28 research outputs found


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    Eggs were collected from field colonies and placed with rearing groups of foreign workers. This file contains survival data for eggs that were collected by workers in each rearing group


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    Data on the proportion of brood that survived to eclose in each rearing group, given the number of eggs that were collected


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    This file contains all data associated with the article: "Foster care-givers influence brood pathogen resistance in ants". Please see the ReadMe file for detailed descriptions


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    Formica selysi microsatellite genotypes from individuals collected across a 10-year time span in the Bois de Finges reserve between Sierre and Susten in Valais, Switzerland

    Test of immune priming in the ant <i>F. selysi</i> exposed to the fungal entomopathogen <i>B. bassiana</i>.

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    <p>Individual ants were challenged with a high dose of <i>B. bassiana</i> strain S2 (open symbols) or strain S3 (closed symbols) after having been initially exposed to control buffer (no priming, squares), low dose of the same strain of <i>B. bassiana</i> (homologous priming, circles), or low dose of the other strain (heterologous priming, triangles). In additional controls, the ants were exposed and “mock-challenged" with control buffer only (crosses and dashed lines). The ants were challenged either eight days (panel A, early fungal challenge) or 16 days (panel B, late fungal challenge) after the beginning of the six-day long period of primary exposure. Different letters indicate treatments that differed significantly from one another.</p

    Parametric survival analysis of the effect of fungal priming in ants.

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    <p>The ants were initially exposed to control buffer, low dose of <i>B. bassiana</i> strain S2 or low dose of <i>B. bassiana</i> strain S3 (factor: “priming") and subsequently challenged with high dose of either <i>B. bassiana</i> strain S2 or strain S3 (factor: “challenge"). The summary table of the model gives information on the effect of each combination of initial exposure (C = control, S2 = strain 2 or S3 = strain 3) and subsequent fungal challenge (S2 = strain 2 or S3 = strain 3). For example, the comparison “C-S2 vs S2-S2" examines whether the ants that were initially exposed to control buffer or to a low dose of strain S2 differed significantly in their survival when challenged with a high dose of strain S2.</p

    Purcell et al. Microsat Data

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    Microsatellite results for each individual and each colony. 'NA' represents missing data. Individuals with poor quality results were removed

    supporting data for all experiments

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    Includes the raw data for behavioural observations, survival data and immune measures


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    Aligned COI sequences of Formica selysi individuals

    Effect of moral information on third-party observers in a real-life situation.

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    <p>Proportions of votes for the most talented candidate among teacher, high school and police students. Grey bars correspond to the control condition in which both candidates were described as similarly nice, normal persons. Black bars correspond to the immoral treatment condition in which the most talented candidate was described as immoral (she has a criminal record for selling drugs) and the less talented candidate was described as normal. White bars correspond to the hyper-moral treatment in which the most talented candidate was described as normal whereas the less talented candidate was described as hyper-moral (she is a very helpful person and provides free music lessons in poor city areas). The only significant effect of moral information was a tendency to vote against the hyper-moral candidate in the police category. Significance levels (GLM): ** = p < 0.01, n.s. = p > 0.05.</p