178 research outputs found

    The relationship between analogy and categorisation in cognition

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    This central topic of this thesis is the relationship between categorisation and analogy in cognition. Questions of what a straightforward representation of a concept or category is, and following from that how extra-categorical associations such as analogy and metaphor are possible are central to our understanding of human reasoning and comprehension. However, despite the intimate linkage between the two, the trend in cognitive science has been to treat analogy and categorisation as separable, distinctive phenomena that can be studied in isolation from one another. This strategy has proved remarkably effective when it comes to the cognitive modelling of extracategorical associations. A number of compelling and detailed models of analogy process exist, and there is widespread agreement amongst researchers studying analogy as to what the key cognitive processes that determine analogies are.However, these models of analogy tend to assume some kind of fully specified category processing module which governs and determines ordinary, straightforward conceptual mappings. Indeed, this assumption is required in order to talk about analogy and metaphor in the first place: few theorists actually define analogy and metaphor per se, but all agree that analogical and metaphoric judgements can be defined in contrast to ordinary categorisation judgements.This thesis reviews these models of analogy, and evidence for them, before conducting a detailed exploration of categorisation in relation to analogy. A theoretical and empirical review is presented in order to show that the straightforward notion of categorisation that underpins the distinctive phenomena approach to the study of analogy and categorisation is more apparent than real. Whilst intuitively, analogy and categorisation might feel like different things which can be contrasted with one another, from a cognitive processing point of view, this thesis argues that such a distinction may not survive a detailed scientific examination.A series of empirical studies are presented in order to further explore the 'no distinction' hypothesis. Following from these, further studies examine the question of whether models of analogical processing have progressed as far as they can in artificial isolation from categorisation, a process in which the processes that are normally deemed 'analogical' appear to play a vital role.The conclusion drawn in this thesis is that the analogy / categorisation division, as currently formulated, cannot survive detailed scientific examination. It is argued that despite the benefits that the previous study of these phenomena in isolation have brought in the past, future progress, especially in the development of cognitive models of analogy, is dependent on a more unified approach

    Finding Structure in Silence: The Role of Pauses in Aligning Speaker Expectations

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    The intelligibility of speech relies on the ability of interlocutors to dynamically align their expectations about the rates at which informative changes in signals occur. Exactly how this is achieved remains an open question. We propose that speaker alignment is supported by the statistical structure of spoken signals and show how pauses offer a time-invariant template for structuring speech sequences. Consistent with this, we show that pause distributions in conversational English and Korean provide a memoryless information source. We describe how this can facilitate both the initial structuring and maintenance of predictability in spoken signals over time, and show how the properties of this signal change predictably with speaker experience. These results indicate that pauses provide a structuring signal that interacts with the morphological and rhythmical structure of languages, allowing speakers at all stages of lifespan development to distinguish signal from noise and maintain mutual predictability in time.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    The Enigma of Number: Why Children Find the Meanings of Even Small Number Words Hard to Learn and How We Can Help Them Do Better

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    Although number words are common in everyday speech, learning their meanings is an arduous, drawn-out process for most children, and the source of this delay has long been the subject of inquiry. Children begin by identifying the few small numerosities that can be named without counting, and this has prompted further debate over whether there is a specific, capacity-limited system for representing these small sets, or whether smaller and larger sets are both represented by the same system. Here we present a formal, computational analysis of number learning that offers a possible solution to both puzzles. This analysis indicates that once the environment and the representational demands of the task of learning to identify sets are taken into consideration, a continuous system for learning, representing and discriminating set-sizes can give rise to effective discontinuities in processing. At the same time, our simulations illustrate how typical prenominal linguistic constructions (“there are three balls”) structure information in a way that is largely unhelpful for discrimination learning, while suggesting that postnominal constructions (“balls, there are three”) will facilitate such learning. A training-experiment with three-year olds confirms these predictions, demonstrating that rapid, significant gains in numerical understanding and competence are possible given appropriately structured postnominal input. Our simulations and results reveal how discrimination learning tunes children's systems for representing small sets, and how its capacity-limits result naturally out of a mixture of the learning environment and the increasingly complex task of discriminating and representing ever-larger number sets. They also explain why children benefit so little from the training that parents and educators usually provide. Given the efficacy of our intervention, the ease with which it can be implemented, and the large body of research showing how early numerical ability predicts later educational outcomes, this simple discovery may have far-reaching consequences

