54 research outputs found

    Posterior Cingulate and Lateral Parietal Gray Matter Volume in Older Adults with Depressive Symptoms

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    Depressive symptoms occurring late in life are an important risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The latest research finds that onset of depressive symptoms in late life may herald the development of AD, not only for amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) patients, but also for cognitively-normal older adults. Neuroimaging of brain structure, blood flow, and glucose metabolism indicates that depressive symptoms in late life are accompanied by structural and functional changes in limbic brain regions vulnerable to AD. The present cross-sectional study was guided by the hypothesis that compared to their non-depressed counterparts, older adults with mild to moderate depressive symptoms have less volume in limbic structures vulnerable to changes in AD—specifically, cortical midline structures such as anterior cingulate and posterior cingulate cortex as well as mesial temporal regions such as bilateral hippocampi and amygdalae. Consistent with our hypothesis, results of a voxel-based morphometry analysis revealed smaller retrosplenial, posterior cingulate, and precuneus gray matter volumes in depressed individuals relative to healthy controls. Right lateral parietal cortex—another region vulnerable to change in AD—was also smaller in the group with depressive symptoms. Contrary to our hypothesis, no volumetric differences were found in the anterior cingulate cortex or mesial temporal lobe. Results of this study show a relationship between geriatric depressive symptoms and brain volume in regions vulnerable to AD. Follow-up of participants over time will tell if brain changes detected here predict development of AD

    Task-dependent posterior cingulate activation in mild cognitive impairment

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    Neuroimaging research has demonstrated that the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) is functionally compromised in individuals diagnosed with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a major risk factor for the development of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). In functional MRI studies with healthy participants, this same region is active during self-appraisal (requiring retrieval of semantic knowledge about the self) as well as episodic recognition of previously learned information. Administering both types of tasks to people with MCI may reveal important information on the role of the PCC in recollection. This study investigated fMRI activation in the PCC in individuals with MCI and matched controls across two tasks. The first task was a visual episodic recognition task. The second task was an autobiographical self-appraisal task in which subjects rated themselves on a set of trait adjectives. Results of a conjunction analysis revealed the PCC as the sole region commonly active during both tasks in the healthy older adults. Furthermore, additional analysis revealed an interaction in the PCC, indicating a task-dependent response in the MCI group. MCI participants showed PCC activation during self-appraisal, but not episodic retrieval. This result suggests in MCI that the PCC shows functional degradation during episodic retrieval; however, the PCC\u27s role in retrieval and evaluation of highly elaborated information regarding the self is more well-preserved. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Structural MRI discriminates individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment from age-matched controls: A combined neuropsychological and voxel based morphometry study

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    Background: Several previous studies have reported that amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), a significant risk factor for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), is associated with greater atrophy in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and posterior cingulate gyrus (PCG). Method: In the present study, we examined the cross-sectional accuracy (i.e., the sensitivity and specificity) of voxel-based morphometry (VBM) in discriminating individuals with MCI (n = 15) from healthy age-matched controls (n = 15). In addition, we also sought to determine whether baseline GM volume predicted aMCI patients that converted to AD from those that did not approximately 2 years after the baseline visit. Results: MCI patients were found to display significantly less GM volume in several hypothesized regions including the MTL and PCG relative to the age-matched controls (p \u3c 0.01). Logistic regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for GM volume in the anterior MTL and PCG revealed high discriminative accuracy of 87%. By contrast, baseline GM volume in anterior MTL and PCG did not appear to be sensitive to changes in clinical status at the follow-up visit. Conclusion: These results suggest that VBM might be useful at characterizing GM volume reductions associated with the diagnosis of aMCI. © 2006 The Alzheimer\u27s Association

