295 research outputs found

    Episcopacy and parochialism in early South African Anglicanism: Bishop Robert Gray and the antecedent churches of the Cape Colony, 1806-72

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    This thesis considers the development of ecclesiastical authority in early Cape Colonial Anglicanism under the episcopacy of Robert Gray (1809–72), the first Bishop of Cape Town (1847–72). It explores the nature of opposition that Gray’s episcopacy faced from the fourteen independent worshipping congregations established privately or by the colonial state between 1806 and 1847, and how he brought these disputes to resolution, or, in some cases, failed to do so. Anglicanism in the Cape Colony prior to Gray was a state-dominated minority denomination established under a system of colonial ordinances. Its ten churches, mostly founded by local mercantilist and socially aspirant élites, were controlled by commercially motivated investorshareholders. Gray’s very arrival, and his exertion of episcopal authority, subjected him to allegations of ‘tyranny’, ‘papalism’, and ‘ritualism’, from these antecedent independent congregations. However, the theological deprecations are misleading: parochial opposition to Gray arose primarily from resistance to episcopal authority, made acute by colonial identity, conservatism, and geographic isolation, rather than differing ecclesiology. Gray held ‘high’ ecclesiological views, especially on the state-church nexus and the role of episcopacy, but it is incorrect to characterise him as a Tractarian. In fact, his ecclesiology developed over time, and even his later struggles with heterodoxy made Gray only cautiously sympathetic to Tractarian and Anglo-Catholic ideas. Cape Tractarianism found initial practical expression in parochial contexts through the work of imported English clergymen. Unlike England, opposition to such churchmanship was parochial rather than episcopal in character. Parochial dissent from Gray’s policies was also founded primarily on questions of ecclesiastical authority rather than churchmanship. The older parishes were eventually reconciled to diocesan authority, but dissent from this milieu nonetheless persisted in a minority. This new research challenges standard narratives of the development of Anglicanism in South Africa, and contributes towards a more nuanced understanding of its persisting divisions

    The control of cellular adhesion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the FLO gene regulator Mss11p

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    Thesis (PhD (Science) (Viticulture and Oenology. Wine Biotechnology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae senses change within its environment and responds through specific adaptive cellular programmes, in particular by modifying gene expression. Many adaptive changes affect the physico-chemical properties of the cell wall, and several mechanisms that specifically affect the expression levels of genes that encode for cell wall components have been described previously. Cell wall modification directly impacts on general cell wall properties and cell-cell and cell-surface interactions. Many of these properties have been directly linked to families of cell wall proteins referred to as adhesins. In particular members of the Flocculation (FLO) gene family have been shown to play a crucial role in adhesion phenotypes. Flo11p functions in a variety of phenotypes including agar invasion, plastic adhesion and the formation of pseudohyphae, “flor” and “mats”, whereas Flo1p appears to control flocculation. The regulation of FLO11 expression is well documented and is mainly controlled by the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and cyclic AMP protein kinase A (cAMP-PKA) signalling cascades. Genetic analysis shows that Mss11p acts downstream and is central to these pathways, and furthermore interacts with the cAMP-PKA component Flo8p to activate transcription. In this study we further explore additional gene targets of Flo8p and Mss11p, as well as their regulation and their impact on cell wall characteristics and associated adhesion phenotypes. Our analysis shows that Mss11p is also required for FLO1 expression, and functions together with Flo8p to control many Flo-dependent adhesion phenotypes. Genome-wide gene expression analysis further reveals that altered Mss11p levels leads to the change in the expression of various cell membrane and cell wall genes, notably AQY2 and members of the DAN and TIR gene families. Further genetic analysis indicates that adhesion phenotypes display an almost exclusive dependence on FLO gene expression. We also demonstrate that these phenotypes require Flo10p and are thus dependent on the specific balance of Flo proteins in the cell wall. The analysis of signalling deletion mutants show that regulation of FLO10 shares signalling components with FLO11, but that the two genes are differentially regulated. Unlike FLO11, FLO10 transcription also does not display an absolute requirement for Mss11p but rather for the MAPK component Ste12p. Whole genome expression analysis were also performed on strains with altered levels of Flo8p which were compared with the above mentioned transcriptome data set. This analysis shows that Flo8p and Mss11p co-regulate the FLO genes, as well as AQY2 and TIR3, but also have significant unique gene targets. The combination of transcriptome data with current information concerning transcription factor (TF) interaction networks reveals the importance of network interaction between Cin5p, Flo8p, Mga1p and Mss11p. From these data we constructed a TF interaction model in which Flo8p acts as the predominantly activating TF component, whereas Mss11p function as a target hub TF, possibly as a mediator- or polymerase II holo-enzyme component. Finally we provide a first report on “mat” formation by an industrial wine yeast strain, and show that by adjusting FLO11 expression in this strain we are able to significantly change this phenotypic behaviour.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gis Saccharomyces cerevisiae neem veranderinge in sy omgewing waar en reageer daarop deur middel van spesifieke sellulêre programme, in die besonder deur geenuitdrukking aan te pas. Verskeie aanpasbare veranderinge beïnvloed die fisieke, asook chemiese eienskappe van die selwand, en talle meganismes is al beskryf wat die uitdrukkingsvlakke beïnvloed van gene wat vir selwandkomponente kodeer. Die modifikasie van die selwand het ’n direkte impak op selwand-eienskappe, asook die sel-sel- en sel-oppervlak-interaksies. Verskeie van hierdie eienskappe word direk gekoppel aan die selwandproteïenfamilies, wat ook as adhesie-faktore bekend staan. Veral lede van die Flokkulasie (FLO) -geenfamilie het ’n noodsaaklike funksie in adhesie-fenotipes. Flo11p speel ’n rol in verskeie fenotipes, wat insluit die indringende groei van agar, plastiekaanhegting en die vorming van pseudohifes, “flor“ en “matte“, terwyl Flo1p flokkulasie beheer. Die regulering van FLO11-uitdrukking is deeglik gedokumenteerd en dit word hoofsaaklik gereguleer deur die mitogeen-geaktiveerde proteïenkinase (MAPK) en sikliese AMP-proteïenkinase A (cAMP-PKA) seintransduksiekaskades. Genetiese analises toon dat Mss11p stroom-af en sentraal tot hierdie kaskades funksioneer, en dit aktiveer transkripsie deur interaksie met die cAMP-PKA-komponent, Flop8. In hierdie studie word ’n ondersoek gedoen na addisionele teikengene van Flo8p en Mss11p, en hoe hierdie gene gereguleer word, asook hul impak op selwandeienskappe en geassosieerde adhesie-fenotipes. Ons analises toon dat Mss11p ook benodig word vir die ekspressie van FLO1 en dat dit, tesame met Flo8p, beheer uit oefen oor verskeie Flo-afhanklike fenotipes. Genoomwye geenekspressie-analises wys verder daarop dat veranderde Mss11p-vlakke lei tot die aanpassing van die ekspressie van verskeie selmembraan- en selwandgene, naamlik AQY2 asook lede van die DAN- en TIR-geenfamilies. Verdere genetiese analise dui daarop dat adhesie-fenotipes byna eksklusief afhanklik is van FLO-geenekspressie. Daar is verder getoon dat hierdie fenotipes ook Flo10p benodig en dus afhanklik is van die spesifieke balans van Floproteïene in die selwand. Die analise van seintransduksiemutante demonstreer dat FLO10 en FLO11 seintransduksie-komponente deel, maar dat hierdie gene verskillend gereguleer word. Anders as FLO11, toon FLO10 nie ’n absolute noodsaaklikheid vir Mss11p nie, maar eerder vir die MAPK-komponent, Ste12p. Totale genoomekspressie-analises is ook gedoen op gisrasse met aangepaste vlakke van Flo8p en dis vergelyk met bogenoemde transkripsiedatastel. Hierdie analise wys dat Flo8p and Mss11p die FLO-gene, asook AQY2 en TIR3, koreguleer, maar ook beduidende unieke teikengene het. Die kombinasie van transkripsiedata met huidig beskikbare informasie betreffende transkripsiefaktor (TF) -interaksienetwerke dui op die relevansie van netwerkinteraksie tussen Cin5p, Flo8p, Mga1p en Mss11p. Hiervan is daar ’n model opgestel waarin Flo8p in die meeste gevalle as die aktiverende TF-komponent optree, terwyl Mss11p as TF-teiken dien, moontlik as ’n mediator- of polimerase II holoënsiemkomponent. Laatens word daar vir die eerste keer verslag gedoen van ”mat”-vorming deur ’n industriële wyngisras en toon ons verder dat hierdie fenotipe beduidend verander word deur middel van die aanpassing van FLO11-uitdrukking

    Implementation of an optical fiber sensor system to monitor the response of reinforced concrete due to formwork removal

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    Abstract : The movement of a section of a newly constructed reinforced 2-way suspended floor slab in the Department of Civil Engineering Science at the University of Johannesburg was monitored with an embedded optical fiber sensor (OFS) system during and after construction. The sensor system was used to monitor the strain in the structure before, during and after formwork removal. An OFS system was used due to its inherently distinct advantages such as its unobtrusiveness, lightweight and immunity to corrosion. This paper is concentrated on the findings of the results of these strain measurements with emphasis on the use of Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG). Strain was measured over a 10 month period in a 5 m section of the suspended floor slab. Three periods during the 10 month period were observed. The first stage was showed 128 micro strain experienced by the structure. During the second stage the formwork was removed and large variations were monitored due to excessive external movement around the structure. The third stage indicated a 10 micro strain change. It was found that an OFS system can accurately measure the movement of reinforced concrete, thereby affording the design engineer to opportunity to monitor the structure during and after construction for large movements that can negatively affect the durability and the serviceability of the structure

    Assessing Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose Among Adult Americans: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Given the emergence of breakthrough infections, new variants, and concerns of waning immunity from the primary COVID-19 vaccines, booster shots emerged as a viable option to shore-up protection against COVID-19. Following the recent authorization of vaccine boosters among vulnerable Americans, this study aims to assess COVID-19 vaccine booster hesitancy and its associated factors in a nationally representative sample. A web-based 48-item psychometric valid survey was used to measure vaccine literacy, vaccine confidence, trust, and general attitudes towards vaccines. Data were analyzed through Chi-square (with a post hoc contingency table analysis) and independent-sample t-/Welch tests. Among 2138 participants, nearly 62% intended to take booster doses and the remaining were COVID-19 vaccine booster hesitant. The vaccine-booster-hesitant group was more likely to be unvaccinated (62.6% vs. 12.9%) and did not intend to have their children vaccinated (86.1% vs. 27.5%) compared to their non-hesitant counterparts. A significantly higher proportion of booster dose hesitant individuals had very little to no trust in the COVID-19 vaccine information given by public health/government agencies (55% vs. 12%) compared to non-hesitant ones. The mean scores of vaccine confidence index and vaccine literacy were lower among the hesitant group compared to the non-hesitant group. Compared to the non-hesitant group, vaccine hesitant participants were single or never married (41.8% vs. 28.7%), less educated, and living in a southern region of the nation (40.9% vs. 33.3%). These findings underscore the need of developing effective communication strategies emphasizing vaccine science in ways that are accessible to individuals with lower levels of education and vaccine literacy to increase vaccination uptake

    The Effect of Bank Competition on the Bank's Incentive to Collateralize

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    It has been argued that competing banks make inefficiently frequent use of collateralization in situations where they are better able to evaluate a project's risk than entrepreneurs. We study the bank's choice between screening and collateralization in a model where banks do not have this superior screening skill. In particular, we study the effect of bank competition on this choice. We find that competing banks use collateral less often than a monopolistic bank because competition will intensify if both banks collateralize. Moreover, bank competition is welfare improving if collateralization is rather costly

    Technology infrastructure & design : the impact of wireless portable technologies in the elementary school

