9 research outputs found

    Inkulturacja i charyzma. Rozważania o jedności w różnorodności

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    Punktem wyjścia rozważań autora, czeskiego salezjanina, jest wcielone działanie Boga, które wywarło wpływ na historię narodu żydowskiego. Chrześcijaństwo zostało „wszczepione” społeczno-kulturowo w hellenizowany judaizm. Wszystkie trzy fale misji w historii chrześcijaństwa naznaczone były także różnorodnym dostosowaniem doktryny i praktyki wiary do obecnych form myślenia. W teologii XX wieku do tej adaptacji użyto terminu „inkulturacja”. Inkulturacja jest rozumiana jako wyraz zasady wcielenia w działaniu Boga. Ten sam Syn Boży, urodzony w konkretnych okolicznościach społeczno-kulturowych, stanowi też fundament wiary chrześcijan wszystkich ludów i narodów, w tym także tak zwanych młodych Kościołów. Autor rozszerza jednak ważność wcielenia daleko poza granice misji ad gentes. W tym artykule wyjaśnia znaczenie inkulturacji dla nowoczesności i postmodernizmu, a także opowiada się za uwzględnianiem zasady inkulturacji w rozpowszechnianiu już sprawdzonych i poszukiwaniu nowych duchowych dróg (sposobów życia) ze społeczno-kulturowego środowiska założyciela (zakonu lub wspólnoty życia) do innych krajów i na inne kontynenty. Inkulturation und Charisma. Überlegungen zur Einheit in der Verschiedenheit Der Ausgangspunkt der Überlegungen des Verfassers, eines tschechischen Salesianers, ist die inkarnatorische Handlungsweise Gottes, die sich in der Geschichte des jüdischen Volks auswirkte. Das Christentum wurde soziokulturell auf das hellenisierte Judentum „eingepflanzt“. Auch alle drei Missionswellen in der Geschichte des Christentums wurde durch die mannigfaltige Anpassung der Glaubenslehre und -praxis auf die aktuellen Denkformen gekennzeichnet. In der Theologie des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde dann für diese Anpassung der Begriff „Inkulturation“ gewendet. Die Inkulturation wird als ein Ausdruck des Inkarnationsprinzips der Handlung Gottes verstanden. Derselbe Gottessohn, der in die konkreten soziokulturellen Umstände hineingeboren ist, der stellt auch den Fundament Glaubens der Christen aller Völker und Nationen dar, einschließlich der sog. „jungen Kirchen“. Der Verfasser erweitert aber die Geltung der Inkarnation über die Grenze der Missionen ad gentes weit hinaus. Er erklärt in diesem Artikel die Bedeutung der Inkulturation an die Moderne und Postmoderne und plädiert auch für die Wahrnehmung des Inkulturationsprinzips auch bei der Verbreitung der schon bewährten sowie der neuen spirituellen Wege (der Lebensweisen) aus dem soziokulturellen Milieu des Gründers/der Gründerin in andere Länder und Kontinente.The author’s, a Czech Salesian opening concept is the original effect of the God’s incarnation which had an impact on the history of Jewish nation. Christianity was injected into the specific socio-cultural stream of Hellenistic (Greek), Jewish thought. All three missionary actions were marked by being imbued with the current forms of thought and custom. In the 20th century this form of adaptation is called inculturation. This is to say that the Son of God was born into a specific socio-economic environment and not some abstract reality. This is the foundation of Christian faith in all cultures and movements known as “Young Churches.” The author, however expands this view of missionary concepts wider than that in Ad Gentes. In his article he explains the meaning of inculturation for the current and post-modern scenes. He also supports the concept for the sake of finding new “ways of life” deriving from the original idea to be applicable in other countries and continents

    Od vedení k doprovázení: Na cestě k novému paradigmatu

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    The multifaceted phenomenon of animation: Analysing the background and aims of different types of animations

