69 research outputs found

    Universal Hall Response in Synthetic Dimensions

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    We theoretically study the Hall effect on interacting MM-leg ladder systems, comparing different measures and properties of the zero temperature Hall response in the limit of weak magnetic fields. Focusing on SU(M)SU(M) symmetric interacting bosons and fermions, as relevant for e.g. typical synthetic dimensional quantum gas experiments, we identify an extensive regime in which the Hall imbalance ΔH\Delta_{\rm H} is universal and corresponds to a classical Hall resistivity RH=1/nR_{\rm H}=-1/n for a large class of quantum phases. Away from this high symmetry point we observe interaction driven phenomena such as sign reversal and divergence of the Hall response.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Admittance of the SU(2) and SU(4) Anderson quantum RC circuits

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    We study the Anderson model as a description of the quantum RC circuit for spin-1/2 electrons and a single level connected to a single lead. Our analysis relies on the Fermi liquid nature of the ground state which fixes the form of the low energy effective model. The constants of this effective model are extracted from a numerical solution of the Bethe ansatz equations for the Anderson model. They allow us to compute the charge relaxation resistance Rq in different parameter regimes. In the Kondo region, the peak in Rq as a function of the magnetic field is recovered and proven to be in quantitative agreement with previous numerical renormalization group results. In the valence-fluctuation region, the peak in Rq is shown to persist, with a maximum value of h/2e^2, and an analytical expression is obtained using perturbation theory. We extend our analysis to the SU(4) Anderson model where we also derive the existence of a giant peak in the charge relaxation resistance.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Controlled parity switch of persistent currents in quantum ladders

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    We investigate the behavior of persistent currents for a fixed number of noninteracting fermions in a periodic quantum ladder threaded by Aharonov-Bohm and transverse magnetic fluxes Φ\Phi and χ\chi. We show that the coupling between ladder legs provides a way to effectively change the ground-state fermion-number parity, by varying χ\chi. Specifically, we demonstrate that varying χ\chi by 2π2\pi (one flux quantum) leads to an apparent fermion-number parity switch. We find that persistent currents exhibit a robust 4π4\pi periodicity as a function of χ\chi, despite the fact that χχ+2π\chi \to \chi + 2\pi leads to modifications of order 1/N1/N of the energy spectrum, where NN is the number of sites in each ladder leg. We show that these parity-switch and 4π4\pi periodicity effects are robust with respect to temperature and disorder, and outline potential physical realizations using cold atomic gases and, for bosonic analogs of the effects, photonic lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + Supplemental Materia

    Regularization of the tunneling Hamiltonian and consistency between free and bosonized fermions

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    Tunneling between a point contact and a one-dimensional wire is usually described with the help of a tunneling Hamiltonian that contains a δ function in position space. Whereas the leading-order contribution to the tunneling current is independent of the way this δ function is regularized, higher-order corrections with respect to the tunneling amplitude are known to depend on the regularization. Instead of regularizing the δ function in the tunneling Hamiltonian, one may also obtain a finite tunneling current by invoking the ultraviolet cutoffs in a field-theoretic description of the electrons in the one-dimensional conductor, a procedure that is often used in the literature. For the latter case, we show that standard ultraviolet cutoffs lead to different results for the tunneling current in fermionic and bosonized formulations of the theory, when going beyond leading order in the tunneling amplitude. We show how to recover the standard fermionic result using the formalism of functional bosonization and revisit the tunneling current to leading order in the interacting case

    The Kondo Temperature of SU(4) Symmetric Quantum Dots

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    A path integral approach is used to derive a closed analytical expression for the Kondo temperature of the SU(4) symmetrical Anderson model. In contrast to the SU(2) case, the prefactor of the Kondo temperature is found to display a peculiar orbital energy (gate voltage) dependence, reflecting the presence of various SU(4) mixed valence fixed points. Our analytical expressions are tested against and confirmed by numerical renormalization group computations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures and Suppl. Materia

    Drude weight fluctuations in many-body localized systems

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    We numerically investigate the distribution of Drude weights DD of many-body states in disordered one-dimensional interacting electron systems across the transition to a many-body localized phase. Drude weights are proportional to the spectral curvatures induced by magnetic fluxes in mesoscopic rings. They offer a method to relate the transition to the many-body localized phase to transport properties. In the delocalized regime, we find that the Drude weight distribution at a fixed disorder configuration agrees well with the random-matrix-theory prediction P(D)(γ2+D2)3/2P(D) \propto (\gamma^2+D^2)^{-3/2}, although the distribution width γ\gamma strongly fluctuates between disorder realizations. A crossover is observed towards a distribution with different large-DD asymptotics deep in the many-body localized phase, which however differs from the commonly expected Cauchy distribution. We show that the average distribution width γ\langle \gamma\rangle , rescaled by LΔL\Delta, Δ\Delta being the average level spacing in the middle of the spectrum and LL the systems size, is an efficient probe of the many-body localization transition, as it increases/vanishes exponentially in the delocalized/localized phase.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + 1 page Supplemental Material, 2 figure

    Giant Charge Relaxation Resistance in the Anderson Model

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    We investigate the dynamical charge response of the Anderson model viewed as a quantum RC circuit. Applying a low-energy effective Fermi liquid theory, a generalized Korringa-Shiba formula is derived at zero temperature, and the charge relaxation resistance is expressed solely in terms of static susceptibilities which are accessible by Bethe ansatz. We identify a giant charge relaxation resistance at intermediate magnetic fields related to the destruction of the Kondo singlet. The scaling properties of this peak are computed analytically in the Kondo regime. We also show that the resistance peak fades away at the particle-hole symmetric point.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Ballistic-to-diffusive transition in spin chains with broken integrability

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    We study the ballistic-to-diffusive transition induced by the weak breaking of integrability in a boundary-driven XXZ spin-chain. Studying the evolution of the spin current density Js\mathcal J^s as a function of the system size LL, we show that, accounting for boundary effects, the transition has a non-trivial universal behavior close to the XX limit. It is controlled by the scattering length LV2L^*\propto V^{-2}, where VV is the strength of the integrability breaking term. In the XXZ model, the interplay of interactions controls the emergence of a transient "quasi-ballistic" regime at length scales much shorter than LL^*. This parametrically large regime is characterized by a strong renormalization of the current which forbids a universal scaling, unlike the XX model. Our results are based on Matrix Product Operator numerical simulations and agree with perturbative analytical calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure