49 research outputs found

    Zur Dynamik von Ritualkomplexen

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    Der Ritualbegriff steht fĂŒr eine distinkte Handlungsform, die sich aufgrund folgender Merkmale von anderen Handlungsformen unterscheiden: Verkörperung, Förmlichkeit, Rahmung, Transformation und Überhöhung (Transzendenz). Komplex sind rituelle Handlungen, insofern sie kulturell spezifische Aktionseinheiten integrieren und auf gesellschaftliche Beziehungen verweisen. Ihre Beharrlichkeit geht auf Erwartungen zurĂŒck, die u.a. mit der Suche nach Sicherheit und KontinuitĂ€t zusammenhĂ€ngt. Gleichwohl verĂ€ndern sich Rituale durch die Intervention innerer und Ă€ußerer KrĂ€fte und stellen die betroffenen sozialen Gruppen vor die Wahl, den Wandel hinzunehmen, Reformen einzuleiten, das Alte abzuschaffen oder etwas Neues zu 'erfinden'

    ‘At the point of confluence of sociology and Indology’: Louis Dumont’s postulate reconsidered

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    In this article, I aim to show how Louis Dumont’s famous claim that ‘the condition for a sound development of Sociology of India is found in the establishment of the proper relation between it and classical Indology’ has become obsolete and was from the beginning a problematic postulate. I first develop the historical background of the denigration of anthropological approaches in India against the rise of an idealising Indology as a philological discipline. Then I discuss the structural, methodological and ideological problems that made it difficult to follow Dumont’s advice to search for the point of confluence of sociology and Indology. Finally, I place Dumont’s holistic approach in relation to the holistic structure of academic disciplines that emerged in the 19th century on the basis of the nation-state model and argue that it is misleading and reductive to think that ‘the construction of an Indian Sociology rests in part upon the existence of Indology’

    Grundlagen des SFB 619: Ritualdynamik - Soziokulturelle Prozesse in historischer und kulturvergleichender Perspektive

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    Ausgangspunkt des Forschungsprojekts ist ein multidimensionaler Ritualbegriff, der sich im interdisziplinĂ€ren Diskurs zwischen den am SFB beteiligten sozialwissenschaftlichen, philologischen, historischen und psychologischen FĂ€chern zu bewĂ€hren hat. Der Grundlagentext gibt einen kurzen Überblick ĂŒber die wichtigsten ForschungsansĂ€tze und entwickelt ein pragmatisches, Methodenfragen und langfristige Ziele erlĂ€uterndes Programm fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifender Zusammenarbeit. Im Anhang findet sich eine reichhaltige, systematisch gegliederte Bibliographie, die eine Auswahl der internationalen Ritualforschung enthĂ€lt

    Rethinking the Body: An Introduction

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    Macht und Ohnmacht einer lebenden Göttin - Die Kumārī im politischen Wechsel Nepals

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    Die KumārÄ«, die sogenannte lebende Göttin, in Nepal ist seit einigen Jahren wiederholt Gegenstand politischer und juristischer Auseinandersetzungen geworden. Der Aufsatz behandelt diese Konflikte, vornehmlich im Hinblick auf Fragen der komplexen Agency, die Priester, Politiker, Menschenrechtsinstitutionen, die Öffentlichkeit (Presse), die Familie der KumārÄ« und nicht zuletzt die KumārÄ« selbst beanspruchen

    Studies in Historical Documents from Nepal and India

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    study of religion|indology|anthropology|history|tibetolog

    Studies in Historical Documents from Nepal and India

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    study of religion|indology|anthropology|history|tibetolog

    Estimating the regional distribution of men who have sex with men (MSM) based on Internet surveys

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Measurement of prevalence and incidence of infections in a hard to reach population like men who have sex with men (MSM) is hampered by its unknown size and regional distribution. Population-based surveys have recently been used to estimate the total number of MSM, but these surveys are usually not large enough to measure regional differences in the proportion of MSM in the population. We explored the use of the proportional regional distribution of participants of large internet-based surveys among MSM from Germany to estimate the regional distribution of MSM in Germany.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared participants from two separate MSM behavioural surveys with each other and with the distribution of user profiles of the largest contact and dating website for gay and other MSM in Germany in terms of the representativeness of the regional distribution. In addition, we compared the regional distribution of reportedly HIV positive survey participants with the regional distribution of HIV notifications within the national surveillance system that can be attributed to transmission through homosexual contacts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Regional distribution of survey participants was almost identical in both surveys, despite little overlap between survey participants. Slight discrepancies between surveys and user profiles could be observed. Proportional regional distribution of survey participants with HIV diagnosis resembled national surveillance data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Considering the difficulties to obtain representative data by other sampling methods for "hidden" populations like MSM, internet-based surveys may provide an easy and low cost tool to estimate the regional population distribution – at least in Western post-industrialized countries. Some uncertainties remain about the exact place of residence of MSM in larger cities or catchment areas of these cities. Slightly different results from different datasets may be due to unequal popularity of MSM websites in different regions. The total population size of the MSM population can be estimated based on e.g. data from representative national population surveys. Both estimates can then be combined to calculate the absolute size of regional MSM populations.</p