63 research outputs found

    The funding of specialised paediatric palliative care in Switzerland: a conceptualisation and modified Delphi study on obstacles and priorities

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    BACKGROUND: Effective funding models are key for implementing and sustaining critical care delivery programmes such as specialised paediatric palliative care (SPPC). In Switzerland, funding concerns have frequently been raised as primary barriers to providing SPPC in dedicated settings. However, systematic evidence on existing models of funding as well as primary challenges faced by stakeholders remains scarce. AIMS: The present study’s first aim was to investigate and conceptualise the funding of hospital-based consultative SPPC programmes in Switzerland. Its second aim was to identify obstacles to and priorities for funding these programmes sustainably. METHODS: A 4-step process, including a document analysis, was used to conceptualise the funding of hospital-based consultative SPPC programmes in Switzerland. In consultation with a purposefully selected panel of experts in the subject, a 3-round modified Delphi study was conducted to identify funding-relevant obstacles and priorities regarding SPPC. RESULTS: Current funding of hospital-based consultative specialised paediatric palliative care programmes is complex and fragmented, combining funding from public, private and charitable sources. Overall, 21 experts participated in the first round of the modified Delphi study, 19 in round two and 15 in round three. They identified 23 obstacles and 29 priorities. Consensus (>70%) was obtained for 12 obstacles and 22 priorities. The highest level of consensus (>90%) was achieved for three priorities: the development of financing solutions to ensure long-term funding of SPPC programmes; the provision of funding and support for integrated palliative care; and sufficient reimbursement of inpatient service costs in the context of high-deficit palliative care patients. CONCLUSION: Decision- and policy-makers hoping to further develop and expand SPPC in Switzerland should be aware that current funding models are highly complex and that SPPC funding is impeded by many obstacles. Considering the steadily rising prevalence of children with life-limiting conditions and the proven benefits of SPPC, improvements in funding models are urgently needed to ensure that the needs of this highly vulnerable population are adequately met

    Improving stream flow discharge modelling during snow melt

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    The importance of the snow cover for the hydrological cycle is well known but the understanding is still limited. For example, the effect of rain-on-snow on melt water runoff and the coupling between spring snow melt and stream flow discharge are difficult to describe quantitatively due to the complex nature of natural snow covers. Snow height can very over short distances and processes influencing the snow cover development, such as solar radiation and wind, are spatially highly variable in complex alpine terrain. These effects influence the layering of the snow cover and because layers with different snow properties also have different hydraulic properties, the relation between snow melt and snow cover runoff gets rather complex. However, it has already been shown that describing melt water flow through a snow cover using Richards equation, that takes into account the snow stratigraphy, is improving snow cover runoff estimations locally. In this study, an advanced physical based snow cover model that solves Richards equation (SNOWPACK) is used in a distributed way in a spatially explicit model for alpine terrain (Alpine3D). The model setup simulates the snow cover development and stream discharge over a snow season for the Dischma catchment in Switzerland. A comparison between modelled and observed discharge of the catchment outlet shows that solving Richards equation for snow yields better agreement than simpler (bucket) methods for liquid water flow in snow. The simulations also show a strong variation in contribution of snow cover runoff between areas, depending on slope exposition. This can be associated with different shortwave radiation input for snow melt. The results show that important improvements in estimating the contribution of snow cover runoff to the hydrological cycle can be achieved by solving Richards equation for snow. However, future research should also focus on a better estimation of hydraulic properties for a wider range of snow types and the understanding of lateral and preferential flow in snow

    Work-related quality of life in professionals involved in pediatric palliative care: a repeated cross-sectional comparative effectiveness study

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    Background: Working in pediatric palliative care (PPC) impacts healthcare and allied professionals’ work-related quality of life (QoL). Professionals who lack specific PPC training but who regularly provide services to the affected children have articulated their need for support from specialized PPC (SPPC) teams. Objectives: This study had two objectives: (1) to evaluate whether the availability of a SPPC team impacted the work-related QoL of professionals not specialized in PPC; and (2) to explore the work-related QoL of professionals working in PPC without specialized training. Design: Repeated cross-sectional comparative effectiveness design. Methods: One hospital with an established SPPC program and affiliated institutions provided the intervention group (IG). Three hospitals and affiliated institutions where generalist PPC was offered provided the comparison group (CG). Data were collected by paper-pencil questionnaire in 2021 and 2022. The Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL 5) questionnaire was used to assess work-related QoL, yielding separate scores for burnout (BO), secondary traumatic stress (STS) and compassion satisfaction (CS). A descriptive statistical analysis was performed and general estimation equations were modelled. To increase the comparability of the IG and CG, participants were matched by propensity scores. Results: The 301 participating non-PPC-specialized professionals had overall low to moderate levels of BO and STS and moderate to high levels of CS. However, none of these scores (BO: p = 0.36; STS: p = 0.20; CS: p = 0.65) correlated significantly with support from an SPPC team. Compared to nurses, physicians showed higher levels of BO (1.70; p = 0.02) and STS (2.69; p ⩽ 0.001). Conclusion: Although the study sample’s overall work-related QoL was satisfactory, it showed a considerable proportion of moderate BO and STS, as well as moderate CS. To provide tailored support to professionals working in PPC, evidence regarding key SPPC support elements and their effectiveness is needed. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov ID, NCT04236180

