6 research outputs found

    Bridging East and West: Re-examining the notion of corporate governance in explaining institutional change

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    The paper discusses the theoretical framework for cross-national research on corporate governance. Although the field of corporate governance is largely explored, the existing analyses focus rather on advanced economies and detailed comparisons between them, and sometimes try to apply the same theoretical framework to other countries. However, the development of a sound governance structure in ’catching-up’ economies is typically affected by the political process of reforms. Quite often informal institutions, which still exist in the political proceedings, undermine formal settings of governance existing in these countries. The paper starts with the assumption that considerations of corporate governance in the .East - West. comparisons can not neglect a broad perspective of the political nature of governance arrangements both formal and informal. It also examines the adequacy of ’path-dependency’ approaches. It adds to the perspective of .Varieties of Capitalism. some dimensions which make this perspective more sensitive towards .East - West. analyses. --

    Bridging East and West: re-examining the notion of corporate governance in explaining institutional change

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    "The paper discusses the theoretical framework for cross-national research on corporate governance. Although the field of corporate governance is largely explored, the existing analyses focus rather on advanced economies and detailed comparisons between them, and sometimes try to apply the same theoretical framework to other countries. However, the development of a sound governance structure in 'catching-up' economies is typically affected by the political process of reforms. Quite often informal institutions, which still exist in the political proceedings, undermine formal settings of governance existing in these countries. The paper starts with the assumption that considerations of corporate governance in the 'East - West' comparisons can not neglect a broad perspective of the political nature of governance arrangements both formal and informal. It also examines the adequacy of 'path-dependency' approaches. It adds to the perspective of 'Varieties of Capitalism' some dimensions which make this perspective more sensitive towards 'East - West' analyses." (author's abstract)Das Arbeitspapier diskutiert die Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten eines begrifflich-theoretischen Bezugsrahmens für die international vergleichende Forschung zum "corporate governance". Obgleich dieses Thema gut erforscht worden ist, beschränken sich die Studien jedoch weitgehend auf die entwickelten Länder. Die Entwicklung von nachhaltigen und stabilen Regierungsstrukturen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern bzw. postkommunistischen Transformationsgesellschaften basiert jedoch weitgehend auf informellen Strukturen und Institutionen, die formale politische Institutionen häufig unterlaufen und offizielle Regierungsprogramme blockieren. Die vorliegende Studie zu "corporate governance" im Ost-West-Vergleich belegt die These, dass die Qualität und Stabilität politischer Regime gleichermaßen von formalen wie informellen Institutionen determiniert wird. Die jeweilige spezifische Kombination dieser Strukturen führt zu unterschiedlichen Entwicklungspfaden und erklärt auch die "Varieties of Capitalism" im Ost-West-Vergleich

    First year of transformation and the behaviour of state-run enterprises

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    This paper summarizes a year of empirical research on the adjustment patterns of Polish state enterprises. The research was undertaken by the Research Group on Enterprise Adjustment at the Gdansk Institute for Market Economics. The paper is in three main parts. In the first section we give a thumbnail description of the macro-economic performance of the Polish economy during 1990. The second section reviews the changes in the organizational, legal and sociological structures of state-run enterprises. The third section discusses the performance of state firms and challenges a number of stereotypes concerning their activity. We argue that small and medium-sized enterprises adjusted more dynamically to the changing environment than their larger counterparts and also that state enterprises which were under competitive pressure and operating on the consumer markets were significantly more active than other firms.Transformation stabilization state-run enterprise

    Bridging East and West Re-examining the notion of corporate governance in explaining institutional change

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    Das Arbeitspapier diskutiert die Bedingungen und Moeglichkeiten eines begrifflich-theoretischen Bezugsrahmens fuer die international vergleichende Forschung zum 'corporate governance'. Obgleich dieses Thema gut erforscht worden ist, beschraenken sich die Studien jedoch weitgehend auf die entwickelten Laender. Die Entwicklung von nachhaltigen und stabilen Regierungsstrukturen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenlaendern bzw. postkommunistischen Transformationsgesellschaften basiert jedoch weitgehend auf informellen Strukturen und Institutionen, die formale politische Institutionen haeufig unterlaufen und offizielle Regierungsprogramme blockieren. Die vorliegende Studie zu 'corporate governance' im Ost-West-Vergleich belegt die These, dass die Qualitaet und Stabilitaet politischer Regime gleichermassen von formalen wie informellen Institutionen determiniert wird. Die jeweilige spezifische Kombination dieser Strukturen fuehrt zu unterschiedlichen Entwicklungspfaden und erklaert auch die 'Varieties of Capitalism' im Ost-West-Vergleich. (ICAUebers)'The paper discusses the theoretical framework for cross-national research on corporate governance. Although the field of corporate governance is largely explored, the existing analyses focus rather on advanced economies and detailed comparisons between them, and sometimes try to apply the same theoretical framework to other countries. However, the development of a sound governance structure in 'catching-up' economies is typically affected by the political process of reforms. Quite often informal institutions, which still exist in the political proceedings, undermine formal settings of governance existing in these countries. The paper starts with the assumption that considerations of corporate governance in the 'East - West' comparisons can not neglect a broad perspective of the political nature of governance arrangements both formal and informal. It also examines the adequacy of 'path-dependency' approaches. It adds to the perspective of 'Varieties of Capitalism' some dimensions which make this perspective more sensitive towards 'East - West' analyses.' (author's abstract)German title: Im Osten wie im Westen: noch einmal zur Bedeutung von Corporate Governance fuer die Erklaerung institutionellen WandelsAvailable from UuStB Koeln(38)-20040106419 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    The Polish School of Argumentation:A Manifesto

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    Building on our diverse research traditions in the study of reasoning, language and communication, the Polish School of Argumentation integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Our primary goal is to craft a methodological programme and establish organisational infrastructure: this is the first key step in facilitating and fostering our research movement, which joins people with a common research focus, complementary skills and an enthusiasm to work together. This statement—the Manifesto—lays the foundations for the research programme of the Polish School of Argumentation