2,411 research outputs found


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    An econometric model of cotton acreage response was estimated for four distinct production regions in the United States. This work builds on previous work in the area of supply response under government farm programs and provides up-to-date regionalized estimates of own-price elasticity of cotton acreage supply. The own-price variable used in this study is a weighted combination of expected market price and government policy variables. Results indicate regional similarity in response to own price but differences with respect to the prices of alternative enterprises. Differences in regional response to paid diversion are also indicated.Crop Production/Industries,

    The classification and structure of megafaunal assemblages in the Venezuela Basin, Caribbean Sea

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    Data from 23 benthic trawls collected from the Venezuela Basin (3411–5062 m water depth) indicate that megafauna are less abundant than in basins of similar depths in the Atlantic and are segregated by sedimentary province. Taxonomic assemblages, in terms of abundance and biomass, from three sites coincide with distinctions of sedimentary characteristics among the pelagic, hemipelagic and turbidite sedimentary provinces. Mollusks, decapods and fishes are most abundant in trawls collected from the pelagic and hemipelagic provinces and anemones and holothurians are most abundant in trawls collected from the turbidite province. Sponges dominate the biomass of fauna in trawls collected in the turbidite and hemipelagic provinces and fishes dominate the biomass of trawls collected in the pelagic province. Several biological and physical aspects of the basin contribute to the segregation of the megafauna into distinct communities. Sponges and anthropogenic debris (coal, coal clinker and tar balls) reaching the sea floor create a habitat that is exploited by sessile suspension feeders requiring a hard substrate. Filter-feeding anemones attached to debris occur in such abundance that it elevates the importance of suspension feeders and depresses species diversity at the turbidite site. Biomass and average size of megafaunal deposit feeders in the basin decrease with decreasing amounts of organic carbon and nitrogen content of the sediment. Distribution and composition of filter-feeding megafaunal biomass in the Venezuela Basin are explained largely by proximity to sources of organic matter. Detrital carbonate may also play a role in controlling distribution and density of megafauna by diluting food resources in the sediments


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    Monte-Carlo simulation modeling is used to perform a feasibility study of alternative locations for a MixAlco production facility. Net present value distributions will be ranked within feasible risk aversion boundaries. If MixAlco is a profitable investment, it would have a major impact on the fuel oxygenate and gasoline markets.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Book Reviews

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    Fecal-Sac Ingestion by Spotted Towhees

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    Altricial nestlings encase excrement in fecal sacs that parents remove by either ingesting them or transporting them away from the nest. Ingestion may allow energetically or nutritionally deprived parents to recapture energy or nutrients that might be lost because of nestlings\u27 inefficient digestion (the parental-nutrition hypothesis ), but ingestion may also permit parents to avoid flights from the nest that interfere with parental care (e.g., brooding young; the economic-disposal hypothesis ). We used a hypothetico-deductive approach to test the two hypotheses\u27 ability to account for fecal-sac ingestion by the Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus). We confirmed the parental-nutrition hypothesis\u27 predictions that more fecal sacs should be ingested in years of food shortage (males only), late in the season when food supplies decline (both sexes), by parents that had the greatest difficulty raising young (i.e., underweight young), and that adults\u27 body condition should vary directly with their rate of fecal-sac ingestion (females only). We rejected the economic-disposal hypothesis\u27 prediction of a decline in fecal-sac ingestion with increasing brood size. The latter, plus the observation that nearly 40% of males ingest fecal sacs despite their spending virtually no time attending nests, suggests that fecal-sac ingestion is not a mechanism to avoid needless and time-consuming flights from the nest that interfere with parental care. Fecal-sac ingestion by Spotted Towhees is better interpreted as either a resource supplement to parents or as a mechanism to satiate hunger so that parents can maintain rates of feeding to dependent young

    Mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a compound delivery system in zebrafish embryos

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    Silica nanoparticles can be efficiently employed as carriers for therapeutic drugs in vitro. Here, we use zebrafish embryos as a model organism to see whether mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNPs) can be incorporated to deliver compounds in vivo. We injected 35–40 nL (10 mg/mL) of custom-synthesized, fluorescently-tagged 200 nm MSNPs into the left flank, behind the yolk sac extension, of 2-day-old zebrafish embryos. We tracked the distribution and translocation of the MSNPs using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Some of the particles remained localized at the injection site, whereas others entered the bloodstream and were carried around the body. Embryo development and survival were not significantly affected by MSNP injection. Acridine orange staining revealed that MSNP injections did not induce significant cell death. We also studied cellular immune responses by means of lysC::DsRED2 transgenic embryos. MSNP-injected embryos showed infiltration of the injection site with neutrophils, similar to controls injected with buffer only. In the same embryos, counterstaining with L-plastin antibody for leukocytes revealed the same amount of cellular infiltration of the injection site in embryos injected with MSNPs or with buffer only. Next, we used MSNPs to deliver two recombinant cytokines (macrophage colony-stimulating factor and receptor for necrosis factor ligand) to zebrafish embryos. These proteins are known to activate cells involved in bone remodeling, and this can be detected with the marker tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. Coinjection of these proteins loaded onto MSNPs produced a significant increase in the number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive cells after 2–3 days of injection. Our results show that MSNPs can be used to deliver bioactive compounds into zebrafish larvae without producing higher mortality or gross evidence of teratogenicity