    Synthesis of bulk reactive Ni-Al composites using high pressure torsion

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    17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.157503Self-propagating exothermic reactions, for instance in the nickel-aluminum (Ni-Al) system, have been widely studied to create high performance intermetallic compounds or for in-situ welding. Their easy ignition once the phase spacing is reduced below the micron scale, makes top-down methods like high energy ball milling, ideal to fabricate such reactive nanostructures. A major drawback of ball milling is the need of a sintering step to form bulk pieces of the reactive material. However, this is not possible, as the targeted reactions would already proceed. Therefore, we investigate the ability of high pressure torsion as an alternative process, capable to produce bulk nanocomposites from powder mixtures. Severe straining of powder mixtures with a composition of 50 wt% Ni and 50 wt% Al enables fabrication of self reactive bulk samples with microstructures similar to those obtained from ball milling or magnetron sputtering. Samples deformed at ambient temperature are highly reactive and can be ignited signifi cantly below the Al melting point, finally predominantly consisting of Al3Ni2 and Al3Ni, independent of the applied strain. Although the reaction proceeds first at the edge of the disk, the strain gradient present in the disks does not prevent reaction of the whole sample.COMETAustrian Federal MinistriesDepartment of Energy National Nuclear Security AdministrationERC Advanced Grant INTELHYBCOMET programERC-2013-ADG-340025DENA0002377Project No 859480DE-AC02-06CH1135

    Specialised Paediatric PAlliativE CaRe: Assessing family, healthcare professionals and health system outcomes in a multi-site context of various care settings: SPhAERA study protocol

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    The number of children and adolescents living with life-limiting conditions and potentially in need for specialised paediatric palliative care (SPPC) is rising. Ideally, a specialised multiprofessional team responds to the complex healthcare needs of children and their families. The questions of, how SPPC is beneficial, for whom, and under what circumstances, remain largely unanswered in the current literature. This study's overall target is to evaluate the effectiveness of a SPPC programme in Switzerland with respect to its potential to improve patient-, family-, health professional-, and healthcare-related outcomes.; This comparative effectiveness study applies a quasi-experimental design exploring the effectiveness of SPPC as a complex intervention at one treatment site in comparison with routine care provided in a generalised PPC environment at three comparison sites. As the key goal of palliative care, quality of life - assessed at the level of the patient-, the family- and the healthcare professional - will be the main outcome of this comparative effectiveness research. Other clinical, service, and economic outcomes will include patient symptom severity and distress, parental grief processes, healthcare resource utilisation and costs, direct and indirect health-related expenditure, place of death, and introduction of SPPC. Data will be mainly collected through questionnaire surveys and chart analysis.; The need for SPPC has been demonstrated through numerous epidemiological and observational studies. However, in a healthcare environment focused on curative treatment and struggling with limited resources, the lack of evidence contributes to a lack of acceptance and financing of SPPC which is a major barrier against its sustainability. This study will contribute to current knowledge by reporting individual and child level outcomes at the family level and by collecting detailed contextual information on healthcare provision. We hope that the results of this study can help guiding the expansion and sustainability of SPPC and improve the quality of care for children with life-limiting conditions and their families internationally.; Registered prospectively on ClinicalTrials.gov on January 22, 2020. NCT04236180 PROTOCOL VERSION: Amendment 2, March 01, 2021

    Therapeutic drug monitoring in adolescents with anorexia nervosa for safe treatment with adjunct olanzapine

