32 research outputs found

    Modélisation numérique d une décharge DC poussiéreuse (couplage entre équilibre de la décharge, croissance moléculaire et dynamique d aérosol)

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    L objectif Ă©tait d amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension des phĂ©nomĂšnes conduisant Ă  la formation de particules solides de carbone produites par pulvĂ©risation d une cathode en graphite dans une dĂ©charge DC en dĂ©veloppant un ensemble d outils numĂ©riques. Nous avons tout d abord modĂ©lisĂ© la dĂ©charge DC, puis la croissance molĂ©culaire et le transport des prĂ©curseurs, couplĂ©s Ă  la dynamique d aĂ©rosol des particules dans cette dĂ©charge Ă©lectrique. La distribution des particules est apprĂ©hendĂ©e au travers de valeurs moyennes. Nous avons Ă©tabli le schĂ©ma de croissance molĂ©culaire en montrant le rĂŽle essentiel des clusters nĂ©gatifs. Nous avons ensuite Ă©tudiĂ© la croissance des particules qui se forment dans la zone d inversion de champ Ă©lectrique et croissent principalement par collage. L effet de la coagulation sur la taille des particules reste faible bien que son impact sur leur densitĂ© ne puisse ĂȘtre nĂ©gligĂ©. Le modĂšle montre un bon accord avec les mesures expĂ©rimentales. Cependant, la coagulation des particules ne peut pas ĂȘtre fidĂšlement dĂ©crite. De plus, en fin de dĂ©charge, l hypothĂšse selon laquelle l Ă©quilibre de la dĂ©charge n est pas affectĂ© par les clusters et les particules n est plus valide. C est pourquoi nous avons Ă©tendu notre modĂšle pour dĂ©crire la dĂ©charge poussiĂ©reuse et l avons couplĂ© aux modĂšles des clusters et des particules. Nous avons Ă©galement dĂ©veloppĂ© un modĂšle sectionnel permettant de mieux dĂ©crire la distribution en taille des particules. Nous avons montrĂ© que la coagulation joue un rĂŽle important sur la distribution en taille des particules. Les distributions simulĂ©es sont en trĂšs bon accord avec les observations expĂ©rimentales.The objective was to improve the understanding of the formation of solid particles of carbon produced by graphite cathode sputtering in a DC discharge with a set of numerical tools. We first modeled the DC discharge, then the growth and transport of molecular precursors, coupled to aerosol particle dynamics in the discharge. Particle distribution is represented by average values. We established the molecular growth scheme showing the importance of negative clusters. We then studied the growth of particles trapped in the electric field, which is controlled by molecular sticking. The influence of coagulation on particle size remains low although its impact on their density is important. The model shows good agreement with experimental measurements. However, coagulation of particles is not accurately described. Moreover, at the end of discharge, the assumption that the discharge equilibrium is not affected by clusters and particles is no longer valid. So we have extended our model to describe the dusty discharge and coupled it with models of clusters and particles. We also developed a sectional model for a better description of the particle size distribution. We have shown that coagulation plays an important role on the size distribution of particles. Simulated distributions are in good agreement with experimental observations.PARIS13-BU Sciences (930792102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    modélisation des plasmas liquides

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    International audienc

    On the Competition Between the Phenomena Involved in the Aerosol Dynamics in Sputtering Nonequilibrium Plasma

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    International audience— We made use of a combination of three models that describe plasma equilibrium, cluster kinetics and aerosol dynamics in order to investigate solid carbonaceous dust formation in a DC gas discharge where the carbon source is provided by a graphite cathode sputtering. This enabled us to determine the time-evolution of some of the particle characteristics, e., g. total density, mean-diameter, average-charge as function of the sputtering yield. We showed that for few minutes discharge duration, the particle density reaches 10 7-10 8 cm-3 , the particle mean diameter is approximately 40 nm and the particle size distributions are bimodal for all the investigated conditions. We also showed that the variation of the sputtering yield affects in a quite unexpected way the interplay between the phenomena involved in the aerosol dynamics. Basically, larger sputtering yields result in larger density and coagulation rate on one hand, and in a limited nucleation and surface sticking kinetics on the other hand