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    ix, 141 leaves ; 29 cm. --Alberta Teaming created a framework called the Information and Communication Technology program of study, outlining the required use of technology in all core and optional curriculum areas from kindergarten to grade twelve. It is the purpose of this study to examine the use of wireless local area networks technologies and wireless portable computers in elementary schools and to see if these technologies help facilitate more purposeful opportunities for students and teachers to implement the Information and Communication Technology program of studies into all curricular areas. This study is a qualitative, field research project using surveys, interviews and photographs to collect data. The portable lab was found to have a positive impact on both learning and the learning environment in elementary schools. Teachers demonstrated an increased comfort in using technology and were able to collaborate and leam new ideas to integrate technology into the core curriculum. Students enjoyed using the lab, and showed increased motivation and confidence. Due to the mobility and flexibility of the technology, the lab could be used in a variety of schools and classrooms, without being limited by physical space, existing infrastructure, or teaching styles of the teachers. Finally, information technology support and professional development were shown to be an essential part of integrating new technology into the classroom

    Health Care, Hospitals and Racial Hygiene in German Colonial Windhoek (1890-1915)

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    The gradual progress of health care within Namibia (formerly known as German South-West Africa), coincided with the three major historic periods: colonial settlement, the Herero-Nama genocide (1904-1907), and the transition of administration of the colony after the First World War. Here the authors draw upon primary and secondary sources to provide insights on the development of hospitals, health care and racial hygiene in in the colony with specific reference to Windhoek. The aim here is to contribute towards the lacking historiography of the medical landscape of Windhoek. Health care during the period of German colonial rule was centralised and segregated, and this trend prevailed when South Africa undertook administration of the colony. The initial strategy under German rule was to increase the formal treatment facilities within Swakopmund and Windhoek during the 1890s. The early growth of health care and hospitals was chiefly aimed at the needs of the white Europeans and driven by principles of racial hygiene

    An assessment of spatial and temporal variation in the diet of Cape clawless otters (Aonyx capensis) in marine environments

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    We studied the diet of Cape clawless otters (Aonyx capensis) at three sites along the eastern and southern coast of South Africa to assess possible spatial variation along a community species richness and biomass gradient associated with rocky shores.A total of 309 spraints representing two seasons (summer 2013/2014 and winter 2014) were collected and subsequently analysed. The percentage occurrence and percentage dry mass of numerous prey categories were compared between sites and seasons. Variation in the importance of prey items was found between sites, whilst no variation was found between seasons within the same site. Crab was the most important prey item in the southernmost study area (Tsitsikamma National Park) and at the northernmost study site (KwaZulu-Natal Coast), whilst lobster was the most important prey item in the central area (Mkambati Nature Reserve). Fish was the second most important prey item at all three sites. Our results suggest that otters are opportunistic feeders that are likely able to adapt to potential prey species and abundance changes associated with current and future anthropogenically driven changes. Furthermore, long-term, site-specific stability in diet suggests that monitoring the diet of otters could provide some useful information on the status of shoreline communities.The South African Department of Science and Technology through the National Research Foundation, and by a University of Pretoria Research Development Programgrant (T. McIntyre).am201

    Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) adjust traversing behaviour with lunar conditions in the high white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) density waters of Mossel Bay, South Africa

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    White sharks Carcharodon carcharias are highly visual predators, leading to the hypothesis that the predation risk for foraging Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus might differ with ambient light conditions. This study investigated the relationship between environmental fluctuations of ambient light and the traversing behaviour of Cape fur seals in and out of their colony at Mossel Bay, South Africa, to better describe potential predator avoidance strategies. A total of 12 144 traversing events were observed over a 4-yr period and there was an overall trend for Cape fur seals to traverse less often but in relatively larger group sizes during periods when white sharks are suggested to be more active. Specifically, Cape fur seal activity was reduced during winter when white sharks are most actively hunting, and most traversing behaviour occurred at night when Cape fur seals were less likely to be detected by white sharks. However, among nocturnal observations, Cape fur seal group sizes increased significantly with moonlight. Although nocturnal predations of Cape fur seals by white sharks have been observed before in Mossel Bay, this is the first study to indicate Cape fur seals might respond to the increased risk of improved white shark visual acuity during moonlit nights by seeking safety in numbers while foraging. Further investigations are needed to assess the effect of the lunar cycle on white shark nocturnal hunting behaviour, but observations presented here suggest that white sharks may pose a bigger threat to Cape fur seals under the light of a full moon.http://www.int-res.com/journals/meps/meps-home2020-07-18hj2019Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog