295 research outputs found

    Ethanol Plant Location Determinants and County Comparative Advantage

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    The location of ethanol plants is determined by infrastructure, product and input markets, fiscal attributes of local communities, and state and federal incentives. This empirical analysis uses probit regression along with spatial clustering methods to analyze investment activity of ethanol plants at the county level for the lower U.S. 48 states from 2000 to 2007. The availability of feedstock dominates the site selection decision. Other factors, such as access to navigable rivers or railroads, product markets, producer credit and excise tax exemptions, and methyl tertiary-butyl ether bans provided some counties with a comparative advantage in attracting ethanol plants.cluster analysis, comparative advantage, ethanol production, location model, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Political Economy, R1, R3,

    Femoral neck fracture during physical therapy following surface replacement arthroplasty: a preventable complication? A case report

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    This case report describes two cases of peri-prosthetic fracture during physical therapy in patients who underwent a hip resurfacing, or surface replacement arthroplasty. The fractures occurred with forceful passive combined flexion and external rotation. Functional results were ultimately obtained in both cases, requiring conversion to total hip arthroplasty. Recognizing patient risk factors and cautioning therapists about the possibility of fracture may have prevented these complications

    The Cost of Increasing Adoption of Beneficial Nutrient-Management Practices

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    We estimate the cost of offsets tied to reductions in the use of nitrogen on U.S. cornfields under the proposed American Clean Energy and Security Act.offsets, nitrogen, corn, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Improving accuracy of total knee component cementation: description of a simple technique

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Total knee arthroplasty represents a common orthopedic surgical procedure. Achieving proper alignment of its components with the predrilled patellar and tibial peg holes prior to polymerization of the bone cement can be challenging.</p> <p>Technique</p> <p>After establishing the femoral, patellar and tibial bone cuts, the cancellous bone around the tibial keel, as well as the peg holes for the patella and femoral components are marked with methylene blue using a cotton swab stick. If bone cement is then placed onto the cut and marked bone edges, the methylene blue leaches through the bone cement and clearly outlines the tibial keel and predrilled femoral and patellar peg holes. This allows excellent visualization of the bone preparations for each component, ensuring safe and prompt positioning of TKA components while minimizing intraoperative difficulties with component alignment while the cement hardens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presented technical note helps to improve the accuracy and ease of insertion when the components of total knee arthroplasty are impacted to their final position.</p

    Geographical Analysis of US Green Sector Industry Concentration

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    This paper analyzes the geographic distribution of “green energy” sector clustering in the lower 48 United States using recent developments in industry concentration analysis. Evidence suggests that the ten green energy subsectors and the aggregate of the firms comprising the green energy sector are regionally concentrated. Positive changes in industry concentration from 2002 to 2006 tended to be greatest in non-metropolitan counties, suggesting comparative advantage with respect to site location for the composite of firms making up these sectors.Agglomeration, Location Quotient, Renewable Energy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Industrial Organization, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Estimating Travel Cost Model: Spatial Approach

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    travel cost model, spatial analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Strong, Safe, And Secure: Negotiating Early Fathering And Military Service Across The Deployment Cycle

