760 research outputs found

    An Epipolar Line from a Single Pixel

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    Computing the epipolar geometry from feature points between cameras with very different viewpoints is often error prone, as an object's appearance can vary greatly between images. For such cases, it has been shown that using motion extracted from video can achieve much better results than using a static image. This paper extends these earlier works based on the scene dynamics. In this paper we propose a new method to compute the epipolar geometry from a video stream, by exploiting the following observation: For a pixel p in Image A, all pixels corresponding to p in Image B are on the same epipolar line. Equivalently, the image of the line going through camera A's center and p is an epipolar line in B. Therefore, when cameras A and B are synchronized, the momentary images of two objects projecting to the same pixel, p, in camera A at times t1 and t2, lie on an epipolar line in camera B. Based on this observation we achieve fast and precise computation of epipolar lines. Calibrating cameras based on our method of finding epipolar lines is much faster and more robust than previous methods.Comment: WACV 201

    On the Power of Manifold Samples in Exploring Configuration Spaces and the Dimensionality of Narrow Passages

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    We extend our study of Motion Planning via Manifold Samples (MMS), a general algorithmic framework that combines geometric methods for the exact and complete analysis of low-dimensional configuration spaces with sampling-based approaches that are appropriate for higher dimensions. The framework explores the configuration space by taking samples that are entire low-dimensional manifolds of the configuration space capturing its connectivity much better than isolated point samples. The contributions of this paper are as follows: (i) We present a recursive application of MMS in a six-dimensional configuration space, enabling the coordination of two polygonal robots translating and rotating amidst polygonal obstacles. In the adduced experiments for the more demanding test cases MMS clearly outperforms PRM, with over 20-fold speedup in a coordination-tight setting. (ii) A probabilistic completeness proof for the most prevalent case, namely MMS with samples that are affine subspaces. (iii) A closer examination of the test cases reveals that MMS has, in comparison to standard sampling-based algorithms, a significant advantage in scenarios containing high-dimensional narrow passages. This provokes a novel characterization of narrow passages which attempts to capture their dimensionality, an attribute that had been (to a large extent) unattended in previous definitions.Comment: 20 page

    Optimal randomized incremental construction for guaranteed logarithmic planar point location

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    Given a planar map of nn segments in which we wish to efficiently locate points, we present the first randomized incremental construction of the well-known trapezoidal-map search-structure that only requires expected O(nlogn)O(n \log n) preprocessing time while deterministically guaranteeing worst-case linear storage space and worst-case logarithmic query time. This settles a long standing open problem; the best previously known construction time of such a structure, which is based on a directed acyclic graph, so-called the history DAG, and with the above worst-case space and query-time guarantees, was expected O(nlog2n)O(n \log^2 n). The result is based on a deeper understanding of the structure of the history DAG, its depth in relation to the length of its longest search path, as well as its correspondence to the trapezoidal search tree. Our results immediately extend to planar maps induced by finite collections of pairwise interior disjoint well-behaved curves.Comment: The article significantly extends the theoretical aspects of the work presented in http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.543

    Deconstructing Approximate Offsets

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    We consider the offset-deconstruction problem: Given a polygonal shape Q with n vertices, can it be expressed, up to a tolerance \eps in Hausdorff distance, as the Minkowski sum of another polygonal shape P with a disk of fixed radius? If it does, we also seek a preferably simple-looking solution P; then, P's offset constitutes an accurate, vertex-reduced, and smoothened approximation of Q. We give an O(n log n)-time exact decision algorithm that handles any polygonal shape, assuming the real-RAM model of computation. A variant of the algorithm, which we have implemented using CGAL, is based on rational arithmetic and answers the same deconstruction problem up to an uncertainty parameter \delta; its running time additionally depends on \delta. If the input shape is found to be approximable, this algorithm also computes an approximate solution for the problem. It also allows us to solve parameter-optimization problems induced by the offset-deconstruction problem. For convex shapes, the complexity of the exact decision algorithm drops to O(n), which is also the time required to compute a solution P with at most one more vertex than a vertex-minimal one.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, previous version accepted at SoCG 2011, submitted to DC

    A Behavioural Finance Explanation of a Gearing-ß Inverse Association Referencing Weill’s Liquidity Result (in English)

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    The authors investigated Arnold’s conjecture that Leverage (Financial Gearing) and Operating Gearing should be positively related to the equity ß of the Sharpe/Lintner CAPM. They find for a sample of the S&P 500 firms that have been on that index continuously for more than 15 years, that ß is negatively associated with Leverage and Operating Gearing. Using Weill’s results for transitional economies, the authors suggest that liquidity may provide an explanation for this anomalous ß-Gearing inversion. The implications are: that (1) one should revaluate the positive associations posited for Financial and Operating gearing with ß and (2) consider the possibility of managing liquidity as a way to affect ß.financial gearing; leverage; liquidity; beta

    Quantum Hall Phase Diagram of Second Landau-level Half-filled Bilayers: Abelian versus Non-Abelian States

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    The quantum Hall phase diagram of the half-filled bilayer system in the second Landau level is studied as a function of tunneling and layer separation using exact diagonalization. We make the striking prediction that bilayer structures would manifest two distinct branches of incompressible fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) corresponding to the Abelian 331 state (at moderate to low tunneling and large layer separation) and the non-Abelian Pfaffian state (at large tunneling and small layer separation). The observation of these two FQHE branches and the quantum phase transition between them will be compelling evidence supporting the existence of the non-Abelian Pfaffian state in the second Landau level.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Robustness of high-fidelity Rydberg gates with single-site addressability

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    Controlled phase (CPHASE) gates can in principle be realized with trapped neutral atoms by making use of the Rydberg blockade. Achieving the ultra-high fidelities required for quantum computation with such Rydberg gates is however compromised by experimental inaccuracies in pulse amplitudes and timings, as well as by stray fields that cause fluctuations of the Rydberg levels. We report here a comparative study of analytic and numerical pulse sequences for the Rydberg CPHASE gate that specifically examines the robustness of the gate fidelity with respect to such experimental perturbations. Analytical pulse sequences of both simultaneous and stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) are found to be at best moderately robust under these perturbations. In contrast, optimal control theory is seen to allow generation of numerical pulses that are inherently robust within a predefined tolerance window. The resulting numerical pulse shapes display simple modulation patterns and their spectra contain only one additional frequency beyond the basic resonant Rydberg gate frequencies. Pulses of such low complexity should be experimentally feasible, allowing gate fidelities of order 99.90 - 99.99% to be achievable under realistic experimental conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure