54 research outputs found

    Kinematics of Serial Manipulators

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    This book chapter deals with kinematic modeling of serial robot manipulators (open-chain multibody systems) with focus on forward as well as inverse kinematic model. At first, the chapter describes basic important definitions in the area of manipulators kinematics. Subsequently, the rigid body motion is presented and basic mathematical apparatus is introduced. Based on rigid body conventions, the forward kinematic model is established including one of the most used approaches in robot kinematics, namely the Denavit-Hartenberg convention. The last section of the chapter analyzes inverse kinematic modeling including analytical, geometrical, and numerical solutions. The chapter offers several examples of serial manipulators with its mathematical solution

    Substantiation of design parameters of bernoulli grippers with automated control of the sizes of objects of manipulation

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    The advantages of using jet gripping devices with integrated function of size control of objects of manipulation in robotic systems are substantiated. Rational designs of gripping devices are proposed, which allow to measure the diameter of the object held by them, their design parameters are substantiated. The interaction of air flows flowing from the annular nozzle and measuring ejector nozzles in the gap between the outer surface of the jet gripper and the inner surface of the object of manipulation is carried out. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations of viscous gas dynamics, SST-model of turbulence and γ-model of laminar-turbulent transition were used for this purpose. As a result of numerical simulation in the Ansys-CFX software environment, the influence of the spatial location of the measuring nozzles on the load capacity of the jet gripper, the range and accuracy of measuring the diameters of manipulation objects was determined

    Analysis of power characteristics of a bernoulli gripping device for manipulation of textile materials

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    Обґрунтовано актуальність застосування струминних захоплювачів при роботизації швейних виробництв. Проаналізовано параметри потоку повітря у радіальному проміжку між взаємодіючими поверхнями струминного захоплювального пристрою та деталі з текстильного матеріалу. Представлено методику розрахунку сили утримування струминним захоплювачем деталі з текстильного матеріалу.Actuality of the use of Bernoulli grippers with robotics garment industries. The parameters of the air flow in the radial gap between the interacting surfaces of the Bernoulli gripper device and the details of the textile material have been analyzed. The method of calculating the lifting force an Bernoulli gripper of a textile material component is presented

    Classification of rolled metal defects using residual neural networks

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    The authors investigated deep residual neural networks, which are used to detect and classify defects found on the rolled metal surface. Based on the neural network with ResNet152 architecture, a classifier for recognizing defects of three classes was built. The proposed technique allows recognizing and classifying surface damage with high accuracy in real-time based on its image. The average binary accuracy of the classification made based on the test data is 97.3%. Neuron activation fields were studied in the convolutional layers of the model. The results obtained show that areas, which correspond to those with damage in the image, are activated. False-positive and false-negative cases of classifier application are investigated. Errors were found to occur most frequently in ambiguous situations when surface artefacts of different types are similar

    Chimney sweeping robot based on a pneumatic actuator

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    The need of improving the quality of professions led to the idea of simplification of processes during chimney sweeping. These processes have been essentially the same for tens of years. The goal of this paper is to bring an automation element into the chimney sweeping process, making the job easier for the chimney sweeper. In this paper, an essentially in-pipe robot is presented, which uses brushes to move while simultaneously cleaning the chimney or pipeline. The problem of the robot motion was reduced using an in-pipe robot due to the environments and obstacles that the robot has to face. An approach of using a pneumatic actuator for motion is presented along with the mechanical design. The next part of this paper is focused on the mathematical model of the robot motion, as well as its simulation and testing in the experimental pipeline. The simulations were compared with the experimental measurements and a few analyses were conducted describing the simulation model and its differences with the real robot, as well as considering certain parameters and their impact on the performance of the robot. The results are discussed at the end of the paper.Web of Science1111art. no. 487

    Вплив Фрикційних Властивостей Конвеєрних Систем на Процес Робототехнічного Маніпулювання Гнучких Об’єктів

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    Конвеєрні системи для роботи із гнучкими обєктами оснащуються спеціальними покриттям із збільшиними фрикційними властивостями, що в свою чергу запобігає проковзуванні обєктів під час операцій над ними. Такі властивості конвеєрних покриттів мають негативний ефект для процесу маніпулювання обєктів

    Вплив Фрикційних Властивостей Конвеєрних Систем на Процес Робототехнічного Маніпулювання Гнучких Об’єктів

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    Конвеєрні системи для роботи із гнучкими обєктами оснащуються спеціальними покриттям із збільшиними фрикційними властивостями, що в свою чергу запобігає проковзуванні обєктів під час операцій над ними. Такі властивості конвеєрних покриттів мають негативний ефект для процесу маніпулювання обєктів.Конвеєрні системи для роботи із гнучкими обєктами оснащуються спеціальними покриттям із збільшиними фрикційними властивостями, що в свою чергу запобігає проковзуванні обєктів під час операцій над ними. Такі властивості конвеєрних покриттів мають негативний ефект для процесу маніпулювання обєктів

    Upgrade of biaxial mechatronic testing machine for cruciform specimens and verification by FEM analysis

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    This article deals with the modernization of an existing loading system for the analysis of elastic-plastic properties of sheet metals in plane stress. The identification of the beginning of plastic deformation of sheet metal in plane strain is important in the cold pressing of sheet metal and in the assessment of the load capacity of thin-walled structures in the automotive and aerospace industry. The design of the control structure of the hydraulic part of the loading system for cross testing was carried out to automatize the whole process of experimental evaluation. For this purpose, proportional pressure-reducing valves together with control electronics were designed. Thus, the loading system is a control system for which a control algorithm has been designed and implemented on a PC. A computer simulation was performed to verify the functionality of the load system. An FEM simulation was performed to verify the correctness of the proposed numerical models and to confirm the experimental results. A numerical nonlinear model of the selected material was applied for the specification of plastic deformations. From the results, it is possible to state the appropriateness of the used models as well as the appropriateness of using modernized equipment for subsequent analysis of the plastic deformation of cruciform specimens.Web of Science1010art. no. 91