908 research outputs found

    Metal Oxide Nanocomposite Nanoliter Reaction Chamber Fabrication and Applications for Harsh Environment Gas Sensing

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    In order to perform research at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, funding for the desired research is required. Undergraduates get around that by working under a graduate student or professor who is currently funded. For those who seek funding, they receive it by submitting a grant proposal stating the motivation for research, the background, and previous research done to support this new endeavor, as well as future research plans that will be possible with funding. These grant proposals follow certain formats depending on where the principal investigator is seeking funding. As part of the honors requirement for the undergraduate B.S. through CNSE, a mock grant proposal is required. This mock grant proposal is to be based on the Capstone Research done through the last 3 semesters of the program. My research was done under Dr. Michael Carpenter with the assistance of Nicolas Joy, who will be receiving his Ph.D. this May. Dr. Carpenter\u27s research is funded by the Department of Energy [DOE], National Science Foundation [NSF] and industry partners. This mock grant proposal in particular follows the National Institute of Health [NIH]. The NIH proposal outlines a problem that needs solving, as well as aims that are done to solve the problem. The problem in this proposal is the inability to sense harmful emissions in jet engine turbines. My solution is to fabricate a reaction chamber to assist in Dr. Carpenter\u27s group metal-oxide nanocomposite harsh environment gas sensing research. The proposal also includes a detailed budget based on funds need to perform research for one year

    Time Dependent Clustering Analysis of the Second BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog

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    A time dependent two-point correlation-function analysis of the BATSE 2B catalog finds no evidence of burst repetition. As part of this analysis, we discuss the effects of sky exposure on the observability of burst repetition and present the equation describing the signature of burst repetition in the data. For a model of all burst repetition from a source occurring in less than five days we derive upper limits on the number of bursts in the catalog from repeaters and model-dependent upper limits on the fraction of burst sources that produce multiple outbursts.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, uuencoded compressed PostScript, 11 pages with 4 embedded figure

    Statistical properties of SGR 1806-20 bursts

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    We present statistics of SGR 1806-20 bursts, combining 290 events detected with RXTE/PCA, 111 events detected with BATSE and 134 events detected with ICE. We find that the fluence distribution of bursts observed with each instrument are well described by power laws with indices 1.43, 1.76 and 1.67, respectively. The distribution of time intervals between successive bursts from SGR 1806-20 is described by a lognormal function with a peak at 103 s. There is no correlation between the burst intensity and either the waiting times till the next burst or the time elapsed since the previous burst. In all these statistical properties, SGR 1806-20 bursts resemble a self-organized critical system, similar to earthquakes and solar flares. Our results thus support the hypothesis that the energy source for SGR bursts is crustquakes due to the evolving, strong magnetic field of the neutron star, rather than any accretion or nuclear power.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, To appear in ApJ Letter

    Hard Burst Emission from the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14

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    We present evidence for burst emission from SGR 1900+14 with a power-law high energy spectrum extending beyond 500 keV. Unlike previous detections of high energy photons during bursts from SGRs, these emissions are not associated with high-luminosity burst intervals. Not only is the emission hard, but the spectra are better fit by Band's GRB function rather than by the traditional optically-thin thermal bremsstrahlung model. We find that the spectral evolution within these hard events obeys a hardness/intensity anti-correlation. Temporally, these events are distinct from typical SGR burst emissions in that they are longer (~ 1 s) and have relatively smooth profiles. Despite a difference in peak luminosity of > 1E+11 between these bursts from SGR 1900+14 and cosmological GRBs, there are striking temporal and spectral similarities between the two kinds of bursts, aside from spectral evolution. We outline an interpretation of these events in the context of the magnetar model.Comment: 11 pages (text and figures), submitted to ApJ Letters, corrected erroneous hardness ratio

    High-performance Si microwire photovoltaics

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    Crystalline Si wires, grown by the vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) process, have emerged as promising candidate materials for lowcost, thin-film photovoltaics. Here, we demonstrate VLS-grown Si microwires that have suitable electrical properties for high-performance photovoltaic applications, including long minority-carrier diffusion lengths (L_n » 30 µm) and low surface recombination velocities (S « 70 cm·s^(-1)). Single-wire radial p–n junction solar cells were fabricated with amorphous silicon and silicon nitride surface coatings, achieving up to 9.0% apparent photovoltaic efficiency, and exhibiting up to ~600 mV open-circuit voltage with over 80% fill factor. Projective single-wire measurements and optoelectronic simulations suggest that large-area Si wire-array solar cells have the potential to exceed 17% energy-conversion efficiency, offering a promising route toward cost-effective crystalline Si photovoltaics

    Si microwire-array solar cells

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    Si microwire-array solar cells with Air Mass 1.5 Global conversion efficiencies of up to 7.9% have been fabricated using an active volume of Si equivalent to a 4 μm thick Si wafer. These solar cells exhibited open-circuit voltages of 500 mV, short-circuit current densities (J_(sc)) of up to 24 mA cm^(-2), and fill factors >65% and employed Al_2O_3 dielectric particles that scattered light incident in the space between the wires, a Ag back reflector that prevented the escape of incident illumination from the back surface of the solar cell, and an a-SiN_x:H passivation/anti-reflection layer. Wire-array solar cells without some or all of these design features were also fabricated to demonstrate the importance of the light-trapping elements in achieving a high J_(sc). Scanning photocurrent microscopy images of the microwire-array solar cells revealed that the higher J_(sc) of the most advanced cell design resulted from an increased absorption of light incident in the space between the wires. Spectral response measurements further revealed that solar cells with light-trapping elements exhibited improved red and infrared response, as compared to solar cells without light-trapping elements

    Discovery of a New Soft Gamma Repeater, SGR 1627-41

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    We report the discovery of a new soft gamma repeater (SGR), SGR 1627-41, and present BATSE observations of the burst emission and BeppoSAX NFI observations of the probable persistent X-ray counterpart to this SGR. All but one burst spectrum are well fit by an optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB) model with kT values between 25 and 35 keV. The spectrum of the X-ray counterpart, SAX J1635.8-4736, is similar to that of other persistent SGR X-ray counterparts. We find weak evidence for a periodic signal at 6.41 s in the light curve for this source. Like other SGRs, this source appears to be associated with a young supernova remnant G337.0-0.1. Based upon the peak luminosities of bursts observed from this SGR, we find a lower limit on the dipole magnetic field of the neutron star B_dipole > 5 * 10^14 Gauss.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    BATSE Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra. IV. Time-Resolved High-Energy Spectroscopy

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    We report on the temporal behavior of the high-energy power law continuum component of gamma-ray burst spectra with data obtained by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment. We have selected 126 high fluence and high flux bursts from the beginning of the mission up until the present. Much of the data were obtained with the Large Area Detectors, which have nearly all-sky coverage, excellent sensitivity over two decades of energy and moderate energy resolution, ideal for continuum spectra studies of a large sample of bursts at high time resolution. At least 8 spectra from each burst were fitted with a spectral form that consisted of a low-energy power law, a spectral break at middle energies and a high-energy continuum. In most bursts (122), the high-energy continuum was consistent with a power law. The evolution of the fitted high-energy power-law index over the selected spectra for each burst is inconsistent with a constant for 34% of the total sample. The sample distribution of the average value for the index from each burst is fairly narrow, centered on -2.12. A linear trend in time is ruled out for only 20% of the bursts, with hard-to-soft evolution dominating the sample (100 events). The distribution for the total change in the power-law index over the duration of a burst peaks at the value -0.37, and is characterized by a median absolute deviation of 0.39, arguing that a single physical process is involved. We present analyses of the correlation of the power-law index with time, burst intensity and low-energy time evolution. In general, we confirm the general hard-to-soft spectral evolution observed in the low-energy component of the continuum, while presenting evidence that this evolution is different in nature from that of the rest of the continuum.Comment: 30 pages, with 2 tables and 9 figures To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, April 1, 199

    AXTAR: Mission Design Concept

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    The Advanced X-ray Timing Array (AXTAR) is a mission concept for X-ray timing of compact objects that combines very large collecting area, broadband spectral coverage, high time resolution, highly flexible scheduling, and an ability to respond promptly to time-critical targets of opportunity. It is optimized for submillisecond timing of bright Galactic X-ray sources in order to study phenomena at the natural time scales of neutron star surfaces and black hole event horizons, thus probing the physics of ultradense matter, strongly curved spacetimes, and intense magnetic fields. AXTAR's main instrument, the Large Area Timing Array (LATA) is a collimated instrument with 2-50 keV coverage and over 3 square meters effective area. The LATA is made up of an array of supermodules that house 2-mm thick silicon pixel detectors. AXTAR will provide a significant improvement in effective area (a factor of 7 at 4 keV and a factor of 36 at 30 keV) over the RXTE PCA. AXTAR will also carry a sensitive Sky Monitor (SM) that acts as a trigger for pointed observations of X-ray transients in addition to providing high duty cycle monitoring of the X-ray sky. We review the science goals and technical concept for AXTAR and present results from a preliminary mission design study.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 773

    Statistical properties of SGR 1900+14 bursts

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    We study the statistics of soft gamma repeater (SGR) bursts, using a data base of 187 events detected with BATSE and 837 events detected with RXTE PCA, all from SGR 1900+14 during its 1998-1999 active phase. We find that the fluence or energy distribution of bursts is consistent with a power law of index 1.66, over 4 orders of magnitude. This scale-free distribution resembles the Gutenberg-Richter Law for earthquakes, and gives evidence for self-organized criticality in SGRs. The distribution of time intervals between successive bursts from SGR 1900+14 is consistent with a log-normal distribution. There is no correlation between burst intensity and the waiting times till the next burst, but there is some evidence for a correlation between burst intensity and the time elapsed since the previous burst. We also find a correlation between the duration and the energy of the bursts, but with significant scatter. In all these statistical properties, SGR bursts resemble earthquakes and solar flares more closely than they resemble any known accretion-powered or nuclear-powered phenomena. Thus our analysis lends support to the hypothesis that the energy source for SGR bursts is internal to the neutron star, and plausibly magnetic.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
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