316 research outputs found

    Infrared photochemistry of ethylene clusters

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    Infrared irradiation of ethylene clusters formed in supersonic molecular beams, using a low power cw CO2 laser, results in the photodissociation of a large fraction of the van der Waals molecules. Under such conditions, infrared absorption intensity exhibits first-order power dependence and is readily detected as loss in molecular beam intensity. Intramolecular energy transfer rates, determined by measuring spectral linewidths, are shown to vary with the vibrational mode initially excited. Ethylene clusters containing one quantum of vibrational energy corresponding to the nun7 fundamental in the monomer (949 cm^–1) have a vibrationally predissociative lifetime of 0.33 psec. In comparison, the relaxation rate of ethylene-d4 clusters with one quantum of excitation corresponding to the nu12 (1078 cm^–1) mode of C2D4 is 0.7 psec

    Neural Substrates of Reliability-Weighted Visual-Tactile Multisensory Integration

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    As sensory systems deteriorate in aging or disease, the brain must relearn the appropriate weights to assign each modality during multisensory integration. Using blood-oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging of human subjects, we tested a model for the neural mechanisms of sensory weighting, termed “weighted connections.” This model holds that the connection weights between early and late areas vary depending on the reliability of the modality, independent of the level of early sensory cortex activity. When subjects detected viewed and felt touches to the hand, a network of brain areas was active, including visual areas in lateral occipital cortex, somatosensory areas in inferior parietal lobe, and multisensory areas in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS). In agreement with the weighted connection model, the connection weight measured with structural equation modeling between somatosensory cortex and IPS increased for somatosensory-reliable stimuli, and the connection weight between visual cortex and IPS increased for visual-reliable stimuli. This double dissociation of connection strengths was similar to the pattern of behavioral responses during incongruent multisensory stimulation, suggesting that weighted connections may be a neural mechanism for behavioral reliability weighting

    Functional Group Bridge for Simultaneous Regression and Support Estimation

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    This article is motivated by studying multisensory effects on brain activities in intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) experiments. Differential brain activities to multisensory stimulus presentations are zero in most regions and non-zero in some local regions, yielding locally sparse functions. Such studies are essentially a function-on-scalar regression problem, with interest being focused not only on estimating nonparametric functions but also on recovering the function supports. We propose a weighted group bridge approach for simultaneous function estimation and support recovery in function-on-scalar mixed effect models, while accounting for heterogeneity present in functional data. We use B-splines to transform sparsity of functions to its sparse vector counterpart of increasing dimension, and propose a fast non-convex optimization algorithm using nested alternative direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for estimation. Large sample properties are established. In particular, we show that the estimated coefficient functions are rate optimal in the minimax sense under the L2L_2 norm and resemble a phase transition phenomenon. For support estimation, we derive a convergence rate under the L∞L_{\infty} norm that leads to a sparsistency property under ή\delta-sparsity, and provide a simple sufficient regularity condition under which a strict sparsistency property is established. An adjusted extended Bayesian information criterion is proposed for parameter tuning. The developed method is illustrated through simulation and an application to a novel iEEG dataset to study multisensory integration. We integrate the proposed method into RAVE, an R package that gains increasing popularity in the iEEG community

    Variation in home range size and patterns in adult female American crocodiles Crocodylus acutus

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    The American crocodile Crocodylus acutus is a threatened species that uses relatively deep, open-water habitats with low salinity. Adult female American crocodiles nest on sandy coastal beaches, islands or human-made berms, assist in the hatching process, and can travel long distances to nesting habitat. We satellite-tracked 15 adult female American crocodiles in 2 hydrologically distinct areas in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA, to quantify the home range sizes, test for intraspecific differences in home range and core area size and structure, and identify important crocodile high-use areas. Overall home ranges (95% kernel density estimate; KDE) for adult female crocodiles in South Florida ranged from 30.0 to 141.9 km2 (mean ± SD, 84.4 ± 32.3 km2), and core areas (50% KDE) ranged from 4.7 to 27.4 km2 (17.8 ± 7.3 km2). We identified patterns in home range and core area overlap, seasonally shifting patterns in core area use, and the Fox Lake complex as an important crocodile high-use area. As the population of American crocodiles continues to grow and expand into new areas, it is important for conservation managers to understand individual crocodile habitat-use patterns and spatial resource requirements

