508 research outputs found

    The effects of short-lived radionuclides and porosity on the early thermo-mechanical evolution of planetesimals

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    The thermal history and internal structure of chondritic planetesimals, assembled before the giant impact phase of chaotic growth, potentially yield important implications for the final composition and evolution of terrestrial planets. These parameters critically depend on the internal balance of heating versus cooling, which is mostly determined by the presence of short-lived radionuclides (SLRs), such as aluminum-26 and iron-60, as well as the heat conductivity of the material. The heating by SLRs depends on their initial abundances, the formation time of the planetesimal and its size. It has been argued that the cooling history is determined by the porosity of the granular material, which undergoes dramatic changes via compaction processes and tends to decrease with time. In this study we assess the influence of these parameters on the thermo-mechanical evolution of young planetesimals with both 2D and 3D simulations. Using the code family I2ELVIS/I3ELVIS we have run numerous 2D and 3D numerical finite-difference fluid dynamic models with varying planetesimal radius, formation time and initial porosity. Our results indicate that powdery materials lowered the threshold for melting and convection in planetesimals, depending on the amount of SLRs present. A subset of planetesimals retained a powdery surface layer which lowered the thermal conductivity and hindered cooling. The effect of initial porosity was small, however, compared to those of planetesimal size and formation time, which dominated the thermo-mechanical evolution and were the primary factors for the onset of melting and differentiation. We comment on the implications of this work concerning the structure and evolution of these planetesimals, as well as their behavior as possible building blocks of terrestrial planets.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in Icarus; for associated video files, see http://timlichtenberg.net/2015_porosity.html or http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2016.03.00

    The Interval [0,1] Admits no Functorial Embedding into a Finite-Dimensional or Metrizable Topological Group

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    An embedding X ⊂ G of a topological space X into a topological group G is called functorial if every homeomorphism of X extends to a continuous group homomorphism of G. It is shown that the interval [0, 1] admits no functorial embedding into a finite-dimensional or metrizable topological group

    The Impact of Video Conference on Orthopaedic Resident Education: A Survey

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    Background: Covid and required social distancing has accelerated the use of video conferencing. We hypothesized that residents and faculty would be less receptive to the video lecture format and prefer traditional didactic methods. Methods: A 16-question anonymous survey was distributed nationally to orthopaedic residents and faculty. The survey collected basic demographic information such as, level in training, gender, and age. We then asked the respondent to rate their agreement or disagreement with 8 statements on a Likert scale (1-5) about video conferencing regarding orthopedic education. Likert scale responses were evaluated using basic descriptive statistics. Respondents were divided into groups of faculty and residents. Residents were subdivided into junior residents (PGY-1s and PGY-2s) and senior residents (PGY-3s, PGY-4s, and PGY-5s). A Wilcoxon rank sum test was used for the Likert scale type questions and a Fisher’s exact test was used for the pros/cons questions to evaluate for a difference in responses between groups. Results: A total of 123 residents or faculty responded to the survey. One was excluded because only the demographics section was completed, leaving 122 respondents. Respondents were found to prefer the traditional didactics compared to the new virtual format (p Conclusions: Orthopaedic residents and faculty do not prefer the new virtual didactic format compared to the traditional approach. Level of Evidence: Level IV Cross-Sectional Stud

    Impact splash chondrule formation during planetesimal recycling

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    Chondrules are the dominant bulk silicate constituent of chondritic meteorites and originate from highly energetic, local processes during the first million years after the birth of the Sun. So far, an astrophysically consistent chondrule formation scenario, explaining major chemical, isotopic and textural features, remains elusive. Here, we examine the prospect of forming chondrules from planetesimal collisions. We show that intensely melted bodies with interior magma oceans became rapidly chemically equilibrated and physically differentiated. Therefore, collisional interactions among such bodies would have resulted in chondrule-like but basaltic spherules, which are not observed in the meteoritic record. This inconsistency with the expected dynamical interactions hints at an incomplete understanding of the planetary growth regime during the protoplanetary disk phase. To resolve this conundrum, we examine how the observed chemical and isotopic features of chondrules constrain the dynamical environment of accreting chondrite parent bodies by interpreting the meteoritic record as an impact-generated proxy of planetesimals that underwent repeated collision and reaccretion cycles. Using a coupled evolution-collision model we demonstrate that the vast majority of collisional debris feeding the asteroid main belt must be derived from planetesimals which were partially molten at maximum. Therefore, the precursors of chondrite parent bodies either formed primarily small, from sub-canonical aluminum-26 reservoirs, or collisional destruction mechanisms were efficient enough to shatter planetesimals before they reached the magma ocean phase. Finally, we outline the window in parameter space for which chondrule formation from planetesimal collisions can be reconciled with the meteoritic record and how our results can be used to further constrain early solar system dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Icarus; associated blog article at goo.gl/5bDqG

    Goal-Directed Acupuncture in Sports—Placebo or Doping?

