188 research outputs found

    Wenslikheid van geregtelike beheer oor die werksaamhede van staatsdepartemente met besondere verwysing na die Departement van Binnelandse Sake

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    Text in AfrikaansDie studie is onderneem om die wenslikheid van geregtelike beheer wat die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika oor die werksaamhede van staatsdepartemente uitoefen te bepaal. Daar word na die funksies van die Departement van Binnelandse Sake verwys ten einde bepaalde werksaamhede van daardie Departement as voorbeeld te laat dien in die beantwoording van bogestelde vraag. Ter aanvang word voor-unie regeringinstellings en -openbare dienste, die ontstaan van Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdepartemente en die doelgerigtheid van open bare dienste beskryf. Daarna word die wyses waarop beheer oor die werksaamhede van 'n staatsdepartement asook hoe beheer in 'n departement uitgeoefen word, uiteengesit. Nadat die doeltreffendheid en effektiwiteit van bestaande beheer ontleed, en die beheer wat die Hooggeregshof uitoefen van die van ander beheerinstellings onderskei word, word geregtelike beheer en statutere beperkings daarop beskryf. Die studie strek oor 'n tydperk wat eindig op 27 April 1994. Daar is bevind dat geregtelike beheer afsonderlik of tesame met ander wyses van beheer, en sander statutere beperkings daarop, uitgeoefen behoort te word.The study was undertaken to determine the desirability of judicial control which the Supreme Court of South Africa exercises over the activities of state departments. The functions of the Department of Home Affairs are referred to in order that particular activities of that Department may serve as an example when answering the above-stated question. Initially, government institutions and public services prior to union, the origin of South African state departments and the purpose of public services are described. Thereafter the modes by which control is exercised over the activities of a state department and how control is exercised in a department, are set out. After an analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of existing control, and the control exercised by the Supreme Court is distinguished from that of other controlling institutions, judicial control and statutory limitations thereon are described. The study covers a period ending on 27 April 1994. It is found that judicial control should be exercised separately or in conjunction with other modes of control, and without statutory limitations.Public Administration and ManagementM.A. (Publieke Administrasie

    The 1996 constitution of the Republic of South Africa : ultimately supreme without a number

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    In the constitutional history of South Africa, it was customary to provide the constitution with an Act number. Prior to the implementation of the 1993 Constitution (now repealed), Parliament was sovereign and as such could adopt, amend and repeal any law that it wished to. No distinction was made between a constitution and other ordinary parliamentary legislation. In pursuance of this tradition, Parliament passed the 1993 Constitution and accordingly allocated an Act number to it. Parliament became subordinate to the Constitution when it came into operation on 27 April 1994 and became the supreme law of the Republic (section 4). This switch in position meant that South Africa moved from a Westminster-type political order to one with a supreme Constitution. When the Constitutional Assembly embarked on the process of drafting a`new' Constitution, it was erroneously allocated an Act number. The numbering was made superfluous by virtue of the fact that the 1996 Constitution was supreme and that it was drafted by the Constitutional Assembly and not by Parliament. This article explores the numbering issue in detail and analyses the provisions of the Citation of Constitutional Laws Act, 2005, that brought about certain fundamental changes to the manner in which the current Constitution should be referred to.Public Administration and Managemen

    The evolution of human consciousness and the creation of the soul

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    Revelation is God's Word addressed to the human being and so speaks of God in relation to the person and the world. Revelation can therefore only be fully understood, proclaimed and lived through an encounter with the world and its conceptions. To understand the evolution of human consciousness and the creation of the soul, we look to the sources of revelation (scripture and tradition) in dialogue with secular anthropology. The latter's paradigm of development and growth is not foreign to the former's understanding of conversion and growth in grace . The image of God, which characterises the human person, is shown to be an emergent likeness, which is created and drawn to its fullness by God. This accounts for Pius XII' s insistence that the soul is created immediately by God, who is responsible for the physical dynamics that bring forth consciousness and the personal dynamics that empower the human soul to develop.Philosophy Practical andSystematic TheologyM.Th (Systematic Theology

    Molecular profile of tongue cancer in an 18-year-old female patient with no recognizable risk factor

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    BACKGROUND : The occurrence of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) in nonsmoking young adults, especially females, has increased. Yet, there is no clear evidence to support the existence of any single determinant. This case reports the presence of TSCC in an 18-year-old female with no recognizable risk factor for oral cancer development. METHODS : Histological examination and p16 immunohistochemistry were performed. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections were prepared from resected tissue and DNA was extracted for molecular OncoScan analysis. RESULTS : Histological and immunochemical analysis showed a p16-negative poorly differentiated keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. OncoScan analysis of this tumor revealed a high confidence TP53:p.R213*:c.637C>T somatic mutation as well as copy number alterations of chromosomal regions including gains of 1p, 3q, 5p, 7p, 8p, 8q, 11q, 15q, 17q, and 20p, and losses on 1p, 3p, 18q, and 22q. CONCLUSION : The TP53:p.R213*:c.637C>T mutation detected is indicative of a genetic predisposition to cancer and it is the first to be reported in TSCC in a nonsmoking young adult.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/23788038am2020ImmunologyOral Pathology and Oral Biolog

    Clear air turbulence over South Africa

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    Clear air turbulence (CAT) at high altitude remains a hazard to aviation which can result in passenger injury and aircraft damage. Two limited surveys of CAT events over South Africa, 1993-1995 (inclusive) and 1998, are used to illustrate the most likely synoptic conditions under which CAT can be expected. A case study of CAT associated with an upper-air trough and a mountain wave is presented. The study also evaluates the effectiveness of the Ellrod Turbulence Index (ETI) derived from model data provided by the UK Met. Office. A forecast of ETI derived from the Global Spectral Model of the United States National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is also reviewed.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1469-8080hb2016Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorolog

    Fog at Abu Dhabi International Airport

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    Fog that reduces visibility to the point where aircraft have to divert to another airport is not uncommon at Abu Dhabi International Airport (ADIA) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Over the period 1982 to 2003, the average annual frequency of fog at ADIA was 38 nights a year, the highest being 56 in 2000 and the lowest 23 in 1992. Fog is defined as occurring when water vapour in the atmosphere condenses into minute water droplets and the horizontal visibility falls below 1000 m (UK Meteorological Office (UKMO), 1991).http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1477-8696hb2016Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorolog

    Heterozygosity of p16 expression in an oral squamous cell carcinoma with associated loss of heterozygosity and copy number alterations

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    BACKGROUND : Oral field cancerization describes a multifocal development process involving many cells at once in response to prolong exposure to carcinogens. This case demonstrated differential p16 expression in different sections of the same HPV negative tumor on the floor of mouth in a patient with history of prolonged smoking. METHODS : Histological examination, presence of HPV infection and OncoScan analysis of DNA extracted from two wellā€defined areas with different p16 expression profiles were performed. RESULTS : Histological and immunochemical analysis revealed the presence of a dual architectural pattern squamous cell carcinoma with a p16 negative and a p16 positive component. OncoScan analysis showed genetic changes that define field cancerization of the p16 negative tumor as revealed by mosaicism in both loss of heterozygosity and copy number alterations in cancerā€associated genes located on 3p, 7p, 9p 11q, and 17p. CONCLUSION : These changes were indicative of field cancerization in response to tobacco exposure.South African Medical Research Council (MSP); Cancer Association of South Africa (WFPvH)http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/hed2019-12-14hj2019ImmunologyOral Pathology and Oral Biolog

    Amplification of 3q26.2, 5q14.3, 8q24.3, 8q22.3, and 14q32.33 are possible common genetic Alterations in oral cancer patients