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    Objective: Medication is commonly used in anorexia nervosa (AN) despite largely missing high grade evidence. Olanzapine (OLZ) is the best-evidenced substance used off-label in this group, with conflicting outcome regarding BMI, clinical and safety parameters. Therefore, it is important to strictly assure quality of treatment with OLZ in AN by using 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring' according to AGNP-guidelines, including serum levels and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to support safety for adolescents with AN and attempt to generate an initial age- and disorder-specific therapeutic reference range. Method: Sixty-five adolescents with AN (aged 10-18) treated with OLZ (98% female; 97.5% AN-restricting-type) were prospectively observed, ADRs reported, and correlations between dosage and serum levels measured at trough level were calculated, a preliminary therapeutic range defined. Results: Mean dosage of OLZ was 8.15 (SD: 2.91) mg and 0.19 (SD: 0.07) mg/kg respectively, average concentration was 26.57 (SD: 13.46) ng/mL. Correlation between daily dosage/dosage per kg and serum level was 0.72 (**p < 0.001)/0.65 (**p < 0.001), respectively. ADRs with impairment were rare (6.3%). 75% improved clinically (CGI). BMI increased significantly by 1.5 kg/m2 (t = 10.6, p < 0.001). A preliminary therapeutic reference range is 11.9 and 39.9 ng/mL. Conclusions: OLZ in the hands of specialists is a well-tolerated and safe treatment adjunct for adolescents with AN

    Role of blood cells dynamism on hemostatic complications in low-risk patients with essential thrombocythemia

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    Patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) aged less than 60 years, who have not suffered a previous vascular event (low-risk patients), may develop thrombotic or hemorrhagic events. So far, it has not been possible to identify useful markers capable of predicting which of these patients are more likely to develop an event and therefore who needs to be treated. In the present study, we analysed the relationship between vascular complications and longitudinal blood counts of 136 low-risk ET patients taken over a sustained period of time (blood cells dynamism). After a median follow-up of 60 months, 45 out of 136 patients (33%) suffered 40 major thrombotic and 5 severe hemorrhagic complications. A total number of 5,781 blood counts were collected longitudinally. Thrombotic and hemorrhagic events were studied together (primary endpoint) but also separately (thrombotic alone = secondary endpoint; hemorrhagic alone = tertiary endpoint). The primary endpoint showed no significant association between platelet and WBC count at diagnosis and risk of any event (platelet, p = 0.797; WBC, p = 0.178), while Hb at baseline did show an association (p = 0.024). In the dynamic analysis with Cox regression model, where the blood count values were studied by time of follow-up, we observed that the risk for Hb was 1.49 (95% CI 1.13-1.97) for every increase of 1 g/dL, and that this risk then marginally decreased during follow-up. WBC was associated with an increased risk at baseline for every increase of 1 7 10(9)/L (hazard ratio (HR) 1.07, 95% CI 1.01-1.13, p = 0.034), the risk was stable during follow-up (HR 0.95, p = 0.187 at 60 months). Also, for each increment at baseline of 100 7 10(9) platelets/L, HR was increased by 1.08 (95% CI 0.97-1.22, p = 0.159) and decreases during follow-up. In conclusion, this study is the first to evaluate in ET low-risk patients, the risk of developing a thrombotic/hemorrhagic event considering blood counts over time. Overall our study shows that the risk changes over time. For example, the risk associated with WCC is not linear as previously reported. An interesting new finding is that PLT and even Hb contribute to the risk of developing vascular events. Future treatments should take into consideration these findings and aim to control all parameters over time. We believe this early study may help develop a dynamic analysis model to predict thrombosis in the single patient. Further studies are now warranted to further validate our findings

    Identification of Upper Respiratory Tract Pathogens Using Electrochemical Detection on an Oligonucleotide Microarray

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    Bacterial and viral upper respiratory infections (URI) produce highly variable clinical symptoms that cannot be used to identify the etiologic agent. Proper treatment, however, depends on correct identification of the pathogen involved as antibiotics provide little or no benefit with viral infections. Here we describe a rapid and sensitive genotyping assay and microarray for URI identification using standard amplification and hybridization techniques, with electrochemical detection (ECD) on a semiconductor-based oligonucleotide microarray. The assay was developed to detect four bacterial pathogens (Bordetella pertussis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae) and 9 viral pathogens (adenovirus 4, coronavirus OC43, 229E and HK, influenza A and B, parainfluinza types 1, 2, and 3 and respiratory syncytial virus. This new platform forms the basis for a fully automated diagnostics system that is very flexible and can be customized to suit different or additional pathogens. Multiple probes on a flexible platform allow one to test probes empirically and then select highly reactive probes for further iterative evaluation. Because ECD uses an enzymatic reaction to create electrical signals that can be read directly from the array, there is no need for image analysis or for expensive and delicate optical scanning equipment. We show assay sensitivity and specificity that are excellent for a multiplexed format