216 research outputs found

    Creating vegetation density profiles for a diverse range of ecological habitats using terrestrial laser scanning

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    Vegetation structure is an important determinant of species habitats and diversity. It is often represented by simple metrics, such as canopy cover, height and leaf area index, which do not fully capture three-dimensional variations in density. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is a technology that can better capture vegetation structure, but methods developed to process scans have been biased towards forestry applications. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for processing TLS data to produce vegetation density profiles across a broader range of habitats. We performed low-resolution and medium-resolution TLS scans using a Leica C5 Scanstation at four locations within eight sites near Wollongong, NSW, Australia (34·38-34·41°S, 150·84-150·91°E). The raw point clouds were converted to density profiles using a method that corrected for uneven ground surfaces, varying point density due to beam divergence and occlusion, the non-vertical nature of most beams and for beams that passed through gaps in the vegetation without generating a point. Density profiles were evaluated against visual estimates from three independent observers using coarse height classes (e.g. 5-10 m). TLS produced density profiles that captured the three-dimensional vegetation structure. Although sites were selected to differ in structure, each was relatively homogeneous, yet we still found a high spatial variation in density profiles. There was also large variation between observers, with the RMS error of the three observers relative to the TLS varying from 16·2% to 32·1%. Part of this error appeared to be due to misjudging the height of vegetation, which caused an overestimation in one height class and an underestimation in another. Our method for generating density profiles using TLS can capture three-dimensional vegetation structure in a manner that is more detailed and less subjective than traditional methods. The method can be applied to a broad range of habitats - not just forests with open understoreys. However, it cannot accurately estimate near-surface vegetation density when there are uneven surfaces or dense vegetation prevents sufficient ground returns. Nonetheless, TLS density profiles will be an important input for research on species habitats, microclimates and nutrient cycles

    Do daily and seasonal trends in leaf solar induced fluorescence reflect changes in photosynthesis, growth or light exposure?

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    Solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) emissions of photosynthetically active plants retrieved from space-borne observations have been used to improve models of global primary productivity. However, the relationship between SIF and photosynthesis in diurnal and seasonal cycles is still not fully understood, especially at large spatial scales, where direct measurements of photosynthesis are unfeasible. Motivated by up-scaling potential, this study examined the diurnal and seasonal relationship between SIF and photosynthetic parameters measured at the level of individual leaves. We monitored SIF in two plant species, avocado (Persea Americana) and orange jasmine (Murraya paniculatta), throughout 18 diurnal cycles during the Southern Hemisphere spring, summer and autumn, and compared them with simultaneous measurements of photosynthetic yields, and leaf and global irradiances. Results showed that at seasonal time scales SIF is principally correlated with changes in leaf irradiance, electron transport rates (ETR) and constitutive heat dissipation (YNO; p \u3c 0.001). Multiple regression models of correlations between photosynthetic parameters and SIF at diurnal time scales identified leaf irradiance as the principle predictor of SIF (p \u3c 0.001). Previous studies have identified correlations between photosynthetic yields, ETR and SIF at larger spatial scales, where heterogeneous canopy architecture and landscape spatial patterns influence the spectral and photosynthetic measurements. Although this study found a significant correlation between leaf-measured YNO and SIF, future dedicated up-scaling experiments are required to elucidate if these observations are also found at larger spatial scales

    Bipolar-Driven Large Magnetoresistance in Silicon

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    Large linear magnetoresistance (MR) in electron-injected p-type silicon at very low magnetic field is observed experimentally at room temperature. The large linear MR is induced in electron-dominated space-charge transport regime, where the magnetic field modulation of electron-to-hole density ratio controls the MR, as indicated by the magnetic field dependence of Hall coefficient in the silicon device. Contrary to the space-charge-induced MR effect in unipolar silicon device, where the large linear MR is inhomogeneity-induced, our results provide a different insight into the mechanism of large linear MR in non-magnetic semiconductors that is not based on the inhomogeneity model. This approach enables homogeneous semiconductors to exhibit large linear MR at low magnetic fields that until now has only been appearing in semiconductors with strong inhomogeneities.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures (main text), 6 figures (supplemental material