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    The lack of clinical biomarkers for head and neck cancer subtypes limits early diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. This study investigates genetic alterations in clinically identical tumor, tumor-adjacent dysplastic epithelium (TADE) and normal epithelium (NE) in five oral cancer patients to identify differences and commonalities between oral cancer, TADE and NE. A VELscopeĀ®Vx device was used to identify TADE and NE surrounding a clinical tumor for analysis of genetic alterations using the OncoScanĀ® assay. One of the tumor samples examined was an ā€œMā€ class tumor with a high confidence BRAF:p.G469A:c.1406G>C somatic mutation, which is the first to be reported in oral cancer. Another tumor showed mosaicism in genetic alterations, indicating the presence of multiple clones. Overall, each patientā€™s tumor, TADE and NE showed a distinct genetic profile which indicates intertumoral clonal/genetic diversity. Interestingly, four tumors showed gain of 3q26.2, 5q14.3, 8q24.3, 8q22.3, 14q32.33 and loss/LOH in 9p21.3 while all TADE had LOH on 22q11.23. In addition, some genetic alterations progressed from NE through TADE into tumor in individual patients. Furthermore, no molecular event was identified that is common to all NE and/or TADE that progressed into tumor. This pilot study demonstrates the presence of genetic heterogeneity in oral tumorigenesis, and suggests that there might exist some common genetic alterations between tumors and TADE. However, this observation would need to be further investigated and validated in a larger cohort of oral cancer patients for its potential role in oral tumorigenesis.ormal epitheliumThis work was funded by the Cancer Association of South Africa (WFPvH) and the South African Medical Research Council (MSPā€”Flagship and Extramural Stem Cell Unit).http://www.frontiersin.org/Oncologyam2020ImmunologyOral Pathology and Oral Biolog

    The impact of a faculty development programme for health professions educators in sub-Saharan Africa: an archival study

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    BACKGROUND: In 2008 the sub-Saharan FAIMER Regional Institute launched a faculty development programme aimed at enhancing the academic and research capacity of health professions educators working in sub-Saharan Africa. This two-year programme, a combination of residential and distance learning activities, focuses on developing the leadership, project management and programme evaluation skills of participants as well as teaching the key principles of health professions education-curriculum design, teaching and learning and assessment. Participants also gain first-hand research experience by designing and conducting an education innovation project in their home institutions. This study was conducted to determine the perceptions of participants regarding the personal and professional impact of the SAFRI programme. METHODS: A retrospective document review, which included data about fellows who completed the programme between 2008 and 2011, was performed. Data included fellowsā€™ descriptions of their expectations, reflections on achievements and information shared on an online discussion forum. Data were analysed using Kirkpatrickā€™s evaluation framework. RESULTS: Participants (n=61) came from 10 African countries and included a wide range of health professions educators. Five key themes about the impact of the SAFRI programme were identified: (1) belonging to a community of practice, (2) personal development, (3) professional development, (4) capacity development, and (5) tools/strategies for project management and/or advancement. CONCLUSION: The SAFRI programme has a positive developmental impact on both participants and their respective institutions.National Research FoundationDepartment of HE and Training approved lis

    Enhancement of biogas production via co-digestion of wastewater treatment sewage sludge and brewery spent grain : physicochemical characterization and microbial community

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    The present study intends to evaluate a synergy towards enhanced biogas production by co-digesting municipal sewage sludge (SS) with brewery spent grain (BSG). To execute this, physicochemical and metagenomics analysis was conducted on the sewage sludge substrate. The automatic methane potential test system II (AMPTS II) biochemical methane potential (BMP) batch setup was operated at 35 Ā± 5 ā—¦C, pH range of 6.5ā€“7.5 for 30 daysā€™ digestion time on AMPTS II and 150 days on semi-continuous setup, where the organic loading rate (OLR) was guided by pH and the volatile fatty acids to total alkalinity (VFA/TA) ratio. Metagenomics analysis revealed that Proteobacteria was the most abundant phyla, consisting of hydrolytic and fermentative bacteria. The archaea community of hydrogenotrophic methanogen genus was enriched by methanogens. The highest BMP was obtained with co-digestion of SS and BSG, and 9.65 g/kg of VS. This not only increased biogas production by 104% but also accelerated the biodegradation of organic matters. However, a significant reduction in the biogas yield, from 10.23 NL/day to 2.02 NL/day, was observed in a semi-continuous process. As such, it can be concluded that different species in different types of sludge can synergistically enhance the production of biogas. However, the operating conditions should be optimized and monitored at all times. The anaerobic co-digestion of SS and BSG might be considered as a cost-effective solution that could contribute to the energy self-efficiency of wastewater treatment works (WWTWs) and sustainable waste management. It is recommended to upscale co-digestion of the feed for the pilot biogas plant. This will also go a long way in curtailing and minimizing the impacts of sludge disposal in the environment.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainabilitydm2022Chemical Engineerin
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