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    The modern pentathlon (MP), sports discipline including fencing, swimming, steeplechase and a cross-country run, requires a rapid change of central nervous and peripheral neuromuscular activity from one sport to another in order to achieve the best possible results. We describe the case where a top MP athlete was supported by a program of acupoint stimulation, which was directed to relieve the symptoms, preventing him from effective performance. Although the fact of acupoint stimulation was associated with improvement of his results, other factors like training effect, placebo and nonspecific physiological effects and their mechanisms in sports are discussed in a literature review. The popularity of complementary and alternative medicine methods among the athletes raises the question of their potential misuse as a doping in competitive sports

    Methods of Administering Superimposed High-Frequency Jet Ventilation and the Associated Risk for Aspiration in a Model of Tracheal Bleeding

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    Background: To determine the suitability of different superimposed high-frequency jet ventilation (SHFJV) application methods during tracheal bleeding. Objective: To determine the effect of SHFJV on the aspiration of blood during tracheal bleeding. Methods: A test lung was ventilated using SHFJV via a rigid endoscope, a jet laryngoscope and a 4-lumen jet catheter. Packed red blood cells (PRBCs) were injected into the artificial trachea caudally to the rigid endoscope and jet laryngoscope ventilation, and both caudally and cranially during ventilation via the 4-lumen jet catheter, and the migration of PRBCs during ventilation was studied using continuous video recording. Results: Migration of blood into the lower respiratory tract did not occur during SHFJV via the rigid endoscope and jet laryngoscope and via the 4-lumen jet catheter with the bleeding caudal to ventilation source. If the bleeding was cranial to the 4-lumen jet catheter ventilation, migration of blood into the lower respiratory tract was seen when reflux of blood reached the entrainment area. From this area, blood is transported within the jet stream into the lower respiratory tract. Conclusions: SHFJV protects the lower respiratory tract from blood aspiration in case of tracheal bleeding. During SHFJV via the 4-lumen jet catheter, aspiration of blood only occurs if bleeding is localized cranial to the 4-lumen jet catheter ventilation. In case of heavy tracheal bleeding, the jet sources should be positioned cranial to the site of bleeding

    A Comprehensive Review of Data-Driven Co-Speech Gesture Generation

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    Gestures that accompany speech are an essential part of natural and efficient embodied human communication. The automatic generation of such co-speech gestures is a long-standing problem in computer animation and is considered an enabling technology in film, games, virtual social spaces, and for interaction with social robots. The problem is made challenging by the idiosyncratic and non-periodic nature of human co-speech gesture motion, and by the great diversity of communicative functions that gestures encompass. Gesture generation has seen surging interest recently, owing to the emergence of more and larger datasets of human gesture motion, combined with strides in deep-learning-based generative models, that benefit from the growing availability of data. This review article summarizes co-speech gesture generation research, with a particular focus on deep generative models. First, we articulate the theory describing human gesticulation and how it complements speech. Next, we briefly discuss rule-based and classical statistical gesture synthesis, before delving into deep learning approaches. We employ the choice of input modalities as an organizing principle, examining systems that generate gestures from audio, text, and non-linguistic input. We also chronicle the evolution of the related training data sets in terms of size, diversity, motion quality, and collection method. Finally, we identify key research challenges in gesture generation, including data availability and quality; producing human-like motion; grounding the gesture in the co-occurring speech in interaction with other speakers, and in the environment; performing gesture evaluation; and integration of gesture synthesis into applications. We highlight recent approaches to tackling the various key challenges, as well as the limitations of these approaches, and point toward areas of future development.Comment: Accepted for EUROGRAPHICS 202

    A meta-analysis of Boolean network models reveals design principles of gene regulatory networks

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    Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) describe how a collection of genes governs the processes within a cell. Understanding how GRNs manage to consistently perform a particular function constitutes a key question in cell biology. GRNs are frequently modeled as Boolean networks, which are intuitive, simple to describe, and can yield qualitative results even when data is sparse. We generate an expandable database of published, expert-curated Boolean GRN models, and extracted the rules governing these networks. A meta-analysis of this diverse set of models enables us to identify fundamental design principles of GRNs. The biological term canalization reflects a cell's ability to maintain a stable phenotype despite ongoing environmental perturbations. Accordingly, Boolean canalizing functions are functions where the output is already determined if a specific variable takes on its canalizing input, regardless of all other inputs. We provide a detailed analysis of the prevalence of canalization and show that most rules describing the regulatory logic are highly canalizing. Independent from this, we also find that most rules exhibit a high level of redundancy. An analysis of the prevalence of small network motifs, e.g. feed-forward loops or feedback loops, in the wiring diagram of the identified models reveals several highly abundant types of motifs, as well as a surprisingly high overabundance of negative regulations in complex feedback loops. Lastly, we provide the strongest evidence thus far in favor of the hypothesis that GRNs operate at the critical edge between order and chaos.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    UNL V Chamber Orchestra

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    Program listing performers and works performe