    An exploration of error-driven learning in simple two-layer networks from a discriminative learning perspective

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    Error-driven learning algorithms, which iteratively adjust expectations based on prediction error, are the basis for a vast array of computational models in the brain and cognitive sciences that often differ widely in their precise form and application: they range from simple models in psychology and cybernetics to current complex deep learning models dominating discussions in machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, despite the ubiquity of this mechanism, detailed analyses of its basic workings uninfluenced by existing theories or specific research goals are rare in the literature. To address this, we present an exposition of error-driven learning – focusing on its simplest form for clarity – and relate this to the historical development of error-driven learning models in the cognitive sciences. Although historically error-driven models have been thought of as associative, such that learning is thought to combine preexisting elemental representations, our analysis will highlight the discriminative nature of learning in these models and the implications of this for the way how learning is conceptualized. We complement our theoretical introduction to error-driven learning with a practical guide to the application of simple error-driven learning models in which we discuss a number of example simulations, that are also presented in detail in an accompanying tutorial

    Order matters! Influences of linear order on linguistic category learning

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    Linguistic category learning has been shown to be highly sensitive to linear order, and depending on the task, differentially sensitive to the information provided by preceding category markers (premarkers, e.g., gendered articles) or succeeding category markers (postmarkers, e.g., gendered suffixes). Given that numerous systems for marking grammatical categories exist in natural languages, it follows that a better understanding of these findings can shed light on the factors underlying this diversity. In two discriminative learning simulations and an artificial language learning experiment, we identify two factors that modulate linear order effects in linguistic category learning: category structure and the level of abstraction in a category hierarchy. Regarding category structure, we find that postmarking brings an advantage for learning category diagnostic stimulus dimensions, an effect not present when categories are non-confusable. Regarding levels of abstraction, we find that premarking of super-ordinate categories (e.g., noun class) facilitates learning of subordinate categories (e.g., nouns). We present detailed simulations using a plausible candidate mechanism for the observed effects, along with a comprehensive analysis of linear order effects within an expectation-based account of learning. Our findings indicate that linguistic category learning is differentially guided by pre- and postmarking, and that the influence of each is modulated by the specific characteristics of a given category system

    Cognitive Decline? Pah!

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    Simulating the Acquisition of Verb Inflection in Typically Developing Children and Children With Developmental Language Disorder in English and Spanish

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    Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) have significant deficits in language ability that cannot be attributed to neurological damage, hearing impairment, or intellectual disability. The symptoms displayed by children with DLD differ across languages. In English, DLD is often marked by severe difficulties acquiring verb inflection. Such difficulties are less apparent in languages with rich verb morphology like Spanish and Italian. Here we show how these differential profiles can be understood in terms of an interaction between properties of the input language, and the child\u27s ability to learn predictive relations between linguistic elements that are separated within a sentence. We apply a simple associative learning model to sequential English and Spanish stimuli and show how the model\u27s ability to associate cues occurring earlier in time with later outcomes affects the acquisition of verb inflection in English more than in Spanish. We relate this to the high frequency of the English bare form (which acts as a default) and the English process of question formation, which means that (unlike in Spanish) bare forms frequently occur in third-person singular contexts. Finally, we hypothesize that the pro-drop nature of Spanish makes it easier to associate person and number cues with the verb inflection than in English. Since the factors that conspire to make English verb inflection particularly challenging for learners with weak sequential learning abilities are much reduced or absent in Spanish, this provides an explanation for why learning Spanish verb inflection is relatively unaffected in children with DLD
