6 research outputs found


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    Alignment files in FASTA format. There are 4 species and three genes, each in an individual file. The 4 species are: (1) Melampus coffeus, (2) Melampus bidentatus cryptic species NORTH, (3) Melampus bidentatus cryptic species SOUTH, (4) Melampus bidentatus cryptic species GULF. The 3 genes are: (1) Histone H3 (2) Cytochrome oxidase I (CO1) and (3) MCP, which has been Probable mitochondrial phosphate carrier protein


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    file containing the sequences generated from the symbiont-free coral colony used for sequence capture approac


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    Nexus file containing sequences for all Oculina patagonica and several Cladocora colonies genotyped for a nuclear gene