    NSAIDs May Protect Against Age-Related Brain Atrophy

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    The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in humans is associated with brain differences including decreased number of activated microglia. In animals, NSAIDs are associated with reduced microglia, decreased amyloid burden, and neuronal preservation. Several studies suggest NSAIDs protect brain regions affected in the earliest stages of AD, including hippocampal and parahippocampal regions. In this cross-sectional study, we examined the protective effect of NSAID use on gray matter volume in a group of middle-aged and older NSAID users (n = 25) compared to non-user controls (n = 50). All participants underwent neuropsychological testing and T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Non-user controls showed smaller volume in portions of the left hippocampus compared to NSAID users. Age-related loss of volume differed between groups, with controls showing greater medial temporal lobe volume loss with age compared to NSAID users. These results should be considered preliminary, but support previous reports that NSAIDs may modulate age-related loss of brain volume

    Anosognosia in mild cognitive impairment: Relationship to activation of cortical midline structures involved in self-appraisal

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    Awareness of cognitive dysfunction shown by individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition conferring risk for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), is variable. Anosognosia, or unawareness of loss of function, is beginning to be recognized as an important clinical symptom of MCI. However, little is known about the brain substrates underlying this symptom. We hypothesized that MCI participants\u27 activation of cortical midline structures (CMS) during self-appraisal would covary with level of insight into cognitive difficulties (indexed by a discrepancy score between patient and informant ratings of cognitive decline in each MCI participant). To address this hypothesis, we first compared 16 MCI participants and 16 age-matched controls, examining brain regions showing conjoint or differential BOLD response during self-appraisal. Second, we used regression to investigate the relationship between awareness of deficit in MCI and BOLD activity during self-appraisal, controlling for extent of memory impairment. Between-group comparisons indicated that MCI participants show subtly attenuated CMS activity during self-appraisal. Regression analysis revealed a highly significant relationship between BOLD response during self-appraisal and self-awareness of deficit in MCI. This finding highlights the level of anosognosia in MCI as an important predictor of response to self-appraisal in cortical midline structures, brain regions vulnerable to changes in early AD. © 2007 The International Neuropsychological Society

    CSF T-Tau/Aβ42 Predicts White Matter Microstructure in Healthy Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers T-Tau and Aβ42 are linked with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), yet little is known about the relationship between CSF biomarkers and structural brain alteration in healthy adults. In this study we examined the extent to which AD biomarkers measured in CSF predict brain microstructure indexed by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and volume indexed by T1-weighted imaging. Forty-three middle-aged adults with parental family history of AD received baseline lumbar puncture and MRI approximately 3.5 years later. Voxel-wise image analysis methods were used to test whether baseline CSF Aβ42, total tau (T-Tau), phosphorylated tau (P-Tau) and neurofilament light protein predicted brain microstructure as indexed by DTI and gray matter volume indexed by T1-weighted imaging. T-Tau and T-Tau/Aβ42 were widely correlated with indices of brain microstructure (mean, axial, and radial diffusivity), notably in white matter regions adjacent to gray matter structures affected in the earliest stages of AD. None of the CSF biomarkers were related to gray matter volume. Elevated P-Tau and P-Tau/Aβ42 levels were associated with lower recognition performance on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Overall, the results suggest that CSF biomarkers are related to brain microstructure in healthy adults with elevated risk of developing AD. Furthermore, the results clearly suggest that early pathological changes in AD can be detected with DTI and occur not only in cortex, but also in white matter

    Stiffness in total knee arthroplasty

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    Stiffness is a relatively uncommon complication after total knee arthroplasty. It has been defined as a painful limitation in the range of movement (ROM). Its pathogenesis is still unclear even if some risk factors have been identified. Patient-related conditions may be difficult to treat. Preoperative ROM is the most important risk factor, but an association with diabetes, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and general pathologies such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis has been demonstrated. Moreover, previous surgery may be an additional cause of an ROM limitation. Postoperative factors include infections, arthrofibrosis, heterotrophic ossifications, and incorrect rehabilitation protocol. Infections represent a challenging problem for the orthopaedic surgeon, and treatment may require long periods of antibiotics administration. However, it is widely accepted that an aggressive rehabilitation protocol is mandatory for a proper ROM recovery and to avoid the onset of arthrofibrosis and heterotrophic ossifications. Finally, surgery-related factors represent the most common cause of stiffness; they include errors in soft-tissue balancing, component malpositioning, and incorrect component sizing. Although closed manipulation, arthroscopic and open arthrolysis have been proposed, they may lead to unpredictable results and incomplete ROM recovery. Revision surgery must be proposed in the case of well-documented surgical errors. These operations are technically demanding and may be associated with high risk of complications; therefore they should be accurately planned and properly performed

