73 research outputs found

    Are wearable electronic vision enhancement systems (wEVES) beneficial for people with age-related macular degeneration? A scoping review

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    INTRODUCTION: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of irreversible visual impairment in the United Kingdom. It has a wide-ranging detrimental impact on daily living, including impairment of functional ability and quality of life. Assistive technology designed to overcome this impairment includes wearable electronic vision enhancement systems (wEVES). This scoping review assesses the usefulness of these systems for people with AMD. METHODS: Four databases (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane CENTRAL) were searched to identify papers that investigated image enhancement with a head-mounted electronic device on a sample population that included people with AMD. RESULTS: Thirty-two papers were included: 18 studied the clinical and functional benefits of wEVES, 11 investigated use and usability and 3 discussed sickness and adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS: Wearable electronic vision enhancement systems provide hands-free magnification and image enhancement producing significant improvements in acuity, contrast sensitivity and aspects of laboratory-simulated daily activity. Adverse effects were infrequent, minor and spontaneously resolved with the removal of the device. However, when symptoms arose, they sometimes persisted with continued device usage. There are multi-factorial influences and a diversity of user opinions on promotors to successful device use. These factors are not exclusively driven by visual improvement and incorporate other issues including device weight, ease of use and inconspicuous design. There is insufficient evidence of any cost-benefit analysis for wEVES. However, it has been shown that a user's decision to make a purchase evolves over time, with their estimates of cost falling below the retail price of the devices. Additional research is needed to understand the specific and distinct benefits of wEVES for people with AMD. Further patient-centred research should assess the benefits of wEVES in user-led activities when directly compared with alternative coping strategies, allowing professionals and users to make better prescribing and purchasing decisions

    The development of an automated sentence generator for the assessment of reading speed

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    Reading speed is an important outcome measure for many studies in neuroscience and psychology. Conventional reading speed tests have a limited corpus of sentences and usually require observers to read sentences aloud. Here we describe an automated sentence generator which can create over 100,000 unique sentences, scored using a true/false response. We propose that an estimate of the minimum exposure time required for observers to categorise the truth of such sentences is a good alternative to reading speed measures that guarantees comprehension of the printed material. Removing one word from the sentence reduces performance to chance, indicating minimal redundancy. Reading speed assessed using rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) of these sentences is not statistically different from using MNREAD sentences. The automated sentence generator would be useful for measuring reading speed with button-press response (such as within MRI scanners) and for studies requiring many repeated measures of reading speed

    Everyday visual demands of people with low vision:A mixed methods real-life recording study

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    Research has demonstrated that low vison aids (LVAs) can have a positive impact on the functional sight of those living with sight loss. Step changes in technology are now enabling new wearable LVAs with greater potential than those available previously. For these novel devices to receive increased acceptance and therefore adoption by those with sight loss, visual task demands have to be understood more clearly in order to enable better alignment between device design and user requirements. The aim of this study was to quantify these requirements. Thirty-two participants aged 18 to 87 wore a spectacle-mounted video camera to capture and narrate all everyday situations in which they would use a "perfect" sight aid during 1 week. Captured scenes were analyzed through categorization and computational image analysis. Results showed large variation in activities and lifestyles. Participants reported no available sight aid or coping strategy for 57% of the recorded activities. Reading made up 49% of all recorded tasks, the other half comprising non-textual information. Overall, 75% of captured activities were performed ad hoc (duration of 0-5 minutes), 78% occurred indoors, 58% occurred at home, 48% were lit by natural light, 68% included the object of interest within reach, and 69% required a single focus plane only. Around half of captured objects of interest had a size of 2 degrees visual angle (2.08 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution [logMAR]) or smaller. This study highlights the need for a sight aid that can make both textual and non-textual scenes accessible while offering flexibility to accommodate individual lifestyles

    Can children measure their own vision? A comparison of three new contrast sensitivity tests