    Stochastic models of systems for Nanotechnology: from micro to macro scale

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    Computer modeling technique based on the theory of stochastic processes have been used in order to provide a realistic simulation of the behavior of nanoscopic systems, related in particular to plasma reactors in microelectronic device production. Basing on decades of experience, we show here, with new results, that the universality of such methods allows the development of codes with the highest reusability and versatility, crossing the barrier of scale. At the smallest scale, the quantum calculation of the potential energy surface and spectroscopic properties of hydrogen species under nanoconfinement conditions display the effects due to the dimension and the symmetry of the confining potential well. Nanoparticles dispersed as aerosol in plasma feature strong fluctuations in temperature and charge which may affect the processing of silicon wafers. At the macroscopic scale, using a stochastic solution of transport equations, it is possible to describe laboratory or industrial systems for the production or treatment of nanomaterials, also exploiting the analogy between neutral particle transport and radiative transfer and information obtained by molecular simulations. These findings are relevant in the control of solid-particle contamination in the manufacture of electronic components and in other fields

    Nanoparticle formation and dusty plasma effects in DC sputtering discharge with graphite cathode

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    International audienceWe developed a model for the nucleation, growth and transport of carbon dust particles in a DC discharge. The carbon source comes from the sputtering of a graphite cathode resulting in the production of primary clusters and then of nanoparticles. We consider the ionic cluster growth as well as the particle growth and charging and the influence of both on the discharge equilibrium. We found that the discharge becomes electronegative for long duration when particle density reaches 10 9 cm-3 and particle size 45 nm. The corresponding transition modifies the electric field profile in the vicinity of the field reversal region in the negative glow. We then analyze the space and time evolution of the different discharge characteristics and the mechanisms involved in the discharge. We showed that particle density is governed by nucleation, coagulation and transport, while particle size is mainly governed by the deposition of the small neural clusters emitted at the cathode on the particle surfac

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction of an Ar/CH<sub>4</sub> plasma with a surface: Growth, structure, and sputtering of the deposited C:H films

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    International audienceMolecular dynamics simulations were performed to investigate the growth of hydrocarbon films with a surface at temperatures from 300 to 1000 K. The results show that C2_2H is the main precursor of film growth. The formed C:H films are mainly unsaturated and dominated by double bonds and CN3^3 carbon atoms. The evolution of the C:H film is considered under the bombardment of the two major ions (Ar+^+ and C2_2H3+_3^+) with energies ranging from 50 to 100 eV. Film sputtering is significant above 50 eV, while at lower energies, the atoms of the C2_2H3+_3^+ ions can be incorporated and contribute to the growth

    Stochastic models of systems for Nanotechnology: from micro to macro scale

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    Computer modeling technique based on the theory of stochastic processes have been used in order to provide a realistic simulation of the behavior of nanoscopic systems, related in particular to plasma reactors in microelectronic device production. Basing on decades of experience, we show here, with new results, that the universality of such methods allows the development of codes with the highest reusability and versatility, crossing the barrier of scale. At the smallest scale, the quantum calculations of the potential energy surface of hydrogen species under nano-confinement conditions display the effects due to the dimension and the symmetry of the confining potential well. At a slightly larger scale, nanoparticles dispersed as aerosol in plasma feature strong fluctuations in temperature and charge which may affect the processing of silicon wafers. At the macroscopic scale, using a stochastic solution of transport equations, it is possible to describe laboratory or industrial systems for the production or treatment of nanomaterials, also exploiting the analogy between neutral particle transport and radiative transfer and information obtained by molecular simulations. These findings are relevant in the control of solid-particle contamination in the manufacture of electronic components and in other fields

    Molecular dynamics approach for the calculation of the surface loss probabilities of neutral species in argon-methane plasma

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    International audienceMolecular dynamics simulations are carried out for calculating the surface loss probabilities of neutral species from an argon-methane plasma. These probabilities are the sum of the sticking and surface recombination probabilities. This study considers both the formation of reactive and nonreactive volatile species for evaluating recombination probabilities. Results show that stable species are reflected when hydrocarbon film starts growing on the surface. CH3 is mainly lost by surface recombination leading to formation of volatile products while very little contributes to film growth. C2H has surface loss probability in agreement with literature. While C2H loss is usually attributed to sticking on the surface, our results show that its main loss process is due to surface recombination