1,238 research outputs found

    Flow transitions in two-dimensional foams

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    For sufficiently slow rates of strain, flowing foam can exhibit inhomogeneous flows. The nature of these flows is an area of active study in both two-dimensional model foams and three dimensional foam. Recent work in three-dimensional foam has identified three distinct regimes of flow [S. Rodts, J. C. Baudez, and P. Coussot, Europhys. Lett. {\bf 69}, 636 (2005)]. Two of these regimes are identified with continuum behavior (full flow and shear-banding), and the third regime is identified as a discrete regime exhibiting extreme localization. In this paper, the discrete regime is studied in more detail using a model two dimensional foam: a bubble raft. We characterize the behavior of the bubble raft subjected to a constant rate of strain as a function of time, system size, and applied rate of strain. We observe localized flow that is consistent with the coexistence of a power-law fluid with rigid body rotation. As a function of applied rate of strain, there is a transition from a continuum description of the flow to discrete flow when the thickness of the flow region is approximately 10 bubbles. This occurs at an applied rotation rate of approximately 0.07s−10.07 {\rm s^{-1}}

    Statistics of Bubble Rearrangements in a Slowly Sheared Two-dimensional Foam

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    Many physical systems exhibit plastic flow when subjected to slow steady shear. A unified picture of plastic flow is still lacking; however, there is an emerging theoretical understanding of such flows based on irreversible motions of the constituent ``particles'' of the material. Depending on the specific system, various irreversible events have been studied, such as T1 events in foam and shear transformation zones (STZ's) in amorphous solids. This paper presents an experimental study of the T1 events in a model, two-dimensional foam: bubble rafts. In particular, I report on the connection between the distribution of T1 events and the behavior of the average stress and average velocity profiles during both the initial elastic response of the bubble raft and the subsequent plastic flow at sufficiently high strains

    Thermodynamics of polymer adsorption to a flexible membrane

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    We analyze the structural behavior of a single polymer chain grafted to an attractive, flexible surface. Our model is composed of a coarse-grained bead-and-spring polymer and a tethered membrane. By means of extensive parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulations it is shown that the system exhibits a rich phase behavior ranging from highly ordered, compact to extended random coil structures and from desorbed to completely adsorbed or even partially embedded conformations. These findings are summarized in a pseudophase diagram indicating the predominant class of conformations as a function of the external parameters temperature and polymer-membrane interaction strength. By comparison with adsorption to a stiff membrane surface it is shown that the flexibility of the membrane gives rise to qualitatively new behavior such as stretching of adsorbed conformations

    Elastic Lennard-Jones Polymers Meet Clusters -- Differences and Similarities

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    We investigate solid-solid and solid-liquid transitions of elastic flexible off-lattice polymers with Lennard-Jones monomer-monomer interaction and anharmonic springs by means of sophisticated variants of multicanonical Monte Carlo methods. We find that the low-temperature behavior depends strongly and non-monotonically on the system size and exhibits broad similarities to unbound atomic clusters. Particular emphasis is dedicated to the classification of icosahedral and non-icosahedral low-energy polymer morphologies.Comment: 9 pages, 17 figure

    Viscoelastic shear banding in foam

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    Shear banding is an important feature of flow in complex fluids. Essentially, shear bands refer to the coexistence of flowing and non-flowing regions in driven material. Understanding the possible sources of shear banding has important implications for a wide range of flow applications. In this regard, quasi-two dimensional flow offers a unique opportunity to study competing factors that result in shear bands. One proposal is the competition between intrinsic dissipation and an external source of dissipation. In this paper, we report on the experimental observation of the transition between different classes of shear-bands that have been predicted to exist in cylindrical geometry as the result of this competition [R. J. Clancy, E. Janiaud, D. Weaire, and S. Hutzlet, Eur. J. Phys. E, {\bf 21}, 123 (2006)]

    Impact of boundaries on velocity profiles in bubble rafts

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    Under conditions of sufficiently slow flow, foams, colloids, granular matter, and various pastes have been observed to exhibit shear localization, i.e. regions of flow coexisting with regions of solid-like behavior. The details of such shear localization can vary depending on the system being studied. A number of the systems of interest are confined so as to be quasi-two dimensional, and an important issue in these systems is the role of the confining boundaries. For foams, three basic systems have been studied with very different boundary conditions: Hele-Shaw cells (bubbles confined between two solid plates); bubble rafts (a single layer of bubbles freely floating on a surface of water); and confined bubble rafts (bubbles confined between the surface of water below and a glass plate on top). Often, it is assumed that the impact of the boundaries is not significant in the ``quasi-static limit'', i.e. when externally imposed rates of strain are sufficiently smaller than internal kinematic relaxation times. In this paper, we directly test this assumption for rates of strain ranging from 10−310^{-3} to 10−2s−110^{-2} {\rm s^{-1}}. This corresponds to the quoted quasi-static limit in a number of previous experiments. It is found that the top plate dramatically alters both the velocity profile and the distribution of nonlinear rearrangements, even at these slow rates of strain.Comment: New figures added, revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Microcanonical entropy inflection points: Key to systematic understanding of transitions in finite systems

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    We introduce a systematic classification method for the analogs of phase transitions in finite systems. This completely general analysis, which is applicable to any physical system and extends towards the thermodynamic limit, is based on the microcanonical entropy and its energetic derivative, the inverse caloric temperature. Inflection points of this quantity signal cooperative activity and thus serve as distinct indicators of transitions. We demonstrate the power of this method through application to the long-standing problem of liquid-solid transitions in elastic, flexible homopolymers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Tunable Feshbach resonances in collisions of ultracold molecules in 2Σ^2\Sigma states with alkali-metal atoms

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    We consider the magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances that may exist in ultracold mixtures of molecules in 2Σ^2\Sigma states and alkali-metal atoms. We focus on Rb+CaF as a prototype system. There are likely to be Feshbach resonances analogous to those between pairs of alkali-metal atoms. We investigate the patterns of near-threshold states and the resonances that they cause, using coupled-channel calculations of the bound states and low-energy scattering on model interaction potentials. We explore the dependence of the properties on as-yet-unknown potential parameters. There is a high probability that resonances will exist at magnetic fields below 1000 G, and that these will be broad enough to control collisions and form triatomic molecules by magnetoassociation. We consider the effect of CaF rotation and potential anisotropy, and conclude that they may produce additional resonances but should not affect the existence of rotation-free resonances

    Tunable Feshbach resonances in collisions of ultracold molecules in 2Σ states with alkali-metal atoms

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    We consider the magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances that may exist in ultracold mixtures of molecules in 2Σmstates and alkali-metal atoms. We focus on Rb +CaF as a prototype system. There are likely to be Feshbach resonances analogous to those between pairs of alkali-metal atoms. We investigate the patterns of near-threshold states and the resonances that they cause, using coupled-channel calculations of the bound states and low-energy scattering on model interaction potentials. We explore the dependence of the properties on as-yet-unknown potential parameters. There is a high probability that resonances will exist at magnetic fields below 1000 G, and that these will be broad enough to control collisions and form triatomic molecules by magnetoassociation. We consider the effects of CaF rotation and anisotropy of the interaction potential, and conclude that they may produce additional resonances but should not affect the existence of rotation-free resonances

    Membrane fouling during the fractionation of phytosterols isolated from orange juice

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    The aim of this study is to isolate phytosterol compounds from orange juice using ultrafiltration (UF) flat sheet membranes (supplied by Alfa Laval) with molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) values of 10 kDa fabricated from regenerated cellulose, polyethersulphone and fluoropolymer. A cross-flow filtration rig operated at a transmembrane pressure (TMP) of 0.5–2 bar, and a cross-flow velocity (CFV) of 0.5–1.5 m s−1. Membrane rejection towards total phytosterols, proteins, sugars were determined along with antioxidant activity. The regenerated cellulose membrane displayed the highest permeate flux (a pseudo steady-state value of 22 L m−2 h−1), with a higher fouling index (75%) and a good separation efficiency of phytosterols (32% rejection towards phytosterols) from orange juice. Although the yield of phytosterols was relatively low (40 mg/L), there is a great potential to optimise the filtration process to produce commercially relevant amount of phytosterols. All membranes investigated displayed cleaning efficiencies of &gt;95%.</p
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