180 research outputs found

    Empirical Evaluation of Oligonucleotide Probe Selection for DNA Microarrays

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    DNA-based microarrays are increasingly central to biomedical research. Selecting oligonucleotide sequences that will behave consistently across experiments is essential to the design, production and performance of DNA microarrays. Here our aim was to improve on probe design parameters by empirically and systematically evaluating probe performance in a multivariate context. We used experimental data from 19 array CGH hybridizations to assess the probe performance of 385,474 probes tiled in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) region of the X chromosome. Our results demonstrate that probe melting temperature, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and homocytosine motifs all have a strong effect on probe behavior. These findings, when incorporated into future microarray probe selection algorithms, may improve microarray performance for a wide variety of applications

    Microarray-based resequencing of multiple Bacillus anthracis isolates

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    We used custom-designed resequencing arrays to generate 3.1 Mb of genomic sequence from a panel of 56 Bacillus anthracis strains. Sequence quality was shown to be very high by replication (discrepancy rate of 7.4 × 10(-7)) and by comparison to independently generated shotgun sequence (discrepancy rate < 2.5 × 10(-6)). Population genomics studies of microbial pathogens using rapid resequencing technologies such as resequencing arrays are critical for recognizing newly emerging or genetically engineered strains

    SeqAnt: A web service to rapidly identify and annotate DNA sequence variations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The enormous throughput and low cost of second-generation sequencing platforms now allow research and clinical geneticists to routinely perform single experiments that identify tens of thousands to millions of variant sites. Existing methods to annotate variant sites using information from publicly available databases via web browsers are too slow to be useful for the large sequencing datasets being routinely generated by geneticists. Because sequence annotation of variant sites is required before functional characterization can proceed, the lack of a high-throughput pipeline to efficiently annotate variant sites can act as a significant bottleneck in genetics research.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SeqAnt (<it>Seq</it>uence <it>An</it>notator) is an open source web service and software package that rapidly annotates DNA sequence variants and identifies recessive or compound heterozygous loci in human, mouse, fly, and worm genome sequencing experiments. Variants are characterized with respect to their functional type, frequency, and evolutionary conservation. Annotated variants can be viewed on a web browser, downloaded in a tab-delimited text file, or directly uploaded in a BED format to the UCSC genome browser. To demonstrate the speed of SeqAnt, we annotated a series of publicly available datasets that ranged in size from 37 to 3,439,107 variant sites. The total time to completely annotate these data completely ranged from 0.17 seconds to 28 minutes 49.8 seconds.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SeqAnt is an open source web service and software package that overcomes a critical bottleneck facing research and clinical geneticists using second-generation sequencing platforms. SeqAnt will prove especially useful for those investigators who lack dedicated bioinformatics personnel or infrastructure in their laboratories.</p

    Array-Based FMR1 Sequencing and Deletion Analysis in Patients with a Fragile X Syndrome–Like Phenotype

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    Background: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused by loss of function mutations in the FMR1 gene. Trinucleotide CGG-repeat expansions, resulting in FMR1 gene silencing, are the most common mutations observed at this locus. Even though the repeat expansion mutation is a functional null mutation, few conventional mutations have been identified at this locus, largely due to the clinical laboratory focus on the repeat tract. Methodology/Principal Findings: To more thoroughly evaluate the frequency of conventional mutations in FXS-like patients, we used an array-based method to sequence FMR1 in 51 unrelated males exhibiting several features characteristic of FXS but with normal CGG-repeat tracts of FMR1. One patient was identified with a deletion in FMR1, but none of the patients were found to have other conventional mutations. Conclusions/Significance: These data suggest that missense mutations in FMR1 are not a common cause of the FXS phenotype in patients who have normal-length CGG-repeat tracts. However, screening for small deletions of FMR1 may be of clinically utility

    High level of complexity and global diversity of the 3q29 locus revealed by optical mapping and long-read sequencing.

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    BACKGROUND: High sequence identity between segmental duplications (SDs) can facilitate copy number variants (CNVs) via non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR). These CNVs are one of the fundamental causes of genomic disorders such as the 3q29 deletion syndrome (del3q29S). There are 21 protein-coding genes lost or gained as a result of such recurrent 1.6-Mbp deletions or duplications, respectively, in the 3q29 locus. While NAHR plays a role in CNV occurrence, the factors that increase the risk of NAHR at this particular locus are not well understood. METHODS: We employed an optical genome mapping technique to characterize the 3q29 locus in 161 unaffected individuals, 16 probands with del3q29S and their parents, and 2 probands with the 3q29 duplication syndrome (dup3q29S). Long-read sequencing-based haplotype resolved de novo assemblies from 44 unaffected individuals, and 1 trio was used for orthogonal validation of haplotypes and deletion breakpoints. RESULTS: In total, we discovered 34 haplotypes, of which 19 were novel haplotypes. Among these 19 novel haplotypes, 18 were detected in unaffected individuals, while 1 novel haplotype was detected on the parent-of-origin chromosome of a proband with the del3q29S. Phased assemblies from 44 unaffected individuals enabled the orthogonal validation of 20 haplotypes. In 89% (16/18) of the probands, breakpoints were confined to paralogous copies of a 20-kbp segment within the 3q29 SDs. In one del3q29S proband, the breakpoint was confined to a 374-bp region using long-read sequencing. Furthermore, we categorized del3q29S cases into three classes and dup3q29S cases into two classes based on breakpoints. Finally, we found no evidence of inversions in parent-of-origin chromosomes. CONCLUSIONS: We have generated the most comprehensive haplotype map for the 3q29 locus using unaffected individuals, probands with del3q29S or dup3q29S, and available parents, and also determined the deletion breakpoint to be within a 374-bp region in one proband with del3q29S. These results should provide a better understanding of the underlying genetic architecture that contributes to the etiology of del3q29S and dup3q29S

    Rapid Identification of Genetic Modifications in Bacillus anthracis Using Whole Genome Draft Sequences Generated by 454 Pyrosequencing

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    Background The anthrax letter attacks of 2001 highlighted the need for rapid identification of biothreat agents not only for epidemiological surveillance of the intentional outbreak but also for implementing appropriate countermeasures, such as antibiotic treatment, in a timely manner to prevent further casualties. It is clear from the 2001 cases that survival may be markedly improved by administration of antimicrobial therapy during the early symptomatic phase of the illness; i.e., within 3 days of appearance of symptoms. Microbiological detection methods are feasible only for organisms that can be cultured in vitro and cannot detect all genetic modifications with the exception of antibiotic resistance. Currently available immuno or nucleic acid-based rapid detection assays utilize known, organism-specific proteins or genomic DNA signatures respectively. Hence, these assays lack the ability to detect novel natural variations or intentional genetic modifications that circumvent the targets of the detection assays or in the case of a biological attack using an antibiotic resistant or virulence enhanced Bacillus anthracis, to advise on therapeutic treatments. Methodology/Principal Findings We show here that the Roche 454-based pyrosequencing can generate whole genome draft sequences of deep and broad enough coverage of a bacterial genome in less than 24 hours. Furthermore, using the unfinished draft sequences, we demonstrate that unbiased identification of known as well as heretofore-unreported genetic modifications that include indels and single nucleotide polymorphisms conferring antibiotic and phage resistances is feasible within the next 12 hours. Conclusions/Significance Second generation sequencing technologies have paved the way for sequence-based rapid identification of both known and previously undocumented genetic modifications in cultured, conventional and newly emerging biothreat agents. Our findings have significant implications in the context of whole genome sequencing-based routine clinical diagnostics as well as epidemiological surveillance of natural disease outbreaks caused by bacterial and viral agents

    Genotyping of Bacillus cereus Strains by Microarray-Based Resequencing

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    The ability to distinguish microbial pathogens from closely related but nonpathogenic strains is key to understanding the population biology of these organisms. In this regard, Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes inhalational anthrax, is of interest because it is closely related and often difficult to distinguish from other members of the B. cereus group that can cause diverse diseases. We employed custom-designed resequencing arrays (RAs) based on the genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis to generate 422 kb of genomic sequence from a panel of 41 Bacillus cereus sensu lato strains. Here we show that RAs represent a “one reaction” genotyping technology with the ability to discriminate between highly similar B. anthracis isolates and more divergent strains of the B. cereus s.l. Clade 1. Our data show that RAs can be an efficient genotyping technology for pre-screening the genetic diversity of large strain collections to selected the best candidates for whole genome sequencing

    Self-Control and Adverse “Drinking” Consequences

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    Most research on adverse alcohol consequences such as problems with health, work, and relationships focuses only on alcohol use itself as a cause of these outcomes. However, Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) self-control theory holds that alcohol use and these negative outcomes are likely to have a common cause–low self-control. Tests of hypotheses derived from self-control theory show that self-control predicts negative drinking consequences better than combined measures of alcohol dependence and frequency and quantity of drinking. This suggests that various forms of risk–taking behavior and negative outcomes can be conceptualized as indicators of underlying levels of self-control