    Neural Substrates of Sound–Touch Synesthesia after a Thalamic Lesion

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    Neural plasticity induced by stroke can mediate positive outcomes, such as recovery of function, but can also result in the formation of abnormal connections with negative consequences for perception and cognition. In three experiments using blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging, we examined the neural substrates of acquired auditory-tactile synesthesia, in which certain sounds can produce an intense somatosensory tingling sensation in a patient with a thalamic lesion. Compared with nine normal controls, the first experiment showed that the patient had a threefold greater BOLD response to sounds in the parietal operculum, the location of secondary somatosensory cortex. We hypothesized that this abnormal opercular activity might be the neural substrate of the patient\u27s synesthesia. Supporting this hypothesis, the second experiment demonstrated that sounds that produced no somatosensation did not evoke a BOLD response in the operculum, while sounds that produced strong somatosensations evoked large BOLD responses. These abnormal responses may have resulted from plasticity induced by the loss of somatosensory inputs. Consistent with this idea, in the third experiment, BOLD responses to somatosensory stimulation were significantly weaker in the patient\u27s operculum than in normal controls. These experiments demonstrate a double dissociation in the patient\u27s secondary somatosensory cortex (increased responses to auditory stimulation and decreased responses to somatosensory stimulation), and suggest both that stroke-induced plasticity can result in abnormal connections between sensory modalities that are normally separate, and that synesthesia can be caused by inappropriate connections between nearby cortical territories

    Moving beyond misuse and diversion: the urgent need to consider the role of iatrogenic addiction in the current opioid epidemic.

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    An epidemic of drug overdose deaths has led to calls for programs and policies to limit misuse and diversion of opioid medications. Any parallel call to consider the risk of iatrogenic addiction when treating pain has been muted in comparison. We have moved beyond questions of nonmedical use, abuse, and diversion to highlight the role of prescription opioids in causing addiction even when prescribed and used appropriately. Unfortunately, current evidence is insufficient, and a rapid expansion of longitudinal research is urgently needed to guide clinicians in balancing the need for opioids with the risk of adverse consequences. Meanwhile, medical education should place greater emphasis on the abuse liability of prescription opioids, and providers should endeavor to attenuate risk when possible

    The Exclusion of Restrictive Lung Disease by Spirometric Criteria in Patients with a Reduced Forced Vital Capacity

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    Reductions in forced vital capacity (EVC) as determined by spirometry may result from restrictive or obstructive disease, either alone or in combination. Restrictive disease is implied when measures of forced expiratory flow are relatively maintained, and obstructive disease is present when flow measurements are disproportionately reduced. In the presence of air flow obstruction, the possibility of concomitant restrictive disease contributing to the reduction in FVC is difficult to assess from spirometry alone. Static lung volumes are usually necessary to establish this diagnosis. We evaluated the FEV1/EVC%o obtained at spirometry compared to its predicted normal value. We found it to be useful in eliminating the need for additional testing in many cases in which the question of mixed obstructive and restrictive disease had been raised. Specifically, in patients with obstructive disease and a reduced FVC, an FEV1/FVC% of less than 81%, of the age-, height-, and sex-matched predicted value largely excluded the possibility that concomitant restrictive disease was also present (p\u3c.05). Higher values had no predictive value

    Electronic spectroscopy of trans-azomethane by electron impact

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    The electron impact excitation of trans-azomethane (i.e., trans-dimethyl diazine CH3–N–N–CH3) has been studied by both trapped electron (TE) and differential electron scattering (DES) techniques. The nature of the excited state in each of several transitions has been identified by the energy and angular dependences of the excitation cross section. Two previously unreported singlet-->triplet transitions are observed with maxima at 2.75 and 4.84 eV. Theoretical calculations on the parent compound, trans-diimide (H–N=N–H), suggest that these are the χ 1Ag-->1 3Bg (produced by excitation of an electron from an n + molecular orbital to a pi* molecular orbital) and the χ 1Ag-->1 3Bu (pi-->pi*) transitions, respectively. The χ 1Ag-->1 1Bg (n + -->pi*) transition is observed with a peak at 3.50 eV in the DES studies. A strong peak at 6.01 eV in the TE spectra appears as a weak shoulder in the DES studies and is interpreted as either a symmetry-forbidden or Rydberg-like singlet-->singlet transition. Allowed singlet-->singlet features overlap each other in the transition energy range from 6 to 10 eV. Peaks are seen in the DES spectra at 6.71, 7.8, and 9.5 eV and in the TE spectrum at 8.0 eV. Several significant differences between the TE and the DES spectra are analyzed on the basis of the different nature of the two experiments