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the feasibility of children measuring their own contrast sensitivity using a range of tablet- and paper-based tests. METHODS: Forty children aged 5-15 years with amblyopia (N = 10), bilateral vision impairment (N = 10) or good vision (N = 20) measured their own vision on a screen-based optotype test (Manifold), a gamified vision test (PopCSF) and a paper-based test (Spotchecks) in a laboratory with minimal supervision. Completion rate, test-retest repeatability, test duration and participants' preferences were recorded for each test. RESULTS: Most participants (36/40) were able to perform all three tests. All tests were correlated with clinically measured visual acuity and contrast sensitivity (p < 0.001). The 95% coefficient of repeatability was 0.30 dB for Manifold, 0.29 dB for PopCSF and 0.13 dB for Spotchecks. All tests differentiated between children with reduced contrast sensitivity and control participants. PopCSF and Spotchecks were also able to differentiate between children with amblyopia and those with good vision. Median test time was 152, 130 and 202 s for Manifold, PopCSF and Spotchecks, respectively. Twenty-two participants preferred the PopCSF test, 10 preferred Spotchecks and 6 preferred Manifold. Thirty-nine out of the 40 children (98%) said they would measure their own vision at home using at least one of these tests every month. CONCLUSIONS: Children and young people can test their own contrast sensitivity with repeatable results. Of these three tests, the most repeatable was Spotchecks, the quickest was PopCSF and participants' favourite was PopCSF. Nearly all of the participants said they would be willing to use at least one of the three tests at home

    Design considerations for the ideal low vision aid: insights from de‐brief interviews following a real‐world recording study

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    Purpose Low Vision Aids (LVAs) can have a transformative impact on people living with sight loss, yet the everyday requirements for developing such devices remain poorly understood and defined. This study systematically explored LVA requirements through a structured de‐brief interview following a real‐world self‐recording study. The purpose of this work was to define the actual needs of those living with sight loss so that low vision services can better address them in future. Methods Thirty‐two visually impaired volunteers with varying levels of previous LVA experience participated in a de‐brief interview centred around a structured questionnaire. The de‐brief followed a one‐week real‐world study during which participants used recoding spectacles to capture and narrate all situations in which they would use a ‘perfect sight aid’. Content and thematic analyses were used to analyse interviews which had the purpose of contextualising these recordings and exploring requirements around psychological, functional and design factors. Results Participants reported that 46% of tasks which they had recorded were most important to them. Of these tasks, 82% were encountered frequently. Few tasks emerged as very important across many participants, the remaining tasks reflecting individual lifestyles or circumstances. Every participant used at least one LVA in their everyday life and 72% identified further coping strategies. Current LVAs identified as consistently poor were distance LVAs, with all other devices receiving mixed or only positive feedback. Around two‐thirds of participants would prefer LVA use on an ad‐hoc / quick access basis rather than over long periods of time, and just over half would prefer to carry it rather than wearing it all day. Lack of consistency in these responses illustrated potentially different user clusters with divergent design needs. Two‐thirds of participants emphasised the desire for a discreet LVA that does not attract attention. However, since half of all participants felt self‐conscious in public or in front of other people when wearing the small recording spectacles, this may not be technically achievable. Conclusions There is a substantial opportunity for new LVAs to address visual needs that traditional devices and coping strategies cannot support. Functional, psychological and design factors require careful consideration for future LVAs to be relevant and widely adopted

    Eccentric Viewing Training for Age-Related Macular Disease: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial (the EFFECT Study)

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    PURPOSE: Eccentric viewing training for macular disease has been performed for > 40 years, but no large studies including control groups have assessed the benefits of this training. The EFFECT (Eccentric Fixation From Enhanced Clinical Training) study is a large randomized controlled trial of 2 types of eccentric viewing training. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS: Two hundred adults with age-related macular disease. METHODS: Participants were randomized to either of the following: (1) a control group; (2) a group receiving supervised reading support; (3) a group receiving 3 sessions of training to optimize the use of their own preferred retinal locus; or (4) a group receiving 3 sessions of biofeedback training of a theoretically optimal trained retinal locus. All participants received standard low-vision rehabilitation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was patient-reported visual task ability measured on the Activity Inventory instrument at goal level. Secondary outcomes included reading performance and fixation stability. RESULTS: There was no difference between groups on change in task ability (F(3,174) = 1.48, P = 0.22) or on any of the secondary outcome measures. Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity fell in all groups, suggesting that disease progression outweighed any benefit of training. CONCLUSIONS: Eccentric viewing training did not systematically improve task ability, reading performance, or fixation stability in this study. Our results do not support the routine use of eccentric viewing training for people with progressing age-related macular disease, although this training may help people with end-stage disease. Rehabilitation of an inherently progressive condition is challenging. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES: Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found in the Footnotes and Disclosures at the end of this article