    Thermoelectric effects in a strongly correlated model for Nax_xCoO2_2

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    Thermal response functions of strongly correlated electron systems are of appreciable interest to the larger scientific community both theoretically and technologically. Here we focus on the infinitely correlated t-J model on a geometrically frustrated two-dimensional triangular lattice. Using exact diagonalization on a finite sized system we calculate the dynamical thermal response functions in order to determine the thermopower, Lorenz number, and dimensionless figure of merit. The dynamical thermal response functions is compared to the infinite frequency limit and shown to be very weak functions of frequency, hence, establishing the validity of the high frequency formalism recently proposed by Shastry for the thermopower, Lorenz number, and the dimensionless figure of merit. Further, the thermopower is demonstrated to have a low to mid temperature enhancement when the sign of the hopping parameter tt is switched from positive to negative for the geometrically frustrated lattice considered.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, color version available at http://physics.ucsc.edu/~peterson/mrpeterson-condmat-NCO.pdf. V.2 has fixed minor typos in Eq. 11, 19, 25, and 26. V.3 is a color versio

    Dehydration and ionic conductance quantization in nanopores

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    There has been tremendous experimental progress in the last decade in identifying the structure and function of biological pores (ion channels) and fabricating synthetic pores. Despite this progress, many questions still remain about the mechanisms and universal features of ionic transport in these systems. In this paper, we examine the use of nanopores to probe ion transport and to construct functional nanoscale devices. Specifically, we focus on the newly predicted phenomenon of quantized ionic conductance in nanopores as a function of the effective pore radius - a prediction that yields a particularly transparent way to probe the contribution of dehydration to ionic transport. We study the role of ionic species in the formation of hydration layers inside and outside of pores. We find that the ion type plays only a minor role in the radial positions of the predicted steps in the ion conductance. However, ions with higher valency form stronger hydration shells, and thus, provide even more pronounced, and therefore, more easily detected, drops in the ionic current. Measuring this phenomenon directly, or from the resulting noise, with synthetic nanopores would provide evidence of the deviation from macroscopic (continuum) dielectric behavior due to microscopic features at the nanoscale and may shed light on the behavior of ions in more complex biological channels.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Magnetic Dipole Absorption of Radiation in Small Conducting Particles

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    We give a theoretical treatment of magnetic dipole absorption of electromagnetic radiation in small conducting particles, at photon energies which are large compared to the single particle level spacing, and small compared to the plasma frequency. We discuss both diffusive and ballistic electron dynamics for particles of arbitrary shape. The conductivity becomes non-local when the frequency is smaller than the frequency \omega_c characterising the transit of electrons from one side of the particle to the other, but in the diffusive case \omega_c plays no role in determining the absorption coefficient. In the ballistic case, the absorption coefficient is proportional to \omega^2 for \omega << \omega_c, but is a decreasing function of \omega for \omega >> \omega_c.Comment: 25 pages of plain TeX, 2 postscipt figure

    The Zel'dovich effect and evolution of atomic Rydberg spectra along the Periodic Table

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    In 1959 Ya. B. Zel'dovich predicted that the bound-state spectrum of the non-relativistic Coulomb problem distorted at small distances by a short-range potential undergoes a peculiar reconstruction whenever this potential alone supports a low-energy scattering resonance. However documented experimental evidence of this effect has been lacking. Previous theoretical studies of this phenomenon were confined to the regime where the range of the short-ranged potential is much smaller than Bohr's radius of the Coulomb field. We go beyond this limitation by restricting ourselves to highly-excited s states. This allows us to demonstrate that along the Periodic Table of elements the Zel'dovich effect manifests itself as systematic periodic variation of the Rydberg spectra with a period proportional to the cubic root of the atomic number. This dependence, which is supported by analysis of experimental and numerical data, has its origin in the binding properties of the ionic core of the atom.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Moss species on the move in East Antarctic terrestrial communities

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    Antarctica has experienced major changes in temperature, wind speed and stratospheric ozone levels over the last 50 years. Whilst West Antarctica and the peninsula showed rapid warming and associated ecosystem change, East Antarctica appeared to be little impacted by climate warming, thus biological changes were predicted to be relatively slow. Detecting the biological effects of Antarctic climate change has also been hindered by the paucity of long-term data sets, particularly for organisms that have been exposed to these changes throughout their lives. We monitored vegetation communities in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica from 2000 to 2014 and found significant changes in moss species composition. In addition, we have shown that radiocarbon signals preserved along shoots of the dominant Antarctic moss flora can be used to determine accurate growth rates over a period of several decades, allowing us to explore the influence of environmental variables on growth. Carbon stable isotopic measurements suggest that the observed effects of climate variation on growth are mediated through changes in water availability and most likely linked to the more positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode and changing westerly wind patterns. For cold remote locations like Antarctica, where climate records are limited and of relatively short duration, this illustrates that mosses can act as microclimate proxies and have the potential to increase our knowledge of coastal Antarctic climate change