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    Military fathers of young children often endure repeated separations from their children, and these may disrupt the early parent–child relationship. Postdeployment reunification also poses challenges; disruptions that have occurred must often be repaired in the context of heightened emotions on the part of each family member at a time when fathers are themselves readjusting to the routines and responsibilities of family life. The current study employed qualitative research with the central aim of informing a richer understanding of these experiences. Interviews were conducted with 14 military fathers of young children who had experienced separation from their families during deployment. Narratives were coded using principles of grounded theory, and common parenting themes were extracted. Fathers shared their hopes that their young children would develop qualities of strength, confidence, and self‐sufficiency. They also discussed difficulty in supporting the development of these qualities in their young children due to problems dealing with the negative emotions and difficult behaviors that their children exhibited. Reliance on their parenting partner was commonly cited as an effective strategy as fathers transitioned back to family life. Implications for intervention programs include the provision of parenting and self‐care skills and inclusion of the father's parenting partner in the intervention. RESUMEN Padres militares de niños pequeños a menudo enfrentan repetidas separaciones de sus hijos, las cuales pueden alterar las tempranas relaciones padre‐hijo. La reunificación posterior a la asignación militar también presenta retos; las interrupciones que han ocurrido muy a menudo se arreglan en el contexto de fuertes emociones por parte de cada miembro de la familia en un momento en que los papás están ellos mismos reajustándose a rutinas y responsabilidades de la vida familiar. La investigación cualitativa puede resultar en una mejor comprensión de estas experiencias. Para el presente estudio, se entrevistó a 14 militares, padres de niños pequeños, quienes habían experimentado la separación familiar durante sus asignaciones militares. Se codificaron las narrativas usando principios de teoría básica, y se extrajeron temas de crianza comunes. Los papás compartieron sus esperanzas de que sus pequeños niños desarrollaran su fortaleza, confianza y autosuficiencia. También discutieron la dificultad de apoyar el desarrollo de estas características en sus pequeños niños después de la separación por servicio militar debido a problemas relacionados con emociones negativas y conductas difíciles que sus hijos mostraban. Se citó reiteradamente el depender de la pareja en la crianza como estrategia efectiva en la transición de vuelta a la vida familiar. Las implicaciones para programas de intervención incluyen la incorporación de la pareja de quien dependen los papás para la crianza como parte de la intervención, así como la provisión de habilidades de crianza y autocuidado. RÉSUMÉ Les pères de jeunes enfants qui servent dans l’armée endurent souvent des séparations répétées d’avec leurs enfants, séparations qui peuvent perturber la relation précoce père‐enfant. La réunification après le déploiement peut également poser certains défis: les perturbations qui se sont passées doivent aussi être réparées dans le contexte d’émotions intensifiées de la part de chaque membre de la famille à un moment où les pères eux‐mêmes se réadaptent aux routines et aux responsabilités de la vie de famille. Des recherches qualitatives peuvent mener à une compréhension plus riche de ces expériences. Cette étude a interviewé 14 pères engagés dans l’armée, pères de jeunes enfants qui avaient tous fait l’expérience de la séparation de leurs familles durant le déploiement. Les récits ont été codés en utilisant les principes de la théorie ancrée et les thèmes de parentage commun ont été extraits. Les pères ont partagé leurs espoirs que leurs jeunes enfants feraient preuve de qualités de force, de confiance et d’auto‐suffisance en grandissant. Ils ont aussi discuté la difficulté qui existe à soutenir le développement de ces qualités chez leurs jeunes enfants après le déploiement à cause de problèmes liés aux émotions et aux comportements difficiles dont faisaient preuve leurs enfants. La dépendance envers le partenaire de parentage s’est trouvé fréquemment citée comme étant une stratégie efficace alors qu’ils transitionnaient dans le retour à la vie familiale. Les implications pour des programmes d’intervention comprennent l’inclusion du partenaire de parentage du père dans l’intervention et dans l’accumulation des précautions de parentage et des capacités à prendre soin de soi. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Väter von Kleinkindern, die im Militär dienen, erfahren oft wiederholte Trennungen von ihren Kindern, welche die frühe Eltern‐Kind‐Beziehung stören können. Auch die Wiedervereinigung nach einem Einsatz beim Militär stellt eine Herausforderung dar: Brüche, die aufgetreten sind, müssen oft im Zusammenhang mit verstärkten Emotionen auf Seiten jedes Familienmitglieds wiedergutgemacht werden. Dies geschieht zu einer Zeit, in der sich die Väter wieder den Routinen und Aufgaben des Familienlebens anpassen. Qualitative Forschung kann zu einem umfangreicheren Verständnis dieser Erfahrungen beitragen. Die aktuelle Studie befragte 14 Väter von Kleinkindern, die beim Militär waren und Trennung von ihren Familien während eines Einsatzes erlebt hatten. Narrative wurden nach den Prinzipien der „Grounded Theory“ kodiert und allgemeine Themen zur Elternschaft wurden extrahiert. Die Väter teilten ihre Hoffnung mit, dass ihre Kinder Eigenschaften wie Stärke, Selbstvertrauen und Selbstständigkeit entwickeln. Sie diskutierten auch Schwierigkeiten bei der Unterstützung der Entwicklung dieser Eigenschaften bei ihren Kleinkindern nach einem Einsatz, aufgrund von Problemen im Umgang mit negativen Emotionen und schwierigen Verhaltensweisen, die ihre Kinder zeigten. Das Vertrauen in das andere Elternteil wurde allgemein als wirksame Strategie zitiert, wenn sie zurück ins Familienleben übergegangen sind. Implikationen für Interventionsprogramme umfassen die Einbeziehung des anderen Elternteils in die Intervention und die Bereitstellung von Erziehungs‐ und Selbstfürsorge‐Fähigkeiten. ABSTRACT 抄録:幼い子どものいる軍人の父親は、子どもとの別れを繰り返すことにしばしば耐えている。そして、これは、早期の親-子関係を中断するだろう。帰還後の家族の再統合もまた問題をはらんでいる。父親自身が家族生活のルーチンと責任に再適応している時に、家族メンバーそれぞれが高揚した感情というコンテクストの中で、生じていた中断がしばしば修復されなければならない。質的研究によりこれらの経験をより豊かに理解する情報をえることができる。この研究では、配備の間に家族との別れを体験した、14人の幼い子どものいる軍人の父親にインタビューした。談話はグランデット・セオリーの原則を用いてコード化され、共通の育児のテーマが抽出された。父親達は、幼い子どもが、強さ、自信、そして自給自足という素質を発達させるだろうという希望を共有していた。彼らはまた、子ども達が示す否定的な感情や難しい行動を扱う問題のために、帰還後に幼い子どものこれらの素質を発達させるように支援するのが難しいと議論した。養育パートナーへの信頼は、彼らが家族との生活に戻る移行における効果的な戦略として、共通して言及された。介入プログラムに対して持つ意味には、父親の養育パートナーを介入に含めること、そして養育スキルとセルフケアのスキルを提供することが、含まれるPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108646/1/imhj21465.pd

    GMI Spin Mechanism Assembly Design, Development, and Test Results

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    The GMI Spin Mechanism Assembly (SMA) is a precision bearing and power transfer drive assembly mechanism that supports and spins the Global Microwave Imager (GMI) instrument at a constant rate of 32 rpm continuously for the 3 year plus mission life. The GMI instrument will fly on the core Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) spacecraft and will be used to make calibrated radiometric measurements at multiple microwave frequencies and polarizations. The GPM mission is an international effort managed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to improve climate, weather, and hydro-meteorological predictions through more accurate and frequent precipitation measurements [1]. Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation (BATC) was selected by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) to design, build, and test the GMI instrument. The SMA design has to meet a challenging set of requirements and is based on BATC space mechanisms heritage and lessons learned design changes made to the WindSat BAPTA mechanism that is currently operating on orbit and has recently surpassed 8 years of Flight operation