    Etiological involvement of KCND1 variants in an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder with variable expressivity

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    Utilizing trio whole-exome sequencing and a gene matching approach, we identified a cohort of 18 male individuals from 17 families with hemizygous variants in KCND1, including two de novo missense variants, three maternally inherited protein-truncating variants, and 12 maternally inherited missense variants. Affected subjects present with a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by diverse neurological abnormalities, mostly delays in different developmental domains, but also distinct neuropsychiatric signs and epilepsy. Heterozygous carrier mothers are clinically unaffected. KCND1 encodes the α-subunit of Kv4.1 voltage-gated potassium channels. All variant-associated amino acid substitutions affect either the cytoplasmic N- or C-terminus of the channel protein except for two occurring in transmembrane segments 1 and 4. Kv4.1 channels were functionally characterized in the absence and presence of auxiliary β subunits. Variant-specific alterations of biophysical channel properties were diverse and varied in magnitude. Genetic data analysis in combination with our functional assessment shows that Kv4.1 channel dysfunction is involved in the pathogenesis of an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder frequently associated with a variable neuropsychiatric clinical phenotype.</p

    Etiological involvement of KCND1 variants in an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder with variable expressivity

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    Utilizing trio whole-exome sequencing and a gene matching approach, we identified a cohort of 18 male individuals from 17 families with hemizygous variants in KCND1, including two de novo missense variants, three maternally inherited protein-truncating variants, and 12 maternally inherited missense variants. Affected subjects present with a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by diverse neurological abnormalities, mostly delays in different developmental domains, but also distinct neuropsychiatric signs and epilepsy. Heterozygous carrier mothers are clinically unaffected. KCND1 encodes the α-subunit of Kv4.1 voltage-gated potassium channels. All variant-associated amino acid substitutions affect either the cytoplasmic N- or C-terminus of the channel protein except for two occurring in transmembrane segments 1 and 4. Kv4.1 channels were functionally characterized in the absence and presence of auxiliary β subunits. Variant-specific alterations of biophysical channel properties were diverse and varied in magnitude. Genetic data analysis in combination with our functional assessment shows that Kv4.1 channel dysfunction is involved in the pathogenesis of an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder frequently associated with a variable neuropsychiatric clinical phenotype.</p

    Reduced hippocampal activation during episodic encoding in middle-aged individuals at genetic risk of Alzheimer's Disease: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: The presence of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele is a major risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and has been associated with metabolic brain changes several years before the onset of typical AD symptoms. Functional MRI (fMRI) is a brain imaging technique that has been used to demonstrate hippocampal activation during measurement of episodic encoding, but the effect of the ε4 allele on hippocampal activation has not been firmly established. METHODS: The present study examined the effects of APOE genotype on brain activation patterns in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) during an episodic encoding task using a well-characterized novel item versus familiar item contrast in cognitively normal, middle-aged (mean = 54 years) individuals who had at least one parent with AD. RESULTS: We found that ε3/4 heterozygotes displayed reduced activation in the hippocampus and MTL compared to ε3/3 homozygotes. There were no significant differences between the groups in age, education or neuropsychological functioning, suggesting that the altered brain activation seen in ε3/4 heterozygotes was not associated with impaired cognitive function. We also found that participants' ability to encode information on a neuropsychological measure of learning was associated with greater activation in the anterior MTL in the ε3/3 homozygotes, but not in the ε3/4 heterozygotes. CONCLUSION: Together with previous studies reporting reduced glucose metabolism and AD-related neuropathology, this study provides convergent validity for the idea that the MTL exhibits functional decline associated with the APOE ε4 allele. Importantly, these changes were detected in the absence of meaningful neuropsychological differences between the groups. A focus of ongoing work in this laboratory is to determine if these findings are predictive of subsequent cognitive decline