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    The word animation is used in different contexts (film, theatre, computers,culture). The object of this study is animation in the context of social pedagogy, socialwork and pastoral care. The importance of animation in education lies in nondirectiveeducational influence, which is enabled by the use of the animation approach. Theessence of animation is derived not only from the etymology of the word animation(imparting life), but also from its understanding in the particular historical development.The authors analysed in detail the development of animation in France andthen in other countries (Italy, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic,Slovakia). They drew on foundational works of renowned authors in the field (Gillet,Opaschowski, Pollo) as well as on the comparison of the individual – often fragmented– bits of information that can be found on animation in educational literature. Theresult is an attempt to summarise common and different attributes of various typesof animation in the social science fields in Europe. It seems that all current types ofanimation are created on foundations of at least two of the four social variables: thesociety – education – culture – art

    PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides and Structurally Relevant Schiff Bases: Evaluation of Inhibitory Activities against Human Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase

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    The study of human protoporphyrinogen oxidase (hPPO) inhibition can contribute significantly to a better understanding of some pathogeneses (e.g., porphyria, herbicide exposure) and the development of anticancer agents. Therefore, we prepared new potential inhibitors with Schiff base structural motifs (2-hydroxybenzaldehyde-based Schiff bases 9–13 and chromanone derivatives 17–19) as structurally relevant to PPO herbicides. The inhibitory activities (represented by the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values) and enzymatic interactions (represented by the hPPO melting temperatures) of these synthetic compounds and commercial PPO herbicides used against hPPO were studied by a protoporphyrin IX fluorescence assay. In the case of PPO herbicides, significant hPPO inhibition and changes in melting temperature were observed for oxyfluorten, oxadiazon, lactofen, butafenacil, saflufenacil, oxadiargyl, chlornitrofen, and especially fomesafen. Nevertheless, the prepared compounds did not display significant inhibitory activity or changes in the hPPO melting temperature. However, a designed model of hPPO inhibitors based on the determined IC50 values and a docking study (by using AutoDock) found important parts of the herbicide structural motif for hPPO inhibition. This model could be used to better predict PPO herbicidal toxicity and improve the design of synthetic inhibitors

    Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs) in NSCLC: From Prognosis to Therapy Design

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    Designing optimal (neo)adjuvant therapy is a crucial aspect of the treatment of non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Standard methods of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy represent effective strategies for treatment. However, in some cases with high metastatic activity and high levels of circulating tumour cells (CTCs), the efficacy of standard treatment methods is insufficient and results in treatment failure and reduced patient survival. CTCs are seen not only as an isolated phenomenon but also a key inherent part of the formation of metastasis and a key factor in cancer death. This review discusses the impact of NSCLC therapy strategies based on a meta-analysis of clinical studies. In addition, possible therapeutic strategies for repression when standard methods fail, such as the administration of low-toxicity natural anticancer agents targeting these phenomena (curcumin and flavonoids), are also discussed. These strategies are presented in the context of key mechanisms of tumour biology with a strong influence on CTC spread and metastasis (mechanisms related to tumour-associated and -infiltrating cells, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and migration of cancer cells)

    Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs) in NSCLC: From Prognosis to Therapy Design

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    Designing optimal (neo)adjuvant therapy is a crucial aspect of the treatment of non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Standard methods of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy represent effective strategies for treatment. However, in some cases with high metastatic activity and high levels of circulating tumour cells (CTCs), the efficacy of standard treatment methods is insufficient and results in treatment failure and reduced patient survival. CTCs are seen not only as an isolated phenomenon but also a key inherent part of the formation of metastasis and a key factor in cancer death. This review discusses the impact of NSCLC therapy strategies based on a meta-analysis of clinical studies. In addition, possible therapeutic strategies for repression when standard methods fail, such as the administration of low-toxicity natural anticancer agents targeting these phenomena (curcumin and flavonoids), are also discussed. These strategies are presented in the context of key mechanisms of tumour biology with a strong influence on CTC spread and metastasis (mechanisms related to tumour-associated and -infiltrating cells, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and migration of cancer cells)

    TET protein inhibitors: Potential and limitations

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    TET proteins (methylcytosine dioxygenases) play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. Dysregulation of their activity is associated with many serious pathogenic states such as oncological diseases. Regulation of their activity by specific inhibitors could represent a promising therapeutic strategy. Therefore, this review describes various types of TET protein inhibitors in terms of their inhibitory mechanism and possible applicability. The potential and possible limitations of this approach are thoroughly discussed in the context of TET protein functionality in living systems. Furthermore, possible therapeutic strategies based on the inhibition of TET proteins are presented and evaluated, especially in the field of oncological diseases