielectric response to be tailored over a wide spectral range of infrared wavelengths. In particular, the plasma edge and effective plasma frequency depend linearly on the fractal dimension, which can be controlled by varying the pore and ligament sizes. Importantly, the fractal porous metal exhibits superior plasmonic properties compared to its bulk counterpart. These properties, combined with a longer skin depth on the order of 100–200 nm, enables the penetration of optical energy deep into the nanopores where molecules can be loaded, thus, achieving more effective light–matter coupling. These findings may open new pathways to engineering the optical response of fractal-like or self-similar metamaterials without the need for sophisticated lithographic patterning

    Thermoplasmonic Effect of Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption in Vertical Nanoantenna Arrays

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    Thermoplasmonics is a method for increasing temperature remotely using focused visible or infrared laser beams interacting with plasmonic nanoparticles. Here, local heating induced by mid-infrared quantum cascade laser illumination of vertical gold-coated nanoantenna arrays embedded into polymer layers is investigated by infrared nanospectroscopy and electromagnetic/thermal simulations. Nanoscale thermal hotspot images are obtained by a photothermal scanning probe microscopy technique with laser illumination wavelength tuned at the different plasmonic resonances of the arrays. Spectral analysis indicates that both Joule heating by the metal antennas and surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) by the polymer molecules located in the apical hotspots of the antennas are responsible for thermoplasmonic resonances, that is, for strong local temperature increase. At odds with more conventional planar nanoantennas, the vertical antenna structure enables thermal decoupling of the hotspot at the antenna apex from the heat sink constituted by the solid substrate. The temperature increase was evaluated by quantitative comparison of data obtained with the photothermal expansion technique to the results of electromagnetic/thermal simulations. In the case of strong SEIRA by the CO bond of poly-methylmethacrylate at 1730 cm<sup>–1</sup>, for focused mid-infrared laser power of about 20 mW, the evaluated order of magnitude of the nanoscale temperature increase is of 10 K. This result indicates that temperature increases of the order of hundreds of K may be attainable with full mid-infrared laser power tuned at specific molecule vibrational fingerprints

    Superconductivity-Induced Transparency in Terahertz Metamaterials

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    A plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency is activated and tuned in the terahertz (THz) range in asymmetric metamaterials fabricated from high critical temperature (<i>T</i><sub>c</sub>) superconductor thin films. The asymmetric design provides a near-field coupling between a superradiant and a subradiant plasmonic mode, which has been widely tuned through superconductivity and monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The sharp transparency window that appears in the extinction spectrum exhibits a relative modulation up to 50% activated by temperature change. The interplay between ohmic and radiative damping, which can be independently tuned and controlled, allows for engineering the electromagnetically induced transparency of the metamaterial far beyond the current state-of-the-art, which relies on standard metals or low-<i>T</i><sub>c</sub> superconductors

    Detection of Strong Light–Matter Interaction in a Single Nanocavity with a Thermal Transducer

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    The concept of strong light–matter coupling has been demonstrated in semiconductor structures, and it is poised to revolutionize the design and implementation of components, including solid state lasers and detectors. We demonstrate an original nanospectroscopy technique that permits the study of the light–matter interaction in single subwavelength-sized nanocavities where far-field spectroscopy is not possible using conventional techniques. We inserted a thin (∼150 nm) polymer layer with negligible absorption in the mid-infrared range (5 μm < λ < 12 μm) inside a metal–insulator–metal resonant cavity, where a photonic mode and the intersubband transition of a semiconductor quantum well are strongly coupled. The intersubband transition peaks at λ = 8.3 μm, and the nanocavity is overall 270 nm thick. Acting as a nonperturbative transducer, the polymer layer introduces only a limited alteration of the optical response while allowing to reveal the optical power absorbed inside the concealed cavity. Spectroscopy of the cavity losses is enabled by the polymer thermal expansion due to heat dissipation in the active part of the cavity, and performed using atomic force microscopy (AFM). This innovative approach allows the typical anticrossing characteristic of the polaritonic dispersion to be identified in the cavity loss spectra at the single nanoresonator level. Results also suggest that near-field coupling of the external drive field to the top metal patch mediated by a metal-coated AFM probe tip is possible, and it enables the near-field mapping of the cavity mode symmetry including in the presence of a strong light–matter interaction

    Origin of optical nonlinearity in plasmonic semiconductor nanostructures

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    The development of nanoscale nonlinear elements in photonic integrated circuits is hindered by the physical limits to the nonlinear optical response of dielectrics, which requires that the interacting waves propagate in transparent volumes for distances much longer than their wavelength. Here we present experimental evidence that optical nonlinearities in doped semiconductors are due to free-electron and their efficiency could exceed by several orders of magnitude that of conventional dielectric nonlinearities. Our experimental findings are supported by comprehensive computational results based on the hydrodynamic modeling, which naturally includes nonlocal effects, of the free-electron dynamics in heavily doped semiconductors. By studying third-harmonic generation from plasmonic nanoantenna arrays made out of heavily n-doped InGaAs with increasing levels of free-carrier density, we discriminate between hydrodynamic and dielectric nonlinearities. As a result, the value of maximum nonlinear efficiency as well as its spectral location can now be controlled by tuning the doping level. Having employed the common material platform InGaAs/InP that supports integrated waveguides, our findings pave the way for future exploitation of plasmonic nonlinearities in all-semiconductor photonic integrated circuits