47 research outputs found

    Semantic Incongruency Interferes With Endogenous Attention in Cross-Modal Integration of Semantically Congruent Objects

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    Efficient multisensory integration is often influenced by other cognitive processes including, but not limited to, semantic congruency and focused endogenous attention. Semantic congruency can re-allocate processing resources to the location of a congruent stimulus, while attention can prioritize the integration of multi-sensory stimuli under focus. Here, we explore the robustness of this phenomenon in the context of three stimuli, two of which are in the focus of endogenous attention. Participants completed an endogenous attention task with a stimulus compound consisting of 3 different objects: (1) a visual object (V) in the foreground, (2) an auditory object (A), and (3) a visual background scene object (B). Three groups of participants focused their attention on either the visual object and auditory sound (Group VA,; n; = 30), the visual object and the background (VB,; n; = 27), or the auditory sound and the background (AB,; n; = 30), and judged the semantic congruency of the objects under focus. Congruency varied systematically across all 3 stimuli: All stimuli could be semantically incongruent (e.g., V, ambulance; A, church bell; and B, swimming-pool) or all could be congruent (e.g., V, lion; A, roar; and B, savannah), or two objects could be congruent with the remaining one incongruent to the other two (e.g., V, duck; A, quack; and B, phone booth). Participants exhibited a distinct pattern of errors: when participants attended two congruent objects (e.g., group VA: V, lion; A, roar), in the presence of an unattended, incongruent third object (e.g., B, bath room) they tended to make more errors than in any other stimulus combination. Drift diffusion modeling of the behavioral data revealed a significantly smaller drift rate in two-congruent-attended condition, indicating slower evidence accumulation, which was likely due to interference from the unattended, incongruent object. Interference with evidence accumulation occurred independently of which pair of objects was in the focus of attention, which suggests that the vulnerability of congruency judgments to incongruent unattended distractors is not affected by sensory modalities. A control analysis ruled out the simple explanation of a negative response bias. These findings implicate that our perceptual system is highly sensitive to semantic incongruencies even when they are not endogenously attended

    Analyses of regional radiosensitivity of white matter structures along tract axes using novel white matter segmentation and diffusion imaging biomarkers

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    Background and purpose: Brain radiotherapy (RT) can cause white matter damage and downstream neurocognitive decline. We developed a computational neuroimaging tool to regionally partition individual white matter tracts, then analyze regional changes in diffusion metrics of white matter damage following brain RT. Materials and methods: RT dose, diffusion metrics and white matter tract structures were extracted and mapped to a reference brain for 49 patients who received brain RT, and underwent diffusion tensor imaging pre- and 9–12 months post-RT. Based on their elongation, 23 of 48 white matter tracts were selected. The Tract-Crawler software was developed in MATLAB to create cross-sectional slice planes normal to a tract’s computed medial axis. We then performed slice- and voxel-wise analysis of radiosensitivity, defined as percent change in mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) as a function of dose relative to baseline. Results: Distinct patterns of FA/MD radiosensitivity were seen for specific tracts, including the corticospinal tract, medial lemniscus, and inferior cerebellar peduncle, in particular at terminal ends. These patterns persisted for corresponding tracts in left and right hemispheres. Local sensitivities were as high as 40%/Gy (e.g., voxel-wise: −39 ± 31%/Gy in right corticospinal tract FA, −45 ± 25%/Gy in right inferior cerebellar peduncle FA), p < 0.05. Conclusions: Tract-Crawler, a novel tool to visualize and analyze cuts of white matter structures normal to medial axes, was used to demonstrate that particular white matter tracts exhibit significant regional variations in radiosensitivity based on diffusion biomarkers. Keywords: Radiation therapy, White matter, Diffusion tensor imagin

    Regional susceptibility to dose-dependent white matter damage after brain radiotherapy

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    Background and purposeRegional differences in sensitivity to white matter damage after brain radiotherapy (RT) are not well-described. We characterized the spatial heterogeneity of dose-response across white matter tracts using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).Materials and methodsForty-nine patients with primary brain tumors underwent MRI with DTI before and 9-12months after partial-brain RT. Maps of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) were generated. Atlas-based white matter tracts were identified. A secondary analysis using skeletonized tracts was also performed. Linear mixed-model analysis of the relationship between mean and max dose and percent change in DTI metrics was performed.ResultsTracts with the strongest correlation of FA change with mean dose were the fornix (-0.46 percent/Gy), cingulum bundle (-0.44 percent/Gy), and body of corpus callosum (-0.23 percent/Gy), p&lt;.001. These tracts also showed dose-sensitive changes in MD and RD. In the skeletonized analysis, the fornix and cingulum bundle remained highly dose-sensitive. Maximum and mean dose were similarly predictive of DTI change.ConclusionsThe corpus callosum, cingulum bundle, and fornix show the most prominent dose-dependent changes following RT. Future studies examining correlation with cognitive functioning and potential avoidance of critical white matter regions are warranted

