23 research outputs found

    Revealing oft-cited but unpublished papers of Colin Pittendrigh and coworkers

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    Among the scientific resources that Colin Pittendrigh passed on to his colleagues after his death in 1996 were two unpublished papers. These manuscripts, developed first in the mid-1960s and continually updated and refined through the late 1970s, centered on the development and experimental exploration of a model of circadian entrainment combining aspects of the well-known parametric (continuous) and nonparametric (discrete) models of entrainment. These texts reveal the experimental work surrounding Pittendrigh's determination of the limits of entrainment and the explanation of the bistability phenomenon. These manuscripts are being made publicly available in their final format (February 1978) as supplementary material to this introduction

    Neonicotinoids Disrupt Circadian Rhythms and Sleep in Honey Bees

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    Honey bees are critical pollinators in ecosystems and agriculture, but their numbers have significantly declined. Declines in pollinator populations are thought to be due to multiple factors including habitat loss, climate change, increased vulnerability to disease and parasites, and pesticide use. Neonicotinoid pesticides are agonists of insect nicotinic cholinergic receptors, and sub-lethal exposures are linked to reduced honey bee hive survival. Honey bees are highly dependent on circadian clocks to regulate critical behaviors, such as foraging orientation and navigation, time-memory for food sources, sleep, and learning/memory processes. Because circadian clock neurons in insects receive light input through cholinergic signaling we tested for effects of neonicotinoids on honey bee circadian rhythms and sleep. Neonicotinoid ingestion by feeding over several days results in neonicotinoid accumulation in the bee brain, disrupts circadian rhythmicity in many individual bees, shifts the timing of behavioral circadian rhythms in bees that remain rhythmic, and impairs sleep. Neonicotinoids and light input act synergistically to disrupt bee circadian behavior, and neonicotinoids directly stimulate wake-promoting clock neurons in the fruit fly brain. Neonicotinoids disrupt honey bee circadian rhythms and sleep, likely by aberrant stimulation of clock neurons, to potentially impair honey bee navigation, time-memory, and social communication

    IL-17+ CD8+ T cell suppression by dimethyl fumarate associates with clinical response in multiple sclerosis

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    IL-17-producing CD8+ (Tc17) cells are enriched in active lesions of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), suggesting a role in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. Here we show that amelioration of MS by dimethyl fumarate (DMF), a mechanistically elusive drug, associates with suppression of Tc17 cells. DMF treatment results in reduced frequency of Tc17, contrary to Th17 cells, and in a decreased ratio of the regulators RORC-to-TBX21, along with a shift towards cytotoxic T lymphocyte gene expression signature in CD8+ T cells from MS patients. Mechanistically, DMF potentiates the PI3K-AKT-FOXO1-T-BET pathway, thereby limiting IL-17 and RORγt expression as well as STAT5-signaling in a glutathione-dependent manner. This results in chromatin remodeling at the Il17 locus. Consequently, T-BET-deficiency in mice or inhibition of PI3K-AKT, STAT5 or reactive oxygen species prevents DMF-mediated Tc17 suppression. Overall, our data disclose a DMF-AKT-T-BET driven immune modulation and suggest putative therapy targets in MS and beyond

    The risks of using the chi-square periodogram to estimate the period of biological rhythms.

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    The chi-square periodogram (CSP), developed over 40 years ago, continues to be one of the most popular methods to estimate the period of circadian (circa 24-h) rhythms. Previous work has indicated the CSP is sometimes less accurate than other methods, but understanding of why and under what conditions remains incomplete. Using simulated rhythmic time-courses, we found that the CSP is prone to underestimating the period in a manner that depends on the true period and the length of the time-course. This underestimation bias is most severe in short time-courses (e.g., 3 days), but is also visible in longer simulated time-courses (e.g., 12 days) and in experimental time-courses of mouse wheel-running and ex vivo bioluminescence. We traced the source of the bias to discontinuities in the periodogram that are related to the number of time-points the CSP uses to calculate the observed variance for a given test period. By revising the calculation to avoid discontinuities, we developed a new version, the greedy CSP, that shows reduced bias and improved accuracy. Nonetheless, even the greedy CSP tended to be less accurate on our simulated time-courses than an alternative method, namely the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Thus, although our study describes a major improvement to a classic method, it also suggests that users should generally avoid the CSP when estimating the period of biological rhythms

    Photoperiodic Programming of the SCN and Its Role in Photoperiodic Output

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    Though the seasonal response of organisms to changing day lengths is a phenomenon that has been scientifically reported for nearly a century, significant questions remain about how photoperiod is encoded and effected neurobiologically. In mammals, early work identified the master circadian clock, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), as a tentative encoder of photoperiodic information. Here, we provide an overview of research on the SCN as a coordinator of photoperiodic responses, the intercellular coupling changes that accompany that coordination, as well as the SCN’s role in a putative brain network controlling photoperiodic input and output. Lastly, we discuss the importance of photoperiodic research in the context of tangible benefits to human health that have been realized through this research as well as challenges that remain

    Supplementary Material, TIPA_Supplementary_Figures_Revised – Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts

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    <p>Supplementary Material, TIPA_Supplementary_Figures_Revised for Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts by Michael C. Tackenberg, Jeff R. Jones, Terry L. Page and Jacob J. Hughey in Journal of Biological Rhythms</p

    Supplementary Material, Fig._S1 – Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts

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    <p>Supplementary Material, Fig._S1 for Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts by Michael C. Tackenberg, Jeff R. Jones, Terry L. Page and Jacob J. Hughey in Journal of Biological Rhythms</p

    Supplementary Material, Fig._S3 – Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts

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    <p>Supplementary Material, Fig._S3 for Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts by Michael C. Tackenberg, Jeff R. Jones, Terry L. Page and Jacob J. Hughey in Journal of Biological Rhythms</p

    Supplementary Material, Fig._S2 – Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts

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    <p>Supplementary Material, Fig._S2 for Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts by Michael C. Tackenberg, Jeff R. Jones, Terry L. Page and Jacob J. Hughey in Journal of Biological Rhythms</p

    Supplementary Material, Fig._S4 – Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts

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    <p>Supplementary Material, Fig._S4 for Tau-independent Phase Analysis: A Novel Method for Accurately Determining Phase Shifts by Michael C. Tackenberg, Jeff R. Jones, Terry L. Page and Jacob J. Hughey in Journal of Biological Rhythms</p