18 research outputs found

    Data used in all models of responses to scents

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    Data used to determine responses to scents from pregnant and non-pregnant females. The excel file contains two sheets - one for female recipients and one for male recipients. The response terms are in the last three columns. Throughout the file 1 = pregnant female and 0 = non-pregnant female

    Reproductive skew data for parasitised and unparasitised nests

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    Nest attributes (group size, nest size, presence of workers, site) come from field records. Numbers of eggs produced by dominants and subordinates were obtained through microsatellite genotyping of parents and offspring. Relatedness estimates were calculated based on microsatellite genotypes of nest-mates. Body size data and data on egg size and number were obtained through morphological measurements


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    Behavioural data file. Males ('guard') observed guarding females ('indiv') during morning or afternoon ('time') observation periods. Strength of association: 0 = no association; 1 = strong association; 2 = medium strength association; 3 = weak association. Confidence of observation: 1 = strong; 2 = medium; 3 = weak

    Life-history data and genotypes of a population of banded mongooses in Western Uganda

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    Life-history data on a population of banded mongooses including the sex, group of birth (social group) and year of birth for each individual (one individual per row), followed by the 14-locus genotype of each individual. Genotypes are given in two columns per locus, one representing each allele. Genotype columns are labelled with the name of the locus followed by 'a' or 'b', representing the first and second alleles. Zeros indicate cases where genotyping failed

    inbreeding coefficients

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    Inbreeding coefficients calculated from a 9-generation deep pedigree of a wild population of banded mongoose


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    Pairwise relatedness coefficients calculated from a 9-generation deep pedigree