668 research outputs found

    Orbital Dimer Model for Spin-Glass State in Y2_2Mo2_2O7_7

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    The formation of a spin glass usually requires both structural disorder and frustrated magnetic interactions. Consequently, the origin of spin-glass behaviour in Y2_2Mo2_2O7_7 - in which magnetic Mo4+^{4+} ions occupy a frustrated pyrochlore lattice with minimal compositional disorder - has been a longstanding question. Here, we use neutron and X-ray pair-distribution function (PDF) analysis to develop a disorder model that resolves apparent incompatibilities between previously-reported PDF, EXAFS and NMR studies and provides a new and physical mechanism for spin-glass formation. We show that Mo4+^{4+} ions displace according to a local "2-in/2-out" rule on each Mo4_4 tetrahedron, driven by orbital dimerisation of Jahn-Teller active Mo4+^{4+} ions. Long-range orbital order is prevented by the macroscopic degeneracy of dimer coverings permitted by the pyrochlore lattice. Cooperative O2^{2-} displacements yield a distribution of Mo-O-Mo angles, which in turn introduces disorder into magnetic interactions. Our study demonstrates experimentally how frustration of atomic displacements can assume the role of compositional disorder in driving a spin-glass transition.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A Spectral Analysis of the Massalia Asteroid Family to Evaluate the L-Chondrite Source Hypothesis

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    A major research objective within asteroid science is to identify the source bodies of the meteorites. So far, possible or probable parent bodies have only been identified for a few meteorite types. These meteorite types include the H-type ordinary chon-drites [1,2], HEDs [3,4], pallasites [3], and mesosider-ites [5]. Identifying the parent bodies of meteorites helps to determine the location within the solar nebula where the geochemical processes, recorded in meteorites, took place. This has significantly increased our understanding of the evolution of the solar nebula and the early so-lar system [6]. Among the many meteorite types whose parent bodies are unknown are the L-chondrites. L-chondrites exhibit evidence of a shock event that occurred around 470 Ma, which implies that the L-chondrites resulted from an impact event which may have disrupted the L-chondrite parent body. This evidence is corroborated by fossil L-chondrite meteorites found in Ordovician sedimentary rocks dating to the same time period [7-12]. This suggests that if the source outcrop of the L-chondrites stills exists today, it is within an asteroid family. The Massalia asteroid family has been suggested to be a possible source of the L-chondrites [13]. We are currently testing this hypothesis. So far, we have observed fourteen Massalia family asteroids, analyzed their spectra, and interpreted their spectra to determine their meteorite analogues in an effort to see whether or not the analogues support our hypothesis. This abstract reports the initial results for seven of these bodies

    Hydrodynamic guiding for addressing subsets of immobilized cells and molecules in microfluidic systems

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    BACKGROUND: The interest in microfluidics and surface patterning is increasing as the use of these technologies in diverse biomedical applications is substantiated. Controlled molecular and cellular surface patterning is a costly and time-consuming process. Methods for keeping multiple separate experimental conditions on a patterned area are, therefore, needed to amplify the amount of biological information that can be retrieved from a patterned surface area. We describe, in three examples of biomedical applications, how this can be achieved in an open microfluidic system, by hydrodynamically guiding sample fluid over biological molecules and living cells immobilized on a surface. RESULTS: A microfluidic format of a standard assay for cell-membrane integrity showed a fast and dose-dependent toxicity of saponin on mammalian cells. A model of the interactions of human mononuclear leukocytes and endothelial cells was established. By contrast to static adhesion assays, cell-cell adhesion in this dynamic model depended on cytokine-mediated activation of both endothelial and blood cells. The microfluidic system allowed the use of unprocessed blood as sample material, and a specific and fast immunoassay for measuring the concentration of C-reactive protein in whole blood was demonstrated. CONCLUSION: The use of hydrodynamic guiding made multiple and dynamic experimental conditions on a small surface area possible. The ability to change the direction of flow and produce two-dimensional grids can increase the number of reactions per surface area even further. The described microfluidic system is widely applicable, and can take advantage of surfaces produced by current and future techniques for patterning in the micro- and nanometer scale