    Illusory Stimuli Can Be Used to Identify Retinal Blind Spots

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    Background. Identification of visual field loss in people with retinal disease is not straightforward as people with eye disease are frequently unaware of substantial deficits in their visual field, as a consequence of perceptual completion ("filling-in'') of affected areas. Methodology. We attempted to induce a compelling visual illusion known as the induced twinkle after-effect (TwAE) in eight patients with retinal scotomas. Half of these patients experience filling-in of their scotomas such that they are unaware of the presence of their scotoma, and conventional campimetric techniques can not be used to identify their vision loss. The region of the TwAE was compared to microperimetry maps of the retinal lesion. Principal Findings. Six of our eight participants experienced the TwAE. This effect occurred in three of the four people who filled-in their scotoma. The boundary of the TwAE showed good agreement with the boundary of lesion, as determined by microperimetry. Conclusion. For the first time, we have determined vision loss by asking patients to report the presence of an illusory percept in blind areas, rather than the absence of a real stimulus. This illusory technique is quick, accurate and not subject to the effects of filling-in

    Symbiodinium Genotypic and Environmental Controls on Lipids in Reef Building Corals

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    BACKGROUND: Lipids in reef building corals can be divided into two classes; non-polar storage lipids, e.g. wax esters and triglycerides, and polar structural lipids, e.g. phospholipids and cholesterol. Differences among algal endosymbiont types are known to have important influences on processes including growth and the photobiology of scleractinian corals yet very little is known about the role of symbiont types on lipid energy reserves. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The ratio of storage lipid and structural lipid fractions of Scott Reef corals were determined by thin layer chromatography. The lipid fraction ratio varied with depth and depended on symbiont type harboured by two corals (Seriatopora hystrix and Pachyseris speciosa). S. hystrix colonies associated with Symbiodinium C1 or C1/C# at deep depths (>23 m) had lower lipid fraction ratios (i.e. approximately equal parts of storage and structural lipids) than those with Symbiodinium D1 in shallow depths (<23 m), which had higher lipid fraction ratios (i.e. approximately double amounts of storage relative to structural lipid). Further, there was a non-linear relationship between the lipid fraction ratio and depth for S. hystrix with a modal peak at ∼23 m coinciding with the same depth as the shift from clade D to C types. In contrast, the proportional relationship between the lipid fraction ratio and depth for P. speciosa, which exhibited high specificity for Symbiodinium C3 like across the depth gradient, was indicative of greater amounts of storage lipids contained in the deep colonies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study has demonstrated that Symbiodinium exert significant controls over the quality of coral energy reserves over a large-scale depth gradient. We conclude that the competitive advantages and metabolic costs that arise from flexible associations with divergent symbiont types are offset by energetic trade-offs for the coral host

    Retinal specific measurement of dark-adapted visual function: validation of a modified microperimeter

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    Background: Scotopic function is an important marker of many retinal diseases and is increasingly used as an outcome measure in clinical trials, such as those investigating gene therapy for Lebers congenital amaurosis. Scotopic visual function has traditionally been measured using an adapted perimetry system such as the Humphrey field analyser (HFA). However this system does not control for fixation errors or poor fixation stability. Here we evaluate the use of an adapted microperimeter to measure visual function at defined retinal regions under scotopic conditions.Methods: A MP-1 microperimeter (Nidek Technologies, Italy) was modified by adding a 1 log unit Neutral Density filter and a 530nm shortpass filter within the optical path of the instrument. Stray light was shielded. Fine matrix mapping perimetry was performed on five younger (65 years) subjects with no eye disease and good vision. All subjects were fully dark adapted before testing and pupils were dilated with 1% tropicamide. Tests was performed once on the modified MP-1 microperimeter and once using a modified HFA, in a counterbalanced order.Results: A foveal scotopic scotoma with a sensitivity reduction of >1 log unit was found using each instrument. In addition, the MP-1 system showed the retinal location of the foveal scotoma. Mean test time was 25 minutes for the MP-1 and 32 minutes for the HFA.Discussion: A modified MP-1 microperimeter can be used to measure scotopic retinal function, creating results which are comparable to the modified Humphrey field analyser. Advantages of the MP-1 system include the ability to track the retina through testing, retinal localisation of the scotoma and a faster test time

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery