1,054 research outputs found

    Will YouTube Sail into the DMCA\u27s Safe Harbor or Sink for Internet Piracy?, 6 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 550 (2007)

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    Is YouTube, the popular video sharing website, a new revolution in information sharing or a profitable clearing-house for unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material? YouTube’s critics claim that it falls within the latter category, in line with Napster and Grokster. This comment, however, determines that YouTube is fundamentally different from past infringers in that it complies with statutory provisions concerning the removal of copyrighted materials. Furthermore, YouTube’s central server architecture distinguishes it from peer-to-peer file sharing websites. This comment concludes that any comparison to Napster or Grokster issuperficial, and overlooks the potential benefits of YouTube to copyrigh


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    Rice Callus Suspension Culture (RCSC) has been shown to exhibit potent anticancer activity in vitro. In this study we aimed to investigate the anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties of RCSC on three inflamed normal colon epithelial cell lines, InEpC, NCM 356, and CCD 841 CoN. As a comparative, we additionally analyzed the anti-inflammatory effects of Highbush blueberries on two inflamed colon cell cultures, NCM 356 and CCD 841 CoN. Furthermore, we sought to characterize the bioactive compounds in RCSC responsible for anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating effects. This work will be an essential starting point for understanding and identifying possible bioactive compounds in the fight against inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and various cancers. Fluorescent microscopy, flow cytometry, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were performed, coupled with various bioassays, such as nuclear and cytoplasmic reactive oxygen species scavenging capabilities, propidium iodide cell viability assay, and gene microarrays to identify immunological gene targets. In doing so both RCSC and Highbush blueberry extracts were quantified for their anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating functions. Finally, several organic solvents and techniques were utilized to identify possible bioactive compounds present in RCSC, Rotor evaporation, centri-vaped, column chromatography, thin layer chromatography (TLC), and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Because of monetary and time restrictions we were unable toidentify the single responsible bioactive compound, if the case, however we were able to identify bioactive fractions consisting of eight compounds with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties with great similarities to the whole RCSC. This will serve as a starting point for characterization of the bioactive compound(s

    Jan Dismas Zelenka’s ‘Dixit Dominus’ settings within the context of the Dresden Hofkapelle

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    Bohemian composer Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679–1745) composed forty-one Vespers works for performances at services of the Dresden Hofkapelle. Zelenka maintained an inventory of sacred works in his possession, which he titled ‘Inventarium rerum Musicarum Ecclesiae servientium.’ Zelenka categorized his psalm settings into two collections: thirty-three ‘Psalmi Vespertini totius anni’ and eight ‘Psalmi varii…Separatim Scripti.’ Together these psalm settings comprise four cycles of Vespers music, each of which begin with a setting of the psalm Dixit Dominus. Of the four Dixit Dominus settings (ZWV 66–69), Dixit Dominus c.1728 (ZWV 69) is now missing and Dixit Dominus 1726 (ZWV 68) was published by Carus-Verlag in 1984. The remaining two settings, Dixit Dominus c.1725 (ZWV 66) and Dixit Dominus c.1728 (ZWV 67), are presented here in critical editions. The three extant Dixit Dominus settings are analyzed from the standpoints of composition style and structure. Zelenka’s Inventarium also lists more than eighty similar Vespers works by other composers, under the heading ‘Psalmi Variorum Authorum.’ These works, which are mostly by composers of Italian and Bohemian origins, were edited and adapted by Zelenka for use at the Dresden Hofkapelle. No critical editions of these works are known to exist. Zelenka’s inventory of ‘Psalmi Variorum Authorum’ lists ten Dixit Dominus settings, of which three survive in Dresden. The three surving Dixit Dominus settings, attributed to Pitoni, Fabri, and Inge[g]nieri, are presented here with two critical editions of each: one with Zelenka’s edits included and one with Zelenka’s edits removed. In addition to an analysis of the compositions style and structure of each work, Zelenka’s approach to editing and adapting these works for use at the Dresden Hofkapelle is provided. Finally, the performance practice of the basso continuo group in Dresden is considered, with particular emphasis on Zelenka’s method of notation for this group. A select group of Zelenka’s autograph scores are used to create a set of guidelines that will assist modern editors in interpreting Zelenka’s intentions for the basso continuo group

    Jan Dismas Zelenka’s ‘Dixit Dominus’ settings within the context of the Dresden Hofkapelle

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    Bohemian composer Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679–1745) composed forty-one Vespers works for performances at services of the Dresden Hofkapelle. Zelenka maintained an inventory of sacred works in his possession, which he titled ‘Inventarium rerum Musicarum Ecclesiae servientium.’ Zelenka categorized his psalm settings into two collections: thirty-three ‘Psalmi Vespertini totius anni’ and eight ‘Psalmi varii…Separatim Scripti.’ Together these psalm settings comprise four cycles of Vespers music, each of which begin with a setting of the psalm Dixit Dominus. Of the four Dixit Dominus settings (ZWV 66–69), Dixit Dominus c.1728 (ZWV 69) is now missing and Dixit Dominus 1726 (ZWV 68) was published by Carus-Verlag in 1984. The remaining two settings, Dixit Dominus c.1725 (ZWV 66) and Dixit Dominus c.1728 (ZWV 67), are presented here in critical editions. The three extant Dixit Dominus settings are analyzed from the standpoints of composition style and structure. Zelenka’s Inventarium also lists more than eighty similar Vespers works by other composers, under the heading ‘Psalmi Variorum Authorum.’ These works, which are mostly by composers of Italian and Bohemian origins, were edited and adapted by Zelenka for use at the Dresden Hofkapelle. No critical editions of these works are known to exist. Zelenka’s inventory of ‘Psalmi Variorum Authorum’ lists ten Dixit Dominus settings, of which three survive in Dresden. The three surving Dixit Dominus settings, attributed to Pitoni, Fabri, and Inge[g]nieri, are presented here with two critical editions of each: one with Zelenka’s edits included and one with Zelenka’s edits removed. In addition to an analysis of the compositions style and structure of each work, Zelenka’s approach to editing and adapting these works for use at the Dresden Hofkapelle is provided. Finally, the performance practice of the basso continuo group in Dresden is considered, with particular emphasis on Zelenka’s method of notation for this group. A select group of Zelenka’s autograph scores are used to create a set of guidelines that will assist modern editors in interpreting Zelenka’s intentions for the basso continuo group

    A Student-Driven Guide for Project-based Learning

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    This action research study proposes the need for and examines the usefulness of a Student-Driven Guide for Project-Based Learning. The Guide was designed to give students guidance and structure in carrying out and documenting a project as a part of a class, or when students are working independently from a teacher. The Guide was informed by the educational theories of Constructionism, Student-Driven Learning, and Cross-Disciplinary Learning. It was tested with a group of high school students who used the Guide to create a series of multimedia photography projects. Completed Guides and student surveys about the experience were then collected and analyzed to determine if the Guide was useful to students and how it might be improved to better support student performance in the future. The findings of the study include data on positive and negative student engagement with the PBL Guide, areas of the Guide that need to be reviewed, student struggles with conceptual writing, and overconfidence in final student outcomes. The study concludes that the PBL Guide is helpful to students in an organizational capacity but needs further iterative changes to improve its effectiveness. These changes are addressed using action research methods in the form of a revised mockup for a digital PBL Guide that other researchers have the opportunity to build on in the future

    The views of various professions on causes and treatment of learning disabilities - A literature survey and review

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    The views of various professions on causes and treatment of learning disabilities - A literature survey and revie

    Evaluation of advanced fast reactor blanket designs

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    Originally presented as the first author's thesis, (Sc. D.)--in the M.I.T. Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1977Includes bibliographical references (p. 321-325)ERDA research and development E(11-1)-2250 UC-79P LMFBR-Physic

    Systems studies on the extraction of uranium from seawater

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    This report summarizes the work done at MIT during FY 1981 on the overall system design of a uranium-from-seawater facility. It consists of a sequence of seven major chapters, each of which was originally prepared as a stand-alone internal progress report. These chapters trace the historical progression of the MIT effort, from an early concern with scoping calculations to define the practical boundaries of a design envelope, as constrained by elementary economic and energy balance considerations, through a parallel evaluation of actively-pumped and passive current-driven concepts, and thence to quantification of the features of a second generation system based on a shipboard-mounted, actively-pumped concept designed around the use of thin beds of powdered ion exchange resin supported by cloth fiber cylinders (similar to the baghouse flyash filters used on power station offgas).An assessment of the apparently inherent limitations of even thin settled-bed sorber media then led to selection of an expanded bed (in the form of an ion exchange "wool"), which would permit an order of magnitude increase in flow loading, as a desirable advance. Thus the final two chapters evaluate ways in which this approach could be implemented, and the resulting performance levels which could be attained. Overall, U 308 production costs under 200 $/lb appear to be within reach if a high capacity (several thousand ppm U) ion exchange wool can be developed

    Recovery of uranium from seawater.

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    A computer program entitled URPE (Uranium Recovery Performance and Economics) has been developed to simulate the engineering performance and provide an economic analysis O of a plant recovering uranium from seawater. The conceptual system design used as the focal point for the more general AM analysis consists ofa floating oil-rig type platform, Asinlge-point moored in an open ocean current, using either high volume, low head, propeller pumps or the velocity head 4M of the ambient ocean current to force seawater through a mass transfer medium (hydrous titanium oxide (HTO) coated onto particle beds or stacked tubes), as in most process designs previously suggested for this service. Uranium is recovered Sfrom the seawater by an adsorption process, and later eluted . from the adsorber by an ammonium carbonate solution. A multi-product co-generating plant on board the platform burns coal to raise steam for electricity generation, desalination, and process heat requirements. Scrubbed stack gas from the plant is processed to recover carbon dioxide for chemical make-up needs.The equilibrium isotherm and the diffusion constant for the uranyl-HTO system, which are needed for bed performance calculations, have been calculated based on the rather sparse data reported in the literature. In addition, a technique for calculating the rate constant of a fixed bed adsorbing system has been developed for use with Thomas' solution for predicting fixed bed performance.The URPE program has been benchmarked against the results of previous studies by ORNL and Exxon, and found to make comparable performance and economic estimates when applied under the same set of ground rules. The URPE code was then used in an extensive series of parametric and sensitivity studies to identify optimum bed operating conditions and important areas for future research and development. The program showed that thin beds of small, thinly-coated particles were the preferred bed configuration, and that actively pumped systems out-perform current driven units.Based on the URPE analysis, the minimum expected costs nof uranium recovered from seawater would be no lower than ~316 (1979)/lbU308forstate−of−the−artadsorbermaterial(capacityequalto210mgU/kgTi),butmightbereducedtothelevelofbreakevenattractivenessof 150(1979)/lb U308 for state-of-the-art adsorber material (capacity equal to 210 mg U/kg Ti), but might be reduced to the level of breakeven attractiveness of ~150 (1979)/lb U30 8 if at least a four-fold increase in adsorption capacity could be achieved. Specific research and development objectives other than increasing particle capacity are also indentified. Prospects are considered to be sufficiently good to warrant recommending further work
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