Metal Oxide Nanocomposite Nanoliter Reaction Chamber Fabrication and Applications for Harsh Environment Gas Sensing


In order to perform research at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, funding for the desired research is required. Undergraduates get around that by working under a graduate student or professor who is currently funded. For those who seek funding, they receive it by submitting a grant proposal stating the motivation for research, the background, and previous research done to support this new endeavor, as well as future research plans that will be possible with funding. These grant proposals follow certain formats depending on where the principal investigator is seeking funding. As part of the honors requirement for the undergraduate B.S. through CNSE, a mock grant proposal is required. This mock grant proposal is to be based on the Capstone Research done through the last 3 semesters of the program. My research was done under Dr. Michael Carpenter with the assistance of Nicolas Joy, who will be receiving his Ph.D. this May. Dr. Carpenter\u27s research is funded by the Department of Energy [DOE], National Science Foundation [NSF] and industry partners. This mock grant proposal in particular follows the National Institute of Health [NIH]. The NIH proposal outlines a problem that needs solving, as well as aims that are done to solve the problem. The problem in this proposal is the inability to sense harmful emissions in jet engine turbines. My solution is to fabricate a reaction chamber to assist in Dr. Carpenter\u27s group metal-oxide nanocomposite harsh environment gas sensing research. The proposal also includes a detailed budget based on funds need to perform research for one year

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