51 research outputs found

    Alcoolisme, anxiété et dépression

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    Dans cet article, les auteurs examinent les liens entre l'alcoolisme et les troubles psychiatriques. Ils estiment que la dépendance à l'alcool est rarement une pathologie qui survient de manière isolée. Les recherches nord-américaines menées en population générale (Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA), National Comorbidity Study) ont confirmé l'association fréquente des troubles psychiatriques et des conduites alcooliques (Regier et al., 1990). Les auteurs concluent que la dépression et l'anxiété sont les deux principales comorbidités psychiatriques de l'alcoolisme. Ils suggèrent que le traitement de l'anxiété et de la dépression soit intégré à celui de l'alcoolisme.Alcoholism, anxiety and depression In this article, the authors examine the links between alcoholism and psychiatric disorders. They estimate that alcohol addiction is rarely a pathology that appears in an isolated fashion. North-american studies conducted within the general population (Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA), National Comorbidity Study) have confirmed the frequent association of psychiatric disorders and alcoholism (Regier et al., 1990). The authors conclude that depression and anxiety are the two major psychiatric disorders of alcoholism. They suggest that the treatment of anxiety as well as depression be integrated to that of alcoholism.Alcoholismo, ansiedad y depresión En este artículo los autores examinan los lazos entre alcoholismo y turbios psiquiátricos. Estiman que la dependencia al alcohol es raramente una patología que surviene de manera aislada. Investagaciones norte-americanas conducidas con la población general (Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA), National Comorbidity Study) han confirmado la asociación frecuente de turbios psiquiatricos y conductas alcoholicas (Regier et al., 1990). Los autores concluyen que la depresión y la ansiedad son las dos comorbosidades psiquiatricas del alcoholismo. Sugeran una integración del tratamiento de ansiedad y de depresión al del alcoholismo

    Exercise dependence among customers from a Parisian sport shop

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    Abstract Aim of the study: We assessed exercise dependence (ED), alcohol and nicotine use disorders, eating disorders, hypochondria and compulsive buying and in a population of customers of a Parisian sport shop. Methods: Five hundred consecutive customers of a sport shop were invited to participate. Diagnostic of exercise dependence was made with the Exercise Addiction Inventory and a specific questionnaire checking all diagnostic criteria. The DSM-IV-TR criteria for bulimia, alcohol and nicotine use disorders were checked and all subjects answered the CAGE and Fagerström questionnaires. Hypochondria was assessed with the DSM-IV-TR criteria and the Whiteley Index of Health Anxiety. For all parameters, customers with (ED+) and without (ED-) exercise dependence were compared. Results: The prevalence of exercise dependence was 29.6%. Subjects from the ED+ group were younger than in the ED-group (27.1 vs 29.8 years) and there were more women. They were more dependent on alcohol, had higher scores at the CAGE questionnaire. ED+ subjects more often presented hypochondria (23 vs 15%), bulimia and binge eating and they more often made gifts to themselves and to others. Conclusions: Exercise dependence appears as a frequent and almost always unrecognized form of behavioral dependence in non clinical population frequenting sport shops. It is frequently associated to chemical dependence and eating disorders

    Sexual compulsion — Relationship with sex, attachment and sexual orientation

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sexual addiction, also known as hypersexual disorder, is associated with serious psychosocial problems for many people. METHODS: This study used questionnaires to investigate the effects of gender, sexual orientation and attachment (avoidance and anxiety) on sexual compulsion among 100 heterosexual and homosexual men and women. RESULTS: A positive correlation was found between anxious attachment and sexual compulsivity (r = 0.46; p < 0.01) and a positive correlation between avoidant attachment and sexual compulsivity (r = 0.39; p ≤ 0.01) in all participants. Secondly, an analysis of covariance showed a gender by sexual orientation interaction effect [F(1, 103) = 6.39, p < 0.01] but no attachment effect on sexual compulsivity. A follow-up comparison showed that lesbian women had higher rates of sexual compulsivity than heterosexual women [t (2, 50) = 5.08, p < 0.001] whereas there was non-significant difference in sexual compulsivity between homosexual and heterosexual men [t (2, 50) = 1.30, p = N.S.]. DISCUSSION: The results provide preliminary evidence for an association between attachment and sexual compulsivity and the effects of gender and sexual orientation on sexual compulsivity

    Money Attitude, Self-esteem, and Compulsive Buying in a Population of Medical Students

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    This study tried to determine the prevalence of compulsive buying (CB) and to identify among compulsive buyers a specific relation to money, a different buying style, and a lowered level of self-esteem. We included 203 medical students and diagnosed CB with the Mc Elroy criteria and a specific questionnaire. The money attitude was characterized by the Yamauchi and Templer's scale and self-esteem with the Rosenberg scale. 11% of the medical students presented compulsive buying (CB+). Sex ratio and mean ages were comparable in the CB+ and control groups. CB+ students drank less alcohol and smoked an equivalent number of cigarettes. Compulsive buyers had higher scores of distress (tendency to be hesitant, suspicious, and doubtful attitude toward situations involving money) and bargain missing (fear of missing a good opportunity to buy an item). They bought more often gifts for themselves, items they use less than expected and choose goods increasing their self-esteem. Their score of self-esteem was not different from the one from controls

    Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol and drug-related disorders in prison: a French national study

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    BACKGROUND: Most studies measuring substance-use disorders in prisons focus on incoming or on remand prisoners and are generally restricted to drugs. However, there is evidence that substance use initiation or continuation occurs in prison, and that alcohol use is common. The aim of this study is 1) to assess prevalence of both drug and alcohol abuse and dependence (DAD/AAD) in a national randomised cohort of French prisoners, short or long-term sentence 2) to assess the risk factors associated with DAD/AAD in prison. a stratified random strategy was used to select 1) 23 prisons among the different types of prison 2) 998 prisoners. Diagnoses were assessed according to a standardized procedure, each prisoner being assessed by two psychiatrists, one junior, using a structured interview (MINI 5 plus), and one senior, completing the procedure with an open clinical interview. At the end of the interview the clinicians met and agreed on a list of diagnoses. Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was also used. RESULTS: More than a third of prisoners presented either AAD or DAD in the last 12 months. Cannabis was the most frequent drug and just under a fifth of prisoners had AAD. AAD and DAD were clearly different for the following: socio-demographic variables, childhood history, imprisonment characteristics, psychiatric comorbidity and Cloninger's TCI. Profiles of AAD in prison are similar to type II alcoholism. CONCLUSION: Regular screening of AAD/DAD in prison, and specific treatment programmes taking into account differences between prisoners with an AAD and prisoners with a DAD should be a public health priority in priso

    Alcoolodépendance, tempérament et personnalité

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    Cet article passe en revue les hypothèses classiques et les travaux récents dans le champ de la compréhension de l’alcoolodépendance. Les données issues des études psychopathologiques tentaient de déterminer une « personnalité pré-addictive ». Les évaluations psychométriques plus récentes s’adressent à des dimensions de personnalité et à des catégories. Les dimensions de personnalité les plus souvent associées à l’alcoolodépendance sont la recherche de sensations, la personnalité antisociale et la recherche de nouveautés. La recherche de sensations apparaît comme un déterminant particulièrement important. Il est évalué de manière standardisée à l’aide d’une échelle mesurant cinq facteurs : le facteur général, la recherche de danger et d’aventure, la recherche d’expériences, la désinhibition et la susceptibilité à l’ennui. Les patients présentant une dépendance à l’alcool ont régulièrement un niveau plus élevé de recherche de sensations. Parallèlement à ces travaux psychopathologiques, des études neurophysiologiques et génétiques tentent de corréler les facteurs de personnalité au risque de dépendance à l’alcool. Les données préliminaires de ces travaux sont présentées et discutées.This review focuses on classical and recent research work in the field of alcohol dependence. Data from psychopathological studies trying to determine a « pre-addictive » personality are exposed. More recent studies assess personality disorders and dimensions of temperament associated to alcohol dependence. Sensation seeking, antisocial personality and novelty seeking appear as the main psychological parameters involved in dependence. Sensation seeking is a dimension of personality often associated to behavioral dependence. Sensation seeking is assessed with a five-component scale including general factor, thrill and adventure seeking, experience-seeking, disinhibition, and boredom susceptibility. Patients presenting alcohol dependence have a higher level of sensation seeking. Neurophysiological and genetic studies try to correlate these personality features to biological parameters. Preliminary results of these works are presented and discussed

    L’utopie du bonheur absolu ou l’hypocondrie psychique

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    Instruments cliniques de dépistage et principes de la prise en charge cognitive et comportementale des addictions sans drogue

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    L élargissement du concept d addiction a permis de regrouper des troubles présentant entre eux et avec les dépendances aux substances psychoactives, un noyau clinique commun. Ces troubles, regroupés sous le terme d addictions sans drogue ou dépendances comportementales sont caractérisés par la répétition obligatoire d une séquence comportementale précise, susceptible de procurer du plaisir ou de soulager un malaise interne et ce en dépit des conséquences négatives. L efficacité des thérapies cognitives et comportementales dans la prise en charge de l alcoolodépendance et des toxicomanies, conduit à envisager l application de techniques similaires aux addictions sans substance. Le but de ce travail était de présenter, à partir d une revue de la littérature, les principes de la prise en charge cognitive et comportementale des addictions sans substance et les principaux instruments de dépistage. Les troubles étudiés étaient le jeu pathologique, les achats compulsifs, les addictions sexuelles, l addiction au travail, à Internet et à l exercice. Plusieurs programmes ont montré une efficacité dans le traitement du jeu pathologique D autres apparaissent prometteurs pour les achats pathologiques et l addiction à internet. Ces publications encouragent l application de ces techniques à l ensemble des addictions sans substance. Les instruments de dépistage sont nombreux, utilisables en pratique clinique et pour la recherche. Tous n ont pas été validés en particulier pour les populations francophones. Des études contrôlées sont nécessaires afin d améliorer les interventionsAMIENS-BU Santé (800212102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
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