    Adverse Events Involving Radiation Oncology Medical Devices: Comprehensive Analysis of US Food and Drug Administration Data, 1991 to 2015.

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    PurposeRadiation oncology relies on rapidly evolving technology and highly complex processes. The US Food and Drug Administration collects reports of adverse events related to medical devices. We sought to characterize all events involving radiation oncology devices (RODs) from the US Food and Drug Administration's postmarket surveillance Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database, comparing these with non-radiation oncology devices.Methods and materialsMAUDE data on RODs from 1991 to 2015 were sorted into 4 product categories (external beam, brachytherapy, planning systems, and simulation systems) and 5 device problem categories (software, mechanical, electrical, user error, and dose delivery impact). Outcomes included whether the device was evaluated by the manufacturer, adverse event type, remedial action, problem code, device age, and time since 510(k) approval. Descriptive statistics were performed with linear regression of time-series data. Results for RODs were compared with those for other devices by the Pearson χ2 test for categorical data and 2-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for distributions.ResultsThere were 4234 ROD and 4,985,698 other device adverse event reports. Adverse event reports increased over time, and events involving RODs peaked in 2011. Most ROD reports involved external beam therapy (50.8%), followed by brachytherapy (24.9%) and treatment planning systems (21.6%). The top problem types were software (30.4%), mechanical (20.9%), and user error (20.4%). RODs differed significantly from other devices in each outcome (P&lt;.001). RODs were more likely to be evaluated by the manufacturer after an event (46.9% vs 33.0%) but less likely to be recalled (10.5% vs 37.9%) (P&lt;.001). Device age and time since 510(k) approval were shorter among RODs (P&lt;.001).ConclusionsCompared with other devices, RODs may experience adverse events sooner after manufacture and market approval. Close postmarket surveillance, improved software design, and manufacturer-user training may help mitigate these events

    4Ï€ plan optimization for cortical-sparing brain radiotherapy.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Incidental irradiation of normal brain tissue during radiotherapy is linked to cognitive decline, and may be mediated by damage to healthy cortex. Non-coplanar techniques may be used for cortical sparing. We compared normal brain sparing and probability of cortical atrophy using 4π radiation therapy planning vs. standard fixed gantry intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). MATERIAL AND METHODS:Plans from previously irradiated brain tumor patients ("original IMRT", n = 13) were re-planned to spare cortex using both 4π optimization ("4π") and IMRT optimization ("optimized IMRT"). Homogeneity index (HI), gradient measure, doses to cortex and white matter (excluding tumor), brainstem, optics, and hippocampus were compared with matching PTV coverage. Probability of three grades of post-treatment cortical atrophy was modeled based on previously established dose response curves. RESULTS:With matching PTV coverage, 4π significantly improved HI by 27% (p = 0.005) and gradient measure by 8% (p = 0.001) compared with optimized IMRT. 4π optimization reduced mean and equivalent uniform doses (EUD) to all standard OARs, with 14-15% reduction in hippocampal EUD (p ≤ 0.003) compared with the other two plans. 4π significantly reduced dose to fractional cortical volumes (V50, V40 and V30) compared with the original IMRT plans, and reduced cortical V30 by 7% (p = 0.008) compared with optimized IMRT. White matter EUD, mean dose, and fractional volumes V50, V40 and V30 were also significantly lower with 4π (p ≤ 0.001). With 4π, probability of grade 1, 2 and 3 cortical atrophy decreased by 12%, 21% and 26% compared with original IMRT and by 8%, 14% and 3% compared with optimized IMRT, respectively (p ≤ 0.001). CONCLUSIONS:4π radiotherapy significantly improved cortical sparing and reduced doses to standard brain OARs, white matter, and the hippocampus. This was achieved with superior PTV dose homogeneity. Such sparing could reduce the probability of cortical atrophy that may lead to cognitive decline