    Polyvalent Cations Constitute the Voltage Gating Particle in Human Connexin37 Hemichannels

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    Connexins oligomerize to form intercellular channels that gate in response to voltage and chemical agents such as divalent cations. Historically, these are believed to be two independent processes. Here, data for human connexin37 (hCx37) hemichannels indicate that voltage gating can be explained as block/unblock without the necessity for an independent voltage gate. hCx37 hemichannels closed at negative potentials and opened in a time-dependent fashion at positive potentials. In the absence of polyvalent cations, however, the channels were open at relatively negative potentials, passing current linearly with respect to voltage. Current at negative potentials could be inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by the addition of polyvalent cations to the bathing solution. Inhibition could be explained as voltage-dependent block of hCx37, with the field acting directly on polyvalent cations, driving them through the pore to an intracellular site. At positive potentials, in the presence of polyvalent cations, the field favored polyvalent efflux from the intracellular blocking site, allowing current flow. The rate of appearance of current depended on the species and valence of the polyvalent cation in the bathing solution. The rate of current decay upon repolarization depended on the concentration of polyvalent cations in the bathing solution, consistent with deactivation by polyvalent block, and was rapid (time constants of tens of milliseconds), implying a high local concentration of polyvalents in or near the channel pore. Sustained depolarization slowed deactivation in a flux-dependent, voltage- and time-independent fashion. The model for hCx37 voltage gating as polyvalent block/unblock can be expanded to account for observations in the literature regarding hCx37 gap junction channel behavior

    Identification of Mineralocorticoid Receptors, Aldosterone, and Its Processing Enzyme CYP11B2 on Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Neurons in Rat Intracardiac Ganglia

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    Recent interest has focused on the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and its impact on the myocardium and the performance of the heart. However, there is a lack of evidence about MR expression and its endogenous ligand aldosterone synthesis with specific regard to the intrinsic cardiac nervous system. Therefore, we looked for evidence of MR and aldosterone in sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons of intracardiac ganglia. Tissue samples from rat heart atria were subjected to conventional reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Western blot, and double immunofluorescence confocal analysis of MR, corticosterone-inactivating enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase-2 (11β-HSD2), aldosterone, and its processing enzyme CYP11B2 together with the neuronal markers vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Our results demonstrated MR, 11β-HSD2, and CYP11B2 specific mRNA and protein bands in rat heart atria. Double immunofluorescence labeling revealed coexpression of MR immunoreactivity with VAChT in large diameter parasympathetic principal neurons. In addition, MR immunoreactivity was identified in TH-immunoreactive small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells and in nearby VAChT- and TH-immunoreactive nerve terminals. Interestingly, the aldosterone and its synthesizing enzyme CYP11B2 and 11β-HSD2 colocalized in MR– immunoreactive neurons of intracardiac ganglia. Overall, this study provides first evidence for the existence of not only local expression of MR, but also of 11β-HSD2 and aldosterone with its processing enzyme CYP11B2 in the neurons of the cardiac autonomic nervous system, suggesting a possible modulatory role of the mineralocorticoid system on the endogenous neuronal activity on heart performance

    Translation of Experimental Findings from Animal to Human Biology: Identification of Neuronal Mineralocorticoid and Glucocorticoid Receptors in a Sectioned Main Nerve Trunk of the Leg

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    The activation of the mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid (GR) receptors on peripheral sensory neurons seems to modify pain perception through both direct non-genomic and indirect genomic pathways. These distinct subpopulations of sensory neurons are not known for peripheral human nerves. Therefore, we examined MR and GR on subpopulations of sensory neurons in sectioned human and rat peripheral nerves. Real-time PCR (RT-PCR) and double immunofluorescence confocal analysis of MR and GR with the neuronal markers PGP9.5, neurofilament 200 (NF200), and the potential pain signaling molecules CGRP, Nav1.8, and TRPV1 were performed in human and rat nerve tissue. We evaluated mechanical hyperalgesia after intrathecal administration of GR and MR agonists. We isolated MR- and GR-specific mRNA from human peripheral nerves using RT-PCR. Our double immunofluorescence analysis showed that the majority of GR colocalized with NF200 positive, myelinated, mechanoreceptive A-fibers and, to a lesser extent, with peripheral peptidergic CGRP-immunoreactive sensory nerve fibers in humans and rats. However, the majority of MR colocalized with CGRP in rat as well as human nerve tissue. Importantly, there was an abundant colocalization of MR with the pain signaling molecules TRPV1, CGRP, and Nav1.8 in human as well as rat nerve tissue. The intrathecal application of the GR agonist reduced, and intrathecal administration of an MR agonist increased, mechanical hyperalgesia in rats. Altogether, these findings support a translational approach in mammals that aims to explain the modulation of sensory information through MR and GR activation. Our findings show a significant overlap between humans and rats in MR and GR expression in peripheral sensory neurons

    Open science practices need substantial improvement in prognostic model studies in oncology using machine learning

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    Objective: To describe the frequency of open science practices in a contemporary sample of studies developing prognostic models using machine learning methods in the field of oncology. Study design and setting: We conducted a systematic review, searching the MEDLINE database between December 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022, for studies developing a multivariable prognostic model using machine learning methods (as defined by the authors) in oncology. Two authors independently screened records and extracted open science practices. Results: We identified 46 publications describing the development of a multivariable prognostic model. The adoption of open science principles was poor. Only one study reported availability of a study protocol, and only one study was registered. Funding statements and conflicts of interest statements were common. Thirty-five studies (76%) provided data sharing statements, with 21 (46%) indicating data were available on request to the authors and seven declaring data sharing was not applicable. Two studies (4%) shared data. Only 12 studies (26%) provided code sharing statements, including 2 (4%) that indicated the code was available on request to the authors. Only 11 studies (24%) provided sufficient information to allow their model to be used in practice. The use of reporting guidelines was rare: eight studies (18%) mentioning using a reporting guideline, with 4 (10%) using the Transparent Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis statement, 1 (2%) using Minimum Information About Clinical Artificial Intelligence Modeling and Consolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials-Artificial Intelligence, 1 (2%) using Strengthening The Reporting Of Observational Studies In Epidemiology, 1 (2%) using Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies, and 1 (2%) using Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomized Designs. Conclusion: The adoption of open science principles in oncology studies developing prognostic models using machine learning methods is poor. Guidance and an increased awareness of benefits and best practices of open science are needed for prediction research in oncology

    Nucleons or diquarks? Competition between clustering and color superconductivity in quark matter

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    We study the instabilities of quark matter in the framework of a generalized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, in order to explore possible competition between three-quark clustering to form nucleons and diquark formation leading to color superconductivity. Nucleon and Δ\Delta solutions are obtained for the relativistic Faddeev equation at finite density and their binding energies are compared with those for the scalar and axial-vector diquarks found from the Bethe-Salpeter equation. In a model with interactions in both scalar and axial diquark channels, bound nucleons exist up to nuclear matter density. However, except at densities below about a quarter of that of nuclear matter, we find that scalar diquark formation is energetically favored. This raises the question of whether a realistic phase diagram of baryonic matter can be obtained from any model which does not incorporate color confinement.Comment: 23 pages (RevTeX), 5 figures (epsf

    Reporting guidelines used varying methodology to develop recommendations

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    Background and Objectives We investigated the developing methods of reporting guidelines in the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network's database. Methods In October 2018, we screened all records and excluded those not describing reporting guidelines from further investigation. Twelve researchers performed duplicate data extraction on bibliometrics, scope, development methods, presentation, and dissemination of all publications. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the findings. Results Of the 405 screened records, 262 described a reporting guidelines development. The number of reporting guidelines increased over the past 3 decades, from 5 in the 1990s and 63 in the 2000s to 157 in the 2010s. Development groups included 2–151 people. Literature appraisal was performed during the development of 56% of the reporting guidelines; 33% used surveys to gather external opinion on items to report; and 42% piloted or sought external feedback on their recommendations. Examples of good reporting for all reporting items were presented in 30% of the reporting guidelines. Eighteen percent of the reviewed publications included some level of spin. Conclusion Reporting guidelines have been developed with varying methodology. Reporting guideline developers should use existing guidance and take an evidence-based approach, rather than base their recommendations on expert opinion of limited groups of individuals