61 research outputs found

    Devenirs militants:Introduction

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    Présenter un dossier sur l’engagement qui mette sur le même plan les pratiques militantes dans les partis politiques, les organisations syndicales, le monde associatif et plus généralement les entreprises de mouvement social, pourra paraître osé. C’est que, pendant longtemps, le militantisme a été pensé sous les seules espèces du travail partisan et syndical, dans un contexte où la définition de la participation politique demeurait étroitement cantonnée à l’action dite « conventionnelle ». [Premier paragraphe de l'article

    Additional file 1 of Temporal changes in the Swiss flora: implications for flower-visiting insects

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    Additional file 1. Table S1: Flower visitor groups and self-compatibility for the species found in the Biodiversity Monitoring Program of Switzerland. Table S2: Species observations on the 448 transects of the Biodiversity Monitoring Program of Switzerland and their relative frequencies. Figure S1: NMDS graphic showing relations between different reproductive trait states. Figure S2: Mean relative changes of different states of (A) blossom type and (B) blossom colour including the results of the ANOVAs and the Tukey tests. Note that in B the Tukey tests did not find significant differences


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    Nectar sugar composition and concentration and pollinator group for each species newly analyzed for this study; *Nectar samples collected in the wild are highlighted (*); Literature sources for published data analyzed in this stud

    Like a rolling stone? The impact of parity law on French legislative candidates (2002-2017)

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    15 years after French parity law was passed, this article performs a systematic, longitudinal, sex-based comparative analysis on the profiles of French candidates and deputies of the National Assembly. We study the evolution and transformation of their socio-demographic profiles from 2002 to 2017. While our main focus is on differences with regard to sex and party affiliation, we also investigate inequities related to other socio-demographic factors. Our quantitative analyses show that despite considerable improvement in women's political representation, there remain important pathdependent patterns of gendered treatment of candidates among the seven major French political parties