29 research outputs found

    Young children do not integrate visual and haptic information

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    Several studies have shown that adults integrate visual and haptic information (and information from other modalities) in a statistically optimal fashion, weighting each sense according to its reliability. To date no studies have investigated when this capacity for cross-modal integration develops. Here we show that prior to eight years of age, integration of visual and haptic spatial information is far from optimal, with either vision or touch dominating totally, even in conditions where the dominant sense is far less precise than the other (assessed by discrimination thresholds). For size discrimination, haptic information dominates in determining both perceived size and discrimination thresholds, while for orientation discrimination vision dominates. By eight-ten years, the integration becomes statistically optimal, like adults. We suggest that during development, perceptual systems require constant recalibration, for which cross-sensory comparison is important. Using one sense to calibrate the other precludes useful combination of the two sources

    The brain as a trigger system

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    Visual spatial integration in the elderly.

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    PURPOSE. To investigate the effect of ageing on contour integration in subjects whose ages ranged from 20 to 99 years. METHODS. Detection thresholds were measured for a closed chain of Gabor patches oriented tangentially to a circle (target) embedded in a background of randomly positioned and oriented Gabors (noise). Detection thresholds were measured for different distances of elements composing the target. RESULTS. Sensitivity decreases gradually with age at all interelement distances. Sensitivity decreases with increasing interelement distance, in both young and elderly subjects. The decrease of integration capability with age is not related to a decrease in contrast sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS. Overall, the data provide evidence of a deterioration of cortical functionality with age, in agreement with other studies on texture and motion processing

    a feature tracking model simulates the motion direction bias induced by phase congruency

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    Here we report a new motion illusion where the prevailing motion direction is strongly influenced by the relative phase of the harmonic components of the stimulus. The basic stimulus is the sum of three sinusoidal contrast-reversing gratings: the first, the third, and the fifth harmonic of two square wave gratings that drift in opposite direction. The phase of one of the fifth components was kept constant at 180 deg, whereas the phase of the other fifth harmonic was varied over the range 0Y150 deg. For each phase value of the fifth harmonic, the motion was strongly biased toward its direction, corresponding to the direction with stronger phase congruency between the three harmonics. The strength of the prevailing motion was assessed by measuring motion direction discrimination thresholds, by varying the contrast of the third and the fifth harmonics plaid pattern. Results show that the contrast of high harmonics had to be increased by more than a factor of 10, to achieve a balance of motion for phase differences greater than 60 deg between the 2 fifth harmonics. We also measured the dependence on the absolute phase of harmonic components and found that it is not an important parameter, excluding the possibility that local luminance cues could be mediating the effect. A feature-tracking model based on previous work is proposed to simulate the data. The model computes local energy function from a pair of space-time separable front stage filters and applies a battery of directional second stage mechanisms. It is able to simulate quantitatively the phase congruency dependence illusion and the insensitivity to overall phase. Other energy models based on directional filters fail to simulate the phase congruency dependency effect

    Early Visual Saliency Based on Isolated Optimal Features

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    International audienc

    Young children do not integrate visual and haptic information

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    AbstractSeveral studies have shown that adults integrate visual and haptic information (and information from other modalities) in a statistically optimal fashion, weighting each sense according to its reliability. To date no studies have investigated when this capacity for cross-modal integration develops. Here we show that prior to eight years of age, integration of visual and haptic spatial information is far from optimal, with either vision or touch dominating totally, even in conditions where the dominant sense is far less precise than the other (assessed by discrimination thresholds). For size discrimination, haptic information dominates in determining both perceived size and discrimination thresholds, while for orientation discrimination vision dominates. By eight-ten years, the integration becomes statistically optimal, like adults. We suggest that during development, perceptual systems require constant recalibration, for which cross-sensory comparison is important. Using one sense to calibrate the other precludes useful combination of the two sources

    Visual Spatial Integration in the Elderly

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    PURPOSE. To investigate the effect of ageing on contour integration in subjects whose ages ranged from 20 to 99 years. METHODS. Detection thresholds were measured for a closed chain of Gabor patches oriented tangentially to a circle (target) embedded in a background of randomly positioned and oriented Gabors (noise). Detection thresholds were measured for different distances of elements composing the target. RESULTS. Sensitivity decreases gradually with age at all interelement distances. Sensitivity decreases with increasing interelement distance, in both young and elderly subjects. The decrease of integration capability with age is not related to a decrease in contrast sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS. Overall, the data provide evidence of a deterioration of cortical functionality with age, in agreement with other studies on texture and motion processing. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007;48:2940 -2946) DOI:10.1167/iovs.06-0729 V isual abilities decline during normal (nonpathologic) ageing, but our understanding of the nature and causes of visual changes in the elderly is still limited. Damages to optical properties of the eyes (e.g., presbyopia, senile miosis) are the most common cause of visual deficits in the old population, producing deterioration of low-level visual functions, such as visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. 1-3 However, visual acuity reduction is not exclusively due to changes in the eye's optical properties. 4 -7 Ageing produces loss of photoreceptor, bipolar, or ganglion cells and changes in their connections that could account for visual acuity losses. 17 found small differences in PERG, whereas VEP amplitudes and phases of old subjects were lower than those of young subjects, suggesting that visual impairment in the elderly occurs primarily in V1. More in general, ageing affects PERG and VEPs at low temporal frequencies, producing lower amplitudes and increased latency, particularly at high spatial frequencies. 22 If our understanding of age-related changes in low-level processes is limited, it is also true that not much is known about the effects of ageing on the way neurons elaborate and integrate complex information from the external environment and about the relationship between behavior and diminished neural functions. There are several studies indicating a decreased activity in the ageing brain related to high-level cognitive tasks. Measurements of cerebral blood flow (rCBF) by standard positron emission tomography (PET) reveal differences in activation between young and old subjects in object-recognition tasks, 23,24 face recognition, 25 and stimulus encoding. 26 In some recent studies, investigators have begun to examine also the consequences of ageing on visual perception, finding some abilities to be particularly affected by ageing whereas others are relatively spared. Snowden and Kavanagh 27 have explored several aspects of motion perception and found a variety of deficits not accompanied by a significant loss in contrast sensitivity. These deficits were ascribed to a deterioration of the brain areas responsible for global motion perception, such as the medial temporal area. 28 -30 O'Brien et al. 31 also found a diminished sensitivity to optic flow motion in healthy elderly subjects. Changes due to ageing do not necessarily bring about a deterioration of visual function. Some investigators have found that motion perception of large, highcontrast stimuli is even better in old subjects than in young adults. 34 Some studies report particularly low performance of the elderly in midlevel tasks, such as bilateral symmetry detection, 37 Contour integration is a complex ability, widely investigated in multiple-choice detection tasks, in which a chain of Gabor patches (GPs)-sinusoidal luminance signals within a Gaussian envelope-must be segregated from a noisy background. 38 -40 In these stimuli, there is no global cue-orientation, color, or texture-for the segregation of the chain. The global patterns seem to emerge from interactions between local mechanisms, influenced by variables such as relative orientation of nearby cues, relative distance, and colinearity. This contour segregation ability, which is part of a more general task of figure-ground segmentation, 39 is a secondorder task, involving integration of locally oriented elements in a global percept. This task would require larger networks that, according to some investigators, 37 could generate age-related deficits. A multiple-stage analysis could also explain why this ability undergoes protracted development during childFrom th

    Pupillary response to representations of light in paintings

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