    Depletion of the histone chaperone tNASP inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in prostate cancer PC-3 cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>NASP (Nuclear Autoantigenic Sperm Protein) is a histone chaperone that is present in all dividing cells. NASP has two splice variants: tNASP and sNASP. Only cancer, germ, transformed, and embryonic cells have a high level of expression of the tNASP splice variant. We examined the consequences of tNASP depletion for prostate cancer PC-3 cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>tNASP was depleted from prostate cancer PC-3 cells, cervical cancer HeLa cells, and prostate epithelial PWR-1E cells using lentivirus expression of tNASP shRNA. Cell cycle changes were studied by proliferation assay with CFSE labeling and double thymidine synchronization. Gene expression profiles were detected using RT<sup>2</sup>Profiler PCR Array, Western and Northern blotting.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PC-3 and HeLa cells showed inhibited proliferation, increased levels of cyclin-dependant kinase inhibitor p21 protein and apoptosis, whereas non-tumorigenic PWR-1E cells did not. All three cell types showed decreased levels of HSPA2. Supporting in vitro experiments demonstrated that tNASP, but not sNASP is required for activation of HSPA2.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that PC-3 and HeLa cancer cells require tNASP to maintain high levels of HSPA2 activity and therefore viability, while PWR-1E cells are unaffected by tNASP depletion. These different cellular responses most likely arise from changes in the interaction between tNASP and HSPA2 and disturbed tNASP chaperoning of linker histones. This study has demonstrated that tNASP is critical for the survival of prostate cancer cells and suggests that targeting tNASP expression can lead to a new approach for prostate cancer treatment.</p

    Neuronal activation for semantically reversible sentences

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    Semantically reversible sentences are prone to misinterpretation and take longer for typically developing children and adults to comprehend; they are also particularly problematic for those with language difficulties such as aphasia or Specific Language Impairment. In our study, we used fMRI to compare the processing of semantically reversible and nonreversible sentences in 41 healthy participants to identify how semantic reversibility influences neuronal activation. By including several linguistic and nonlinguistic conditions within our paradigm, we were also able to test whether the processing of semantically reversible sentences places additional load on sentence-specific processing, such as syntactic processing and syntactic-semantic integration, or on phonological working memory. Our results identified increased activation for reversible sentences in a region on the left temporal–parietal boundary, which was also activated when the same group of participants carried out an articulation task which involved saying “one, three” repeatedly. We conclude that the processing of semantically reversible sentences places additional demands on the subarticulation component of phonological working memory

    The quantitative trait linkage disequilibrium test: a more powerful alternative to the quantitative transmission disequilibrium test for use in the absence of population stratification

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    Linkage analysis based on identity-by-descent allele-sharing can be used to identify a chromosomal region harboring a quantitative trait locus (QTL), but lacks the resolution required for gene identification. Consequently, linkage disequilibrium (association) analysis is often employed for fine-mapping. Variance-components based combined linkage and association analysis for quantitative traits in sib pairs, in which association is modeled as a mean effect and linkage is modeled in the covariance structure has been extended to general pedigrees (quantitative transmission disequilibrium test, QTDT). The QTDT approach accommodates data not only from parents and siblings, but also from all available relatives. QTDT is also robust to population stratification. However, when population stratification is absent, it is possible to utilize even more information, namely the additional information contained in the founder genotypes. In this paper, we introduce a simple modification of the allelic transmission scoring method used in the QTDT that results in a more powerful test of linkage disequilibrium, but is only applicable in the absence of population stratification. This test, the quantitative trait linkage disequilibrium (QTLD) test, has been incorporated into a new procedure in the statistical genetics computer package SOLAR. We apply this procedure in a linkage/association analysis of an electrophysiological measurement previously shown to be related to alcoholism. We also demonstrate by simulation the increase in power obtained with the QTLD test, relative to the QTDT, when a true association exists between a marker and a QTL