49 research outputs found

    A Simplified Hierarchical Dynamic Quantum Secret Sharing Protocol with Added Features

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    Generalizing the notion of dynamic quantum secret sharing (DQSS), a simplified protocol for hierarchical dynamic quantum secret sharing (HDQSS) is proposed and it is shown that the protocol can be implemented using any existing protocol of quantum key distribution, quantum key agreement or secure direct quantum communication. The security of this proposed protocol against eavesdropping and collusion attacks is discussed with specific attention towards the issues related to the composability of the subprotocols that constitute the proposed protocol. The security and qubit efficiency of the proposed protocol is also compared with that of other existing protocols of DQSS. Further, it is shown that it is possible to design a semi-quantum protocol of HDQSS and in principle, the protocols of HDQSS can be implemented using any quantum state. It is also noted that the completely orthogonal-state-based realization of HDQSS protocol is possible and that HDQSS can be experimentally realized using a large number of alternative approaches.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    The strong enhancer element in the immediate early region of the human cytomegalovirus genome

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    The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a member of the herpesvirus group, was found to possess a strong transcription enhancer in the immediate early gene region. Co-transfection of enhancerless SV40 DNA with randomly fragmented HCMV DNA yielded two SV40-like recombinant viruses , each containing HCMV DNA fragments that were substituting for the missing SV40 enhancer. The two inserts , 341 and 262 bp in length , are overlapping segments of genuine viral DNA representing part of the 5'flanking region of the major immedistte early gene i n HCMV. Studies with deletion mutants showed that different nonoverlapping subsets of the HCMV enhancer region can substitute for the 72 bp repeats of SV40. Transient expression assays indicated that the HCMV enhancer is significantly stronger than the SV40 element, activating cis-linked heterologous promoters in a wide spectrum of cultured cells. It appears that the HCMV enhancer is positively regulated by viral immediate early genes

    Synaptic patterns for reliable circuit function require postembryonic maintenance by Jeb-Alk and normal network activity during embryogenesis

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    A functioning nervous systems results from complex developmental processes. One requirement is that individual neurons need to form sufficient synaptic connections with adequate partners. Here, molecular signaling and neural activity control morphological development of axons and dendrites and synaptogenesis in order to establish and maintain stable networks. However, mechanisms maintaining stable postembryonic circuits are not well understood and the long-term effects of embryonic neural activity on neuronal morphology and connectivity are unkown. This thesis investigates trans-synaptic, anterograde Jelly-Belly-Anaplastic lymphoma kinase signaling in postembryonic circuit development and elucidates the establishment of synaptic patterns by embryonic neural activity in the motor circuit of Drosophila larva. I demonstrate that Alk activity inhibits the formation of postsynaptic specializations on motoneurons during postembryonic circuit growth by analyzing single cell connectivity. I employ a new Bxb1 integrase-based technique for targeted mutations to show that presynaptic release site number of an upstream interneuron is unchanged but Jeb-Alk seems to elicit a negative feedback that limits the formation of presynaptic filopodia. These Jeb-Alk devoid circuits with altered synaptic patterns produce epilepsy-like seizure behavior. Additionally, in vivo time lapse imaging of dendrites reveals that dendritic growth and postsynaptic synaptogenesis are regulated independently and presynaptic filopodia likely promote dendritic elaboration. During embryogenesis, neural activity adjusts the establishment of synaptic patterns in motoneurons. In a picrotoxin-induced epilepsy-like model, dendritic growth is unaffected, but synaptic input is increased. The number of release sites of an upstream interneuron is again unaffected. In summary, I identified cellular and molecular mechanisms required for the establishment and maintenance of synaptic patterns for reliable circuit function. With novel genetic and imaging techniques, I show embryonic neural activity is pivotal for the formation of functionally stable synaptic patterns, and establish Jeb-Alk signaling as a negative regulator of circuit expansion maintaining embryonically established connectivity. These developmental mechanisms highlight that balancing pre- and postsynaptic growth and synaptogenesis is central to stable network function

    Penapisan Isolat Kapang Endofit Lipolitik Untuk Produksi Lipase Pada Ampas Kelapa (Screening of Lipolitic Endophyte Isolates for Lipase Production on Coconut Dregs)

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    Kapang endofit merupakan mikroba yang hidup di dalam jaringan tanaman. Kapang jenis ini terus digali pemanfaatannya untuk berbagai keperluan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyeleksi kapang endofit yang bersifat lipolitik untuk digunakan dalam memproduksi enzim lipase pada medium ampas kelapa. Dua puluh isolat kapang endofit diseleksi pada medium selektif (media PDA yang mengandung 0,1% bromocresolgreen dan Tween 80) untuk mendapatkan kapang lipolitik. Selanjutnya, tiga isolat kapang lipolitik potensial hasil seleksi digunakan untuk memfermentasi ampas kelapa sehingga menghasilkan enzim lipase. Tahap fermentasi ini menggunakan dua perlakuan, yakni dengan penambahan mineral dan tanpa penambahan mineral. Enzim lipase tertinggi yang diperoleh selanjutnya diendapkan menggunakan ammonium sulfat pada 80% saturasi. TLC dilakukan terhadap filtrat (crude enzyme) untuk mengetahui jenis gula yang dihasilkan. Hasil penapisan menunjukkan bahwa dari dua puluh isolat terdapat enam isolat kapang endofit yang bersifat lipolitik (membentuk zona Bening). Tiga isolat memberikan zona Bening yang cukup luas (HL.104F.467; JB.79F.374 ; R.6F.18); dengan aktivitas lipase tertinggi masing-masing adalah 128,39 μmol/mL, 123,83 mol/mL dan 55,46 μmol/mL (lama inkubasi 96 jam). Pengendapan crude enzyme lipase dari isolat R.6F.18 menghasikan aktivitas 2,3 kali lebih besar, sedangkan dua isolat lainnya tidak berbeda nyata. Hasil TLC menunjukkan adanya galaktosa dalam crude enzyme (JB.79F.374 dan R.6F.18) dan senyawa atau gula lain diluar standar

    Political Economy of Space: Neoliberalism, Houselessness, and Incarceration

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    Across urban centers within the United States, the proliferation of houseless people within the last thirty years has become an increasingly central concern in urban management. Capital accumulation and its movement within the city has created a conflicting need to both enhance the market value of space and ameliorate the needs of its most vulnerable population. Within this conflict, major U.S cities have increasingly turned to directly or indirectly banning individuals from public space as a strategy to limit the visibility of their houseless population. This paper will examine how spatial banishment is utilized in Seattle and Portland - two cities with reputations as some of the most progressive centers in the country, as well as leaders in the use of spatial banishment. In this paper I ask: Why has spatial banishment become the leading approach for managing homelessness in U.S cities in the 21st century? How has this approach fueled incarceration? In this paper, I will draw on legal, political science, and geographic scholarship concerned with the evolution of city management under neoliberalism and detailing the on the ground practices of cities attempting to manage homelessness. I argue that without being able to outright target houseless people for their status, spatial banishment has re-emerged in popularity for its ability to provide short term solutions and to circumvent existing laws protecting the rights of houseless people. Reliance on spatial banishment has additionally risen alongside increased police presence and broken windows policing, in turn expanding the scope of incarceration

    Commencement Program [Spring 2009]

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    Annual Commencement Program for graduation ceremonies at Clark University, held on May 17th, 2009.https://commons.clarku.edu/commencement/1107/thumbnail.jp

    La Salle Magazine Winter 1968

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    Press Releases - 1969

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